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Archive for the ‘True Stories’ Category

Letter to my Villain: Confronting my Sexual Abuser

Posted by Sandra On August - 24 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS



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I just need to get a few thing out the way before I launch into a slaughter of what a disgusting old fart you are…. No wait… lets just launch right into it.

You are really ugly, like real ugly, you look to me like a really smelly big toe with matted pubic hair on top from a public shower in an old country town where everyone has mutated into big toes from too much pubic hair in the water.

https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/q8i7kewg I am a woman now with really annoying and adorable children, and you are an old man with grandchildren that i hope to the goddesses are safe because no amount of warning from me has stopped you from being allowed to see them. Why do they protect you so? It’s not like you ever paid child support or even looked after them? You are their father, you can do no wrong.  READ MORE HERE

The Horrific Short Life Of Baby Ebony

Posted by Sandra On August - 11 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.varesewedding.com/u79ceqs 2B48B52400000578-0-image-m-4_1439337319692The tragic case of a four-month-old who suffered more than 70 separate bone fractures and lay dead in her cot for a whole week has been told at a South Australian inquest. Baby Ebony, who died after sustaining significant head trauma, was left in a cot at her parents’ Adelaide unit for a week before they alerted authorities to their infant’s tragic death. A South Australian coroner will examine if social services agencies should have intervened before the four-month-old’s death in November 2011. The inquest has heard that Ebony suffered ‘horrific’ abuse at the hands of her then 19-year-old father, sustaining multiple skull fractures, more than 50 broken ribs, fractures to her collarbone, fingers and toes. Her father was jailed for only nine-years after pleading guilty to criminal neglect. READ MORE HERE


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Sexual Assault Survivors Share Their Stories

Posted by Sandra On June - 23 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=6mtp96e3 downloadFrom institutional failures on college campuses to public accusations made against high-profile celebrities, the pervasiveness of rape culture has dominated the headlines for the past year, proving that sexual assault knows no gender and has no age. For many survivors, the complex feelings of trauma, shame and powerlessness that accompany an assault can be followed by silence. For some, that silence lasts decades. READ MORE HERE – WATCH VIDEO HERE

‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Jep Claims He Was Molested

Posted by Sandra On June - 8 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Jep Robertson Reveals Childhood Sexual Abuse

downloadDuck Dynasty star https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/3yofoaqa Jep Robertsonhas come forward to reveal his own claims of sexual abuse, and RadarOnline.com has all the details. Robertson, now 37, told Entertainment Tonight he was molested by an older student when he was just a child. “I was 6 and it was on a school bus and it was an older girl,” Robertson told ET. “Back then the high school students would ride on the same bus as the grade school. There was this girl there that was just real mean…I don’t know, but it was a lot of things took place — scary stuff. It was tough.” READ MORE HERE

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Jep Robertson Reveals Childhood Sexual Abuse Claims

https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/in7bmxtx Duck Dynasty star Jep Robertson reveals he was molested by an older girl at just six-years-old

Survivor Twins Speak Out About “Children of God” Cult

Posted by Sandra On May - 31 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.mdifitness.com/0s6ny0je https://www.plantillaslago.com/kn9qkax3d Twin girl were physically abused, told they would die at 12, and banned from attending school

https://www.scarpellino.com/865x7078v 29360BF900000578-3104015-image-a-18_1433023190903As children growing up in a controversial religious sect, they spent every day ‘paralyzed by fear’. They were physically abused, banned from school and told they would die as martyrs aged 12. But now, twin sisters Flor and Tamar Edwards, 34, have escaped from The Children of God cult and are both living and working in California – one as a freelance writer, the other as a yoga teacher. They have opened up to ABC’s Nightline about their lives inside the sect – which blended free love attitudes with preparing for the second coming of Jesus – and their transition to the outside world. READ MORE HERE

Survivor: ” I Was Raped And Pregnant At 12-Years-Old”

Posted by Sandra On March - 4 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/hp9x9dnb rapeabortionWhile walking near her home 23 years ago, 12-year-old Lianna Rebolledo was abducted and brutally raped by two men. “It was very violent,” she said. “I honestly thought they were going to kill me.” After the attack, no length of a shower could make her feel clean; she felt like what had happened to her was her fault and that she had no value. A suicide attempt landed her in the hospital, where a doctor told her the last thing she expected to hear — she was pregnant. The doctor encouraged Rebolledo to have an abortion, telling her it was her right to do so, so she wouldn’t have a constant reminder of the attack. However, the young, fragile girl had the acumen to ask her doctor one important question: Would an abortion ease her pain and help her forget about her rape? READ MORE HERE

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My Father Raped Me, Forced Me To Have Home Abortion

Posted by Sandra On February - 20 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Cheap Generic Zolpidem ‘He forced me to have a home abortion’: Daughter reveals she fell pregnant twice and gave birth to a son after being raped by her FATHER … as she finally sees her attacker jailed

Order Ambien Online Canada capture-20150220-162330A woman who was abused by her father and went on to have his baby has revealed she is starting to rebuild her life after her attacker was jailed. Hollie Davey, 26, from Essex, was abused, molested and raped as a young girl by Paul Davey falling pregnant with his child twice – the first she lost after he carried out a home abortion. She tracked him down at the age of 13 after being raised by an adoptive family. Speaking for the first time about her ordeal since her father was jailed, Miss Davey said she will ‘never get over’ what he did to her after he stole her childhood away from her. READ MORE HERE


Woman Discovers Her Boyfriend Is A Pedophile

Posted by Sandra On February - 16 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

carolinewalsh_featuredA woman was shocked to discover that her boyfriend of nearly 10 years was a pedophile after finding child porn images on his computer, but she was even more disturbed when police informed her that he had been secretly filming her teenage daughter in her bedroom and bathroom for years. Reports say that 49-year-old Caroline Walsh discovered the shocking images on 39-year-old Martyn Darlington’s computer, and upon reporting it to police who then began an investigation, authorities soon informed her that they found video footage of her daughter on his computer. READ MORE HERE

Child Abuse Survivor Was Raped, Tortured, Starved, Kept Inside Closet For 5-Years

Posted by Sandra On February - 15 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Order Klonopin Overnight Shipping Lauren-Kavanaugh-665x385TEXAS – Lauren Kavanaugh was raped, tortured, starved, and forced to live in a closet for five years. Kavanaugh was 3-years-old when her mother and step-father first locked her inside a 4-foot by 9-foot closet. They also withheld food and only allowed her to see the light of day when she was taken out to be abused. The Athens, Texas, woman, now 21, is currently attending community college and studying to be a counselor for abused children. Lauren Kavanaugh was rescued from the nightmare ordeal after her mother and stepfather shared their “little secret” with a neighbor. The horrified neighbor quickly alerted police and the child was rushed to the hospital. READ MORE HERE

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Adult Survivor: Raped At Age 5, Justice Finally Served

Posted by Sandra On February - 14 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

25A4335400000578-2952138-image-m-3_1423825775412A mother has spoken of the horrifying childhood ordeal in which she was raped on a school bus at the age of five by her aunt’s boyfriend – who threatened to kill her if she exposed him. Rebecca Leyland, now 22, fell victim to bus driver Frederick Roskell – who targeted her on the back seats before taking her to a graveyard and threatening: ‘If you tell anyone I’ll bury you next to them.’ She has bravely decided to share her harrowing story in the hope that more child victims will gain the courage to report their abusers – even years down the line. READ MORE HERE

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Child Sex Abuse Survivor’s Open Letter To Her Molester

Posted by Sandra On February - 3 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

https://municion.org/84ngt9ii downloadOn Friday, May 17th, 2010-Amanda Rodgers was sworn in as an advocate for abused and neglected children involved with the juvenile court system. As a CASA volunteer, Rodgers completed 35 hours of training, but her credentials for compassion come from life experience.

I was step-daddy’s little sex toy, and a prisoner in the one place that I should have been the most safe and  protected,” explains Rodgers. “I didn’t have anyone there for me, but I have vowed to be there for others. Even if  I can help just one child, and be their voice, they will know they aren’t alone.

Amanda Rodgers took pen to paper, and wrote an open letter to the man whom she alleges repeatedly molested her, stole her innocence, and denied her a childhood.  She shared it with me, and with her permission, I’m sharing it with you. Brace yourself.


Woman: My Father Abused, Raped and Impregnated Me

Posted by Sandra On January - 26 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=71r14amr 2515AE7700000578-2926598-image-a-63_1422285874036 (1)A woman has shared the shocking story of how she was sexually abused by her father and had his baby when she was a teenager. Helen Rees (not her real name) agreed to appear on today’s This Morning and be interviewed by presenters Phillip Schofield and Christine Bleakley on the condition she would not be identified. Speaking to them with her face turned away from the cameras, she revealed how she and her younger sister and older brother grew up In Ireland in fear of their father. READ MORE HERE

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Survey Showed Many Men Don’t Think Rape is Rape

Posted by Sandra On January - 16 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.plantillaslago.com/zmtxs9g 13-rape-wording.w529.h529Pollsters have long known that the phrasing of a question can significantly affect how respondents answer it — think about the language battle over “pro-life” and “anti-choice.” So maybe it shouldn’t be surprising to hear that this applies to sexual assault: Both men and women will offer different responses to questions about rape depending on whether you use the word rape itself or describe the act in question. But it’s still weird how big some of the resulting gaps are. This isn’t actually a new finding. In a recent study on male college students’ attitudes toward rape led by Sarah Edwards of the University of North Dakota and published in Violence and Gender, the authors cite research first conducted in the 1980s. READ MORE HERE

18-YO Talks About Dating Her Father

Posted by Sandra On January - 16 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

18-Year-Old Opens Up About Dating Her Biological Father

Ambien Sleeping Pill Buy dating-558x279A woman who recently opened up to New York Magazine’s Science of US Blog about dating her dad says she doesn’t understand “being judged for being happy” and is hoping her interview will help shed some light on what it’s like being in as unconventional relationship as the one she and her biological father are in. Explaining how the two began dating, the anonymous 18-year-old said she didn’t really know her father until recently. She was conceived on prom night when her parents were 18 and even though they continued to date throughout the pregnancy, they had broken up by the time she was born. After that the father was out of her life, except for a brief period when she was around five years old. Several years later, when the girl was 17, her dad resurfaced and they began chatting online. Realizing they had a lot of things in common, they decided to meet in person and it was then that the girl started feeling that this wasn’t just any father-daughter reunion. READ MORE HERE

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https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/ku0lqfq7mb DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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