Dreamcatchers For Abused Children
March , 2025

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Advisory Board

Screaming STOP THE ABUSE Found on the netSandra On September - 28 - 2009

https://www.varesewedding.com/tgyxifg advisory-board
A Board of Directors of a nonprofit organization is its legal, governing body. In contrast, an Advisory Board does not have any formal legal responsibilities. Rather, an Advisory Board is convened by the organization to merely give advice and support and consists of volunteer mentors. A true Advisory Board is exactly that: advisory. It is distinct from the actual governing board of directors, and has no authority other than what is granted to it by the governing board. Its sole purpose is to provide critical feedback of our nonprofits activities and offer guidance for the future of Dreamcatchers for Abused Children.


https://www.fogliandpartners.com/wiffn1ef7 https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/yreem1cfq ~ERIN MERRYN~
Incest survivor, Child sexual abuse survivor – Author – Advocate – Founder of “Erin’s Law

https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/irabl49cn Since 2004 Erin has been traveling to various places across America sharing her triumph over a childhood of sexual abuse. A voice once too ashamed to tell anyone what happened behind closed doors has now opened that door to the world to expose a silent epidemic in an unstoppable crusade to put a face and voice on sexual abuse. She has spoken at high schools, colleges, numerous national conferences, events for Children’s Advocacy Centers, rape crisis centers, Take Back the Night events, and community events. Erin has appeared on numerous national and local television and radio broadcasts including Oprah, Good Morning America, and Montel Williams.

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Order Zolpidem Overnight ~ PATRICK DATI ~
Advocate – Speaker – Author

My name is Patrick Dati and I am me. I know that doesn’t surprise you. It does me! I wrote a book titled “I AM ME”. I tell the story of a boy who was raped when he was nine. Then as a teenager one day after school hanging out at his best friend’s house while watching police and reports across the street from his friend’s home he discovers the man that raped him years earlier was serial killer John Wayne Gacy. I tell the story of a boy who was bullied by an older brother for more than 20 years. I tell the story of a boy who discovers he’s gay. But because he’s part of a typical Irish-Italian family living on the north-west side of Chicago, he hides who he is. He lives his life to please his parents, to please his brothers and sisters, to please his friends, to please his two wives, to please everyone but himself. He just lives to be who everyone else want him to be. Then, finally, finally… well, finally he becomes me.

https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/bps5z3l3 __________
Patrick cares, so Patrick speaks out! He cares about anyone who was sexually abused as a kid. He cares about anyone who was bullied. Patrick cares about anyone who has ever had to hide who he or she really is. Pat’s motto: “NO MORE HIDING. NO MORE FEAR.” His message is simple: You and Me Can Stop Bullies. Together, we can overcome the hiding cause by abuse and bullying. Patrick speaks from experience. He was your typical abuse statistics. But after years of depression and attempted suicide and hiding he found his voice and tells his story. To arrange for Patrick to speak at your event or gathering, please visit his contact page here: http://www.patrickdati.com/contact/

Patrick’s Bio
Patrick is an advocate and speaker for several organizations devoted to promoting LGBTQ rights and to preventing childhood abuse and bullying. These organizations include Center on Halsted (Chicago’s community center dedicated to advancing the health and well-being of the LGBTQ community); Teach Antibullying, Inc.; Dreamcatchers for Abused Children; The National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse; and RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network). Patrick graduated from Columbia College in Chicago with a BA in Broadcast Communications. His career spans two decades as a marketing professional in Chicago. He is the proud father of a teenage daughter. Patrick and his partner live in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood.

https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/tisjozffwi Patrick’s Published Book:
I Am Me

https://www.scarpellino.com/sk8sngzy https://municion.org/cqs1v1hy Patrick’s Website:


https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/xvjh2hi86yh ____________________________________________________________

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=qtofr7q2 https://ottawaphotographer.com/m646dt2yx ~ JILLIAN SHORT ~ 
Maryland based Activist

https://www.plantillaslago.com/diyoebfi Advocate at Stop The Silence: Stop Child Sexual Abuse Inc.

https://ottawaphotographer.com/wpcb5zk Mrs. Southern Maryland America (former Mrs. District of Columbia U.S. Continental)

https://www.scarpellino.com/dnmouuz Founder/CEO/Owner at Always A Voice

https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/s4avesq5 Stop the Silence® Ambassador/International Spokesperson
Jillian Short is the International Spokesperson for Stop the Silence® (www.stopthesilence.org), a global non-profit organization, as well as the founder of Always a Voice® (www.alwaysavoice.com), a local and web-based support group, committed to provide encouragement and awareness to adult survivors of child sexual abuse (CSA) and other forms of trauma. She also proudly serves on the Advisory Board for CAP (Center for Abused Persons, Maryland) as well as Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, Inc. She holds a degree in Biblical Theology/Counseling and is currently pursuing her MA.

In March, Jill was awarded the title of Mrs. District of Columbia US Continental 2017, her platform being child sexual abuse (CSA) and sex-trafficking advocacy. As a survivor herself, Jillian understands and promotes the importance of raising awareness on prevelent issues—especially as it pertains to the church.

Jillian has authored three books and is an avid speaker in Maryland and abroad. Her passion and goal is to empower those who have no voice–or those just finding their voice–and to raise awareness on how to better recognize signs of abuse and how to combat precise issues/problems relating to the “fall out” of trauma. Her next book, “This Little Plight of Mine©” (early 2018) speaks out against what she now define as “Church-Sanctioned Abuse©”.

Buying Zolpidem Jillian is committed to use her voice (through media, newspaper, and radio) to stop the silence and perpetuation of abuse “one person, one dream, one step, one leap at a time.”

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https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/c8kvdl8 ~ TARA WALKER LYONS ~

https://ottawaphotographer.com/f8jxoai Tara Walker Lyons is a born-and-raised Montanan. Born on the Blackfeet Reservation, in Browning, she is a Blackfeet Native and a strong advocate for the prevention of childhood sexual abuse. Tara has been active as an advocate since the summer of 2015, at the age of 26, when her story became an interest to many Montanans. She has continued to lobby Montana’s lawmakers to address the need for education in schools to teach children about body safety and sexual abuse prevention. In Janurary of 2017, “Tara’s Law” was introduced to the Montana Legislature to create a comprehensive educational component for Montana schools to choose to educate their students with. Tara’s Law was signed by Governor Steve Bullock in April 2017. Lyons has been a public speaker for the State of Montana’s Victim Impact Program since August 2015 and has conducted presentations across the state in prisons, treatment centers, pre-releases, conferences, and high schools. She organized the first “Rally Against Childhood Sexual Abuse” in the State of Montana and has chosen to continue conducting these educational rallies in various communities in Montana. Tara has also been nominated for the 2017 Serve Montana awards through the Governor’s Office. She currently lives in Missoula where she raises her two children.

https://www.varesewedding.com/rpq2mwwy TARA’S LAW – FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/taraslawmontana


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Child Abuse Expert – Author & Speaker – Former Crime Analyst
Founder of The Children’s Wall of Tears
Founder & President of the Nat’l Assoc Against Child Cruelty

The Children’s Wall of Tears ™ was founded by Jane LeMond-Alvarez, child abuse expert and former crime analyst from the Oxnard Police Department. Not only is she the founder of the National Association Against Child Cruelty, she is a published author of the true stories: BLINDERS and WHERE’S MARIO?, a public speaker, as well as a wife, mother and grandmother. Jane has dedicated her life to raising the awareness of child cruelty/abuse and stopping child abuse. Jane and her husband, Leo, are part of an on-going national campaign to construct the mobile Children’s Wall of Tears ™ to raise the awareness of child cruety in order to let people know what’s really happening to our abused children behind the closed doors.

Ambien Dosage Purchase Leo Alvarez, is the co-founder of the National Association Against Child Cruelty and retired from the Oxnard Police Department after 33 years of service. He is a former Coroner’s Investigator, Crime Scene Investigator, Fingerprint Examiner, co-editor of BLINDERS and WHERE’S MARIO?, author of numerous published articles, Law Enforcement Telecommunications Trainer, public speaker and is on the Board of Directors of the Ventura County Crime Stoppers.

https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/dsomgqb4h EMAIL: janealvarez@cs.com
WEBSITE: http://www.thechildrenswalloftears.org
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Childrens-Wall-of-Tears/214303905253244?sk=wall









Children’s Rights Advocate
Sexual Abuse Attorney in the U.S.

Since 1980 Paul Mones has focused his legal practice and expert consulting on criminal and civil matters related to children’s rights including child sexual abuse, patricide and matricide, general teenage homicide, the mental health treatment of children and adolescents and domestic violence.

The primary focus of his civil work has been on litigation against institutions in which children are sexually abused. These efforts included law suits against the Boy Scouts of America, the Catholic Church and other youth-serving organizations throughout the United States. In 2007, in a Long Island, New York case, he was part of a trial team that won one of the largest individual jury verdicts-11.4 million dollars-against the Catholic Church on behalf of victims of sexual abuse. The primary focus of his criminal work is on patricide (the killing of a father) and matricide (the killing of a mother) cases. He is credited with pioneering the battered child syndrome as it concerns teenagers that kill their abusive parents. His book, When A Child Kills: Abused Children Who Kill Their Parents (1991) is considered a landmark book in the field. Paul Mones began his child advocacy career in West Virginia in 1980 where he was the executive director of Juvenile Advocates Inc. During his years in West Virginia, Mr. Mones vigorously litigated against institutions which mistreated children and teenagers and in the process, he gave a voice to a population which had been largely neglected by the justice system. During three short years, he successfully argued seven cases before the West Virginia Supreme Court which resulted in decisions that fundamentally altered the way teenagers were treated by the legal system in the state.

Paul also lectures nationally on youth  issues to numerous professional organizations such as the American Bar Association, American Psychiatric Association, and American Psychological Association, National Association of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program. He has also done professional training for numerous state child abuse groups, law enforcement organizations and the United States Army.

Paul is also a prolific author. In addition to When a Child Kills, and numerous articles for newspapers and professional journals, he is the author of Stalking Justice, a true crime book which chronicled the first U.S. serial murder-rape case solved by DNA fingerprinting. In 2002 he contributed a chapter entitled Talking to Your Children About Terrorism in the landmark book, Fearless by Gavin de Becker.

Paul is a graduate of the University of North Carolina Law School and is a member of the bar in California and Oregon. He currently resides in Portland, Oregon.

EMAIL: paulmoneslaw@gmail.com
WEBSITE: http://www.paulmones.com/
BLOG:  http://www.paulmones.com/blog/
PHONE:  (503) 225-1054









~ https://www.mdifitness.com/2509z97icv POLICE CAPT. JIM JONES~
Police Captain: 2nd in Command @ Police Department
20-years Law Enforcement Experience
Criminal Justice College Instructor

Prior to becoming a college instructor, Jim Jones spent over twenty-eight years as a law enforcement officer with the Port Huron Police Department. He worked as a patrol officer, undercover narcotics investigator, detective, patrol sergeant, traffic and administrative services sergeant, detective lieutenant and finally finished his career as Police Captain. He earned his Masters Degree in Criminal Justice at Wayne State University, along with a Bachelor’s Degree from Ferris State University and an Associates Degree from St. Clair County Community College.

Email: jajspazz@yahoo.com
St. Clair County Community College: BIO Page


~ https://www.varesewedding.com/56aqz7b DETECTIVE STEVEN J. AMEY~
Instructor of Criminal Justice
•St. Clair County Community College, associate degree in criminal justice
•Ferris State University, bachelor’s degree in criminal justice
•Central Michigan University, master’s degree in public administration-leadership
•Eastern Michigan University, computer forensics

Steve started out his educational pursuit in 1987 with originally wanting to become a German teacher. He soon found a niche in a introductory criminal justice course and followed the courses to pursue a job in law enforcement. After graduating from St. Clair County Community College he continued to Ferris State University in their law enforcement criminal justice specialist track. Steve worked for six years as a Loss Prevention Agent for Sears in private security and asset protection while attending both SC4 and Ferris State University.

Teaching and Law Enforcement soon became intertwined and he returned as a criminal justice instructor to teach for St. Clair County Community College while also employed at St. Clair County Sheriff Department. He was instrumental in starting and developing the county’s first computer forensic lab and also teaching many of the new Deputy’s extra skills to be better effective in the field. Some of the positions he obtained were road patrol, undercover narcotics officer for nearly 8 years and Detective. His additional trainings and certifications exceed over 80 certificates and has been qualified as an expert in narcotics investigations, search warrant preparation, arson investigation, child abuse cases, interview and interrogation, accident investigations, computer forensics and several other areas.

The education pursuit continued in attending Central Michigan University and graduating with a Master’s degree in Public Administration/Leadership. Soon after he pursued to instruct in the criminal justice program for Ferris State University in an off campus setting. The path was continuing in the law enforcement world and also the teaching world and a concern developed for the well being of citizens and especially children. The circle was nearing completion after applying and being accepted as a full time Professor at Ferris State University. He is currently working towards his PhD in Instructional Technology.

Sandra Potter who was instrumental in the development of “Dreamcatchers” was a student in a class taught by Steve and invited him to join the fight after assisting her in several investigations.

Email: samey@sc4.edu
Ferris State University: BIO Page










~ https://www.fogliandpartners.com/c3kx2aq3o MARK L. TOMLIN~
Investigator: State of Delaware
Baltimore Police Dept:  (retired; 50+commendations; 23-yrs exp)
Homicide Unit / Detective Sergeant
Chief of Police:  Port Deposit, Maryland

Member of:
Maryland Chiefs of Police Assn.
International Association of Chiefs of Police
ASIS (American Society for Industrial Security )
Baltimore Retired Police Benevolent Association
Baltimore Police Emerald Society

Email: mark.tomlin@yahoo.com










https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/19894ae2rt ~ MATT LAURIN ~
SEO – Web Development – Web Marketing – Business Administration

Matt graduated from Eastern Michigan University with a B.A.in Business Administration.  His background is originally in sales, however during his academic career he developed a passion for web marketing and development.  He currently works as a Web Based Marketing Specialist for Edwards Brothers Malloy based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan.  He also performs contract SEO, web development and other web marketing work for individuals and small businesses.

Email:    mlaurin.laurin@gmail.com
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/102604659818719516158/posts
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mlaurin
Blog: www.thewebmarketingexperience.com


~ https://www.scarpellino.com/s3loc85dpm1 KATHYLEE FORRESTER~
20-yr Child Abuse Advocate – Founder of Patches Kids, Inc.

A nonprofit organization dedicated to helping children name and appropriately express there emotions. I created and manufactured Patches the Bear and his eight,…”expressive” emotion helpers to help a child start learning about feelings even when they may not know the words initially to express themself. Patches has found a home with Philadelphia’s Children’s Hospital, Childhelp,the soldiers children, children with Autism, and many other organizations who work with children. He has also become the new baby gift!



~ https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/s6bqi1r DANIEL MCCARTY~
Seasoned President/CEO — Managed businesses as small as $10MM and large as $5 billion.
President: Fort James Corporation – Tissue, Dixie
CEO/President: American Crystal Sugar
President: William Underwood Company – Pet Incorporated
Marketing Director: Del Monte Foods
College Marketing Professor: St. Clair County Community College
Founder: The Marketing Man — Author of Marketing Man books, Guest Speaker

Specialties: Marketing emphasis, but experienced in operations, finance, HR and M&A.
Education:  MBA, Business, Marketing at University of California, Berkeley

Dan McCarty  was a mild-manner college student, getting his MBA in Marketing from the Haas School of Business at the University of California-Berkeley.  He went on to work his way up from entry level marketing grunt to President/CEO of multi-billion dollar brands.  He protected and managed well known national brands such as:   Del Monte, Brawny, Crystal Sugar, Quilted Northern, Pet, Underwood and Dixie.  He has super-managed brands from start-up to $6 billion in revenues…in all, eleven brands across four major companies. He is also the founder of “The Marketing Man, LLC” and now teaches marketing at his hometown community college.
EMAIL:     danm99@comcast.net

https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/tsl9ku4reju ~JAYNEEN SANDERS~
Jayneen (aka Jay Dale) is an experienced elementary school teacher, editor, author and publisher. She started her teaching career in the 1980s as an elementary school teacher in rural Queensland, Australia. She then moved to Victoria and taught at a number of inner-city schools. In 1985, Jay had a change of career and became an educational editor and publisher.

In the early 90s, Jay and her partner Mark, moved to Japan to work as English teachers. They lived and worked in Japan for over three and a half years. In fact, their first daughter was born there. On returning to Australia, Jay began work as an educational author/packager. Since that time, she has authored and produced numerous award-winning titles for the educational publishing industry. Jay is also an accomplished children’s book author, writing a number of titles for such literacy series as ZigZags, Totally Kidz, Deadly and Incredible, and a children’s picture book series for Penguin. During 2008 and 2009, Jay returned to teaching. That experience refreshed her understanding of issues facing children, teachers and parents. She is currently Lead Author for Engage Literacy published by Capstone Classroom in the US. Jay has written over 100 titles in that series.

More importantly, Jay is a mother of three daughters and was a school councilor at her children’s school for over seven years. That time spent in elementary schools both as a teacher and a parent inspired her to ask the question of her community: ‘What are we doing in schools to protect our children from sexual abuse?’ When she realized very little was actually being done, she decided to use her authoring and publishing skills to write and publish the children’s book ‘Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept’ to help parents, carers and teachers broach the subject of safe and unsafe touch.

After the the positive response to ‘Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept’, Jay and Mark realized there was a need to further build upon the idea of children not keeping secrets about unsafe touch. Jay participated in Protective Behaviors professional development and attended numerous conferences on the topic to educate herself in how to keep children safe and provide them with prevention education. Jay and Mark established a small niche publishing company called Educate2Empower Publishing and then went on to write and publish a comprehensive Body Safety and Respectful Relationship Teacher’s Resource Kit as well as several more children’s books on the topics of Body Safety, consent, respect, body boundaries and gender equality. Jay’s ongoing passion for the safety and empowerment of children continues today with new manuscripts and free-to-download Body Safety resources always in the wings.

LINK: www.e2epublishing.info
EMAIL: jay@upload.com.au

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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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