Dreamcatchers For Abused Children
January , 2025

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Nixzmary Brown

Screaming STOP THE ABUSE Found on the netSandra On October - 5 - 2009

Nixzmary Brown (July 18, 1998 – January 11, 2006) was a seven-year-old abused child and murder victim from the Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn section of New York City, New York. Her death impacted the city’s Administration for Children’s Services and prompted reforms in the system.

The Murder

Brown was tortured,(later learned to be bound and her mouth duct-taped, and beaten) and killed by her stepfather, Cesar Rodriguez, over a cup of yogurt and a broken printer. In the view of her stepfather, to quote a USA today article, she was a “troublemaker“.On the night of Wednesday, January 10, 2006, Brown was beaten to death. Her mother, Nixzaliz Santiago, allegedly ignored Rodriguez slamming Brown’s head into a bathtub while dousing her with cold water. Both Santiago and Rodriguez were charged with second-degree murder and child endangerment. He was convicted of first-degree manslaughter, among other charges, and was sentenced 29 years. Each accused the other of inflicting the final, fatal blow. The indictment also alleged that Rodriguez abused the little girl for months and smashed her head against a bathtub.


Previous abuse, and failure of the Administration for Children’s Services

Initial complaints in Brown’s case

Evidence of previous abuse inflicted on Brown came to light, and the news coverage of her murder case later focused public attention on New York City’s Administration for Children’s Services (ACS). The ACS had received two complaints about Brown’s family. The first complaint which came in 2004 had proved unsubstantiated. The second complaint came on December 1, 2004 when Brown showed up at school with a black eye.Another story in January 2006 brought more details of the ACS involvement. Blame was eventually assigned to the ACS by the news mediaand six Children’s Services employees were disciplined. There were also stories that investigators were “swamped” with cases and the Bloomberg administration noted that the ACS was responding by hiring 525 more workers.

Nixzmary’s Law

Nixzmary’s Law” was proposed in January 2006 by New York State senator Joseph Bruno, shortly after the events. The law is designed to deter or prevent child abuse related crimes by charging parents connected to the crime of the death of their children with first degree murder, the maximum punishment for which in New York State would be 25 years to life in prison without the possibility of parole. This law was signed by Governor Paterson into NY State Law in October, 2009.


NEW PROPOSAL:  The Nixzmary Brown Law Nationwide

Exisitng Nixzmary Law in NY State states that anyone who tortures a child in a wanton matter and causes the death of that child, will serve life in prison. The Nixzmary Brown Soldiers have a proposed a new bill titled “The Nixzmary Brown Law Nationwide” which they are currently promoting nationwide, in hopes that each state in the union will adopt the law with the amendment. The amended law will include life sentences to those who are also found guilty of physical and or sexual abuse-molestation and or rape and or torture that do not result in the murder of a child, or that a child is murdered. They want to stop the abuser before the child is murdered



ABOUT: Nixzmary Brown Soldiers/Soldiers Against Child Abuse

(Founder: Rosey Noyb)

The Nixzmary Brown Soldiers/Soldiers Against Child Abuse work diligently and exhaustively to make a positive difference for our children. All of OUR children are our priority and main focus. That is why we rally against child abuse each April of every year, raise awareness through education and volunteer efforts, operate a professional and educational website at www.crimesceneblog.com and each member of our cause holds the highest esteem in the professional arena while taking care of our families.





1 Response

  1. Lena Jensen Sweden Says:

    I think we can put thes animals out into the dessert and digg a hole than they can just be there until they die.


    Lena Jensen Sweden

    Posted on November 6th, 2011 at 6:41 am

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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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