Breaking news of Kelsey’s tragic murder, to the present updates in her case, are provided in these extensive news coverage videos found at the above link. Kelsey Briggs lost her life before the age of three due to Child Abuse.
It is a Tragic story but one that must be shared.Hopefully Kelsey’s story will touch your heart and you will be willing to step up to the plate and help children who can’t help themselves. The original song that was set to Kelsey’s Story was “Somewhere over the Rainbow” by: Eva Cassidy
due to youtube’s copyrights issues I had to pick a song from their collection. Please read Kelsey’s story below… Kelsey Briggs was born in Oklahoma on December 28,2002 after her parents Lance Briggs and Raye Dawn Smith were divorced.
Ambien Buy Cheap Online At the end of 2004 Raye Dawn Smith started dating a man named Michael Lee Porter, whom she met at a local bar.
The first reported incident of child abuse regarding Kelsey was made on Jan.17,2005.
Order Ambien Online Cheap DHS confirmed Kelsey was abused and stated her mother Raye Dawn was the perpetrator due to her conflicting stories of Kelsey’s injuries. Kelsey Briggs grandmother Kathie Briggs was granted emergency custody Jan.24,2005.
Raye Dawn Smith married Michael Lee Porter on April 18,2005.
Kelsey was having overnight visitation with Raye and Porter even though a court order stated Porter was not to be around Kelsey.
On May 3,2005 Kelsey was taken out of her grandmother Kathie’s care by OKDHS.
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Kelsey suffered months of documented abuse.
Cheapest Ambien Generic June 15,2005 Judge Craig Key went against DHS recommedation and sent Kelsey back home to her mother and stepfather.
The judge confirmed Kelsey was being abused and stated,
“Perpetrator Unknown.”
Kelsey was visited by a social worker approximately once every week. Kelsey’s biological father Lance Briggs was a soldier in Iraq he was undergoing care at a treatment facility for a back injury and was in the process of checking out from his duty in Fort Benning,Georgia. Lance was schedueled to be home within
a week or two.
Buy Zolpidem From India On October 11,2005 Kelsey was murdered.
Raye Dawn and Michael Porter were the only ones who had contact with Kelsey in the hour leading up to her death. The cause of death was blunt force trauma to the abdomen,it was ruled a Homicide. Two weeks later Porter was arrested on first degee murder. Kelsey’s mother Raye Dawn was later charged with two felonies, Child Neglect, and, Enabling Child Abuse.
Can You Buy Ambien In Mexico In April of 2006 Kelsey’s body was exhumed for a second autopsy where sexual abuse was documented.
The Stepfather’s charges were amended to add the sexual abuse. Porter and Smith divorced after Kelsey’s death. On February 2,2007 a plea negotiation was entered and approved by the paternal family.
The stepfather plead guilty to a reduced charge of Enabling Child Abuse and received 30 years in prison.
He has no possibility of parole for 25.5years.
Legal Ambien Online Kelsey’s mother Raye Dawn Smith went on trial July 9,2007.
She was found guilty of enabling child abuse, she will serve 27 years in prison, without the possibility of parole for 23 years. Alot of people failed Kelsey.
Remember her story the next time you think a child is being abused.Please report it, if you don’t, that child may suffer the same fate as Kelsey.
Please don’t let that happen.
With the help and persistence of Kelsey’s paternal grandma Kathie,
a new law “The Kelsey Briggs Child Protection Act” was established
into Oklahoma Law to help prevent this type of failure in the Oklahoma State System.
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Buying Ambien The Kelsey Smith-Briggs Child Protection Reform Act is an act that was passed by the Oklahoma Senate Judiciary Committee, which reformed how the state’s Department of Human Services, as well as the courts, handle cases of child abuse in the state of Oklahoma, United States.
It is named after Kelsey Smith-Briggs, a child who was murdered as a result of child abuse, despite the authorities being aware that she was already being maltreated. The bill’s co-author, Senator Harry Coates, presented the measure in committee. In 2006, the Oklahoma state legislature passed the Kelsey Smith-Briggs Child Protection Reform Act. The bill would significantly reform the way courts and the state Department of Human Services handle cases related to child abuse and neglect.
External links
‘Heavens Gates Memorial Site for Kelsey Briggs’ Allison Says:
Zolpidem India Online this is ridiculous.. tht baby did not deserve this.. i hope tht the mother and step father are griefing beaacuse of it… Posted on November 23rd, 2010 at 12:23 pm JANE Says: While we, as members of the public, continue to stand like silent witnesses to these types of horrors, the Kelsey Briggs of our world will be violated by monsters masquerading as parents and guardians. Please report abuse.
Posted on January 25th, 2011 at 5:36 am
emily Says:
I am only a 8th grader but i feel really bad for this little girl. 🙁
Posted on February 17th, 2011 at 1:34 pm
Kenadee Says:
i am 13 and this is just sick.
why would someone do that to a cute little kid.
S.T.O.P A.B.U.S.E. 🙁
Posted on March 19th, 2011 at 12:15 am
calen Says:
wow this is just sad. im only in the sixth grade. and it makes mw sad. wish i could do somthing about it,. =(
Posted on October 11th, 2011 at 8:52 am Jade Delacey Says:
Kelsey Briggs, you are in my prayers babygirl<3 Fly High. Kelsey Brigg's father, stay strong. Me & My family has wrote you many letters. <3 One Love.
Posted on October 24th, 2011 at 12:42 pm Brenda Lockington Says:
uhhh………ok dis is da 3rm video dat i hav seen so far nd it is just ridiculous………sum pipol say dat another mouth 2 feed is a head-ache……….well……im only in form 3 but i understand wot is going on in the world nowdays…….baby kellie….i knw dat u r in heaven now baby…….always believe in god……..i beleive in my heart that u r happy nd u hav 4given ur mommy nd daddy……..wel baby just to let u knw……i count u as my little sister!!!……I LUV U SIS!!!!!!!…….u may hav neva met me or knw me but baby i feel dat we hav knwn each other in heaven……..luv u kellie!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on February 20th, 2012 at 5:59 am