Violent Child Killer Sentenced To 50-Years
13-MO Toddler Suffered Over 47 Injuries At Time Of Death
Okay, first off I just want to say that this is one of those stories that will first make you angry, and by the time you have finished reading it you will be disgusted to no end. It might even make you cry. Thomas was 13-months-old when he died at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin on November 11, 2008, only a day after sustaining yet another beating from his aunt and foster caregiver, Crystal Keith, now 25. But the issues that led to the infant’s untimely and violent death began months earlier and ultimately involved the torture of his 2-year-old baby sister. Both children, it turned out, were taken from their biological mother’s home in March 2008 by caseworkers from the Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare and placed in Keith’s home.
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