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Ambien Online Fast Shipping Child Abuse Statistics are increasing SHARPLY — mainly due to the struggling economy & stressed out parents. We are desperately trying to promote child abuse awareness & educate the public as quickly as possible in order to help save innocent children’s lives.
Order Ambien I have had many, many people ask me “What can I do to help?” There are many ways to show your support of child abuse prevention. You can donate, volunteer, and advocate for Child Abuse Prevention. Remember that everyone plays a role in the prevention of child abuse and neglect. Your support today can benefit children and their families!
What can I do to prevent child abuse and neglect? In order to become part of the solution, there are lots of things you can do to help protect children from abuse and neglect. Below are just some simple suggestions:
Education is the key to prevention!! Educate yourself–Learn the Facts!! Teach all the children in your family how to be safe with people. Learn about child abuse and neglect and the warning signs. Listen to, reassure and believe children. Reach out to help parents of young children in your extended family – parents need all the support they can get. Let them know that it is okay to ask for help. Parenting can be very hard and stressful and all parents benefit from a little help at times. Distribute Our “DID YOU KNOW” Child Abuse Statistics Flyer
Download our PDF Statistics Flyer Here
Generic Ambien Cr Online **DREAMCATCHERS FREE E-BOOK **
Free–Immediate Download
The Dreamcatchers for Abused Children Child Abuse Handbook is an educational self-help tutorial with information pertaining to all aspects of child abuse & neglect. It will teach you child abuse signs/symptoms, facts/ statistics, effects, intervention, reporting, prevention, and provide resources to help victims & survivors locate the help they need to obtain a full recovery. This handbook also provides state & local hotline numbers and contact agencies. Please visit this link to download your FREE e-book, or click below. **DONATE**
If you are considering making a contribution, DREAMCATCHERSFOR ABUSED CHILDREN has many programs and services that would benefit from your generosity. Your tax-deductible contribution will be designated to promote child abuse awareness, intervention & prevention, along with support services for abuse victims. Any contribution you make will help us to fulfill our mission to prevent child abuse. If you have any questions or would like more information please email us at: — Please click here for more info! **IN-KIND DONATIONS**
Donate an item, service or gift card/gift certificate to help aid abused children or our organization. If you would like to learn more about in-kind donations, please click here! **DONATE A VEHICLE**
Donate your automobile, boat, motorcycle, jet ski or almost any other mode of transportation, working or not. Your donation will help benefit DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN. If you would like to learn more about donating a vehicle, please click here! **FUNDRAISE**
You can now easily create a fundraiser via Facebook and choose Dreamcatchers for Abused Children as your charity. Visit the page here:
Ambien By Mail Order **LEAVE A LEGACY**
“Leave a Legacy” is a campaign to help educate people from all walks of life about the possibility of making an estate gift to their charity of choice. Those of you who are able to give generously during our lifetime, and those who have been unable to make lifetime gifts, can discover ways to make major contributions through thoughtful, well planned wills and other gift techniques. Gifts may be in the form of money, property, investments or a portion of an estate. Learn more by clicking here! **IN MEMORY–TRIBUTE MEMORIAL DONATIONS**
Commemorate a friend, family member, loved one, or an abused child by making a donation in their memory–give a lasting gift that fights back against child abuse and lives on for years to come. Learn more by clicking here! **DFAC MERCHANDISE**
Our shirts themselves are part of our story, as DFAC has sparked countless conversations that begin with the question, “What does your shirt stand for?” We love hearing about these conversations, the ones that change lives, create friendships, and promote child abuse advocacy. You can find these T-shirts and all our other merchandise on the front page of our domain website by the shopping cart or by clicking here! **PURCHASE “BRAVELETS” JEWELRY**
“BE BRAVE” ~ Dreamcatchers for Abused Children STOP CHILD ABUSE “Bravelets” Jewelry!! $10 from each product purchased will be donated to our organization. Check out our jewelry items by clicking here! **DREAMCATCHERS FREE E-BOOK **
Free–Immediate Download: The Dreamcatchers for Abused Children Child Abuse Handbook is an educational self-help tutorial with information pertaining to all aspects of child abuse & neglect. It will teach you child abuse signs/symptoms, facts/ statistics, effects, intervention, reporting, prevention, and provide resources to help victims & survivors locate the help they need to obtain a full recovery. This handbook also provides state & local hotline numbers and contact agencies. Please visit this link to download your FREE e-book.
One way is to try to get as many people as you can to look at our website & let your friend’s know that you are helping us promote child abuse awareness–it will help us to educate the public faster!! You will then be doing your part to help these children. Even if your friends only log on & read our site ONCE….they will remember the signs/symptoms to look for, who to contact, intervention, prevention & recovery of child abuse. JUST THINK OF HOW MANY CHILDREN’S LIVES COULD BE SAVED IF ALL INDIVIDUALS WERE TRAINED ON WHAT TO LOOK FOR!!! Education & knowledge is the key to prevention!!!! **TALK TO YOUR LOCAL SCHOOL**
Talk to your local school and find out what programs they have implemented for child abuse awareness, sexual abuse awareness and/or anti-bullying programs. If they do not have any programs in place, ask them to consider one and help them to research how to implement one. This is VITAL for all communities and for the lives of our children!! Click here to learn more!
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You could also look in your area @ your local resources to see if they need volunteers (@ the shelters, hospitals, DHS/CPS offices, schools, etc.) This would be a way for you to learn more about the statistics of child abuse & to help your community. Recently, one of our members used our website as a POWERPOINT PRESENTATION at his church. He not only received a huge, positive response from his missionary, but also had a child come forward to report molestation that had been taking place in the nursery—THE MAN WAS ARRESTED!!! All because she saw our website, was educated, and KNEW to report this crime!!! **VOLUNTEER**
We encourage the public and other child abuse advocates to “volunteer” to help DREAMCATCHERS. We ask that you help to promote child abuse awareness & education, distribute our literature, publications and information and think of unique ideas/fundraisers to help us raise funds so that we may continue our mission successfully. We need the public to be actively involved in our child abuse advocacy—we cannot do it alone. Consider becoming a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Volunteer!! CASA volunteers are desperately needed. Learn more here! **FUNDRAISE**
We are an official non-profit 501(c)3 organization and are funded by donations, grants & charity benefits. You could organize unique fundraisers such as car washes, bake sales, community garage sale, art contests, 50/50 raffles, etc. ALL proceeds collected are directly donated back into the organization to help to help educate the public on how to help these abused children!!! Why not involve everyone in your community? Organize a community fund raiser & donate a percentage of the funds towards a child abuse organization of your choice. Learn more about fundraising here! **SPONSORSHIP**
You could also ask businesses in your area if they might be interested in sponsoring us either directly or by holding a fund raiser or charity event. We accept gift items, monetary donations, in-kind donations and/or goods & services. Learn more about our sponsorship packages by clicking here! ****
The mission of is to empower individuals to change our world – leveraging their own voices, networks, and spheres of influence to improve the lives of others. The site allows you to create your own project/goal, known as “your cause” and link it to Dreamcatchers for Abused Children as the charity you are benefiting. Visit our CAUSE by clicking here! **eBay Giving Works**
eBay Giving Works is a special part of eBay’s online marketplace where anyone can make a positive impact in the world with the simple act of buying, selling, or donating to benefit a nonprofit organization. When creating a listing on eBay select “Dreamcatchers for Abused Children” under the “eBay Giving Works” option and the percentage you would like to have contributed from the sale. Visit Dreamcatchers Ebay Charity Store by clicking here.
**** is the first and largest network of members, causes, online merchants, and websites brought together to enable shippers to list and support their favorite causes through online shopping at over 700 stores. Sign up here and start shopping online through to have a portion of each purchase donated to DFAC (Dreamcatchers for Abused Children). Within 45 days of signing up your first purchase through one of the participating stores earns a $5 bonus for “First time shoppers”. You can also use to have each online search earn money for the organization. **JOIN BIG BROTHER/BIG SISTER**
Many abused children end up being placed in foster care or temporary shelters. Joining a program such as Big Brother/Big Sister could allow an abused child the opportunity to spend some much needed quality time with loving individuals. Even a few hours a week could make a world of difference to a child in need. Click here for more info! **BECOME A CASA VOLUNTEER**
Every day in this country, 1,900 children become victims of abuse or neglect, and four of them will die. Every day. Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for Children is a network of 951 community-based programs that recruit, train and support citizen-volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children in courtrooms and communities. Volunteer advocates—empowered directly by the courts—offer judges the critical information they need to ensure that each child’s rights and needs are being attended to while in foster care. Volunteers stay with children until they are placed in loving permanent homes. For many abused children, a CASA volunteer is the only constant adult presence in their lives. Click here for more info!
Buy Ambien Overnight Delivery **RELIGIOUS GROUPS–CHURCHES**
What clergy and religious leaders can do to make religious institutions safe places for members to seek and find help.
• Break the silence by speaking openly about the existence of abuse and preaching about exploitation and violence.
• Ask a community?based child abuse specialist to speak to the congregation.
• Offer prevention programs for children in religious education.
• Develop a foster home recruitment program sponsored by the church or synagogue.
• Provide parenting classes, support groups and respite care for parents under pressure.
• Operate “latchkey” programs for children.
• Designate a day or month for educating and activating the congregation (April is National Child Abuse Prevention month in the United States).
What Can Be Done to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect?
- How can I help prevent child abuse in my community?
- Parenting Resources
You can become a leader in your community by promoting child abuse prevention – particularly during April, which is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Use the materials on this website to make child abuse prevention efforts thrive in all aspects of your community.
What can teachers and child-care workers do?
Teachers and child-care workers are often a child’s first line of defense. You play a big role in their lives. Here are a few ideas about things you can do to emphasize the importance of child abuse prevention.
- Copy and print kids’ activities to send home with the children.
- Have children create child abuse prevention bulletin boards.
- Designate Blue Ribbon Day on campus.
- Have your classes design and make blue ribbons to wear and explain that it’s the symbol for preventing child abuse.
- Help “stomp out” child abuse by having children collect new pairs of socks to donate to the local Rainbow Room or Child Protective Services (CPS) office.
- Hold a teddy bear drive for your local police department or children’s advocacy center for children in crisis.
- Send child abuse prevention information home in homework folders or report cards.
- Have your classes participate in the Adopt-A-Caseworker program by providing new clothing and other items for the children they serve.
What can neighbors do?
Neighborhoods should be safe and supportive places where children and families thrive. As neighbors, we need to do our part to increase public and private investment in our neighborhoods. Get to know your neighbors. Learn to recognize any problems that might lead to abuse or neglect. It’s up to us to protect children from abuse and neglect.
What can you do?
- Host an ice cream social on your street to get to know your neighbors.
- If you see a child under five unsupervised, stop and help locate their caregiver.
- Offer a helping hand for single parents in your neighborhood. For example, babysit, cook a meal, or transport children.
- Help form an after-school safe house for children.
- Volunteer at your local school, Rainbow Room, social service agency’s children’s shelter, or CPS office.
- Be a mentor to neighborhood youth.
- Host a basketball, baseball, or soccer game to encourage relationships between children in the neighborhood.
- Start a playgroup in your neighborhood.
What can faith-based organizations do?
A community’s most influential organizations are often its religious institutions. Churches, temples, synagogues, mosques, and other faith-based groups play an important role in helping families and children who are at risk of child abuse. Spiritual leaders can add their voices to preventing abuse and neglect.
- Copy materials from this website and distribute them through Sunday school classes and the church bulletin.
- Offer to help congregation and community members who need short-term relief from care-giving and foster-care responsibilities.
- Have a mentoring program that works one-on-one with children and families and gives them positive role models.
- Give parents information about child development, parental stress, and community resources.
- Share information with your members about prevention hotlines and how to report child abuse and neglect.
- Sponsor after-school programs and safety trainings for children.
- Partner with your local Children’s Advocacy Center or child welfare board to host an informational meeting on child abuse prevention and/or how to become a foster/adoptive parent.
- Train religious and lay leaders to recognize child abuse and neglect, to work with victims and their families, and to make appropriate referrals.
- Develop parenting and child development curricula as part of church education and outreach.
- Develop training programs for youth in your congregation who want to be babysitters.
- Celebrate children and families by holding a family affair day.
- Host a book drive for new books and donate them to your local Rainbow Room or children’s shelter.
- Organize a baby shower to collect diapers, formula, car seats, and other supplies to support families in need, including foster families. Donate these items to your local Rainbow Room or CPS office.
- Participate in the Adopt-A-Caseworker program. Contact your local CPS office orcommunity specialist for more information.
What can coaches & sports leagues do?
Child-centered coaching is a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of helping young children develop their positive overall self-image through sports. “Try your hardest to do the best you can” is the message that, when carried over to other aspects of life, will truly help children have fun and feel like winners.Why Children Play Sports
- Have fun.
- Learn and improve skills.
- Be with friends and make new ones.
- Experience excitement.
- Feel successful or like a winner.
- Exercise and become physically fit.
Why Children Drop Out of Sports
- Not enough playing time.
- Being criticized and insulted.
- Mismatching.
- Stress.
- Feeling failure or like a loser.
- Poor organization.
The Child-Centered Coach
- Understands the child is the main reason the game is played.
- Promotes winning as a feeling – winning is knowing that you have done your best.
- Praises players for being and doing.
- Uses only gentle touch and respects the privacy of a child’s body.
- Motivates the players to provide continuous, positive support for all team players.
- Uses comparable playing time to give everyone a moment of glory.
- Creates a mood that makes the game fun.
- Expects a child to perform only as much as the child’s age allows.
- Establishes clear expectations and standards of conduct that promote success and sportsmanship.
- Encourages appropriate behavior by using praise, appropriate touch, and privileges.
- Treats players with respect when administering discipline.
- Teaches players how to appropriately express and manage feelings of discomfort.
- Knows that kids look to coaches for direction and example.
How can I report abuse, neglect, or exploitation?
Child Welfare Information Gateway
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect
- Responding to Child Abuse and Neglect
- Promoting Child & Family Well-Being
- Public Awareness & Creating Supportive Communities
- Prevention Programs
- Developing & Sustaining Prevention Programs
- Evidence-Based Practice
- Evaluating Prevention Programs
Ambien Cr Online India FUNDRAISING IDEAS!!!
Event fundraising is a great way of raising funds, getting the community involved and having fun. Here are some fundraising event ideas to help raise funds for your favorite cause or charity!!!
Important Note For Event Fundraising Success:
1 – Get Advertised / Publicity For
MOST important is that people know about your fundraising event. Be sure to make the message clear: WHO it’s for, WHAT it’s for, WHEN, WHERE and HOW much you are trying to raise. Use local radio station community spots, community paper, school and church newsletters, local TV, posters and flyers.
2 – Get a Central / Well Known Location
Pick a location that everyone knows by name, just directing to an address will reduce your attendance. Also pick a location that can handle the requirements of your fundraising event as well as crowds.
3 – Pick the Right Day
Saturdays are usually best. Most people are not working and have less family or religious events to attend. Also check your calendar so you’re not competing with another big event or holiday. Better yet, try to set up your fundraising event to take advantage of the other event’s people traffic.
4 – Get Trusted Volunteers
Make sure you get the commitment of your fundraising event volunteers. Your fundraiser will fall short if you can’t rely on your helpers. Have backup volunteers lined up in case of absent helpers.
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1 – Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner Fundraising Event
Food is always a good fundraiser so try a fundraising breakfast, lunch or dinner event. Keeping it simple is best. A Hotdog event fundraiser is a great way to start. Have your local grocer donate the hotdogs, buns, condiments, chips and pop. Set up in a busy area, even the parking lot of your grocer. You can use a propane BBQ or boiler for the cooking. Offer up a package deal like “1 Hotdog, bag of chips and can of pop for only $3!” This way you can raise more, faster. Important: Be sure to thank your grocer by giving them recognition for their food donation.
2 – Car Wash
A great service and event fundraising idea for all those car loving people out there. Get your group volunteers together and pick a central location with high car traffic. Make sure you have room for cars to line up and have a few hoses going so you can wash more than one car at a time. As an added fundraiser sell some snacks and beverages to car owners. Be sure to have enough chairs and shade for your car owners to sit while they wait.
3 – Recycled Bottle / Can Drive
An excellent fundraising idea for our times. Raise money and do good for the environment. Let your community know that they can drop off their refundable bottles and cans at a central location. Your group will handle the sorting and keep the refunds. A nickel or dime may not seem like much but if this fundraiser is well publicized, all that plastic, glass and aluminum will add up quick. To raise more and as an added incentive / service to your community, you can go door to door to pick their refundable bottles and cans.
4 – Bake Sale
Always a favorite event fundraiser even though it isn’t the “newest idea”. Why? Well because home baked goodies can’t be beat. Also because some community members love baking and sharing with others. It’s recommended to not have these too often though so try spreading them throughout the year. Here’s a great tip: Bake some scrumptious cookies using the cookie dough from a popular cookie dough fundraising brochure and make sure to have your order book ready to sell from and raise extra money.
Learn more: Cookie Dough Fundraising
5 – Book Sale
Another old favorite fundraiser. People are sure to donate books they are done reading and people will be sure to buy them as a good read and a good cause. Ask people to drop off their unwanted books or better yet just go door to door. If you find your fundraiser has left over books you may even want to donate them to a hospital, shelter or seniors home.
6 – Lawn / Garage Sale
Most everyone thinks about clearing out “stuff” from their attic or garage, well here they can do good too. Have a Lawn sale fundraiser where your community donates items they are willing to let your group sell. Then your group picks a central location to hold your fundraising lawn sale. Once again be sure to publicize this well in advance and many times.
7 – Rubber Duck Race
This event fundraiser is fun and can get kids involved. All you need to do is get the rubber ducks or any other fun thing that can float. Have them numbered to match tickets you sell to supporters. Make sure your event is publicized so you can have a fun turnout on the day of the race at your local stream or body of water. The first duck to cross the finish line wins a prize that was donated by a local sponsor.
8 – Auction
The most common way of doing an auction fundraiser is to have collectibles such as pro-athlete or celebrity signed items (jersey, baseball, bat or hockey stick, movie poster, video tape or DVD) up for sale. Your local pro-sports team or celebrities are usually willing to do this for a good cause. Have fun and be creative with the items up for auction.
9 – Night At The Races
A fun a new way to have a exiting fundraising event. Not actual gambling, “a night at the races” is a re-creation and meant for fun. With. People watch a pre-taped horse race and bet and win “funny money”. Raffles are usually drawn throughout the event. What you need to get started, including the video tape, race program and race tickets are all provided by companies like “A Nite At The Races”.
10 – Bingo Night
Bingo nights are always popular so try a Bingo night fundraiser. Do it all in the same as a normal bingo does it; sell cards and call numbers in your school gym or church basement. Instead of money for prizes, give away items donated from your local businesses and be sure to give them recognition for them. As always, good publicity will make your bingo night fundraiser a success.
1. Create and sell a coupon book with deals from local businesses.
2. Bake Sale
3. Cookie Sale: Bake your own cookies as a class from frozen dough.
4. Pizza Sale: Once again, get the class to make them.
5. Candy Sale
6. Ponsietta Sale
7. Bedding Plants Sale
8. Bottle Drive
9. Penny Drive
10. Servant Auction: Bid off students to be servants for students and teachers to use during non-class time.
11. Kidnap a Teacher: The class who raises the most money gets to have their teacher kidnapped for the day. The class then gets to have a fun day with movies, games, treats, etc..
12. School Fair: Organize a number of games and booths that the school can participate in, for a nominal fee of course, for small prizes over lunch hour or for the afternoon. Eg: face painting, basketball shoot, batting baseballs, ring toss, relays etc.. As well you can sell ice cream and other treats.
13. Sell Greeting Cards
14. Sew a class quilt and raffle/auction it off.
15. Make a class gingerbread house and raffle/auction it off.
16. Make and sell school calenders. There are some photocopying places who can do this sort of thing. Have children draw pictures for the months and pick the best 12. You can also sell dates in the calendars. People might buy them for the birthdays of their kids, anniversaries, or special events.
17. Holiday babysitting: Older classes can provide childcare around Christmas time so parents can go Christmas shopping. Have parents sign a release form and notify you of any medical/health concerns. Provide snacks and entertainment.
18. Read-A-Thon: Get sponsors or people in the community to pay for each book or chapter read for a specific time period.
19. Walk-A-Thon
20. Dance-A-Thon
* Pet Adoption Fundraising Ideas
* Christmas Fundraising Ideas: How To Raise Funds For A Good Cause During The Christmas Season
* The Valuable Resource Of Consultants For Fundraising
* A Guide to Fast Fundraising for Sports Ideas
* Fundraising Business Helps Non-Profits Hit Funding Goals
* Special Day Fundraising: Fundraising Cards
* The World’s Most Popular Fundraising Companies: The Ready Fundraising Company
* Raising Money The Yummy Way: Fundraising Cookies
* Requirements For Successful Fundraising For Charity
* Great Fundraising Ideas Reap Great Rewards
* Fund Raising Ideas For Charities: Raising Funds For A Good Cause
* Fundraising Without Sales Becoming A Growing Trend
* Finding A Wealth Of Information On Fundraising Programs
* Internet Fundraising Organization Strategies
* Strategy To Market Your Fundraising Program
* Nonprofit Fundraising Events Bring Enthusiasm
* Nonprofit Fundraising Seminars Show How To Target Donors
* The Importance Of Fundraising By Non Profits
* Cutting Edge Fundraising: Online Fundraising Business
* School Fundraising Enhances Programs
* Unique Fundraising Events Are Fun And Profitable
* Member Benefits Of Joining The Association Of Fundraising Professionals
* Lighten The Load On The Budget With Candle Fundraising
* Three Benefits Of Candy Fundraising
* Chocolate Fundraising Remains A Success
* Cookbook Fundraising Is Lucrative And Pleasant
* Coming up With Creative Fundraising Ideas
* Two Tried And Proven Daycare Fundraising Programs
* Easy Fundraising Ideas Produce Wonderful Results
* Fundraising Is Better With A Team
* How To Make A Good Fundraising Plan
* Choosing a Good Fundraising Product
* The Importance Of Planning And Ideas For Fundraising Activities
* Little League Sports Fundraising
* Strategic Fundraising For A Not-For-Profit
* Team Fundraising Enhances The Enthusiasm
* Fundraising Auction Tips Can Save Money, Increase Fun
* Fundraising Consulting Firms: Getting Help With Your Fundraising Needs
* Fundraising For Cheerleading: How To Raise Funds For Your Team
* Wristband Bracelets For Fundraising Line Arms Of Supporters
50/50 Raffle
Build excitement by sharing the wealth. The perfect fundraiser to hold at any event where there will already be a crowd of people, such as a sporting event, a play or a meeting…(more)
Affinity Programs
Make more money with these fundraising ideas through the power of residual income. No inventory, delivery or money collection…(more)
Art Show
Using the talent in your community to raise money for your favorite cause…(more)
Auctions: Picnic baskets, gift baskets, etc.
Virtually anything can be auctioned. One only needs to look at the enormous success of eBay to see the amazing variety of products sold with auctions…(more)
Bake Sales
A bake sale is one of those fundraising ideas that nearly everyone is familiar with. Schools and PTA’s utilize parents and teachers and other volunteers to bake cookies, pies, cakes and other desserts and setup booths and tables to sell the goodies, often one piece at a time…(more)
Barbecue Fundraiser
This can be a large event with lots of volunteers needed, but the rewards are numerous…(more)
Basketball Tournament Fundraiser
A three-on-three basketball tournament is a great way to raise money. A sponsoring organization provides a double elimination tournament for basketball enthusiasts…(more)
Bingo is the game-o…(more)
Spreading the reading bug – the side benefit of book sales…(more)
Bottled water
Pure and healthy profits…(more)
Bracelet fundraising – they’re cool, fashionable, and easy to sell.
Raise money by selling custom bracelets with your groups message…(more)
Fundraising bricks build a great fundraiser.
The fundraiser that lasts a lifetime…(more)
Cake Walk
This school fund raiser is easy and allows the whole group to participate…(more)
When you need to raise funds quickly and effectively with minimum cost and fuss…(more)
Candle fundraising
Scents make sense and more cents …(more)
Candy – how Sweet it is
You can run candy fund raisers with few volunteers, so it is ideal for small or large fundraising groups…(more)
Car Donation
Not as easy as some, but still a win-win…(more)
Car Wash
This is one of those quick and dirty (no pun intended) youth group fundraising ideas which is especially suitable for older kids. They will get wet and tired, but they’ll probably enjoy doing it…(more)
Arguably one of the biggest money makers of them all, the fundraiser catalog can be very lucrative, as long as you have good merchandise at reasonable prices…(more)
Cell Phone Donations
Don’t let your obsolete cell phones gather dust – or worse, go to the landfill – give them to a worthy cause and get money for your worthy cause at the same time…(more)
A cheesecake fundraiser could be perfect for your fall or winter fundraising event…(more)
Christmas fundraisers
If you want to sell merchandise, there are any number of Christmas-themed items available…(more)
Christmas wreaths
The wreaths can be decorated by members and supporters of your organization and then sold to raise money…(more)
Citrus fundraising
Many organizations who do fruit fundraisers do them year after year with repeated success…(more)
Coffee fund raiser
Hosting a coffee fundraiser is a great idea. It lets people help your organization by buying a product they use every single day…(more)
Raise money and community pride with fundraising cookbooks…(more)
Cookie Dough
A cookie dough fund raiser is one of the fastest growing and most popular ways to raise money for groups of all kinds…(more)
Coupon Books
Popular throughout North America, these discount books are easy to sell because of the tremendous discounts they provide…(more)
Cow Pie Bingo
Kind of gross, but it’s all for a good cause…(more)
Custom t-shirts and other items
Sell a variety of products adorned with your logo through your own FREE website…(more)
Debit Card
Spend money to make money and it doesn’t cost you a thing (??)…(more)
Have a large scale fundraising dinner to raise lots of money…(more)
Dining for Dollars
Another way to raise money with dining…(more)
Direct mail
Raise money the old-fashioned way; ask for donations…(more)
Discount cards
Like coupon books, they offer lots of savings for your supporters…(more)
Dog Santa Claws
Create and sell photos with Santa Claws…(more)
Dog Wash
Fundraising has gone to the dogs…(more)
First Aid Kits
The profit margins are reasonable and you can feel good about helping build a safer community…(more)
Flea Markets
The next step up from the garage sale is the flea market fundraiser. Rather than having one vendor (you or your group), a flea market fund raising event can have as many vendors as your space allows…(more)
Flower bulbs
brightens up gardens and hearts alike…(more)
Fund Raising Products
Is the thought of selling your junk distasteful? Do traditional fundraising ideas seem like too much work?…(more)
Fun Run
Get in shape and raise money at the same time…(more)
Game Show
A friendly competition always draws a crowd…(more)
Garage Sales
Garage sales, also called yard sales, are exciting to have and fun to visit. They’re always in great demand because people love to find bargains. And now, with the growing popularity of the Internet, lots of folks make a full time income from scouring garage sales, so they can resell the gems they find on online auctions such as eBay…(more)
Gift Wrap Fundraising
The product, premium wrapping paper, has a nice, warm association with holiday gift giving that brings a smile to everyone’s face…(more)
Golf Fundraiser Shoot-Out
Sink a hole-in-one and win a million dollars!…(more)
Golf Tournament
This is one of those sports or soccer fundraising ideas that has the potential of bringing in a lot of money if done properly…(more)
Guessing Jars
Guess how much money you can raise with this?…(more)
Healthier Fundraising Snacks
Better for your supporters than the average snack fundraiser…(more)
Hoop-a-thon Basketball Tournament
A flexible competition that’s fun and challenging…(more)
Ink Jet Recycling
Make money for your fundraising group and do something wonderful for your community and our planet…(more)
Internet Fundraising
Raising money with the click of a mouse…(more)
Jail and Bail
Go to jail and raise money at the same time…(more)
Kid Safety ID’s
Raise funds for your organization and create a permanent ID record for a child in the event of emergency…(more)
Karaoke Fundraiser
Your participants don’t even have to sing in order to raise money with this cool idea…(more)
Krispy Kreme Donuts
A fundraising tradition of more than 50 years…(more)
Lollipop Fund Raisers
Sweet, cheap, easy, and profitable. Earn up to 100% for your group by selling lollipops…(more)
The great thing about selling magazines for your fundraiser is that you can have repeat customers year after year and now you can do it all online…(more)
A meat fundraiser appeals to a premium clientele and sells for a premium price…(more)
Mini-golf Tournament
This is another sports/soccer fundraiser that is great for all ages. Ask a mini-golf course manager in your area to sponsor a tournament to help raise money for your group…(more)
Movie Night
This is a great school fundraiser because everyone likes going to the movies…(more)
Murder Mystery
This fundraising game will make you the life (or death) of the party…(more)
Music CDs
Music cds fundraising follows one of four different models…(more)
Nude Calendar
Shock your friends and neighbors and make money at the same time…(more)
Snack items tend to make good fundraisers, so tried and true items like fundraiser candy or nuts are generally a good choice…(more)
Online Auctions
Instead of renting a room and decorating and all the other work and expense of a regular auction, why not sell your stuff online…(more)
Pancake Breakfast
Cooking up a perfect fundraiser…(more)
Party Night
A party night can be a lot of fun and helps keep kids busy and out of trouble. This school fundraiser is geared toward kids in middle school and early high school…(more)
Penny Drive
Or should it be called a penny walk…(more)
Personalized items
Popular items for a personalized fundraiser include t-shirts, sweatshirts, coffee mugs, calendars, stationery, silicone bracelets…(more)
Picture fundraisers
Making memories and raising money with photos…(more)
A seasonal fundraiser with lots of profit potential…(more)
Polar Bear Plunge
B-r-r-r-ring something warm to this fundraiser…(more)
Fundraiser popcorn has been around for a long time and is still popular…(more)
Fundraising raffles are manageable for any size group, they’re easy to coordinate, and they cost very little to conduct…(more)
Read-a-thon for kids
Raising money and intelligence at the same time…(more)
Help your beautiful planet and raise money at the same time…(more)
Rubber duck race
All for fun and fun for all…(more)
Sales Percentage Events
This fundraising idea is primarily for established and respected charitable organizations…(more)
Scavenger Hunt
A fun non-profit fundraising event for everyone…(more)
Scratchcard Fund Raising
One of several brilliant fundraising ideas that is one of the easiest and most profitable too…(more)
Scrip Fund Raiser
Scrip is a certificate or a card, which can be used instead of cash or given as a gift…(more)
Silent Auction
This is definitely not one of the easiest fund raisers, but can be one of the most profitable…(more)
Snow/sand Sculpture Contest
This temporary art will draw a crowd…(more)
Spelling Bee
A fun and easy fundraiser…(more)
Stationery and greeting cards
Selling stationery and greeting cards for your school is an excellent way raise school spirit and raise money at the same time…(more)
Talent Show
Of the many youth group fundraising events, this one might be the most fun. There is probably a lot of undiscovered talent in your city, so you’ll never run out of performers…(more)
Toy fundraiser
Best suited for younger groups with the best prospective customers being families with small children…(more)
Ugly Dog Contest
Earn a pretty penny with those not-so-pretty pooches…(more)
Ugly Tie Contest
Men must save their ugly ties for just such an event…(more)
Vending Machines
People of all ages and physical abilities can participate in this fundraising event. Even people in wheelchairs can join in. It’s an enjoyable way to get outside and enjoy the fresh air, talk with friends, get exercise and make money for your sports or soccer fundraising group, all at the same time…(more)
Watermelon Eating Contest
Eat your way to profits. For those of us who love watermelon, this is pure, sweet, wet, sticky, belly-filling fun…(more)
1. Kiss a Pig – We did this one back in high school, and it was a big hit. The students’ favorite (or least favorite) teachers are persuaded to join in. Jars with each teachers name are placed in a prominent location in the school. Which ever teacher has received the most money by a given date has to “kiss the pig” in a school assembly. This is a fun fundraiser that kids, parents and teachers will enjoy. Update: Find out exactly how a high school raised money with this event.
2. Singing Telegrams – This fun fundraiser idea is great for school or church choirs. Buyers select the song, recipient and any special message. Singers visit the recipient in their class to give the telegram. This one is great for Valentines Day.
3. Goofy Olympics – Pick fun and silly games for an “Olympics” day. Participants pay an entry fee per game or for the whole day. Prizes (donated) are given to winners of each contest or game. Combine this program with food booths for more fun and profits.
4. Pie and cake auction – The cooks and the sweet lovers in your group will enjoy this fun fundraiser idea! Ask for donations of cakes and pies. Label each dessert with the name of the dessert and the cook. Ask your most humorous and charismatic person to be the auctioneer who can entertain the crowd and boost the auction prices.
5. Murder Mystery Party – When you host a Dinner and a Murder Mystery Party your guests will be immersed in an evening of treachery, murder, blackmail, intrigue and back stabbing. Sounds exciting, don’t you agree? Click on the following link to find out exactly how to plan a Murder Mystery Party fundraiser event!
The new school year is fast approaching, and with it: fundraising. But wait! Don’t groan yet-help is here! We’ve wracked our brains to give you the best fundraising ideas for this year. So relax! Half your work is done. Just try out these fun and easy ideas-and watch your fund fill up!
1. Cheer Expo
Make your cheers, dances, and stunts worth money! Show off your squad’s stuff at a Saturday cheer expo and invite everyone to attend! Charge a small admission fee and sell donated goodies to the crowd.
2. Family Portraits
Say cheese! Hire a photographer for a day of family portraits. Advertise to the students and the surrounding community. Many photography studios have special fundraising packages which give your customers low rates-and your squad nice profits!
3. Dance Contest
Don’t wait for prom to dance the night away! An all-night “dance-off” will give the students a chance to show their moves, while you make money! Couples pay an entry fee, are assigned a number, and are eliminated when they stop dancing. The contestants left dancing in the morning are the winners!
4. Pet Pageant
Calling all canines and felines! Give the students and community a chance to show off their precious pets by hosting a pageant. Have a panel of “judges,” several competitions (including beauty and “talent”!), and a prize for the winners (doggie bones and catnip should suffice!). The entry fees are yours to keep!
5. Service Sale
No products needed-just willing and able students! Compile a list of volunteers, along with their “donated” service (such as raking, painting, etc.) and fee, which goes straight to the school’s pocket. Distribute the list to staff, parents, alumni, and others in the community and watch the money roll in!
6. Spaghetti Dinner
Everyone loves Italian! Arrange for your school’s food service to supply the main course (or purchase from a discount market) and volunteers to provide the salad, drinks, and dessert. Make sure the room is decorated in true Italian style (red, green, and white is a MUST)! Tickets can be sold in advance and at the door.
7. Raffle
This is a great addition to a rummage sale, auction, spaghetti dinner-or it can stand on its own! If the function has a theme (i.e. Italian), than collect and/or purchase items that relate (i.e. colored pasta, specialty sauce, pizza stone, etc.). Sell tickets, select winners, and count your money!
8. Music Recital
Don’t sing? Don’t worry! Just contact your school’s music department and arrange a night for the chorus and orchestra to show their stuff. The money you make will be music to your ears!
9. 5-Mile Marathon
Break out those sneakers! A marathon is a great way of staying fit and having fun – not to mention making big bucks! The money comes from the “sponsors” of each runner. Host the run on a Saturday, and honor all the runners with Event Ribbons. (A special prize should be awarded to the winner!)
10. Book-A-Thon
Not a runner? Try reading! Students gather monetary pledges for each book read during the book-a-thon and the donations go straight to the school.
11. Art Contest
Calling all artists! Hosting an art contest (with one or several categories), with an entry fee, panel of judges (from the art department, etc.), and prizes is a creative way to generate income. A photo contest could also be a winner!
12. Haunted School
Turn your school into a haunted house! Decorate the school with spiderwebs (not real ones!), ghosts, strobe lights, and other creepy creations. In different rooms, have scary scenes (using student volunteers) like a ghost in a graveyard, a vampire with his victim, and a witch stirring her pot. Use the haunted habitat for the entire weekend (ideally in October!) and collect the cash!
13. Jewelry Sale
Get your gals together and string some beads! Make anklets, bracelets, necklaces, and rings with beads in your school colors. Sell them at lunch time and game time!
14. Flower Sale
You don’t need to be a florist to sell beautiful blooms! Contact your local nursery for plants, flowers, and seeds and offer to place their name on the order forms in return for a discount/donation. Your community will love the flowers-and you’ll love the income!
15. Carnation Sale
Nothing expresses your true feelings better than flowers! Carnations are ideal ways for students, staff, and parents to show their affection for that special someone, while supporting your school! Attach little note cards to each stem for their messages.
16. Cash Cans
It doesn’t get any better than this! Simply request permission to place collection cans in several stores in your school’s area. Decorate the cans in school colors with your school name and collect the cash every week!
17. Candy Sale
Sweeten the school day with candy! When holidays roll around (Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day), decorate bags with the holiday theme, fill with festive candy, and sell to students! Prepare “order forms” for students who wish to order candy for a special friend. Provide tags for their personal message.
18. Spirit Towels
Here’s a fun and easy way to raise money and school spirit at the same time! Imprint spirit towels in your school colors with your mascot and school name. Sell them to fans as they enter the game, and you’ll have spirit and cash all at the same time.
19. Sports Calendar
Feature your team and squad year-round with a custom calendar! Get the athletes together for a photo session and include action shots and posed group shots. Most large photocopy stores will print these calendars for you, so all you have to do is assemble the photos and get ready to sell!
20. Candy in a Cup
Everybody loves receiving candy – especially when it’s for a good cause. This time, place all of the yummy goodies in one of our Imprinted Stadium Cups for a delicious and worthwhile gift!
21. Imprinted License Plate Frames
Now that you and all of your friends are driving, you definitely want to show your school spirit on the roads. Imprinted License Plate Frames will be an awesome way of doing this, and an awesome fundraiser!
22. Sports Highlight Video
Immortalize school victories and key plays with a special sports highlight video. Parents, students and alumni will all love reliving these nail-biting moments. Makes an awesome fundraiser!
23. Poncho Power
No one likes to get caught in the rain at the big game, so be prepared! Sell Imprinted Rain Ponchos before and during games. Fans will be thankful for the poncho, and you’ll raise money in the process.
24. Sports Raffle
Set up a raffle that includes your stadium’s special front-row seats, a “training camp” with either the sports players or the cheerleaders, a session with the coach, and other sports-related items.
25. Dance Lessons
Ask the dance team or the cheerleading squad to share their knowledge with the rest of the students. Hold dance lessons in the school gym and raise money at the same time. Teach students how to line dance, break dance, do the salsa, swing dance, etc.
26. Talent Night
Everybody loves to show off, so set up a school Talent Night and ask students to sing, dance, tell jokes, or do whatever it is they do best! Sell tickets to students, parents and siblings – they’ll love this opportunity to see their family members struttin’ their stuff on the stage.
27. School Basketball Tournament
Organize basketball teams with faculty members, staff members, students and cheerleaders. Set up a tournament and invite the whole school to come and watch for a small donation!
28. Pre-Homecoming Dinner
Organize a special dinner on the eve of the homecoming game in the school cafeteria for students, parents and alumni. Ask local restaurants to offer their food at a special discount. In exchange for this discount, print the name of the restaurant in the homecoming program, or hang a large banner with the restaurant name at the game.
29. Fund-Raising Candy
We’ve got America’s favorite candy (like M&M’s and Snickers) packaged for easy and successful sales! We’ve even priced them as low as possible to ensure the highest possible profit for you! (And as you know, these candies practically sell themselves!)
30. Glow Necklaces
They’re the ultimate fund-raising favor for nighttime games. Get them in your school colors!
31. Imprinted Wearables
Almost every teen is into clothes, so take advantage of this desire and reap huge profits! Just dedicate a corner of your school bookstore to imprinted wearables like earrings, gloves, hats, jackets, ponchos, shoelaces, shirts, shorts, and more! (Stumps offers them all at prices that will make you flip!)
32. Stadium Cups
Help reduce wasted paper and make a profit, too! Order Stadium Cups imprinted with your school name and mascot, and set a benefit package into action that will Homecomingpt students to purchase the cups. Work out a deal with the school cafeteria and a few local restaurants so that when a student presents the cup, he or she will receive a discount on a soda refill.
33. Collectible Cookbook
Love your best friend’s cheesecake? Think your mom makes a killer veggie dip? Chances are, others will love these dishes, too. Compile the best recipes in town into your very own cookbook, and then sell ads to local businesses and restaurants. Put it all together at your local copy store (be sure to edit carefully!) and you’re on your way to a gourmet way of collecting cash.
34. Homecoming Fashion Show
Don’t be behind the fashion times! Host a “cutting-edge” fashion show full of pretty Homecoming dresses, fabulous tuxes and all the latest accessories. Have department stores, boutiques, men’s clothing stores and hair salons contribute their products and services for the event. You’ll all benefit from the big night – they’ll get a chance to display their latest styles and you’ll be fabulously hip on the night of your Homecoming.
35. Family Sock Hop
Get Moms, Dads, brothers, and sisters involved in a family night of fun. Keep preparation and set up to a minimum, the idea here is to raise money. Rent a jukebox or simply hire a DJ. If you have someone in the school who likes to spin records, hire them for free. Get a popular teacher, coach or parent to act as the DJ. Sell rootbeer floats and ice cream desserts. Sponsor a dance contest and a best dressed family contest. Have a dance contest by age. Enjoy the night with the entire family.
36. Pom Power
We have so many Poms and even more ways to make money from them! Have local merchants sponsor ring tab handle poms that allow students to punch out a coupon and redeem it for big savings. Grab our cheer ball poms for field day and pep rally fun. Anything you can do with a ball, you can do with these poms!
37. Engraved Bricks
Our engraved bricks will help you raise a substantial amount of cash and create an honorable walkway simultaneously! (Each brick sold will easily bring you $20 in profits!) Parents, teachers, teams, and school organizations can use the bricks to pass words of wisdom and encouragement on to future generations. Just determine where you will place a brick sidewalk and how many bricks you’ll need. Contact
38. Dollars for Donuts
Most teens just don’t have enough time to have breakfast every morning, so your early-morning donut stand will be a great treat for hungry tummies! Set up a deal with your local donut establishment so you turn a higher profit. Small containers of OJ would be a healthy and satisfying way to wash down this tasty treat!
39. Field Goal Fun
Create a game just outside the football field entrance gate for tailgaters. Set up our balloon goal post, and give contestants one chance to approach a marked line and throw a foam football through the goal post. Winners take home a spirit trinket (like a pencil or a button with your school’s name and mascot printed on it).
40. Face Painting
Offer face painting just outside the entrance gate, and you’re sure to collect a large profit from fans! Children young and old love to sport their school mascot on their cheek.
41. Holiday Treats
Here’s a totally simple way to raise some cash! Depending on the holiday, arrange candies and holiday treats in festive bags. Buy carnations or other economical flowers in appropriate colors and tie them individually with a ribbon. Set up your booth and you’ll be turning a serious profit in no time! Your pals will totally appreciate your ingenuity when you present them with a serious holiday treat.
42. Going Once, Going Twice!
A community auction is another way to collect some dollars, while clearing closets of clutter and old junk. Collect things from home that you don’t want anymore (that old CD, those old books), clean ’em off and give them an opening price! You’ll also want to offer delectable baked goods and nifty craft items at your auction. May the highest bidder win!
43. Raise Plants
Are you working with a small budget but expect a massive cash return? Have your school’s agricultural (or biological) classes raise tomato plants or geraniums for the public. The seeds are totally cheap, and the plants are hardy and will withstand traveling. It’s a fab learning experience that generates a bundle of cash!
44. Adopt-A-Tree
Organize an “adopt-a-tree” program that gets the community involved with your school. Locate an area around your school or in a nearby park that looks sparse and in need of some TLC. Consult a landscaper on what trees would flourish in the area. Next, persuade a local garden shop to donate a few trees in exchange for a plaque advertising the generous donation. Have students plant and care for the trees. The trees will be “adopted” by community members who pay a fee to help in the upkeep. In exchange, each “parent” will have his or her name printed on a tag that is attached to an adopted tree’s limbs.
45. Recycle Aluminum Cans
Host an aluminum can-recycling contest. Many recycling companies pay up to $.30 a pound for aluminum. Create collection bins from our corrugated paper, and place one bin in each homeroom. At the end of the contest, the winners will receive prizes donated by local merchants, and you’ll have a large profit with minimal investment.
46. Craft Bazaar
Host a food bazaar just before a big football game. Each school club will have a booth set up in a designated area. Tail-gaters will purchase food tickets from one booth and trade the tickets for the goods they desire.
47. Toy and Book Drive
Start a couple of months before the sale and collect slightly used children’s books and toys. Give parents plenty of time to clean out old closets and toys. Allow two or more dates to drop off the items. Send out numerous reminders – print it each week in the newsletter/ newspaper. Clean the toys and have a huge sale. Give part of the proceeds to a local charity and keep the rest for Homecoming. Or, keep all the cash and donate the left-over toys to a local children’s organization.
48. Spirit Balloons
Use permanent markers to write spirit messages on our Star-Shaped Mylar Balloons. Teens love the reflective balloons, and you’ll love the profits!
49. Class Color Day
Ask members of each class to deck themselves out in their class colors for the day. Raise money by selling poms, bandannas and imprinted T-shirts to match each class color. Your campus will explode in a rainbow of colors!
50. Car Wash
This tried and true fundraiser is sure to bring you big bucks Gather up your buckets and sponges, change into your old clothes, and get ready to make those cars shine!
51. Poinsettia Sale
A fantastic holiday fundraiser! Take advance orders for your poinsettia sales and deliver plants just in time for the holidays. Offer both red and white poinsettias for even greater profits. Tie a ribbon around each plant in your school colors for an added punch of school spirit!
52. Hoagie / Sub / Hero Sandwich Sale
Depending on what part of the country you live in, host a “large sandwich” sale. Give a wide variety of meat and cheese selections, and be sure to include some non-meat options for vegetarians.
53. Yard Sale
It’s time to clean out your home and garage! A yard sale is the perfect opportunity to get rid of things you don’t want anymore, and to raise a little cash in the process. Ask neighbors and friends to contribute to the sale, and let them know their contributions are going to a worthwhile cause.
54. Merchant Sponsors
Merchants in the community are usually willing to contribute to school fundraisers. At your next event, give them the option of being a sponsor. They will typically attract customers to their business as a result.
55. Holiday Bazaar
Set up a fantastic selection of homemade crafts and goodies just in time for the holidays. Ask teachers, parents and students to contribute something to the Bazaar. Invite community members to the Bazaar and watch the money roll in – just in time for your holiday dance!
56. Wrap It Up!
Get into the holiday spirit, and earn some cash in the process. Contact your local mall and find out if you can set up a “Gift Wrapping” stand at the mall during the holiday season. Once you have the mall’s approval, purchase festive wrapping paper, bows, ribbons, boxes and cards. Offer to alleviate shoppers’ stress by wrapping their purchases right there and then. Charge a fee based on gift size, and watch the money roll in!
57. Badges
A badge can be worn just about anywhere, and can feature just about anything! Multicolored badges, helmet badges, letter banner badges are just some of the hot badge styles to sell at your next fundraising event.
-BAKE SALE – Everyone’s favorite! Include baked foods from around the world.
-NEIGHBORHOOD FLEA-MARKET – Kids and their families can get their books, used clothes, or hand-made crafts together to sell. Donate part or all of the profits to a particular cause.
-COSTUME BALL – Hold this event around Halloween. Give it an international theme. Charge admission.
-HAVE A READ-, DANCE-, OR WALK-A-THON – Collect pledges from family, friends, and neighbors for each hour or mile you walk or dance, or for each book read.
-STUDENT-FACULTY PLAY-OFF – Compete for the benefit of others. Choose a sport — volleyball, basketball, etc., — and invite the rest of your school as well as parents to watch and cheer. Sell tickets or charge admission at the door.
-TALENT SHOW – Hold a student-faculty talent show at your school. Sell tickets. Advertise the event. Donate the proceeds.
-ART SHOW – Hold an art contest where you and your friends enter up to three pieces of their art at $5 per entry. Try to get a local gallery owner to donate space for the event and recruit local celebrities as judges. You could also sell this artwork and donate a portion of the proceeds to your favorite organization.
-POETRY READING – Hold a poetry reading in your favorite cafe. Get students or family members to volunteer to read their own or other’s poems related to hunger, homelessness, discrimination, animal rights, environmental issues, etc. Pass the hat and ask diners to contribute. Explain where the money will go. Try to get local news coverage for your event — this will also appeal to the restaurant owner whose establishment gets free advertising!
-FAST – Give up one meal a week or give up junk food for one week and donate the money to a cause. Get your school involved by going around to other classes and explaining where their money will go. Place large containers in each classroom in which students can place their change.
-SEASONAL CELEBRATION – Hold a seasonal pot-luck dinner. For instance, in autumn ask participants to bring a seasonal dish. Eat outside under colorful trees. Organize simple games and activities to attract children to the event – leaf rubbings, scavenger hunt, story-telling, autumn poetry readings, etc. Charge admission.
-CAR WASH – Hold a weekend car-wash to raise money or make yourself (and friends) available to run errands, do yard work, or walk dogs, etc. Make up fliers to advertise your services and explain where the money will go that is earned.
-BIRTHDAY DONATIONS – On birthdays students can ask parents, friends and grand-parents to make a donation to a special organization instead of buying a gift. Students can do the same for other people’s birthdays. Make up a card for the birthday person explaining that a donation was made in honor of his/her birthday to a local organization. Explain how the organization works.
-COMMUNITY AUCTION – Ask families, friends and community businesses to donate their specialties – including skills – to be auctioned off. Be creative! Some teachers and students have had themselves auctioned for a day of baby-sitting, or a day of museum-gazing with a small child, etc. Teachers have made videos of their classroom over the course of the year and auctioned them off to parents. Restaurant and theater owners can donate dinners and seats to shows. This takes some organizing but can raise lots of money for your cause and will alert the community and get everyone involved as well. Students can create posters, canvas the neighborhood for donations, etc.
Dinner at Home = Invite your friends over for a nice dinner and ask that they “pay” for the meal to help you raise money. Charge them more than it costs to buy the food and use the rest of money towards the cost of the program.
Corporate Matching Gift = Ask your company to match the amount of money donated by your fellow employees. Also, ask your parents/friends if their company offers matching gifts.
Corporate Sponsorship = Identify one or several large companies and contact them directly to see if they would be willing to partially or fully sponsor you.
Garage Sale = Gather everything that has been hanging around the house that you don’t need. Ask your friends to do the same and put it out in your front yard to sell, sell, sell!
Bake Sale = Become a busy baker and ask your friends to do the same. Hold a bake sale! You could do this in conjunction with a garage sale since you’ll have people around anyway.
“Extra Change in My Pocket” = Create little boxes for your friends and family and have them place it on their dresser. At the end of the day, they can drop spare change in the box!
Your Own “Extra Change” Box = Keep a jar near your door and every day, put all your extra coins in it. Or, put it on your desk and ask that other people contribute as well!
Office Fundraising Challenge = Speak with everyone in your office (or your parents’ offices) and get them to challenge each other to raise the highest amount. Give the “winner” a prize like movie tickets or a gift certificate.
Voice Mail Message = This will alert everyone who calls you that you are up to something special! Let them know that you need their support.
Return Address Labels = Print address labels for your outgoing mail. Print something like, “I’m a support of DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN” ! Will you help sponsor me?” on the bottom. You may want to include a self addressed stamped envelope inside.
Internet Chat Rooms = Post a message on an Internet chat room. You’d be amazed how many people you don’t even know who may be willing to help you.
Web Site Creation = Create your own website about your fundraising efforts. Send an email to everyone on your contact list and invite them to visit the website.
Ask your local waiter/waitress to donate a portion of one day’s tips = Ask your local waiter to donate a portion of the tips that they receive to your cause.
Ask your local bartender to donate a portion of one day’s tips = Same as the waiter/waitress…Ask them to donate tips from one night. You may want to ask if you can create a sign that says “All tips collected tonight will go directly to (YOUR NAME).
Ask your local restaurants to place a money jar at the front of the restaurant = Check with the restaurant manager to see if they would be willing to place a money jar in a high traffic area so lots of restaurant patrons can see it.
Approach Restaurant for Fundraising dinner = Ask your favorite local restaurant to host a fundraising dinner for you. They supply the food and you supply the people!
Post Card Club = Invite all your friends (and their friends) to sign up on your mailing list to receive postcards while you are traveling. Charge $20-$75 to sign up for the list. (Make sure you really do send them postcards while you’re traveling!)
Raffle = Sell raffle tickets for a great prize or prizes that you can get donated from local businesses, friends, and family. Ideas for raffles include sporting team tickets, weekend getaways, homemade quilts, dinner gift certificates, etc.
Movie Ticket Donation = Ask your local movie theater to donate several movie tickets. Use them as raffle prizes. Or, see a movie, but put the money towards the cost of the program.
Approach the Travel Agency = Contact local travel agencies and ask if they would donate a travel voucher. You can auction it off, use it as a raffle prize at one of your parties or events.
Delegate = Give 10 of your friends the challenge to find 10 other people who will contribute money as well.
Host a Movie Party = Pick up a rental video, make some popcorn, and invite your friends and family over for a movie night. Ask them to “pay” for the movie and use the money towards the cost of the program.
Theater Performance Ticket Donation = Ask a local theater or performance center to donate a couple tickets to their plays or musicals and auction them off.
Birthday Gift = Ask for people to give you money for your birthday instead of shopping for presents.
Creative Friends = Find a local artist or ask a creative friend it they would donate a piece of art of some jewelry that you could auction off or use as a raffle prize.
Make Color Pledge Forms = Make copies of donation forms on colored paper (this will make them stand out better).
Create Business Cards = Print up some inexpensive business cards and have information about your fundraising efforts on it. Hand out your cards to people you know and new people you meet.
Contact Radio Station = Call your favorite radio station and ask them to make an announcement on air. They may even be able to interview you!
Approach a Hair Salon = Ask your barber or hairdresser to donate $2 for every haircut they complete over the weekend.
Mow-a-Thon = Ask all your neighbors if you can mow their lawn on a given weekend. Charge premium prices for the mow and tell them it’s going towards a good cause.
Write to Neighbors = Write to all the neighbors on your block (or in your building) explaining what you are trying to do and asking them to make a donation.
Free Rent! = Ask your landlord to donate one month’s rent to the cause!
Good Karma Tipping Jar = Ask local businesses to put a jar near the register. Tape a picture of you and a brief explanation of the program.
Errand boy/girl = Offer to serve as someone’s personal assistant for the day (or a few hours) in exchange for a large donation.
Garden or Historical Site Tour = Check with local attractions to see if they would sponsor a tour through their facility and donate the money back to you. Promote the event with your friends, family, and maybe even in the newspaper!
Meet the Press = Does your company or school distribute a newsletter? Take advantage! That’s a great way to get the word out about what you’re doing!
Baby-Sitting = Offer up your services and let others have a nice quiet night out of the house.
Pet Sitting = Do you have friends or neighbors who are going out of town? Offer to pet sit instead of having them send the pet to the boarding facility.
House Sitting = Friends going out of town for a while? Maybe they need a warm body to stay in their place during their absence.
Neighborhood Chores = Are you a Mr. or Ms. Fix-It? A lot of your neighbors would probably rather pay you than someone else. Place signs around your neighborhood advertising your services.
Karaoke Night = Spend a Friday night at a karaoke bar and sing! Have the announcer tell the crowd that you’re singing for pledges. = If the garage sale idea doesn’t work out, collect things that your friends don’t want and post them on to be auctioned off.
Company Vacation Days = See if the boss or human resources director at your company (or your parents’) will swap one of your (or your parents’) vacation days for a day’s pay.
Collect pledges for each day you’re gone on the program = Ask people if they will give you a certain amount of money for each day that you’re traveling. Pledges can range from just a few cents to up to US $20 per day.
Sponsor-A-Day = Have people sponsor a day Then a sponsor would pick a day as “their’s” and you would write them a letter or postcard telling them what you did on that day. Be sure to write to them.
Game night = Break out those board games and start playing. Charge people for playing.
Poker Night = Call your serious (and not-so-serious) card-playing friends and invite them over for a poker night where they will donate all the money they win (and lose!).
Bowling Nights = Plan a fun night of bowling at your local lanes. Ask the owner to waive the cost of bowling and collect that money for you.
Used book sale = If you have old books that have been sitting on shelves, in the attic, or gathering dust in the basement, what another great fundraising opportunity! Ask your friends, neighbors, and family to donate whatever they’ve got and set up a weekend book sale in front of your house. Put up signs so that people know where the money is going.
Local stores = Ask a local store manager what the hot selling item is these days and THEN ask if they’d be willing to donate a percentage of the sales from that particular item to you.
Curse Jar = As hard as some people try, it can be difficult to tame a foul mouth. Set out a jar in your work place or home and any time someone says a bad word, require that they contribute a certain amount of money to the jar.
Dress Down Day = Ask your company or your parents’ companies to allow for a special day where people are allowed to wear casual clothes to work (if normally business attire is required). If people choose to dress down for the day, request that they “pay” for the privilege.
Church/Synagogue/Mosque or Community Bulletin = Place a notice in your place of worship bulletin or a community publication letting people know what you’re up to and how they can help support you. Ask if there is a sponsorship available from the general fund
Inspirational Bookmarks = Create bookmarks and sell them to friends, family, and co-workers. The bookmarks can promote global awareness, global citizenship, and leadership or just look nice.
Computer Screen Savers = Ask if you can change the screensavers on the computers in your company or in the labs at your school. Put a message about your fundraising efforts on the screen and tell people how they can help you.
Showcase Musical Talents = If you or someone you know is a great musician, host a benefit concert and use the proceeds from the ticket sales towards your fundraising.
Wine and Cheese Party = Host a party at a local restaurant and ask the owner to donate the wine and cheese.
Alumni Organizations = Call the alumni association at the university you attended, or any fraternities or sororities you joined. Explain what you’re doing and ask for support.
Pizza Party = Check out your local pizzeria – they may have a great deal to help you out.
Approach Local Clubs and Organizations = Send a solicitation letter to your local Knights of Columbus, Lions Club, Rotary Club, Kiwanis, etc. They usually are willing to support individuals in their communities. Also, search their national web pages for additional scholarship opportunities.
Contact your Local Paper = Contact your local newspaper to request that they run an article about your plans. Make sure that the article includes information about how to get a hold of you to donate money. Have a photo ready to send as well.
Write a column for the local newspaper = Receive sponsorship from the paper as a traveling columnist.
Use Email = Send out an informational email to everyone you know about your fundraising and let them know how they can support you.
Organize a Golf Tournament = Organize a golf tournament (or mini-golf tournament) where people pay to participate
Go door to door and ask for donations: Take information with you about the program and have a “pitch” ready that explains what the program is, why you want to participate, and how much you need. You can approach both residences and businesses. Make fliers you can leave with people which contain your contact information on it in case they want to contact you to contribute more in the future.
Have a Car Wash = Enlist the help of friends and family to set up a car wash. Try to find a business at a busy intersection that will let you use their water access. Bring all the materials and charge people to have their cars washed. Make sure to have people on the corner advertising the car wash and directing cars towards the appropriate place.
Serve as Housekeeper = Offer to clean a friend’s or neighbor’s house (or help with a cleaning project) for an agreed upon price.
Plan a marathon = Ask friends and family to participate in the event (dance-a-thon, walk-a-thon, swim-a-thon, etc.) and have them find sponsors to pledge money for each hour, mile, lap, etc. they complete.
Musical Program = Organize a musical concert using your own performing abilities along with those of friends, families and performance groups to which you belong. Hold the musical in a donated facility. Ask for donations to support your fundraising efforts. You many want to have a door prize (donated, of course) or an ice cream social (with donated ice cream) as part of the festivities.
Gifts in-kind = Many items needed for abused children are often donated by local businesses. For example many students have received gifts of film, cameras, tennis shoes, work-out clothes and luggage.
Airline tickets = Airline tickets can often be donated from someone who has many frequent flyer miles.
Loans from family or friends = Often you know someone who will be able to give you an interest-free or low-interest loan for a portion of your program fee. This loan would not need to be paid back until you have returned from your Up with People semester. Set up a business-like form, establishing interest rates, payment amounts, timetables, etc. to be signed by both parties.
Recycle = Set up a recycling system for cans, plastic, paper, etc. in your neighborhood, residence hall or on your campus. A great way for your friends to support your effort without costing them any money.
Sell personal items = Many students sell items they will not need during their volunteering such as cars, stereos or bicycles. Also, change your car insurance to a 6 month policy.
Classroom sponsor = Make an arrangement with a local elementary classroom to be their class representative around the world for a semester. The class can conduct a fundraising event, such as a bake sale or garage sale. In turn you will write letters, send pictures, etc. from wherever you travel, a great lesson in Geography, International Relations, History, etc. as you travel. When you return you can provide a great presentation telling them all about what you learned.
Sell stock in yourself = Sell stock in yourself at $100 per share (others sold their shares at $50). When presented properly, this idea can be very effective. Here are the main components of the project:
Personal Letter: Outline your acceptance into DREAMCATCHERS; give a brief description emphasizing the benefits of the program, the amount of your program fee and the challenge of raising funds, the impact on the community, the investor’s support will provide, and a closing that states that you will contact them within the next few days.
Folder or Booklet: This is information for the potential investor. It should contain the benefits of investing in a young community member’s future (in greater detail then in your letter); a description of you as an individual (education, achievements, volunteer work, career goals, the program year for which you have been accepted); additional information about DREAMCATCHERS; and a breakdown on the use of funds (student program fee, personal expenses, cost of printing newsletter, etc.).
College or University = Ask if there are any fellowships or grants available from your Department Chair
Blind auctions – Sure, the crème de la crème host black and white balls and silent auctions, but what about those of us who don’t make more than $100,000 per year? Well a blind auction is just as much fun, and it can be just as successful as a way to raise funds for the cause closest to your heart. You can host one as the headlining event at a picnic luncheon, company event or Christmas party. Simply invite each guest to bring a wrapped gift. Now the gift should not be distinguishable when wrapped. Urge gifters to throw bidders off by wrapping small gifts in larger boxes and by adding extra weight to gifts using rocks or newspaper. The gifts brought by your guests should be cheap or humorous gag gifts that they’ve dug up at home and don’t want anymore. For example, wrap up that plaque with the singing fish on it that you’re brother-in-law gave you for your birthday last summer. Guests should bring their wrapped gifts in a central location at the event – a banquet table, in a large decorated box or under a tree. Now the fun part, organizers should make it known that one of the boxes contains a check for $500, a trip to a spa or a sumptuous dinner for 2 at a hot restaurant. Once the bidding gets underway this will fuel the anticipation and start some competitive bidding. Let all the guests approach the gifts, examine and even shake them before the bidding starts. Once everyone takes their seats, auction off the wrapped gifts one at a time – calling each winning bidder up to give them their prize and open it up in front of everyone. Sure, many guests will end up with a tacky pair of gorilla slippers or maybe a hat with beer can holders and a straw attached, but the laughs and money will be going to a really good cause.
* AUCTION (Silent or Live): Hold the event at your business, in your neighborhood, or at church. Ask for contributions of unique
items such as homemade toys or art, a hand-knitted sweater, breakfast or dinner at someone’s home, or a ride on someone’s
sailboat. Display the items (or their description) prior to the event. Hold the auction over lunch or at a convenient time.
* BAKE FOR CURE’S SAKE: Hold a Friday bake sale at work so employees will have treats for the weekend. Ask for baked goods to be
wrapped attractively so they could be given as gifts. Encourage breakfast items, as well as sweets like bars and cookies.
* BUSINESS RAFFLES: Co-workers can earn money by raffling the following:
* A member of management mows your yard, shovels your snow, etc.
* Trade jobs with CEO for a day
* Dinner at boss’s home
* Free lunch with the boss
* Company logo apparel
* Parking place(s)
* A day off
* CAR WASH: Get your team together for a local town car wash. Great for youth teams!
* CASUAL FOR CANCER or Denim Days: Ask your company CEO/President to let staff dress casual or wear denim for a $5.00 or more
* COIN CANS: put Relay For Life Coin cans at every business you can think of – put a sticker with the local office name and # as
where they can call to turn it in.
* COMPANY CONTRIBUTION: Solicit a specific donation from your organization above and beyond that raised by your team and apply
the credit for incentives for all team members.
* E-MAIL: People love e-mail these days! Send an e-mail to your address book (personal and/or corporate) about why you are
involved and how they can help (donate, get involved, etc.)… There are countless stories of volunteers raising thousands of
dollars with this method, too! See our Relay Online program!
* GOLF TOURNAMENT: This will get men involved more, and can kickoff the Relay For Life season. Have the losers on each hole
have to make a $1 or $5 donation (depending on what your community can handle), in addition to paying the donation/entrance
* HOLIDAY CARDS: Send a Thanksgiving or Christmas card with a letter about your participation in Relay For Life – several
volunteers using this method have raised thousands of dollars with this one letter and their holiday cards!
* MATCHING GIFTS: If your company has a matching gift program, that’s an effective way to double your fundraising efforts. Be sure
to check with the human resources department to obtain matching gift forms.
* RAFFLE: Get some good items donated and hold a raffle (call your ACS office for details).
* SALES FOR DONATIONS: White Elephant sales, Second Hand Albums, Flea Markets, affordable Christmas gifts for college folks!
* SPORTS TOURNAMENTS: Set up challenge matches between individuals or departments for basketball, softball, volleyball, or any
sport! Ask for a donation as an entry fee and admission fee. Ask for contributions in exchange for refreshments at the event.
* SUNS & MOONS: Sell Suns and/or Moons for $1.00 each, in “Honor Of” or “Memory Of” anyone who has or is fighting cancer, or
who has lost their battle. Suns & Moons can be picked up at the Lebanon American Cancer Society Office, or at any Captain’s
Meeting. Click HERE for the Suns & Moons detail sheet.
The Association of Fundraising Professionals represents over 26,000 members in 171 chapters throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and China working to advance philanthropy through advocacy, research, education, and certification programs. This site allows nonprofits to raise awareness of their work and helps connect nonprofits with people seeking to make gift donations. It also features a tool for conducting fundraising drives to support a variety of causes.
Charity Village Funding Resources contains links to online databases and directories of funding agencies and foundations of interest to Canadian individuals and organizations. It also has tools and resources valuable for those involved in prospect research and other areas of fundraising.
The European Foundation Center is an independent international association that promotes the work of foundations and corporate funders active in Europe. Their European Grants Index lists over 1,750 grants and programs supported by 78 foundations and corporate funders. Please note: There are fees involved with the Index service.
The Foundation Center supports and improves philanthropy by promoting public understanding of the field and helping grantseekers succeed. This site is primarily focused on resources within the United States.
The Grantsmanship Center Funding Resources, from the Grantsmanship Center, offers grantsmanship training and low-cost publications to nonprofit organizations and government agencies.
Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (GIFT) develops and strengthens the grassroots fundraising skills of people working for social justice. The goal of GIFT is to build the capacity of progressive organizations to raise money and to increase the number of people of color in fundraising. GIFT seeks to decrease organizations’ dependence on foundation funding by helping them develop a broad base of individual donors to support their work.
The Grassroots Fundraising Journal offers practical, how-to instruction on fundraising by the publishers of the magazine of the same name. Author Kim Klein, of Idealist’s Dear Kim column, is one of the main contributors.
GuideStar, produced by Philanthropic Research, Inc., is a national database of U.S. charitable organization featuring data on more than 850,000 IRS-recognized nonprofits.
The Institute of Fundraising is the UK-based professional body for fundraisers, working to promote the highest standards in fundraising practice and management.’s Online Donation Resources can help you expand your constituency base and find more convenient and automated ways for your organization to collect and track funds.
NGOnet’s Grant-Maker List is electronic networking resource for nongovernmental organizations in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, is administered by Freedom House Budapest.
Nolo Press offers free legal information about nonprofit earned income and tax concerns.
The Nonprofit Guides are free web-based resources designed to assist established nonprofit organizations and entities through the grantwriting process.
The Resource Alliance is an international network working to build the fundraising and resource mobilization capacity of voluntary sector, nongovernmental, and community-based organizations.
Below are a few websites where organizations can receive in-kind donations, or create “wish lists” of items they need, which can then be donated to them by businesses or individuals.
The Alliance For Nonprofit Development Serving limited areas of California, the Alliance’s Wish List Program maintains a centralized database that matches wishes of local nonprofits with in-kind donations available from local businesses. The AFND, a registered nonprofit organization, works in collaboration with BARC, a computer refurbishment program for nonprofits.
Excess Access The Excess Access system matches business and household donations with the wish lists of nonprofits that can provide pick-ups or accept drop-offs. A registration fee is required.
Freecycle Conceived in Tucson, Arizona as a way for community members to keep excess waste out of landfills, Freecycle has grown into an international, web-based network that lets individuals and nonprofits “recycle” unwanted but useful items they would otherwise throw away.
Gifts In Kind International Driven by its mission of providing an effective conduit for the donation of products, goods, and services from the private sector to the charitable sector, Gifts In Kind International is a recognized leader in the field of product philanthropy and is a registered nonprofit organization.
Goodwill Gallery Goodwill Gallery gives businesses and members of the public alike the opportunity to offer free goods, services, or time to help British charities that visit the Charity Choice website.
InKindEx InKindEx facilitates the donation of excess inventory to nonprofit organizations by offering corporations an integrated donation strategy that answers financial, environmental, and corporate citizenship concerns while unclogging warehouses. Registration and transaction fees are required.
NY Wa$teMatch This service allows nonprofit organizations and schools in New York City to post requests for materials and supplies, while businesses and other organizations get information about where to donate goods and equipment they no longer need, earning tax deductions in the process. NY Wa$teMatch is a program of the Industrial & Technology Assistance Corporation (ITAC), a registered nonprofit organization.
Susan Maree Jeavons Says:
It has been my mission to help bring about awareness of child abuse, since I first read Lattie’s story. Several years ago I fought to help change the laws that allowed incest perpetrators lesser sentences than a stranger who molests a child. That law, I believe, was called the Care Act. It died in Congress which enraged me. They could not even be bothered to read it. So I will do what I can to help. Thank you for all that you do for children. God Bless you.
Posted on November 6th, 2010 at 12:41 pm melissa teslow` Says:
I saw something on the news last night that I can’t stop crying about. It was a 3 year old boy who was sold to a drug dealer for meth by his MOTHER!! I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old and can’t imagine it. I want to help but have no idea where to even start. I don’t have the money to donate but I do have a ton of time on my hands. If I could just get some advice on how to get the ball rolling I know I could help children stay safer.
Posted on July 14th, 2011 at 1:59 am birthday gifts for dad Says:
Appreciating the hard work you put into your site
and in depth information you offer. It’s nice to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same outdated rehashed information. Great read! I’ve bookmarked your site and I’m adding your RSS feeds to my Google account.
Posted on April 23rd, 2012 at 6:49 am