Senator Brown Speaks Out on Child Abuse Sen. Scott Brown reveals he was sexually abused as a child several times by a camp counselor in a “60 Minutes” interview with Lesley Stahl. The Massachusetts Republican also talks to Stahl about physical abuse suffered at the hands of stepfathers, in one case saying he would like to have purchased the house where it occurred just so he could “burn it down.’
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--------------------------------------------- jholderbaum Says:
While it is true that child abuse is real and those children need protection, you are going too far with this type of rhetoric. First off, the statistics you are drawing from are not FACT. They are based primarily on mere suspicion and accusation. They are not scientific stats. Second off, since the inception of CAPTA in 1974 this country has been made well aware of the need to protect abused children. We now have a system that has grown into an industrial complex. It’s a system that cannot function without children. Children are being taken away from completely innocent parents and warehoused in foster homes and facilities where they are exposed to sexual abuse, used in servitude, brutalized and sometimes even murdered. Don’t believe it? Just google child+foster+death. It’s beyond comprehension. The system has been taken over by corruption, cronyism and fraud. The sooner you stop this kind of misinformation and start calling for an end to this horrific system of child protection, the sooner the children of this country will be able to feel safe in their homes again. Think about it! It has to end.
Order Zolpidem Uk Posted on February 17th, 2011 at 12:46 pm