Salvation Army Accused of Child Abuse, Torture, Rape
Ambien Purchase AUSTRALIA — Young boys were locked in a cage for days on end as part of a brutal regime of physical and sexual abuse meted out to dozens of youngsters at Salvation Army homes in the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s, a royal commission into child-sex abuse has heard. And the Salvation Army’s leadership often failed to discipline or remove the perpetrators, but simply moved them to other homes where they frequently continued the abuse. The revelations came during the first public hearing in Sydney by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse for 2014. READ MORE HERE Salvation Army captain accused of raping boys was acquitted in 1990s caged, tethered, raped by Salvation Army officers and older boys
Ordering AmbienSalvation Army in Australia ‘rented out’ boys for sexual abuse ---------------------------------------------