Prevent, Detect Child Abuse Preventing, detecting child abuse is everybody’s responsibility We as parents are the only ones who can stand between our children and any type of abuse. Three types of child abuse occur on a regular basis, and all three types can occur anywhere, in any family, no matter their outward appearances, or wealth. Most abuse is perpetrated by someone close to the child; however, this is not limited to the immediate family. Abusers can include babysitters, neighbors, and even, teachers and church leaders. We’ve all heard the stories, and we don’t want to believe that anyone we know would do such a thing, but it happens. Emotional abuse, neglect, and physical abuse are all types of abuse that affect our society, and, as much as we would like to believe otherwise, it can affect our children even if they don’t experience it in the home. It also affects our children’s friends much more often than we’d like to think. READ MORE HERE