Parents Claim Daughter Was ‘Kidnapped’ by Doctors
15-year-old girl ‘kidnapped’ by doctors nine months ago who her parents claim are using her as a ‘guinea pig for medical experiments’ Like something out of a Kafka novel, Justina Pelletier has been ‘disappeared’. The 15-year-old was admitted to hospital nine months ago suffering from a bout of the flu and has been locked away in a stark psychiatric unit at Boston Children’s Hospital ever since with sex abuse victims and children who have self-harmed themselves. For her devastated parents and her three sisters, her plight is almost too heartbreaking to bear. Unable to contact her beloved family or friends, her every move is monitored. Everything sacred to a teenager: her phone, iPad, music and collection of pink fluffy toys – has been taken away from her. She can only see her family for one hour a week and calls home are listened in on. READ MORE HERE