Mothers Seek Justice for Murdered Children This is another in a series on people and events that shaped our communities in 2010. I don’t pretend to understand a parent’s pain upon losing a child. But I do know what their desperate hugs feel like. Over the years, I’ve met too many of these hurting mothers and fathers. And in 2010, two of the most memorable women came to me during the month of October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Both had lost beautiful children to men who resorted to murder because they couldn’t stand to lose what they thought were their possessions.
And both mothers came seeking justice.
Prescription Ambien Online Justin Boulay, the killer of Patricia Rosenberg’s 19-year-old daughter, Andrea, was getting out of prison in November after serving only 12 years for first-degree murder — and moving to Hawaii with the woman he married while incarcerated. Riley, Gabriella Ghobrial’s 2-year-old son, had been killed by his own father in a murder-suicide five years ago in Gilberts after a Kane County judge awarded the dad visitation rights, despite Anthony Mangiamele’s repeated threats to harm their child.
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