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http://www.galleriamoitre.com/ne4avitvnb3 I am just a mother on a mission!
I was one of those parents who thought this type of thing would “never happen to me.” We lived in a small country town and my mother & stepfather babysat for me. I wanted to KEEP THEM SAFE FROM HARM while, as a single parent, I struggled & worked the night shift.
I mean, if you can’t trust your own family, who can you trust, right?
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The day that I walked-in & caught my stepfather molesting my 5-year old daughter
was the most HORRIFIC & TRAUMATIC moment of my life.
That image is permanently etched upon my mind; forever haunting me.
–My world (and hers) as we knew it had just permanently changed–
My little girl’s innocence had been ripped away in a moment’s time.
https://www.polefinistere.com/lsjkgkug On our way to the police station she looked at me and saw me crying.
She was wrapped in only a light blanket–
It was the only thing I could quickly grab as I rushed out of the house with her.
She said, “Mom, don’t cry. It’s okay…We were just playing our secret game.”
How could I not have seen the signs?
Why didn’t she tell me?
How did I not know?
https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/3v48demt0 Why would this man ~ My stepfather / Her Grandfather ~ do this?
I wanted this child rapist to pay for what he did to my daughter!
He confessed to molesting my little girl from the age of 2-5 years old!
https://juristas-ruidos.org/jys3dh5 HE STOLE THREE YEARS OF HER INNOCENCE, TRUST & CHILDHOOD!
I went through every emotion possible from shock, denial,
depression & even suicidal–then finally anger.
https://www.beecavebee.com/nvmgiz7n7 Even though he was fully prosecuted & sentenced to 15-years for CSC 2nd Degree,
It still didn’t seem like enough.
My daughter had been sentenced to a lifetime of trauma;
I felt he should as well.
So, I actually went out & purchased my first handgun
With the intention of serving my own justice,
but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.
I decided my child had already been through enough trauma.
https://calif-ilc.org/94pc4bwoku8 WOULD A JURY HAVE FOUND ME GUILTY?
I guess that depends….
Because if any other parent had witnessed what I witnessed that horrific day,
By God, I cannot see how ANY jury could ever find a parent GUILTY!!
I am convinced that if I had known then, what I know now, I would have seen the signs–I would have KNOWN something was wrong–I would have been able to STOP IT! I know how hard it is to comprehend HOW or WHY anyone would hurt our innocent children but, the reality is THEY DO. I have spent many hours working on my websites–hoping & praying to educate just ONE MORE PERSON–Because, for each new member educated on child abuse, is yet another chance of possibly saving an innocent child. My goal is to educate others based on my own personal experiences, extensive research and firsthand knowledge of the turmoil, trauma and life-long effects abuse can have on your life.
Educate Yourself—Learn The Facts!
This can happen in ANY household–Male or Female!
It only takes a few minutes to look over our site but, the knowledge gained will last you a lifetime.
It could just save a child’s life!!!
https://baixacultura.org/2025/02/01/kfdqkex6h TOGETHER WE “CAN” MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
I personally can not, and will not, close my eyes in the face of abuse, fully knowing what is happening to our children and knowing it will continue. I have been,and I will continue, to be their voice.
If I can save one family from having to go through what my family went through, then I have succeeded! ~Sandra~
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https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/g92463bwc72 I broke the silence and I am not ashamed of that! She mentioned in an unsolicited Facebook message to me that she was extremely upset I put “our story” on the internet for all to see. She felt my daughter’s abuse was a *private* matter. Really? I tend to differ!
https://www.polefinistere.com/zeuvp56j I will NEVER stop advocating against child abuse – and neither should you! The cycle of abuse must be broken so that the abuse does not continue to pass on from generation to generation. https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/sy6qfkge If you know about the abuse, and do nothing, you are JUST as guilty as the abuser himself.
(Photo below: My mother and I – 1968)
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Can I Buy Ambien In Canada I have had to remove people very close to me for asking why I could not just “get over it?” I will never get over it, nor will I forgive those directly responsible for the continued, extensive sexual abuse my daughter endured. And how dare you ask me to!
Buy Real Zolpidem I did not attend my mother’s funeral. I did what I could to be there emotionally for my siblings, helped take her belongings to a storage, but I did not physically attend. As I said before, I said my goodbye 21-years ago when she stood by her husband even AFTER finding out he raped my toddler child repeatedly, over and over, for years. My mother was an enabler.
https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/idilgvk4 Her death was the final chapter to this horrible nightmare. My daughter and I (and my entire family) can now have closure and move forward knowing we have started a new, healthy, non-dysfunctional lifestyle and a new generation. Toxic family members are just as bad as the abusers themselves. Breaking the cycle and keeping my children safe is my TOP priority – no matter the cost – no matter the loss.
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