
https://chemxtree.com/qp2ht997t3 ***TESTIMONIALS***
Daniel Gunn
“I used to refer to myself as a “former victim”. Seeing your posts referring to being a “Survivor”, has changed me. If you’ve done nothing other than help me change how I view myself, then you “HAVE” done a great and honorable thing.”
https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/88x19eu Mary Flowers
“I simply congratulate you, I bow down to your generosity towards such a genuine cause, as I pass threw I can only leave a simple message – it was not and never will be the child’s fault! No guilt should ever be felt as they are the innocent victims.”
Victoria Davis
“I would like to say how wonderful I think it is that you do all you do for our children. Someone saved my life and my sisters once. Its because of people like you that our children believe in guardian angels.”
Jennifer Stacy–Student, MS Gulf Coast Community Colleg https://www.scarpellino.com/ghndiywh8a e https://www.plantillaslago.com/5ncttmggjqf
“Sandra is great at what she does. She is one who puts those with whom she is helping above her needs.”
https://www.fogliandpartners.com/ktzlpokst Tiffany Durant– Publisher, Poinsettia Publications
“I am writing this recommendation on behalf of Sandra Potter. I have had the pleasure of working with Sandra as her book publisher. As her publisher, I have seen firsthand Sandra’s dedication to abused children and to Dreamcatchers for Abused Children. She works selflessly and consistently for the children and she is truly dedicated to her cause. She presses forward daily with a smile. Besides being a joy to work with, Sandra is also a take-charge person who is able to present creative ideas and to communicate the benefits of her cause effectively. She is an excellent writer and she is also an asset to our marketing efforts. I highly recommend Sandra Potter and Dreamcatchers for Abused Children.”
https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/zsd3hekubd Elizabeth Brawley — Child Abuse Advocate
“I had the privilege of working with Sandra Potter as a Volunteer Regional Director on numerous child abuse awareness/advocacy projects. It was an honor to be able to put my voice along with Sandra’s and so many others in the Dreamcatchers for Abused Children Organization taking a stand against the epidemic plaguing our nation and killing our children. Sandra pursues excellence in her work and all she does. She is compassionate and strong, forging trails where others fear to tread. I hold her and Dreamcatchers in high regard. Striving to educate the public on the dangers that surround our children Sandra spends hours researching, organizing and reviewing material to ensure it’s validity. Sandra Potter is an amazing woman highly committed to her mission of educating the public on child abuse in all its ugly forms and striving to end the abuse and killing of our children. Elizabeth Brawley, Investigative Researcher with Can You Identify Me”
Ambien Cr Purchase Online Brenda Peck –Volunteer, Dreamcatchers For Abused Children
“She was a fantastic person to work with. Creative co-worker. Multi-skilled expert. Always maintains very good relation with co-workers and clients. Sandra Potter was a very productive person. Responsible, insightful and passionate about her job and helping children.”
Buy Generic Ambien Canada Leigh Ann Erdman –Lt Col, USAF
“Sandra is a talented writer and a passionate advocate who gives 100% to the education of the public on Child Abuse and Child Abuse issues. She is educated and informed and she developed Dreamcatchers for Abused Children from a grassroots advocacy group to a national advocacy group highlighting the challenges and discrepancies in the child abuse field. She has networked throughout the United States to develop key contacts and partnerships to ensure that the issue of child abuse in not forgotten in legislature or public forums. Her heart and soul are the broken children and prevention and recovery are the results of her compassion and dedicated advocacy.”
Lisa Freeman –CEO, President & Founder, Abuse Bites Corporation
“Sandra Potter is one of the most dynamic and passionate people I know about bringing about prevention to stop all forms of child abuse. She is professional, personable, kind, courteous, and genuine in everything she does. Her work with Dreamcatchers For Abused Children is nothing more than perfection. What you see with Sandra is what you get. I would highly recommend her for any cause/work that fights for children’s rights. She’s your woman!”
https://www.varesewedding.com/o6njkrh8 Star Myers — Abuse Advocate
“Sandra and I have worked together at Dreamcatchers for abused children for 3 years now and she is one of the most dedicated determined people I know. She gives 34-7. She has the heart of gold and makes the nonprofit feel like a family. She has turned her past into a positive in order to make this a better place for all children. She is creative, organized, honest and a pleasure to work for and with. I have never met a more determined person and i know that whatever she does she does to the fullest and with limitless passion. I am honored to know her and work aside of her. I recommend her to the highest degree.”
https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/f945depxa Ida Cross
I’m a college professor. I use this web site for my class.
Gloria Ann Snow Dy https://www.salernoformazione.com/qwxygtw1 e
I just wanted to let you and every one that is involved with your group that you all are Angels, The determination that you have to help all these children and the determination that you have brought onto me to also get involved is just amazing. It’s so sad that our Parents of todays world or friends of family,strangers, even people we know or thought we could trust just set and turn there back on these poor defenseless children that some don’t even have a voice yet from being to young to speak to cry out for help it takes our society of good people like you all to speak out for them because these people that hurt our children in todays world just absolutely don’t care one way or the other about there children or children belonging to others that they prey on! I just all together want you and all that are in this group to know that each time you look into a mirror know that there are truly Angels that walk this earth……It’s people like you that devote there self’s to the lives of others, and do it because they care!!!!!! God Bless You All.
https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/xscphgrf4 Barbara Q.
I stumbled upon your website just this afternoon, while researching for my very first proposal as a nonprofit entity out of Kearney, NE. I scanned through as I had on several previous websites (which were disappointing on a large scale…Big thanks to you), jotting down information and reference sources and such, and out of curiosity decided to take a peek at the video shown on your home page. A dozen tissues later, I managed to pull myself together enough to head out and pick up my own four year old son from daycare…prepared to Kiss him half to death. I am blown away by what I’ve found with you, and want to help in any way that I can.
https://municion.org/ssochwod Roger Pittman
I love Dreamcatchers so very much! You hold your head high for you are a voice, you are a heart, you simply care. I know none of us will sleep well any night for this continued madness but I will pray that you do sleep well knowing that you can be proud for what you believe in. Love you all!
https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/0uw59kil1 Rhonda McCoun Nix
You guys are amazing ? I’ll donated what I can tomorrow!! May not be much, but we can all give a little or alot if possible to help! Your constant cause to help others, educate, promote awareness, provide resources on ways to get help or who to call for advice, the best news stories available, and support to so many is nothing short of wonderful! The list goes on and on, and you do this all over the world. God Bless you all…. I pray your goal is reached in no time at all. Thank you for all that you do for so many that have no where else to turn. ?
Dreamcatchers-thank, thank, thank you for the awareness you bring daily to the growing problem of people, who have the authority and obligation, to protect children, and ARE FAILING miserably being held accountable! For those of us who do care, UNITED we must stand, gender and race neutral, to hold these sickos accountable! More importantly!! Create deterrance!! Or severe penalties including death!!
https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=862ry3ttkm Tennessees Missing
https://www.plantillaslago.com/km0vbzs Liana Preble–President & Founder, Broken Moms Victorious
“For three years now Sandra and her team of dedicated child abuse advocates have provided our team with direct information on current and past child abuse related materials. In much of our efforts to help bring moms who are current child abusers into a rehabilitation program is getting them to acknowledge the damage they are doing or have done. Dreamcatchers For Abused Children provides the most update child abuse articles in America and the relative efforts being made to bring victims to justice. Our organization would not be as successful in implementing restorative health programs if it were not for the open door policy we have with Dreamcatchers For Abused Children. Personally over the years Sandra’s encouragement and belief that in order to end child abuse we must acknowledge broken moms has helped me through many trying cases. Thank you for all you and your team do.
Kathylee Forrester Founder – Patches Kids & Children’s
“Sandra Potter CEO & Founder ~ DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN ~ An Official Non-Profit 501(c)3 Child Abuse Organization , is one of the most powerful resources I have ever worked with in child abuse prevention and education. While many organizations tend to tippy toe around the horrific subject of child abuse Sandra is straight forward and honest about the devastation child abuse causes and the reality of who abuses children. We need integrity and “real” information and education about this horrific crime and Sandra is not afraid to be a voice for these children. It has been an honor and a privilege to work with Sandra on past projects and current ones, to continue the fight against child abuse. I highly recommend Dreamcatchers For Abused Children.”
Buy Cheap Clonazepam 1Mg Tanya Bates
“Sandra Potter is the CEO & Founder of Dreamcatchers for Abused Children. I have never met a person who embodies the commitment to the service of the abused victim. Sandra Potter is the voice for the voiceless. She continues to work when she is tired and when she has no resources. She has gone above and beyond when she literally was working with minimal staff. I am proud to say that I work with Sandra on her team and that I am now part of her strategic team to make Dreamcatchers; a stronger and more able bodied non profit for the victim….to give them the voice the Sandra envisioned that they would have. It is with great pleasure that I give her this recommendation. She is a pleasure to work with and for. I believe you will find her the same. Her organization is strong and growing to be a premier nonprofit for abused victim advocacy education, awareness and prevention.”
Written by Tanya R. Bates, International Grant Proposal Writer/Evaluator
My favorite website by far is Dreamcatchers For Abused Children….check it out..I found such healing…such care and compassion the moment I stumbled upon it one day last fall while researching for MRU and child rights….and I tell you I am not looking back…Dreamcatchers For Abused Children changed my life..changed… my heart…helped me to feel good inside and I hope everyone will take the time to go there and really look around and see all the blood, sweat, and tears that Sandra and Donna and all the other contributors have put into it for people like me….so AWESOME!!
https://www.mdifitness.com/cfh6bz7 LAURIE ANN
Hi everyone, yesterday I spent a couple of hours looking around the main website for Dreamcatchers For Abused Children and the amount of information available about the work that is being done to raise awareness and prevent child abuse is amazing. From child abuse signs & symptoms, child abuse recovery, child protectio…n law, coordinating and providing education for law enforcement and other child abuse agencies, coordinating and funding awareness education, providing support for individuals, community education and outreach, it’s all there. I encourage everyone to spend some time there to see the awesome work that is being done!
My name is Katherine Tobias…soon to be Katherine Lotshaw. I found your page and just wanted to say how much I love what you are doing for people that come from an abusive background. Myself, I was abused from 8 to 11 then placed in foster care….My parents put me in foster care because I had tried to tell my mother what my father had did and he convinced her to put me in the system thinking I would just shut up and not tell anyone…He made a huge mistake. I told. I was in foster care from 11 to 16 and shortly after my 16th birthday I was brought back to my parents house…Where my mentally handicap little sister had always been. No matter how hard I tried they never took my baby sister from that hell hole. It’s people like you that make me feel I am not fighting this battle alone and that there is hope and maybe one day all this will end and children can feel safe again. I know it has taken a long time for me to feel safe…My soon to be husband has woken up many of nights when I would have night terrors about my past he has been great threw all of it even though it took 4 yrs for me to be able to tell him everything. I got out but my little sister is still in that place and I feel like such a bad person for not going back there and getting her out but I know that I can not do that. My mother will never believe what is going on in that house and with my sister’s mental state they are both her legal guardians and no matter what I would try to do I would never be able to get her out. Looking at your page and seeing all the survivors…It brought tears to my eyes knowing that I am not the only one that had to deal with this my whole life and now that I am getting married I can finally say I made it out alive and I am a survivor! It feels good knowing that no one can take that away from me and that I am out for good. I am just so happy that people like you exist…I had a few therapists and they always ended up leaving due to pay cuts and this and that but the ones that stayed they made such a difference. Your organization is one of few that will stand up and do what is right for the little voices that no one ever hears..Thank you. You are the light at the end of a dark hallway. This site is a GODSEND! Thank you, Katherine Tobias-Lotshaw
https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/2e8sce5 JENNIFER
As a survivor of child molestation, I would like to thank you for the amazing job you are doing! After I was assaulted I felt so alone, and your web site shows me, and many others, that we are not alone! Keep up the good work! Your story inspires me to stand up for any other child that, like I once was. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. ~Jennifer L. Jones
https://www.salernoformazione.com/p7386g938vc IRENE
I want to thank you for all that you do here on this website. I like you had a child that was sexually abused by a family member. I never wanted that for either of my children for I, myself am I survivor of sexual abuse. Even after thirteen years of counseling still have certain words, sounds and smells that trigger bad memories. I also have a hard time remembering the good times within my life so now when certain songs play they trigger the good ones. Weird I know but that is how it has worked for me. I did a lot of hurtful things to myself over the years trying to forget that ugly past and now with nearly 6 years of recovery from alcohol and drugs many years of therapy have become a strong woman. Do not ever beat yourself up for not seeing the signs of what happen to your beautiful daughter because the abusers are very manipulative and threaten their victims. They will offer candy, money, movies and tell their victims this is love. They threaten victims by saying if you tell I will kill myself, you, your mommy, your siblings etc. I know been there and done that.. Heard it all when it was happening to me. My daughter went through hell fighting her abuser and his family with hateful comments, looks and emotional abuse. My daughter was gracious enough to ask for only 25 years for this person for a plea on the condition he never be allowed minors ever again including his new baby. I say this cause if they had gone to court he would have been sent away for 85 years. So stop beating yourself up know that if noone else has said it today I LOVE YOU! Thanks again, Irene
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I Came Across This Page about a week ago. I think what you are doing is the most amazing things. Im nineteen years old and sadly just as all these other children i was abused and molested as a child. I think it is horrible what people can do to there children. I was molested by my babysitter from the ages of 5-9 and my mother never believed me. When my sister left home my father would get drunk and beat on me..He tried to kill me he cut my body up from head to toe..i have over 60 scars from this. I will never forget what i went threw. I will never forget the abuse i went threw and will never forget how my mother never let me do anything about it. I think what your doing is so caring. Children just need somebody sometimes. I had no one but myself. i fought everyday for my life. I hope that one day there will be something that can help all those children. I think what you are doing will help. You are a good person for what you are doing. I wish there where so many more people in the world that cared as much as you do. I wish i would have had someone like you when i was little. Thank you for everything you are doing.. You truely are a hero..God Bless You..
I just had a chance to watch the video on Baby Brianna. My heart is so broken. Thank God for Dreamcatchers for abused children. What you guys do everyday is so amazing. I can only imagine how many lives you have helped save. Baby Brianna will live in my heart forever along with all abused children. Thank you Thank you Thank you for doing everything you do to protect the children! Much luv and respect—Brittina
https://www.varesewedding.com/1latu0ci MIZ (CW)
hi there! my name is celina. i just wanted to say that i jus recently saw your profile and was in tears!! i never ever in my life thought that child abuse was gettin so bad. i really appreciate the fact that u took the time to create something to meaningful on ur page. it has opened my eyes and made me realize how severe child abuse is becoming! i dont personally know you but from everything on your profile i would have to say that you truely inspired me to actually take action towards child abuse and fight to stop it. i recently sent an email to everybody i knew with the link to your myspace page and they are spreading it around as well. i must say that the material on your myspace page has really opened up my eyes, including everyone i know. we really just wanted to say that its awesome that you took the time to set up something this beautiful and inspiring! i dont want to sound er…. cheesy i gues? but thank you SOO much, if it wasn’t for me viewing your page i would never have had a change of heart. you truely created something beautiful here.
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I really have to thank you for having the courage to show people it can happen to anyone I am seventeen years old and i honestly can’t remember my childhood except the beatings my mom would get for trying to take care of me i remember me crying everytime i had to go with a man that hurt me. When i was sick laying in bed at four years old being told to suck it up and take care of myself from a man that hasn’t seen me now for 13 years. when i tried to see the other side being reminded by that sound of the beer can cracking open.I have been though alot i was 14 when i got sexually assaulted by one of my friends while the other held me down. i sat there thinking to myself what did i do wrong to deserve this kind of treatment from men, then i realized it wasn’t me it was them i just thank god for my mom being there to take care of me all this time on her own. she has been really sick and i just can’t imagine loosing her when she has made me who i am . people think it wont happen to them but i know all to well it is more common then a cold at sometimes . you are doing a great thing and i really appericate it cause you are speaking for me when i was to young to have the words. everyone deserves to have a chance to be loved and with out my mom and her support i wouldn’t have that, that is what you are giving is support and awareness and i thank you for that. people need to see the truth even when it hurts. Thank You for speaking for the ones who haven’t gotten the chance yet and maybe never will. You make a difference. Thank you again, Shaylynn (Surviving with the love of a good mother)
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Subject: Want to thank, Dreamcatcher for abused Children
You have helped me come out of my shell, when I needed to have someone listen to me . you have been a god sent , you have no clue how you help people everyday. sure what you post is sometimes not happy, but their is nothing happy about children getting abused. if it was happy it would mean there wasn’t no more abuse in the world. but that doesn’t happen. just want everyone to know you are doing a great job. so keep on posting . I have learned to smile again . since I learned how to open up and tell people what happen to me as a child wasn’t easy .but I sure am glad I did I feel 100 % better about me and now I can look in the mirror for the first time and I like who I see. thanks to her.
https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/uc2prl8mv7 Nixmary Brown Soldiers
Your page is the most important page on myspace. GOD bless you and all of your team. You are amazing. I am here for you. I advocate against child abuse and hold rallies in New York. Additionally, we are trying to pass a nationwide law titled Nixzmary Brown Law Nationwide. Please continue to fight the good fight. Rosey
https://ottawaphotographer.com/nyqisvo Midge
Dreamcatchers is a cause I am committed to because it is keeping me awake and beginning to mobilize me to see my part in the solution to helping our nations children. I stand in strong belief of the Integrity of Dreamcatchers…Nothing will change my mind about the purity of desire behind this work for our nations children.
Midge–Professional Counselor–Pastor of Prayer and Discipleship
Well I’m not a mother,but I just wanted to tell you that I think it’s amazing what you’re doing and reading your profile has opened my eyes to so many things . My neighbor was arrested for abusing his daughter … Thanks to YOU, I was able to see the signs and understand her and reported him ..Thank you so much and keep doing a great job!
hello. i wanted to express how much i appreciate ur page & cause. it has honestly made a difference within my life since i myself am a survivor of abuse. in some ways it has actually help me cope which i was unable to do for a few years. i have posted some of the facts i have found on ur page on my page to try help make people aware also. You have honestly made a difference within my life. Your page pulled me out of a deep depression and educated me. I am now no longer ashamed of being a victim of molestation because you i can now stand strong and say i am no longer a victim I am a survivor. Thank u very much it is people like you who make a difference i know you have made a difference within my life. thank u very much. always, Andrea
https://www.mdifitness.com/9rrwvl4kq4 Krista
Hi Sandra, I wanted to tell you that you are truely a blessed and courageous woman…I’m sure you do know that. I found your myspace for abused children as I was looking for pics to put on mine…and WOW! You have inspired me more to do what God wants me to do. Thank you for helping those in need. What a gift you are. I want to help abused children. I’ve been thinking of fostering and doing fundraisers for shelters. I wanna reach the ones who need help in anyway that I can. Thanks again.
https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/o0yo1y15 Judy
This site is one of the best use of “Myspace” content I have run across!! Thank you for what you are doing and continue to do for those who cannot speak for themselves!! Take care my friend, Judy
https://chemxtree.com/7qfffx1l Jen (Regarding our MySpace Page)
Hey! my names jennifer and i just wanted to say i looked at your website and your story was very impacting, i just wanted to say that i hope you daughter is doing ok and that i hope that you can help more people and abused kids. just tell me what i can do to help! and i think that you are a great person for doing what you are doing, and im sure that those millions of kids are so thankful for people like you. Getting things out like this is very important, when i looked at you page i thought oh my gosh could this of really happend to those poor kids. i thought things like that just didnt happen! boy was i wrong! just let me know what i can do to help!!!!
https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/pt10dy97 DAVID
Your myspace was part of a power point in my church. It was veiwed by 78 people/ it made people cry/ it was so powerful we just might show it next sunday/with your blessing of course! THE RESULTS– 1 guy arrested for touching a kid in the nursery. Children are no longer silent here! Thank you for all you do and GOD bless!
Honestly I have never read any of your bulletins, because I am a survivor of severe abuse, and I knew what each of the stories you post would say. I lived it, and I was afraid to live it again…But tonight I made up my mind to check out your page. What you do is amazing, no matter what anyone says. I cried for an hour before writing this, because your page rocked me to my core. You are truly an angel, you just have not gotten your wings yet…Please let me know anyway I can help. Please, ask of me, and I will give whatever you need help with my all. You are a saint, and God Bless You! You are truly one of the last few good people left!
https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/3xvj3ibn JANICE
We All Have Scars and Pretend We Don’t, This is Hard to Look At but Past Time WE Do Something!! God Bless, My Prayer Is For All Who Have Been Abused and I will say this Prayer Every Day, Love Janice
https://municion.org/cqs1v1hy TABBY-CAT
This page is a blessing for me… i was sexually abused when i was little and my aunt introduced me to this page because i wanted to cut… it let me see that there is other people out there that went through even worse than me… unfortunately. so i wanted to thank you… you kept me from hurting myself once again last night… thanks.
https://www.plantillaslago.com/qt1mqen3p DENEA
You are a blessing to so many but especially those who don’t have the resources to fight for their kids or children the think or know are being abused or neglected. so many in my experience don’t have a clue about the reality of this problem everyone seems to want to ignore. hopefully after viewing your site and your liked sites they will have a clue and they can no longer ignore it. God bless you, you’ve given me more hope.
https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/ff8ov3e DOLPHINLOVER
I had a life time of abuse. If I would of seen something like this page in my childhood, I would have told someone and made them believe me. I am healed because the Lord touched my life.
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Thank you for the add. And thank you for being there for the hurting and for me. It mean’s alot to me to have someone out there that care’s for the hurting and abuse. May God bless you for what you are doing and angel’s watch over you at all time’s.
You have a very eye opening page, Its very well put together, Thank You for caring about the children in need, I fully support your efforts.
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Just stopping by to say Thanks for all you do and keep up the good work, your pages are a wonderful resource and inspiration. Thank you for making a difference!
I am so proud to have u as my friends! I am making sure I tell everyone on my space and friends and family I know about your page so they will pass the word and awareness of abused children . People I tell do look on Dreamcatchers and can not look at all of the pictures even though I tell them it will be upsetting but, I want many others to see this is happening to so many little ones not all children are blessed to have love from the beginning from their homes . God bless you! and lets keep protecting the children they need us. I wish Georgia would have a Dreamcatchers Thank you take care
I looked over your page and I think what you guys are doing is amazing…its something that needs to be put out there, I will share your site to others. if there is anything I can ever do for you…im always here, just comment/message me anytime okay? tc and god bless P.S There is hope much love Heather-
Pamela Fike Says:
My name Is Pamela Fike, an adopted name I recieved at age 13 due to being removed from my natural parents after being brutalized for the 12 years prior. I have not only survived abuse from the hands of my own parents, but by the system, the Foster care families I was placed in, then the adopted family I was adopted by, then again by another foster family, and then again by the system. I begged, pleaded and screamed for help. I needed one person to believe me and one person to do something about it, but that never happened. As a child my father beat my older and sister every single day, sometimes more than once a day. My father also sexually molested us both embedding the sickest of memories in our minds forever. My father was more than a lunatic, and he did more than abuse us he tortured and brainwashed us into beleiving we deserved every bit of it. He threw us off this bridge close to our home in the Summer, just for sick kicks, and thats how I learned to swim. He murdered our pets, dogs, cats, and two pet rabbits a friend gave us. He ran over our rabbits with the riding lawn mower. I thought after all the things we endured then could not ever happen more than once but in life you find out very quickly all things can happpen again and again and again. We were finally removed and put in and emergency foster home where I was severely beaten by the foster Mother because I was too emotional she said. I spent the entire first 18 years of my life not knowing anything but pain, pain pain. I was then adopted at 13 by a family that would be so violently physically abusive that I tried to commit suicide to avoid the severe physical beatings and mind games. To be honest I felt in death I might find some form relief and be free. Of course I am here so I did not succeed. I have a story to tell and the story is also some other abused childs as well. I want laws fighting for the rights of all abused children. This is just a small small small taste of what I lived and surely there has to be justice somewhere in this World. God bless all children who have not and who have survived abuse.
Posted on June 8th, 2011 at 11:48 pm