
https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/rzlgv5uyj https://hazenfoundation.org/f5va83l155p LaQuisha Hall, English Educator, Knowledge Achievement Success Academy
“It is with great pleasure that I recommend Sandra Potter. Ms. Potter has always displayed a high degree of integrity, responsibility, and ambition. Pleasant mannered and fun to work with, she is definitely a leader rather than a follower. In addition to her excellent scholastic accomplishments, she has proven her leadership ability by organizing a quickly growing, highly recognized non-profit charitable 501(c)3 organization, Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, that works to prevent and educate communities about child abuse. Ms. Potter is also a most dependable and reliable team player. Her good judgment and mature outlook ensure a logical and practical approach to her endeavors. Ms. Potter is an asset to our society, and I am happy to give her my wholehearted endorsement.” LaQuisha Hall, Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, Eastern Regional Director
https://hazenfoundation.org/ghehnroy7 https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=jvgx70j Kurt Kelly, Founder, Live Video Inc
“Dreamcatcher’s — An organization devoted to reform of Abused Children. It is time to rally together and be part of the solution!”
https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/dn138c6 Carol Smallwood, author, editor, poet, Self Employed
“Sandra Potter, CEO & Founder, Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, is dedicated to spreading the word about the plight of children in abusive situations. She has co-authored Unnecessary Roughness: Till Death Do Us Part, and also, The Child Abuse Survivor Project, and has another book forthcoming. Potter has also placed her website,DreamCatchers, on MySpace, FaceBook in her efforts to help us forcus on the widespread tragedy of child abuse.”
https://www.plantillaslago.com/juwtube https://www.varesewedding.com/qb0hy7q9 Tanya Bates LION, vendor, 220 Communications
“Sandra Potter is the CEO & Founder of Dreamcatchers for Abused Children. I have never met a person who embodies the commitment to the service of the abused victim. Sandra Potter is the voice for the voiceless. She continues to work when she is tired and when she has no resources. She has gone above and beyond when she literally was working with minimal staff. I am proud to say that I work with Sandra on her team and that I am now part of her strategic team to make Dreamcatchers; a stronger and more able bodied non profit for the victim….to give them the voice the Sandra envisioned that they would have. It is with great pleasure that I give her this recommendation. She is a pleasure to work with and for. I believe you will find her the same. Her organization is strong and growing to be a premier nonprofit for abused victim advocacy education, awareness and prevention. Written by Tanya R. Bates, International Grant Proposal Writer/Evaluator”
https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/79jxyz2y https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/om7mbt56d Kathylee Forrester, Founder, Patches Kids, Inc.
“Sandra Potter CEO & Founder ~ DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN ~ An Official Non-Profit 501(c)3 Child Abuse Organization , is one of the most powerful resources I have ever worked with in child abuse prevention and education. While many organizations tend to tippy toe around the horrific subject of child abuse Sandra is straight forward and honest about the devastation child abuse causes and the reality of who abuses children. We need integrity and “real” information and education about this horrific crime and Sandra is not afraid to be a voice for these children. It has been an honor and a priviledge to work with Sandra on past projects and current ones, to continue the fight against child abuse. I highly recommend Dreamcatchers For Abused Children. Kathylee Forrester Founder – Patches Kids & Children’s Advocate for over 20 years, & A Survivor of Child Sexual Abuse”
https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/mdc2laqeji Liana Preble, President & Founder, Broken Moms Victorious
“For three years now Sandra and her team of dedicated child abuse advocates have provided our team with direct information on current and past child abuse related materials. In much of our efforts to help bring moms who are current child abusers into a rehabilitation program is getting them to acknowledge the damage they are doing or have done. Dreamcatchers For Abused Children provides the most update child abuse articles in America and the relative efforts being made to bring victims to justice. Our organization would not be as successful in implementing restorative health programs if it were not for the open door policy we have with Dreamcatchers For Abused Children. Personally over the years Sandra’s encouragement and belief that in order to end child abuse we must acknowledge broken moms has helped me through many trying cases. Thank you for all you and your team do. Liana Preble President & Founder Broken Moms Victorious www.BrokenMoms.Org”
https://municion.org/t185eqf5cn5 Claudia duPreez, Founder, Dreamcatcher Marketing
“This is one of the most worthiest and needed companies in the world! We should support, endorse and sponsor them with our lives. They care for our kids – that has my undying devotion and support!”
https://www.fogliandpartners.com/jowpchbr https://www.scarpellino.com/cq1pgrw Angela Roy, Public Relations Director, Dreamcatchers For Abused Children
“Mrs Potter has always expressed the utmost highest respect for everyone she has come in contact with. She is kind, giving, and a pleasure to work with. Her wonderful attitude is contagious and it shows in her family and surrounding friends. Working with Mrs Potter has been a dream. I could never praise her enough. Her vision is clear, precise and executed on every mission. I applaud her organization and what it stands for. I am extremely pleased to have Mommy PRs name associated with Dreamcatchers For Abused Children.”
https://www.salernoformazione.com/x2gk0nai https://www.salernoformazione.com/1uqvm6sa6u Cathy Janisse, President, CatJan Productions & Records Inc.
“Dreamcatchers is such a worthwhile cause. CEO and Founder, Sandra Potter works 150% to bring the awareness of child abuse to the public eye. We support Dreamcatchers by having links posted on websites, through blogs and bulletins. The more CD’s we can sell the more we can help by making a donation to this very worthwhile cause.”
https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/dbb5kii38 PHI/ Project Safe Innocents
Top qualities: Personable, Expert, High Integrity
“Dreamcatchers is a great group of people that work very well together, for a common cause of protecting children from harm, and have the same interest of changing the laws to better protect children from harm, as we do. We can always trust the information that we get from Dreamcatchers as being accurate, and we can always trust them to be there to help when needed. Dreamcatchers is, without a doubt, one of the best groups of people that we of Pedophile Hunters, Inc. have ever worked with, and we’re proud to call them our friends and colleagues. -Pedophile Hunters, Inc. Administration”
https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=06tw0at04 Zolpidem Order MOMMY PR, CEO, Mommy PR
“Dreamcatchers For Abused Children is one of the best NonProfits around. I was welcomed into their organization with open arms. The founder of DFAC, Sandra Potter, has been a blessing to work with. She is very professional and puts the charity above everything. Mrs. Potter is defiantly the voice for these children. It has been a pleasure to work with all the volunteers of Dreamcatchers For Abused Children. I hope to continue this journey and help further education on Child Abuse Awareness.” –(Mommy PR LLC) www.MommyPR.com
https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/1mf9j6pa Mary Muhammad, Book Review Manager,Staff Writer, Poetic Monthly Magazine
“Sandra has the beautiful qualities you seek when it comes to charities. Her compasion and dedication is un-wavering, and I’m so proud of her dedication to being an advocate for abused children.”
https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/1c087klspf Gary Berthelson (TopLinked) (LION 1700+), President-Owner, Market$hare Unlimited
“I have been drawn to Dreamcatchers for two simple reasons. First of course is the noble cause of educating the public about and therefore helping to prevent child abuse. Second is the incredible amount of work, the quality of the work and magnitude of the reach that has been achieved through the effort of essentially one person; Sandra Potter Founder and President of Dreamcathers for Abused Children. In the last few years with little funding and a lot of sweat and tears, Sandra has reached tens of thousands of people. She is proud of saying that “I am just a mother of five beautiful children on a mission!” Wow, I don’t know of anything more powerful than a mother on a mission. Just think what she could do with some funding. Getting her that funding is my mission!” Gary Berthelson President Market$hare Unlimited Simi Valley, CA
https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/w2vf6fd3aq John Hodge, President-Owner-Developer., St.Louis Cyber Crimes1 Child Predator Unit.
“Dream Catchers is a Much Needed Group and Sandra is a Blessed Angel from God. Thank-You.”
https://www.varesewedding.com/owrpeva STOP THE SILENCE–LaQuisha Hall, International Spokesperson & Volunteer Coordinator
“I became a sponsor for this wonderful nonprofit, Dreamcatchers, who assists physical, sexual and verbal abused children. I applaud Sandra, the founder of Dreamcatchers, for doing so much to help children. It is not common to find supportive parents of abused children. Sandra is supportive and I believe it is because of women like her many other parents, especially mothers, will join the support bandwagon. Thank you, Sandra, for all of your hard work and for advocating for children!”
https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/ve5emwtx Tad A. Camp–CEO, Amber Child Safety, LLC (Director, The Tiponi Foundation, Inc.)
If you think horror stories only come from Hollywood, you have another thing coming. “The Child Abuse Survivor Project” contains true tales of abuse and the will to overcome as told by those who lived through unimaginable horrors. Reading this book, I found myself going through a wide range of emotions. I felt the sorrow, confusion, betrayal and desperation of the victims and rage against the monsters that inflected so much pain. In reading their stories, you will get a glimpse of the real monsters. These monsters did not come from some swamp or outer-space and they don’t attack teenagers on a camping trip. These monsters live next door and attack the most innocent among us…our children. I highly recommend this book to all parents and anyone who works with children so they can get a full understanding of the very real dangers that children face. www.amberchildsafety.com
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“Dreamcatchers is a great group of people that work very well together, for a common cause of protecting children from harm, and have the same interest of changing the laws to better protect children from harm, as we do. We can always trust the information that we get from Dreamcatchers as being accurate, and we can always trust them to be there to help when needed. Dreamcatchers is, without a doubt, one of the best groups of people that we of Pedophile Hunters, Inc. have ever worked with, and we’re proud to call them our friends and colleagues. -Pedophile Hunters, Inc. Administration”
https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/s79923c6lv Buy Klonopin Without Prescription LaQuisha Hall–International Spokesperson & Volunteer Coordinator , Stop the Silence
“I became a sponsor for this wonderful nonprofit, Dreamcatchers, who assists physical, sexual and verbal abused children. I applaud Sandra, the founder of Dreamcatchers, for doing so much to help children. It is not common to find supportive parents of abused children. Sandra is supportive and I believe it is because of women like her many other parents, especially mothers, will join the support bandwagon. Thank you, Sandra, for all of your hard work and for advocating for children!”
https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/db5mlpx Benford Standley–(client)
Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity
“Sandra is doing great work with a great organization.”
https://hazenfoundation.org/d54bmz3j https://www.scarpellino.com/wfdk6cix Alessandrina Lerner–Owner, Let Love Rule
“Sandra is an amazing human being. Her ethics, standards, and desire to bring relief to suffering populations, most notably abused children, is highly commendable. I am in awe of her drive and her high spirits through difficult and heart-breaking situations.”
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“I am writing this recommendation on behalf of Sandra Potter. I have had the pleasure of working with Sandra as her book publisher. As her publisher, I have seen firsthand Sandra’s dedication to abused children and to Dreamcatchers for Abused Children. She works selflessly and consistently for the children and she is truly dedicated to her cause. She presses forward daily with a smile. Besides being a joy to work with, Sandra is also a take-charge person who is able to present creative ideas and to communicate the benefits of her cause effectively. She is an excellent writer and she is also an asset to our marketing efforts. I highly recommend Sandra Potter and Dreamcatchers for Abused Children.”
https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/4zjugp3puj Elizabeth Brawley — Child Abuse Advocate
“I had the privilege of working with Sandra Potter as a Volunteer Regional Director on numerous child abuse awareness/advocacy projects. It was an honor to be able to put my voice along with Sandra’s and so many others in the Dreamcatchers for Abused Children Organization taking a stand against the epidemic plaguing our nation and killing our children. Sandra pursues excellence in her work and all she does. She is compassionate and strong, forging trails where others fear to tread. I hold her and Dreamcatchers in high regard. Striving to educate the public on the dangers that surround our children Sandra spends hours researching, organizing and reviewing material to ensure it’s validity. Sandra Potter is an amazing woman highly committed to her mission of educating the public on child abuse in all its ugly forms and striving to end the abuse and killing of our children. Elizabeth Brawley, Investigative Researcher with Can You Identify Me”
https://www.scarpellino.com/eub3ssbbe Brenda Peck –Volunteer, Dreamcatchers For Abused Children
“She was a fantastic person to work with. Creative co-worker. Multi-skilled expert. Always maintains very good relation with co-workers and clients. Sandra Potter was a very productive person. Responsible, insightful and passionate about her job and helping children.”
https://chemxtree.com/h8coxj6h Star Myers — Abuse Advocate
“Sandra and I have worked together at Dreamcatchers for abused children for 3 years now and she is one of the most dedicated determined people I know. She gives 34-7. She has the heart of gold and makes the nonprofit feel like a family. She has turned her past into a positive in order to make this a better place for all children. She is creative, organized, honest and a pleasure to work for and with. I have never met a more determined person and i know that whatever she does she does to the fullest and with limitless passion. I am honored to know her and work aside of her. I recommend her to the highest degree.”
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“Sandra Potter is one of the most dynamic and passionate people I know about bringing about prevention to stop all forms of child abuse. She is professional, personable, kind, courteous, and genuine in everything she does. Her work with Dreamcatchers For Abused Children is nothing more than perfection. What you see with Sandra is what you get. I would highly recommend her for any cause/work that fights for children’s rights. She’s your woman!”
https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/yt2dxhwxvc Leigh Ann Erdman –Lt Col, USAF
“Sandra is a talented writer and a passionate advocate who gives 100% to the education of the public on Child Abuse and Child Abuse issues. She is educated and informed and she developed Dreamcatchers for Abused Children from a grassroots advocacy group to a national advocacy group highlighting the challenges and discrepancies in the child abuse field. She has networked throughout the United States to develop key contacts and partnerships to ensure that the issue of child abuse in not forgotten in legislature or public forums. Her heart and soul are the broken children and prevention and recovery are the results of her compassion and dedicated advocacy.”
https://www.mdifitness.com/7rpu2yr Jennifer Stacy–Student, MS Gulf Coast Community College
“Sandra is great at what she does. She is one who puts those with whom she is helping above her needs.”