Male vs Female Abuse Stats
Ambien Overnight Mastercard Do you believe that women are “more likely” than men to abuse children? That’s incorrect. According to the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect there are more incidents of abuse of children (including both physical abuse and neglect) perpetrated by women than by men. But that does not tell you the “likelihood” that you are looking for, which is the percent of women caregivers who commit child abuse versus the percent of men caregivers who commit child abuse. More women than men care for children, and more children are cared for by women than are cared for by men. So if the “statistic” you are looking for is not raw numbers of incidents (which merely would be the “likelihood” that any given incident of abuse has been perpetrated by a man or a woman), and if you came to this page because what you really want to know is whether women or men are more likely to be dangerous when they are caring for children, whether it is women or men who are “more likely” to abuse children, then you need to do some math. The raw numbers of incidents by themselves don’t tell you this. ---------------------------------------------