Jessica Chambers Murder Investigation
The Violent Burning Death of Jessica Lane Chambers Exposes Massive Problems In Panola County, Mississippi To say the last 24 hours of research has uncovered significant information would be the understatement of the year. We are going to attempt to share the discoveries and keep the text digestible, but the depth here is really consuming. So we’ll start with a troubling outline of the investigation and then share more alarming evidence of big trouble in a small town. The link below will show a video of District Attorney John Champion and Panola County Sheriff Dennis Darby, giving a press conference on Thursday. If you pay close attention you can hear cause for initial concern. What we outline after is jaw dropping: “I do not anticipate any arrests“.. READ THE SHOCKING INVESTIGATION DISCOVERIES HERE Jessica Chambers’ father to her killer: ‘They’re coming for you.’ Jessica Chambers: Group Anonymous said to be looking for Mississippi teen’s killer