Inside the Minds of Pedophiles
Child Molester Series 1995: Inside the Texas Prison
Buy Ambien Europe According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, child sexual abuse is reported up to 80,000 times per year. And what’s worse – the number of unreported incidences is likely far greater. Those numbers are devastating, but one way to protect our kids is to get inside the mind of a convicted child molester and one of his victims to learn first hand how to keep our children safe. READ MORE HERE ———————————————————————————-
Can U Buy Ambien In Mexico INTERVIEW WITH A CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTER You may have met convicted sex offender Alan X. He didn’t skulk behind bushes, instead he cultivated his victims amid their families, churches and, yes, Boy Scouts troops. This cunning sociopath manipulated and molested more than 1,000 boys by becoming their best friend. Here he turns a laser-sharp eye on himself:
Zolpidem Online Paypal “I was 7 when I first offended. I lured a boy of 5 into a storage shed and manipulated him into pulling down his pants and underpants. It was in the middle of summer, and the child was wearing no shirt, shoes or socks, so when he submitted to my demands, he was standing naked before me. Once he had stood there for a moment or two, staring at the floor to avoid my eyes, I told him to get dressed, and after bribing him to keep our secret, we left.” READ MORE HERE