I Was Raped When I Was A Child
Personal Stories, Advice, and Support
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He Did It .
I was only 11 when this started happening . I was starting 5th grade. one night while sleeping with my little sister i wake up. i see her awake and i ask her “why are you awake?” she responds bk saying “he was in here.” she was referring to my older brother. i didn’t think much of it until my little sister stopped sharing a room with me. I was sleeping and what i feel was someone on top of me kissing my neck. i wake up and he was on top of me ! i pushed him off he got back up and smacked me . he got back on top of me and held me down . i was screaming help but he covered my mouth. he grabbed my boob and squeezed it hard . i felt the pain and after that he took my pants off and he forced is **** into me . he knew i would scream ! so he covered my face with a pillow . i couldnt breathe all i could o was just kick my legs . he kept forcing it in and out ! after he was done he whispered to me if you tell ill kill you . in the morning i saw blood and *** and tears everywhere ! i couldnt get up . after he left the house for while i ran to my dad crying . he didnt believe me ! he said he would talk to him . he did . the next 2 nights he came with a knife an ripped my shirt open and cut my chest . READ MORE HERE
https://www.scarpellino.com/j6tgw5uc ---------------------------------------------