Fight This Rape Denying Culture
The Question We Shouldn’t Ask About Rape
By: Donald D’Haene
Legal Ambien Online Whenever I hear someone state there are options for women when they are being confronted by a potential rapist, a shiver runs down the length of my spine and a knot forms in the pit of my stomach. Nevertheless, I keep an open mind. Increasing public awareness is always a good thing, no? But when I hear someone say, “Perhaps rapists will think twice if they think they’ll meet fierce resistance,” those knots burst into frayed ropes. It’s not that I disagree that fighting off would-be rapists is appropriate in some cases. I just don’t want to see one more guilt trip dumped on women who have been sexually assaulted and are made to feel that not screaming and/or not fighting is labelled “do(ing) nothing”! READ MORE HERE will not be boys – on rape culture and denying girls selfishness By: STARCHILD When a little girl is held down against her will, adults will say ‘He doesn’t know better. He probably just likes you. Boys will be boys.” When that girl is a woman and is sexually assaulted, society tells her the same thing all over again Cheap Zolpidem Tartrate 10 Mg . READ MORE HERE ---------------------------------------------