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Father stabbed son 11x’s during fishing trip altercation

Posted by Sandra On September - 8 - 2010

Police: Man Stabbed Teen Son 11 Times During Fishing Trip


https://www.scarpellino.com/74argwgum https://www.plantillaslago.com/x0pwjugc Livermore, CA – Gary Gomez is looking at attempted murder charges after an altercation with his 14-year-old son over the weekend. Gomez, his wife, his son and his son’s two friends were fishing at Bethany Reservoir late Sunday evening when one of the other boys decided he wanted to go home. This displeased Gomez – it was after midnight and he didn’t want to drive the kid home right that second. That displeased Gomez’s son – he was insistent that his father take his friend home. Tempers flared and an argument broke out. That led to a physical confrontation between father and son.

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1 Response

  1. https://www.fogliandpartners.com/cf6hocsuks Urban Safety Solutions Says:


    This parent has an argument with his 14yr old son and the only way he could win the argument is by stabbing the boy 11x…Unbelievable!


    Posted on September 8th, 2010 at 9:33 pm


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https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/m69qlxvkdhj DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.


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