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Top 50 Early Childhood Health Blogs

by Ultra Healthy Gal on January 19, 2010

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=04ayd1m101h Early childhood…ah, the dreams, the play and the toys — and that’s just from the parents’ perspectives. But, if you are concerned about a child who is sick with a chronic disease, who is overweight or who has questionable emotional or mental development, what can you do? This list of the top fifty early childhood blogs deal with those health, wellness and fitness issues, and you may find some answers here.



https://municion.org/tnua6qf The following blogs are categorized and each link is listed in alphabetical order by blog title. The sites listed here have been recently and/or frequently updated and are offered from experienced viewpoints.

Research and Psychology

  1. BabyShrink: What’s going on inside that cute little head? Ask Dr. Heather, and she may have an answer for you.
  2. Center on Media and Child Health: This blog is all about research and news about the effects of media on the health of children and adolescents.
  3. Early Childhood: This blog focuses on policy issues and practices in early childhood studies.
  4. Early Childhood Brain Insights: This blog focuses on the importance of brain development in the early years, and is of interest to teachers, researchers and parents.
  5. Early Childhood Community: These blog posts and discussions center on early childhood professional development.

For Parents

  1. Babies Online: This blog is by a parent for parents and features entries on issues from pregnancy to parenting.
  2. Babylicious: Babylicious is a blog about a mother’s study of the art and science of parenting and her endeavour to raise a happy, confident and successful person.
  3. Babysteps: Nicki provides a positive and informative outlook on parenting issues, including health, wellness and safety.
  4. Child Care: Robin is currently the author of six parenting books, with others in the works.
  5. Early Years Childcare: This newer blog features all aspects of childcare and early years.
  6. News Anchor Mom: Reporting for parents by a parent, this blog provides news articles geared specifically toward children’s health, education and welfare.
  7. ParentDish: This link leads to the “Kids” section of this site, where the focus is on kid safety and health.
  8. Parenting Squad: Parenting Squad is a community of parents, experts, and authors from all walks of life who offer opinions and views on issues that affect children’s health and happiness.
  9. Proud Parenting: This site is a superb resource for anyone who interacts with kids. The link leads to the blogs.
  10. Scrub-a-Dub-Tub: The Reading Tub is a nonprofit for children’s literacy, where parents (and teachers) can find news, book reviews and reading ideas.

Health, Fitness and Safety Issues

  1. Asthma Mom: Billed as a “survival guide for parenting the breathless,” this blog may provide support and information about young children with asthma.
  2. Autism Blog: This blog, written by a parent of a child with autism, approaches this disorder with clarity and sense.
  3. Children’s Health Blog: A wide variety of bloggers submit information to this blog about children’s health issues.
  4. Children’s Hospital and Health System Blog: This blog approaches a wide variety of health and safety issues.
  5. Early Childhood Family Support: This blog is about Special Education law and young children with disabilities.
  6. EBD Blog: This UK blog is about emotional and behavioral disorders found in children and youth populations.
  7. Family Fitness: A former Marine and his wife and kids show readers how to stay fit and have fun at the same time.
  8. Healthy Kids Challenge: This is the blog for the Web site, which is sponsored by Walt Disney World and Cigna, and that focuses on nutrition and exercise.
  9. HIKOOL Childcare: This site provides updated medical and health news just for childcare workers and caregivers (including parents and teachers).
  10. Kids & Health: Robert Nohle, MD, is chief of pediatrics at Group Health Cooperative, one of the nation’s largest consumer-governed health care systems.
  11. My Overweight Child: A super blog filled with tips and stories about how to deal with overweight kids.
  12. Safe Mama: Although this blog is focused on parents, the information may prove interesting to anyone interested in child safety, recalls and eco-conscious resources for early childhood rearing.
  13. Say Ahhh! The Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families offers a blog about children’s health policy.
  14. Thrive: This is the widely-acclaimed blog produced and maintained by Children’s Hospital Boston.

Pediatrician Blogs

  1. Blog from a Pediatrician: Dr. Maud answers questions about early childhood physical ailments.
  2. Dr. David’s Blog: This blog is a popular one, especially for parents who have children with cancer.
  3. Dr. Greene’s Blogs: A variety of pediatric specialists lend their expertise on this blog.
  4. Dr. Gwen Is In: This is one pediatrician mom’s two cents on child health, parenting, pop culture and more.
  5. Dr. Nabong’s Pediatric Blog: This pediatrician, wife, mother of four active boys, friend, cook, teacher and student for life blogs about early childhood issues.
  6. Dr. Sears’ Blog: This pediatrician offers news about kids and about events for kids and their specific diseases on his blog.
  7. Pediatrics Blog: Dr. Iannelli provides a frequently updated blog on children’s health and wellness.

Children’s Rights

  1. Children: Foreign Policy Blogs offers a site especially for children’s rights.
  2. Children’s Human Rights Network Blog: This particular blog, hosted (but not necessarily sharing perspectives) by Amnesty International.
  3. Buy Clonazepam Discreet Shipping Dreamcatchers for Abused Children: The mission behind this site is to educate the public on child abuse signs/symptoms, statistics, intervention, reporting and more.
  4. Rainbow Families: The Family Equality Council offer a blog that focuses on the successes and issues in diverse family structures, including families with GLBT kids.
  5. Thalamus Center: Dr. Kurylowicz addresses the knowledge and education of human sexuality, gender and sexual orientation in this blog.
  6. The Children’s Rights Institute: This site and its accompanying blog and information provides insight into children’s rights on a global scale.


  1. Dr. Paticia Vardin: Dr. Vardin is Chair of the Early Childhood Education Department and an Associate Professor at Manhattanville College in Purchase, New York where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in child development and early childhood education.
  2. Early Childhood Education: The Keele ECE program is a consecutive education program within the Faculty of Education at York University, focused on early childhood teacher candidates.
  3. Excellence in Early Childhood Education: Deborah Stewart, with experience as a teacher, director, curriculum writer and leader in staff professional development, offers this educational blog.
  4. HATCH Blog: This blog supports educators for young children and focuses on all phases of early childhood development.
  5. Kaplan Early Learning Company Blog: This blog provides teacher and parent resources.
  6. Mr. Chuck Chuck: Daniel J. Gulchak, Ph.D. (Mr. Chuck Chuck) is a former classroom teacher for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. He shares classroom tips in this blog.
  7. Special Education Law Blog: A fresh look at special education law-mostly in understandable English.
  8. Topics in Early Childhood Education: As an early childhood, reading, and literacy consultant for the last decade, John Funk has written on early childhood subjects and products for McGraw Hill and Leap Frog.

https://ottawaphotographer.com/th59hbtz SOURCE:  http://ultrasoundtechschool.org/2010/top-50-early-childhood-health-blogs/

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By the time you finish reading this, 15 children will have been abused; In the next five minutes, 30 more; Within the next hour, 360 more; And by tonight, close to 8,000+ children will have suffered from abuse, 5 of which will die. Child abuse has increased 134% since 1980 and is now considered a worldwide epidemic. The high jump in child abuse deaths and the shocking increase in statistics highlights the frightening lack of public knowledge.

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https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/z4ggwotbamt DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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