Child Sex Exploitation Websites Have Increased 136% 90% of images now show victims aged ten or less
The number of web pages containing child pornography has more than doubled over the past year. Researchers have also revealed the material features increasingly young children. Nine out of every ten images of child sexual abuse found online in 2014 showed children aged ten and under, according to the Internet Watch Foundation. That was a dramatic increase from the year before, when around two-thirds of the child porn it found featured children of such a young age. They were part of a worrying rise in the amount of child abuse the IWF discovered online. Overall, experts from the regulator removed more than 31,000 web pages featuring vile images of sexual abuse in 2014, soaring 136 per cent from around 13,000 the previous year. READ MORE HERE
Online child sex abuse images soar
How to Report Child Pornography – US Department of Justice
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