Child Rapist Missing MYRTLE BEACH, SC –Brent Egan Dotson, 57, was convicted of Criminal Sexual Conduct with a Minor Under 11 Wednesday in an Horry County courtroom, even though he failed to show up for his own trial, according to prosecutor Candice Lively. Dotson was also found guilty of Lewd Act on a Minor. Dotson was dating the victim’s grandmother, when the victim said he molested her between 2009 and 2010, according to Lively. READ MORE HERE
There are more than 22,000 wanted criminals in the Horry County system – these folks could be people you pass on the street every day, even your neighbor. In fact, some don’t even know they have a warrant out for their arrest. That’s why we’ve teamed up with the Horry County Sheriff’s Office to show you who they are and to help get them off the streets. Lieutenant Steve Cox combed through a list of criminals in Horry County, wanted for everything from traffic-related incidents to assault and battery, or worse. He provided information on two offenders this week. Among them is 56-year-old Brent Egan Dotson, a white male who is described as 5-feet-9-inches tall with brown hair and blue eyes. He’s wanted for failure to appear for a lewd sexual act committed on a child under the age of 16. READ MORE HERE Ambien SEE ENLARGED PHOTO HERE ---------------------------------------------