Child Airport Security Screening
At the airport with kids: Are they really going to pat down little Sally?
Order Ambien Online Uk Over the river and through the body scanner to Grandmother’s house we go! What a fun, new twist on traveling with the kids this year. And you thought getting them to take their shoes off and let Bunky the Bear go through the dark tunnel was hard. For this holiday season, parents get to choose between a scanner that will generate portraits of your kids looking like nude ghosts and, according to some reports, give off questionable levels of radiation, or they can take the little ones for a rubber-glove pat down that will upend years of stranger-danger training. After the Transportation Security Administration announced these more invasive pat downs as an alternative and sometimes in addition to the body scanners, dozens of stories of groping and humiliation have surfaced online from adults. Upon hearing these stories, parentworld, predictably, went bananas. On playgrounds, at playdates and across e-mail groups, parents railed against the TSA, wondering aloud if its personnel are pedophiles with badges. Many even canceled their holiday travel plans with righteous indignation. This is fertile ground for a millennial mom and dad’s worst fears.
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