Child Abuse Hotline Overwhelmed With Calls Child abuse investigations usually begin with a phone call. More than 400 times each day, someone in Tennessee — a family member, concerned neighbor, teacher, police officer, or doctor — dials a hotline to warn of a child in danger. More often than not, the call ends up on hold. During the last two years, the department hasn’t answered its phones as quickly as it used to, so more callers than ever have been hanging up — as many 25 percent in the early months of 2012, department data show. Nobody can say what happens to those thousands of callers and their concerns, or whether chances to help children are being missed. READ MORE HERE
---------------------------------------------By the time you finish reading this, 15 children will have been abused; In the next five minutes, 30 more; Within the next hour, 360 more; And by tonight, close to 8,000+ children will have suffered from abuse, 5 of which will die. Child abuse has increased 134% since 1980 and is now considered a worldwide epidemic. The high jump in child abuse deaths and the shocking increase in statistics highlights the frightening lack of public knowledge.
Educate Yourself -- Learn the Facts
It May Just Save a Child's Life!!