Dreamcatchers For Abused Children
March , 2025

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How to Help A Child Who Has Family Problems

Far too many kids are exposed to abuse and neglect, both physical and emotional, and although it’s not pleasant to think about, statistics would indicate that you probably know at least one family that’s causing harm to their kids. If ...
27 November 2018 I Read the full story

Child Rapist On The Run

GEORGIA - The hammer of justice was about to hit an Atlanta child rapist named Charles Pinckney hard, as his trial was coming to an end. Pinckney, a former Dekalb County, Georgia, corrections officer, was accused of kidnapping and raping ...
1 November 2017 I Read the full story

Child Abduction

Some important information about kidnappings in the U.S. Child abduction or child theft is the unauthorized removal of a minor from the custody of the child's natural parents or legally appointed guardians. 20 percent of the children reported to the National Center for ...
11 January 2018 I Read the full story

Adapting Your Home for a Disabled Child

Having a child with disabilities can bring with it many challenges. However, a child is still a child whether they have disabilities or not, and you will love and care for them the same as any other child. As they ...
27 November 2018 I Read the full story

How to Combat the Effects of Child Abuse in Adults

March - 29 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=rxhmjok Growing up in an unsafe environment as a child can lead to many issues in adult life. The early developmental stages during infancy and childhood are vital for a child’s mental, physical and emotional well-being. Without a stable home environment, this can cause difficulties later in life. If a child experiences abuse during school years, it can have a severely negative effect on their education which can under-prepare them for working life as well as the ability to create healthy and meaningful relationships. The effects of child abuse can manifest in various ways, including a refusal to allow others to see their vulnerability and therefore impact on their trust in themselves and others. These traits have insidious ways of affecting all aspects of life which is why it is so important to overcome them in order to improve the overall quality of life for someone who grew up in an abusive environment. Here are some of the effects that child abuse can have in later life and how you can deal with them.

The Most Common Respiratory Problems in Children

March - 19 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

Respiratory problems in children can cause symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Often, the most common respiratory problems can be treated easily with the right medication and care, however, as a parent, watching your child struggling with respiratory problems can be terrifying. Understanding the most common respiratory issues in children and how to treat them will help you stay in control and get your little one feeling back to normal in no time. Here are some of the most common respiratory problems in children and how to treat them.


How To Make Sure Kids Are Safe At School

March - 12 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

Buy Ambien Online Safely As parents, it is our responsibility to make sure that our kids are in safe hands at all times. However, due to the high amount of tasks that one has to deal with on a daily basis, it is quite hard to keep an eye on our kids all round the clock. Furthermore, parents expect their kids to be in a safe place while they are at school. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Parents need to pay attention to their kid’s behavior and know how to take necessary measures if it’s the case.


5 Ways to Protect Vulnerable Children From Abuse

March - 12 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

https://chemxtree.com/w68zc1q Abuse is something that no child should have to endure. It robs them of a normal childhood and can be disruptive to their mental state and emotions. Seeing as all children are vulnerable to some extent, it becomes the role of the parents or guardians to ensure they are well protected. With the way most people’s daily lives are set up, it’s almost impossible to be with your child and watch over them every second of the day. You, however, can take a number of precautions to ensure that they’re safe and not in harm’s way. This article is going to explore some of the ways that you can protect vulnerable children from abuse.


4 Ways You Can Start Helping Others Today

February - 22 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Comments Off on 4 Ways You Can Start Helping Others Today

Doing good deeds in this world doesn’t have to be a complicated process. All it takes is a willingness to reach out and desire to do whatever it takes to make sure others are doing well. You should also feel like you’re empowered to help and improve someone else’s day or life and that you […]

Offender Search

January - 11 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Comments Off on Offender Search

Family Watchdog is a free service to help locate registered sex offenders in your area, or any zipcode nationwide. Family Watchdog encourages you to use our site to help educate your family on possible dangers in areas they you frequent. Also, please don’t forget to sign up for our free notifications that help keep you updated with offenders that move in/out of your area.


Child Abduction

January - 11 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

Child abduction or child theft is the unauthorized removal of a minor from the custody of the child’s natural parents or legally appointed guardians. 20 percent of the children reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in non-family abductions are not found alive. In 80 percent of abductions by strangers, the first contact between the child and the abductor occurs within a quarter mile of the child’s home.

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Bikers Against Child Abuse Protect Child At Court Hearing

January - 10 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Comments Off on Bikers Against Child Abuse Protect Child At Court Hearing

The girl stepped into the courtroom with her new biker friends.They had provided a motorcade escort to her family — two motorcyclists ahead of a donated car (no identifying plates) and two behind. They cocooned the 13-year-old when she entered the Wyandotte County building.The bikers, with prosecutors and counsel, surrounded her as she and her parents walked down the hallways and to their seats before a judge.

4-YO Girl Tortured, Killed

January - 10 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Comments Off on 4-YO Girl Tortured, Killed

MICHIGAN – A 4-year-old girl who died after allegedly being tortured by her mother and boyfriend had been so badly burned that her big toe fell off and melted skin was found in the bathtub. The gruesome details surrounding Gabby Barrett’s death emerged after the little girl’s mother Candice Diaz, 24, and her boyfriend Brad Fields, 28, were captured by police on Tuesday. The couple had sparked a nationwide manhunt after going on the run from Sumpter Township on New Year’s Day after Gabby died. They were arrested 792 miles away in southern Georgia.


Former Missionary Sentenced to 40-Years for Child Sex Abuse

January - 10 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Comments Off on Former Missionary Sentenced to 40-Years for Child Sex Abuse

An Arkansas man has been sentenced to 40 years in prison for sexually abusing children while working as a missionary in Haiti. A U.S. Department of Justice news release says 36-year-old Daniel Pye was sentenced Wednesday. He was convicted in November of three counts of traveling in foreign commerce with the purpose of engaging in illicit sexual conduct with a minor.


Killer Jon Venables Charged With Indecent Child Abuse Images

January - 7 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/6gwq83u57b One of toddler James Bulger’s killers has been charged over indecent images of children and his trial is to be held in private at an unnamed court, the Crown Prosecution Service has said. Jon Venables was returned to prison in November after he was allegedly caught with child abuse images. The CPS released a statement on Friday revealing that he had been charged and was to face trial.

Parents: Beware of “Tinder for Teens” App

January - 7 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Comments Off on Parents: Beware of “Tinder for Teens” App

Parents have been warned sexual predators are using a dangerous new app to prey on children as young as 10. Yubo, which used to be called Yellow, has been called ‘Tinder for teens’ due to its similarities with adult dating app Tinder in which users swipe to find matches. The app had over a million monthly users in Australia, and is one of the most popular apps downloaded by teens and pre-teens.



January - 7 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

https://hazenfoundation.org/cloekd3qk Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power. Behaviors used to assert such domination can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion, and such acts may be directed repeatedly towards particular targets. Rationalizations for such behavior sometimes include differences of social class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability. 

Why Nursing is a Good Career for Those Who Want to Help Children

December - 30 - 2017 Reporter: Sandra Respond

Cheapest Price For Ambien When it comes to choosing where you want to go with your nursing career, there are several different jobs and specialties out there to choose from. If you want to use your nursing career in order to help children in your local area and further afield, the good news is that there are many options that you might want to consider to reach this career goal. We’ve listed some of the best nursing job titles that are the perfect choice for anybody who wants a rewarding career with children.

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https://hazenfoundation.org/5gs6dcuk7m DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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Ayla Reynolds Still Missing

On Jan-3-2012
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Mother Arrested In Alleged Abuse Death Of Daughter

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17-YO Student Had Teacher-Guardian’s Child

On Jul-20-2012
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Boy Beaten Unconsciouce During Soccer Game By Bully

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307,000 Abuse Images Seized

On May-20-2011
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