Dreamcatchers For Abused Children
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How to Help A Child Who Has Family Problems

Far too many kids are exposed to abuse and neglect, both physical and emotional, and although it’s not pleasant to think about, statistics would indicate that you probably know at least one family that’s causing harm to their kids. If ...
27 November 2018 I Read the full story

Child Rapist On The Run

GEORGIA - The hammer of justice was about to hit an Atlanta child rapist named Charles Pinckney hard, as his trial was coming to an end. Pinckney, a former Dekalb County, Georgia, corrections officer, was accused of kidnapping and raping ...
1 November 2017 I Read the full story

Child Abduction

Some important information about kidnappings in the U.S. Child abduction or child theft is the unauthorized removal of a minor from the custody of the child's natural parents or legally appointed guardians. 20 percent of the children reported to the National Center for ...
11 January 2018 I Read the full story

Adapting Your Home for a Disabled Child

Having a child with disabilities can bring with it many challenges. However, a child is still a child whether they have disabilities or not, and you will love and care for them the same as any other child. As they ...
27 November 2018 I Read the full story

How to Help A Child Who Has Family Problems

November - 27 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

https://www.mdifitness.com/uoyzqsipav Far too many kids are exposed to abuse and neglect, both physical and emotional, and although it’s not pleasant to think about, statistics would indicate that you probably know at least one family that’s causing harm to their kids. If you’re in contact with a child through the school or after school clubs, or maybe it’s a friend of your own child, how would you know if they’re at risk, and what should you do if you suspect there’s a problem?


Adapting Your Home for a Disabled Child

November - 27 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/69vz6tx Having a child with disabilities can bring with it many challenges. However, a child is still a child whether they have disabilities or not, and you will love and care for them the same as any other child. As they grow older, you will need to think of ways to adapt your home to meet their needs. This means putting a plan in place to put in the facilities and adaptations that you need for them to have a happy and healthy life.

How to Help Kids When You Move Homes

November - 13 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/ldy9b5xorx Moving to a new house is a minefield for adults, never mind children, so when the time comes, and you need to leave your home, suburb or even state, you need to approach the move sensitively with young ones. A change of home is an upheaval at the best of times, but after a breakdown or change in the family situation, the effects can be more strongly felt. While you are busying yourself with contracts, real estate agents, boxes and transportation, your child will more than likely be sat watching on the sidelines and start to feel anxious.

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5 Ways To Be A More Present Parent

September - 9 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

To be truly happy and to grow and thrive and turn into functional, happy adults, every child needs to have parents who are as fully present as possible. Simply being in the same room as a child is not the same thing as being present; there needs to be proper engagement happening too. This isn’t always easy, especially when you work or there are other tasks to do around the house, but it must always be something to strive for if you want to have the best possible bond with your children. Here are some useful ideas on how to be a more present, engaged parent.


How to Teach Your Kids About Substance Abuse

August - 28 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

In a world where illegal substances are completely accessible, giving your child the all-important talk on drugs can be difficult and somewhat alarming. How are you able to get on their level to communicate the dangers and how can you tailor your conversation to be age-appropriate?  These are some of the questions parents ask themselves, however, with the correct tactics, the drug-talk doesn’t have to be made such a big deal.

How To Protect Your Kids On Vacation

June - 18 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

A family vacation is something to really look forward to. It’s perhaps the one part of the year when you are able to spend real quality time with your family and your spouse or partner, so it’s no wonder that we all look forward to it so much. Yet ensuring that everyone is safe the whole time can sometimes be difficult, and in some cases, it can even deter families from booking their much-needed break away. Here are some useful tips on keeping everyone safe when you’re away from home so that you can enjoy your vacation without any cause for concern.

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How Gardening Can Boost Your Kid’s Personal Development

June - 18 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

There are a number of people who are of the viewpoint that outdoor activities might not be good for the kids. However, researches that have been conducted for the validation of the truth of the statement suggest the opposite. It has been revealed that nature is good for the kids and perhaps the best way to make your kids interact with nature is to involve them in gardening activities. Gardening has been proved to bring about an all round development in the kids which is turn is vital for their personal development. Here are some solid reasons to say that gardening has a considerable positive impact on your kid’s personal development.  


The Ultimate Guide to Kids and Pets

June - 8 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

Order Klonopin Overnight Shipping Young children always need the attention of their parents or care takers, as they might easily get affected or hurt even while playing or as basic as sleeping. Though not all children are same, certain common safety measures can be implemented based on their age groups. Mothers, don’t pass by without reading this essential post that gives you some insight into how best can you ensure the safety of your children. Nothing new or out of the world tips are being discussed here, but this will be a quick reiterate the basic safety tips for your young toddlers.


Tips To Manage Different Stress Situations For Your Kid

May - 29 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

Ambien Sale Online Today’s era is all about the stress. Who does escape from this phase of stress? Right from the elder to younger ones are the stress victims. However, have you ever wonder how does your stress affect your children? There is no doubt that kids have a great bond with their parents. They easily get worried once they see their parents stressed out. Being a parent, you still can manage stress, but for kids, it is a difficult part. Listed here are few of the situations that cause stress to kids. Also, you will get some amazing tips that will undoubtedly help your kids manage their stress.


Tips For Better Digestive Health

May - 17 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

https://www.salernoformazione.com/e4ay5i47 A healthy digestive health means a healthy body, and a healthier state of mind. Chronic constipation, abdominal hernia, gastrointestinal infections are some of the top digestive disorders that affect people worldwide. Even a minimum inconvenience to the stomach results in a disruption in daily life, severe inconvenience, and lack of energy to do the daily chores. Health is wealth, and in this case, stomach’s health costs more than one can anticipate when it comes to inconvenience on a daily basis. Here are few tips that are detrimental for a sound digestive system, and must be followed if someone suffers from incessant digestive health issues.


6 Ways To Make A Child Feel Safe

May - 3 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

https://municion.org/omcgedtvy As a parent, whether that’s biological, adoptive, or foster, it is your job to keep your children feeling as safe and secure as possible. They need to have the confidence that someone is there for them, no matter what, and they deserve to have a childhood full of joy, laughter, and love; there will be time enough to worry and problems when they’re older. So here are some great – easy – ways to make your kids feel safe.

How to Maintain a Healthy Mental Health in Your Child

April - 19 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/al5a9lkveq In recent times, the rise in mental health problems in children is starting to spark concern among health professionals. Although lots of kids grow out of these issues as time goes on, a large number of them go on to develop serious mental health problems later in life.


Caring for Yourself Matters Too

April - 17 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

The abuse of children, in whatever form it takes, is one of the most abhorrent acts humans are capable of, and justifiably gives rise to feelings of extreme anger and the desire for revenge upon the perpetrators. However sickened and distressed you may feel as someone who is working or living with a victim of abuse, your focus has to remain on helping, counseling and nurturing the affected child, and giving them all the support you can. This can be emotionally draining for you, too, so it’s important to understand how you feel and take action to avoid letting emotional distress affect your own health.

Three Ways to Repair the Damage of Child Abuse in Adulthood

April - 13 - 2018 Reporter: Sandra Respond

Whether the abuse is emotional, physical or sexual, damage done in your childhood doesn’t just affect you when you’re young. Children can be very impressionable, and the experiences we go through as a child can have a bigger part to play in shaping who we become as an adult than many of us may realize. Going through an abusive situation as a child or being abused by somebody who was in a position of trust can lead to severe mental health issues in many adults. The good news is that whatever you have been through, help is out there for everybody. It’s not uncommon for children who suffer abuse to grow into adults who suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental health complaints, but with the right treatment, you can come out the other side stronger and more in control than ever before.


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Ambien Sleeping Tablets Online DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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