Sex Abuse Books Travel with a pair of friendly fish as they learn about what parts of our bodies we share with others. Children will learn what the boundaries of appropriate touching are in a very non-threatening way. School Counselor Julie Federico begins the imperative conversation of personal boundaries in Some Parts are not for Sharing. Children will enjoy learning about their bodies as they get some important information from a pair of fish. Parents will marvel at the simple straightforward language and use of sea creatures that create this message all children must hear. This book is also available in Spanish. **************************************************************************************** Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept is a beautifully illustrated picture book that sensitively broaches the subject of keeping our children safe from inappropriate touch. We teach water safety and road safety but how do we teach ‘body safety’ to young children in a way that is neither frightening nor confronting? This book is an invaluable tool for parents, caregivers, teachers and health professionals. The comprehensive notes to the reader and discussion questions at the back of the book support both the reader and the child when discussing the story. Suitable for ages 3 to 12 years. A free ‘body safety’ song, supporting teacher’s pack and other useful resources are also available from: **************************************************************************************************
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Buy Zolpidem In India No Touching Secrets! (e-book) safely creates the conversation that adults want to have with a child in their care. The voice of the knowledgeable and loving parent in this book can become their own. Instead of shying away from this important discussion, adults who read this book will feel equipped and empowered, knowing how to educate a child about what they need to know and do to be safe.
In this story, a mother talks with her daughter, Emily, about touches that are okay and not okay, including when it is not okay for someone to touch a child’s private parts. The mother says that it is never okay for someone to touch a child’s private parts in secret. The mother answers her daughter’s questions and assumptions about secret private part touching. They agree that it is best to talk openly and often about touch, even about touch that seems okay. The family in the book also role models a healthy response to a child’s disclosure of sexual abuse. Ages 4 and up. PURCHASE BOOK HERE
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