Erin Merryn
It was Friday the 13th………
Can I Buy Zolpidem Online It was Friday the 13th of March 1998 the last time I was ever abused. I can say I have never seen any of the Friday the 13th movies for good reason. I already felt like I was in my own horror movie on Friday the 13th when I was 13 years old. I didn’t need to watch a horror movie called that. My Friday the 13th lasted just as long as a movie if not longer. A night that felt like eternity. A night where I was asked to babysit last minute for my aunt and uncle.
Alone in a house with two little cousins fast asleep while I watched television in my aunt and uncle’s bedroom. Suddenly I think my mind is playing games with me when I start to hear sounds coming from the lower level of the house. The sounds of someone walking around. I kept a watchful eye on my aunt and uncle’s bedroom door as my anxiety began to rise. I turned up the volume on the television hoping it would stop me from hearing anything but once again I would hear it and again. Each time it sounded like it was getting closer. I finally told myself it was just the furnace and quit getting scared and looking to the door. Suddenly I heard it again but I didn’t look to the door. It wasn’t until I heard the door closing that my heart seemed to skip a few beats and I jumped to my feet and was on the other side of the bed in a matter of seconds in a state of panic. READ MORE HERE
Buy Ambien Cr 12.5 Mg the Author Erin Merryn is the author of Stolen Innocence and Living for Today, memoirs about incest and rape. She graduated in May 2009 with a Master’s degree in Social Work from Aurora University. A leading participant in Take Back the Night, her goal is to raise awareness of abuse in order to end the stigma and silence. Since 2004 she has been traveling across America giving inspirational and motivational speeches at national conferences, community events, Children’s Advocacy Centers, colleges, and high schools. She has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America and Montel Williams. Her writings have appeared in Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul, Daily Herald, and Teen Voices, among others. Erin spends her time between the suburbs of Chicago and Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Visit Erin at
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Living For Today:
From Incest and Molestation to Fearlessness and Forgiveness
Stolen Innocence:
Triumphing Over a Childhood Broken by Abuse: A Memoir
Stolen Innocence: Memoir
ERIN’S LAW Read the language of Erin’s law by clicking on Erin’s law’s Law passed in Illinois Senate May 2010, Illinois House November 2010, sent to Governor Pat Quinn December 17, 2010.
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