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Archive for the ‘Parenting’ Category

Adapting Your Home for a Disabled Child

Posted by Sandra On November - 27 - 2018 ADD COMMENTS

Having a child with disabilities can bring with it many challenges. However, a child is still a child whether they have disabilities or not, and you will love and care for them the same as any other child. As they grow older, you will need to think of ways to adapt your home to meet their needs. This means putting a plan in place to put in the facilities and adaptations that you need for them to have a happy and healthy life.

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One of the first things you need to think about is how much space you have in your home. If you are living in a small house, then you need to decide how to create more space in this area. Even if your child is not in a wheelchair, they may still need additional space to get around without falling. You might be able to accomplish this by moving some furniture or removing some from the house that you do not need. You might also be able to change the function of some of the rooms to allow more space to move around. This could be especially important if they need a home caregiver as they will also need access to the room. You can read more about caregiving and the services they offer online. As they grow older, this space may need to be increased to accommodate their growing size.

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As well as adding more space to your home to help your child get around you might also want to consider making it wheelchair friendly in other ways. For example, you might want to get rid of raised thresholds. So it’s easier for a wheelchair to get through. You also want to think about access to the house; this could include having ramps put in and steps removed. It is also a good idea to think about areas outside of the house such as in the garden for example. The pathways need to be level and safe for someone to walk or use a wheelchair. Inside the house, you might want to look at the doorways to ensure that a wheelchair can pass through safely. If not, you may need to have the doorways adapted or removed to make the house open plan.

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If your child is going to be in a wheelchair for most of the time, then you need to think about adapting to other areas of the house. Some of the things to be aware of are light switches, doorknobs, and faucets. Things need to be of a height so your child can reach them if they need to. It will give them more independence and allow them to move around safely. If you are installing a chair lift, then it’s important the child is able to use it themselves if you wish them too. Their bedroom is one place in particular where you need to have as much to help them as possible. It needs to be child-friendly as well as wheelchair friendly so that they can move around freely and do things on their own if they wish to. This could include having an adjustable desk that they can sit at as well as an easy way in and out of bed. Above all, it needs to be a place where they can relax, listen to music, or watch TV.

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In many cases, the bathroom can pose the most difficult challenges when dealing with disabilities. If your child has difficulty sitting or standing on their own, then you may need to install aids to support the child. Firstly, however, you need to think about how your child will wash themselves. There are now many alternatives that you can consider such as wet rooms, walk-in bathtubs, and traditional showers. The one that you choose depends on the ability of your child to move around. For example, if your child can stand for a short period of time, then a shower might be the best option. However, if they cannot stand, then a chair in a shower could be the best option for you. It is also important to think about adding handles to the shower and to the toilet area so that your child can support themselves. Many bathrooms can be quite small, so it may be necessary to make the bathroom bigger by extending it.

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Everybody enjoys being in the garden, and your children are no exception. However, a child with a disability can sometimes have issues navigate in a garden. To help with this, it is a good idea to ensure that your garden is safe for people with mobility aids and wheelchairs. You might want to install a slope from the back garden into the house; it should be easy for them to use so that they do not get stuck in the garden. Another good idea is to install paving through the garden so that they can take a wander through safely. You might even want to add some raised flower beds so that they can help plant some flowers or vegetables.

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Often, people will look at the bigger picture but will not consider the smaller details. For example, do you need to add push and pull faucet handles for your child to use on their own? Do you need to add easy to use door handles or have automatic doors? One way to make things more independent and automatic for your child is a smart hub. This can allow them to turn lights on and off, select movies and play music only using their voice. For children with highly limited mobility, this can be a hugely beneficial thing to have.

Your child wants to have the very best quality of life that they can get. And you as a parent also want to ensure that they have as much freedom as possible.

How to Help Kids When You Move Homes

Posted by Sandra On November - 13 - 2018 ADD COMMENTS

Moving to a new house is a minefield for adults, never mind children, so when the time comes, and you need to leave your home, suburb or even state, you need to approach the move sensitively with young ones.

A change of home is an upheaval at the best of times, but after a breakdown or change in the family situation, the effects can be more strongly felt. While you are busying yourself with contracts, real estate agents, boxes and transportation, your child will more than likely be sat watching on the sidelines and start to feel anxious.

There are several things that may cause a child to feel upset and anxious about the impending move.

  • Loss

Your child may be focusing on what they are potentially going to lose. They may feel that they are going to lose friendships. Having to start over in a new school and establish themselves in a new peer group can be daunting. Even the fact that they are not going to have the same bedroom can make them feel that they are losing out. Use positive language and reinforce the positives they will gain when they move; perhaps a larger bedroom, a garden or even the opportunity to decorate their room the color that they want.

Tip: don’t buy new bed linen for their new room. Keeping their familiar bedding will soothe them during the first few nights in the new house.

  • Exclusion

While you are busy organizing for the move, your child may feel excluded from the process. If it is possible, try to arrange a visit to the new property ahead of the move so that your child can see where they are going to be living. This will also remove the worry that they may have about whether the will like it.

If you can’t facilitate a visit to the property, Google Maps is a great way of introducing your children to their new neighborhood. They will be able to explore the area before they even move in. Make a list of the amenities that they can find:

  • Their new school
  • The bus stop
  • The store
  • The park

Not only will this keep them entertained while you are busy, but it’s a great way to get them familiar with their new suburb.

  • Not communicating their worries

Your child may not want to tell you how they are really feeling because they know that you have a lot on your plate. It’s important that you spend relaxed time with them to give them the opportunity to tell you anything that is on their mind. Even minor worries can escalate if your child doesn’t share with you. Depending on the age of the child, they may not comprehend what moving to a new house means: does it mean they have to leave their toys? Will the dog come too?

Once you have established what it is worrying your child specifically, you can take action about alleviating their fears more proactively.

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Use age appropriate language and ways to tell your child about the move. While you may think that shielding them from it is protecting them, children have a knack of being able to read between the lines, but sometimes drawing the wrong conclusion.

If your child is very young, you can draw pictures to show them what moving to a new house means. Be ready to answer their questions honestly. By talking through what is going to happen, when move day comes, they will be prepared.

  1. Check your stress

It’s all very good and well telling the child not to worry when you are worried yourself. Moving home is one of the most stressful things that you can do, so be kind to yourself during this period too. Children are like sponges and can pick up nuances in your mood. You don’t have to be rosy all of the time, but just be mindful that you have a young audience who will take cue from your attitude and mood.

Try to alleviate external stresses so that you can best manage the move. Financial worries will add to your stress, so if taking a loan will help you to move home stress-free, so be it. Bonsai Finance provide loans to people even if they have bad credit rating for exactly this type of situation. Make sure that you eat healthily and sleep well during this time; during times of stress, your body’s natural defenses can become challenged, so you must try to keep yourself healthy.

  1. Give the children responsibilities

Make a list of jobs that your child can do to help you. Even the simplest of jobs will make them feel valued and part of the team. There is a high chance that you will have to repack their toy box, but by including them, they will feel less likely to feel anxious. Older children can be given the task of labeling boxes – a very important job that will make them like a boss!

  1. Ask for help

You can’t do everything yourself, so ask for help from friends and family. People are typically more than willing to help loved ones, especially in a stressful situation. Don’t be shy about asking for childcare help if it means that you will be able to get jobs done quicker. With all the disruption, your child may not want to leave your side if they are feeling anxious, but that’s ok, don’t make a big deal out of it. Just simply ask your friend to mind your child while you work.

Unpack your child’s room first so that they can immediately feel at home. Pack toiletries, nightclothes, and any particularly special toys of your child in hand luggage so that you can access them quickly. You will all be exhausted and excited at the same time once you have moved. This is a great opportunity for new beginnings and dreams.

5 Ways To Be A More Present Parent

Posted by Sandra On September - 9 - 2018 ADD COMMENTS

To be truly happy and to grow and thrive and turn into functional, happy adults, every child needs to have parents who are as fully present as possible. Simply being in the same room as a child is not the same thing as being present; there needs to be proper engagement happening too. This isn’t always easy, especially when you work or there are other tasks to do around the house, but it must always be something to strive for if you want to have the best possible bond with your children. Here are some useful ideas on how to be a more present, engaged parent.


Sleep Well

Although you may think that being awake for more hours is the best way to be present for your children because you can get more done and still give yourself time to be with them, that’s a false economy. All getting less sleep will do is make you over-tired, non-productive, and short-tempered. Every now and then it’s fine to sleep for less time. Perhaps you are heading out for the day and need to make an early start, for example.


In general, though, you should always aim for around eight hours of sleep so that you awake feeling refreshed and energized, and so that your body and brain have had time to recover from the day you have just put them through. It can be tempting to stay up late after the kids have gone to bed, but that won’t help you be a more present parent. If you sleep well, you will be more focused and more able to play with and enjoy your children the next day.


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Busy lifestyles can mean that we ignore our own well-being and try to just carry on regardless of how we are feeling. That means skipping trips to the dentist, for example, or not having regular check-ups with the doctor. It also means that when you feel unwell, you try to get over it on your own rather than seeing a professional. This is not a good idea. Having regular physicals is the best way to ensure that you are healthy and can be there for your children.


There are many different physicals available, so check out your insurance to determine which ones you can book. If you are a truck driver, for example, you will need to book a DOT physical. Not only will this ensure that you are fit for work (which is important, of course), but it will also help you stay fit and healthy for your children too. This is absolutely vital if you are to be a present, engaged, happy parent. Children learn from what their parents do, and if they see that you are taking your health seriously by attending important appointments and getting regular check-ups, they are more likely to do the same.


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Everyone seems to be addicted to technology in some way these days. Although it certainly can be a useful way to find out information, to distract yourself, or even to keep in touch with friends and family members who you might not otherwise see or hear from very much, smartphones and tablets can be the ultimate distraction. Instead, they can take you away from precious time with your children.


Not only that, but they also mean that work is always nearby, and you are never fully focused on the present, but always worried about the next email to come through, or the next phone call to make or take. This is just not a healthy state of being when it comes to being present for your children. When you are playing with them, leave the phone in another room. Turn it off altogether. Do the same with the TV and your tablet, and anything else that can distract you from the moment you should be enjoying with your children. You can always come back to your devices later, but your children need you now.


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What do you do when your child asks you a question? Do you answer while continuing with the task you were doing? Do you speak but keep typing or washing the dishes or making dinner, or anything else? Do you look at your child? Looking at your child when you speak to them is vital to connect with them and create a bond. We’ve all been guilty of not doing it; we’re folding laundry or answering an email when a small voice asks a question. We might not even hear it the first time, and if we do, it’s likely that we’ll answer without even turning around.


This is a habit that parents need to get out of if they are going to be truly present. It’s hugely important that you look at your child when you speak to them and fully engage with the question you have been asked. If you are really too busy to be able to do that, then ask them to wait and you will come to them and answer their question in a moment instead.


If you look at your child, it will reassure them that they matter to you and that their thoughts and opinions, and the questions they have about life, are important. If you do this for the little things, your children will be much more likely to come to you with the big things they are concerned about too.


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Simply watching your children have fun and play is not the same as being a present parent. It’s a good start, of course, but what is better is to join in with their game in some way. You’ll have a lot more fun yourself, and you’ll find that when you are immersed in their make-believe world or in a board game or card game, you’ll be able to stop thinking about all the other thousands of things that are going on in your life. You can just enjoy the moment, which is what it is all about.

How to Teach Your Kids About Substance Abuse

Posted by Sandra On August - 28 - 2018 ADD COMMENTS

In a world where illegal substances are completely accessible, giving your child the all-important talk on drugs can be difficult and somewhat alarming. How are you able to get on their level to communicate the dangers and how can you tailor your conversation to be age-appropriate?  These are some of the questions parents ask themselves, however, with the correct tactics, the drug-talk doesn’t have to be made such a big deal.

The earlier you start talking to your kids about drugs, the better, as they may find it easier to talk to you as they get older. If they don’t feel they have enough support back home from parents or loved ones, they may choose to seek help and advice elsewhere – meaning you’ll be left completely out of the loop. Your views on aspects such as alcohol and drugs can hugely influence their own perceptions. Therefore it’s best to nip it in the bud at a very early age and allow them to understand the severe consequences of drug taking.

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Preschool to the age of 7

Although it may seem young to be discussing such a deep subject, it’s always an idea to drop hints on the subject matter around the time they start school. This is the age at which they will be mixing with other children and could get led astray in other ways. Therefore it’s best to set the groundwork at their very young age.

Food is a great tactic to explain how what they choose to consume can be good and bad for the body. To put into context, if your child is eating an apple, explain fruit is eaten to make them strong and healthy, whilst the likes of smoking can make a person sick. You may also discuss how medicine and tablets are given for a reason to make someone well when they are sick, rather than something they can take as and when they please.

You should also make use of any characters on TV who are seen with a cigarette in hand or who are discussing the act of smoking. You may then decide to start a conversation as to how cigarettes become are harmful to the body and find out more about what they understand about addictions.

Although these discussions will be serious in nature, try not to get too deep or overwhelming with the subject. Aim to keep calm and allow your child to ask any questions they may have which allows for more open discussion.

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During these ages is when your child essentially goes through the puberty stages and learns more about teenage life. You may find that your child starts to ask more questions about alcohol, smoking, and drugs if they have heard others discussing it; or you may even decide to begin a few relaxed chats to find about what they know and think about drugs.

Your child may start to become much more aware of the news or be exposed to conversations in the media, in which the topic of drugs is discussed. If they happen to be in the room, casually question them to see if they understand the basics of what is being spoken about. This age is crucial to start portraying your concerns on drug addiction, as they may still be willing to be open and come to you with any concerns or questions.

Teenage years

The teenage years are those in which they can be led astray, therefore making sure they are aware of the dangers of drugs when they start high-school is important in keeping them on the right path.

They may still be open to having chats with you and if so, inform them of the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It may even take the act of scaremongering your teenager, by spelling out the implications and legal issues which follow if they are caught with drugs in the system.

https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/byomqjpx0wu What should you include in your drug conversations?

Although you should tailor your conversations to be age-appropriate, there are a few basic ideas you may use to make sure your conversation is effective:

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As you start the initial conversation, ask your child what they already know about drugs – are they aware of the dangers? Listen to what they have to say and challenge any misconceptions they may have. It’s recommended that parents talk to their child about the topic before they have the opportunity of taking the substances later on in life.

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If you’re set against drug use, you should explain what is acceptable in your family and how you personally feel about drug consumption. You may decide to explain how yourself or their grandparents would feel if they were ever caught using and go on to suggest the dangers they could put themselves through if the drugs they use aren’t prescribed by a doctor. Put some consequences in place to make sure rules are never broken and communicate these rules often, so they know when they are over-stepping the line.

It’s also important to ensure you yourself aren’t guilty of giving confusing messages about prescription drugs, by giving your child medication over the slightest concern they have. Even if just a minor toothache, parents can be known to dish out painkillers which can portray the message that even prescription drugs are completely safe and can be used regularly. Be careful as to when you choose to give medicine and discard any leftovers, so bottles and pill packs are out of the reach of little fingers.

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Give your child an in-depth discussion about how drugs can affect the body by doing a bit of research beforehand. Or why not find a child-friendly video on the subject by taking a browse on YouTube?

You may wish to go into detail about how certain drugs used for medical purposes are given for a serious reason, whilst the likes of fentanyl can be used for treating the pain of cancer patients but can also become very addictive if used inappropriately. You may wish to mention that this particular drug was responsible for the death of many famous icons including the likes of Prince. Using real-life examples of celebrities, they would know, makes the subject much more hard-hitting and on their level. If you wish to read up about the risks and side effects of the drug, click here to discover more.

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Although you may feel as though you’re lecturing, it’s best to bring up these conversations whenever you can to reinforce the message and be sure they understand the real dangers of how drugs and how they can have severe impacts on their long-term health and wellbeing.

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If your child is slightly older, you may be more intrigued to find out more about who they’re hanging around with at school. Invite their buddies round to the house for dinner or take an active interest in them.

If you have the gut-feeling these friends may be taking drugs; it can be a real worry in ensuring your child doesn’t get caught up in the addiction. If there are any suspicions whatsoever, you could always express your concerns and support them in finding a new set of friends – easier said than done but is always worth a shot.

Encourage independent thinking, by reassuring them to just be themselves and not to feel pressured into following the crowd, even if it means having to lose friends in the process.

6.  Let them be responsible for their own actions

Whilst you may be doing everything you can to support your child and make sure they’re on the correct path, it is essentially up to them as to how they go about their lives – and you shouldn’t beat yourself up over the decisions they make. When it comes to it, all they can do is say ‘no’ to drugs and this choice will be completely out of your hands.

Let them know you’re there for them, but at the same time, part of the growing-up process is allowing them to take responsibility for their own actions.

7. Confront problems immediately

If you believe your child could be drug-taking, don’t wait to make a move and confront them over the situation. It may only have been a one-time occasion, but while some teens forget about drugs as they reach adulthood, others can face a lifetime of addiction.

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Preventing the use of drugs can be achieved without even having to mention the subject. While it’s important to raise the flag on the issue, it’s even more crucial that your child feels as though their home environment is balanced and supportive. Many teens choose to take drugs because of stress or unhappiness, therefore, ensuring they have enough stability and emotional support could truly prevent drug use Order Ambien Online Legally .

How To Protect Your Kids On Vacation

Posted by Sandra On June - 18 - 2018 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.varesewedding.com/1tovk6t A family vacation is something to really look forward to. It’s perhaps the one part of the year when you are able to spend real quality time with your family and your spouse or partner, so it’s no wonder that we all look forward to it so much. Yet ensuring that everyone is safe the whole time can sometimes be difficult, and in some cases, it can even deter families from booking their much-needed break away. Here are some useful tips on keeping everyone safe when you’re away from home so that you can enjoy your vacation without any cause for concern.


Contact Details

If you want to really have a great time on your family vacation, you won’t want to be worrying about anything, so to give yourself some peace of mind when it comes to your children and their safety, you should make sure that they all have the right contact details with them. These contact details include your own cell number, the phone number for the hotel you’re staying in, and the address of your accommodation too. Write this down on a piece of paper and give it to each child to keep safe with them in a zipped pocket or a backpack. If they were to get lost, they can find someone to help them and let them know where they are staying, or who to contact.


If you’re worried that the paper is going to get lost or become unreadable (which can easily happen if it gets wet on the beach or around the pool), then you could invest in ID bracelets with the correct information on them.


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Whenever you arrive somewhere, make one of the very first tasks you do finding a meeting point. This is even more important in a place with lots of crowds where getting lost is easier, but it should be your habit to do it wherever you are. One of the very worst feelings that a parent can ever have is realizing that their child has slipped away from them and can’t be seen. It happens so easily, despite every parents’ best efforts, so arranging a meeting place in advance will make it all much better – you can head directly for that spot when you know the child is missing and wait for them there. This saves everyone rushing off in different directions and potentially missing one another in the panic.


As a backup plan, just in case the meeting point is inaccessible, make sure that all the children in your party know what to do if they can’t get there. They will need to find someone to help them, and that person should be a police officer or someone with children of around the same age.


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Whether you are going on vacation or simply out on a day trip, you will need to research your destination before you go. This can often be done online, but your hotel should be able to give you some advice as well. You will want to go somewhere that is definitely family friendly, and that it has plenty of age-appropriate activities for children to do.


Work out what the hazards might be (wild animals, strong currents, big crowds, and so on) so that you can be prepared in advance and have your contingency plans in place.


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No matter where you are going or what you are doing, taking a first aid kit with you is essential. If necessary do your research before into what you may need to take, as well as being prepared for anything. You can be even more prepared by researching for local resources, wherever you are. This can ensure you can find what you need easily, for example if you were in need of a Canada pharmacy. The kit should contain medications in case anyone gets sick while you’re away from home, as well as band-aids, antiseptic wipes and cream, and tweezers which can be used for removing splinters, for example. The sooner you can fix any bumps and scrapes or make someone feel better, the sooner you can continue to enjoy the day.


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Sun block can be so easily forgotten, and it is such an important part of keeping a child safe and protected. Your kids may not enjoy wearing it, they may even kick up a fuss about it, but you must insist that they put it on – or even do it for them if they are young or being problematic. They should wear it whenever they are outside, even if the clouds are covering the sun and the day seems rather hazy. The sun’s rays are strong and will still get through, even if you don’t actually notice at the time.


Everyone should wear at least a factor 30 sunblock, but higher is even better. It should be re-applied regularly throughout the day, and this is particularly important if the kids are swimming.


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Even if your child is a great swimmer, you should never leave them alone in the water, whether that’s a pool, a water park, or in the sea. If you can’t go into the water with them, then you should ask someone you trust to help out. If your child wants to go in the water and they’re not a strong swimmer, give them some form of floatation device. This can be worn like a vest or held, or perhaps you might opt for a rubber ring or water wings. Use whatever is most comfortable for your child, as if they don’t like wearing the device they may take it off, or they might decide not to go into the water, and their vacation could be much less fun.


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Allergies can often be a problem for children, and they should be carefully thought about when you go on vacation. If you’re in a foreign country, for example, it’s a good idea to learn the correct phrases so that you can let the waiting staff in restaurants know what you can and can’t eat, and perhaps even why so that you can impress upon them how serious it is. If you need to take allergy medication, then make sure that is packed as well.

How Gardening Can Boost Your Kid’s Personal Development

Posted by Sandra On June - 18 - 2018 ADD COMMENTS

Cute preschool blond boy planting seeds and seedlings of tomatoes in vegetable garden

There are a number of people who are of the viewpoint that outdoor activities might not be good for the kids. However, researches that have been conducted for the validation of the truth of the statement suggest the opposite. It has been revealed that nature is good for the kids and perhaps the best way to make your kids interact with nature is to involve them in gardening activities. Gardening has been proved to bring about an all round development in the kids which is turn is vital for their personal development. Here are some solid reasons to say that gardening has a considerable positive impact on your kid’s personal development.

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Gardening has a positive role to play in encouraging the kids to eat healthy. This is because the kids enjoy a lot when they get to eat something which they have grown with their own hands. If the parents let their children grow some highly nutritious fruits and vegetables in the garden, this will encourage the children to a great extent to eat those as well. So, the children get to eat healthy without any pressure from the parents proving how beneficial gardening is for the kids.

Good option for exercising

Gardening is undoubtedly a very good and effective physical activity. If the kids are engaged into gardening, it is a very good exercise for them besides being an engaging task at the same time. There are a number of gardening tasks such as digging, turning compost, raking, and so on, which involves physical activity that is great for burning calories and prevents the kids from being obese from such small age. Moreover, gardening teaches the kids to stay active and engaged. From properly guiding you children regarding the basics of gardening, you can visit websites like lovebackyard.com.

Development of self confidence

Confidence is one of the most essential parameters of development helping the child to learn and grow. Gardening builds confidence in your kid in the best possible way. When the kids are engaged in gardening, they slowly begin to develop their self confidence and when they are able to successfully grow some plants, they begin to believe in themselves which is of great importance in ensuring their continual personal development.

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Gardening is quite an engaging activity and it needs a lot of concentration for the effective growing of plants. To learn the various aspects of gardening, the requirement of memory is certain and this is exactly how gardening readily enhances the focus and memory of the kids. Gardening has the ability to sharpen the memory and the skills of the young ones which will prove to be beneficial for the overall personal development.

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Gardening is an activity which can relieve stress significantly. In the recent times, where there is a lot of pressures on the kids, gardening can play a vital role in easing out the pressure and keep them relaxed.

These benefits prove that it would indeed be a great idea if you involve your kids into gardening. It not only helps in their personal development but also leaves a very positive impact on nature.

The Ultimate Guide to Kids and Pets

Posted by Sandra On June - 8 - 2018 ADD COMMENTS

Young children always need the attention of their parents or care takers, as they might easily get affected or hurt even while playing or as basic as sleeping. Though not all children are same, certain common safety measures can be implemented based on their age groups. Mothers, don’t pass by without reading this essential post that gives you some insight into how best can you ensure the safety of your children. Nothing new or out of the world tips are being discussed here, but this will be a quick reiterate the basic safety tips for your young toddlers. Read on to explore more.

https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/4gpre2pr7t Kids Love Pets

When talking about the safety concerns of kids, the first concern has to be about the care to be taken while growing pets at home. Kids love pets, but there are many essential safety measures such as cleanliness of being unharmed. Pet dog are the best friends for growing kids but ensuring that the dogs are grown up with high cleanliness and tamed softly to behave with children.

Vaccinating pets properly at regular intervals and checking for their well being are some primary concerns for the family to ensure the safety of kids. It is also mandatory to keep an eye on the apparel of the pet. Well, you can explore Ourpetspot.Com in order to buy food, toys and apparel for your pet. Some pet training tips and assistance can also help parents to be aware of raising kids safely along with pets around.

https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/aa909xubp Tame the Pets

When children start loving dogs, they will always want to be around them playing with them, teasing them or just lovingly compassioning them. It is always healthy for children to grow along with pets, but parents have to be really sure that their pets are safe to be around their children even in the absence of adult’s supervision. It is that easily possible to be always looking around children, especially for those who live a busy lifestyle. Therefore, if you can be sure that your pets are tamed well to behave nicely with the children, you can breathe easy.

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=2i0y0574d Avoid Hugs

Sitting near the pets or playing with them with toys can be fun and entertaining for your children and of course, you can also enjoy seeing the lovely patch up between them. However, it is better to guide your children not to hug the pets because pets might be comfortable with it and it might sometimes react wild to it. Also, getting too close face to face might not be really advisable for growing children.

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When taking care of children and ensuring their safety along with your pets at home, it is not really advisable for letting your children sleep along with the kids. How much ever your kids and dogs get along together, sleep time has to be separate, and both should be given their appropriate places, detached from one another.

Some kids love sharing their food plate with their pets, but there has to be a strict denial of it as it is completely unhygienic and unhealthy for your children. Pets are a great companion for children, but adult supervision and basic safety measures will make this lovely relationship with pets and kids healthier and safety too!

Tips To Manage Different Stress Situations For Your Kid

Posted by Sandra On May - 29 - 2018 ADD COMMENTS

Today’s era is all about the stress. Who does escape from this phase of stress? Right from the elder to younger ones are the stress victims. However, have you ever wonder how does your stress affect your children? There is no doubt that kids have a great bond with their parents. They easily get worried once they see their parents stressed out. Being a parent, you still can manage stress, but for kids, it is a difficult part. Listed here are few of the situations that cause stress to kids. Also, you will get some amazing tips that will undoubtedly help your kids manage their stress.

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The first stress a child experience is in his school. The school pressurizes the child to accomplish all his tasks with accuracy and precision. Even the pressure of being unique among his or her peer group is one of the challenging tasks; every child has to face once in his life. Load of the regular homework, fear of failing in the examinations, bullying are few things which pressurize the child to over-think about a particular situation.

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When he gets some leisure time, he faces experiences the stress from the family. Examples of the family stress include the disputes between the parents, remarriage problems, financial drawbacks, and genetic illness prevailing in the family and so on.


Stress From The Media


Today, the primary reason for the child stress is the coverage on the media. Many times, the media displays off the sensitive situations which may not be compatible for the child to watch. In such circumstances, their parents play a vital role. It is the responsibility of the parents to restrict their children from watching such media telecasts.


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So you have enough idea that what situations cause stress to your kids. Now, read on to know some proven ways that can help your kids in managing stress.




Instead of over-scheduling your child with ample of the activities, try to indulge him in creative activities in his area of interest. Say, for example, origami. Today, origami is marking its presence as a great stress reliever. Origami traces its origin to Japan. It is a paper folding craft activity which keeps your child engaging in coming up with something new. You can even browse through Origamiway.Com to make your kids learn some awesome origami diagrams.


Put A Cross On Over scheduling


The first thing what the parents focus today is that they want their child to be expert in every domain. As a result, they pack their child’s schedule with ample of activities. The child rarely finds time for relaxation. Believe that your kid needs time to rejuvenate himself. Give him some ‘ME’ time.


Adequate Sleeping Activity


From toddlers to the senior citizens, sleep is a vital parameter in every person’s life. In order to increase your child’s concentration, rest is a must for him. Never ask your child to negotiate with his or her sleep.




While most parents ignore this section of a child’s daily activity, a scheduled time for playing activities is must to keep your child energetic and vibrant. Playing activities tend to help the child to cope with his physical and mental stress.


Final words


Rewards from parents play a vital role in a child’s physical and emotional development. It is as such that he gratifies for even the smallest token of appreciation he receives from his parents. Alternatively, if you child overcomes his or her fears, it becomes your duty to praise them with a hug or even a small treat. It makes them feel worthy of their bravery.


Tips For Better Digestive Health

Posted by Sandra On May - 17 - 2018 ADD COMMENTS

A healthy digestive health means a healthy body, and a healthier state of mind. Chronic constipation, abdominal hernia, gastrointestinal infections are some of the top digestive disorders that affect people worldwide. Even a minimum inconvenience to the stomach results in a disruption in daily life, severe inconvenience, and lack of energy to do the daily chores. Health is wealth, and in this case, stomach’s health costs more than one can anticipate when it comes to inconvenience on a daily basis. Here are few tips that are detrimental for a sound digestive system, and must be followed if someone suffers from incessant digestive health issues.


First have a look at some of the common symptoms that may be indicators of gastrointestinal abnormalities.


  1. Constipation
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Chronic gas and bloating
  4. Pain in abdomen
  5. Bleeding or pain in rectum


To access more information on lifestyle and health related topics, you can visit Remedypharmacist.Com.  Well, it’s not uncommon to see a combination of such symptoms once in a while. But if the symptoms take a chronic shape, it is recommended to take the below given measures and of course pay a visit to the doctor.


Eat small meals


Sometimes, digestive system may require to be rested for some time for self-healing. To give proper rest to the system and enhance absorption of the nutrients present in the food, one can change the meal plan from 3 major meals a day to 5 small meals a day. The tip comes handy in almost all kind of digestive issues, and is recommended by majority of health practitioners. The idea is to gain maximum nutrient value from the food that’s eaten, by giving minimum strain to the stomach.


Consumption of fiber-rich food items


Contemporary lifestyle has taken away the necessary fiber quotient from the diet. This has happened without any intentional move by anyone. But the result is widespread presence of digestive health issues. A fiber rich diet is very important here. Fiber is commonly found in foods like raw veggies, fruits, nuts, and beans, and so on. One can go online and see if the fiber-rich food items are a part of someone’s daily food consumption range.


Increase intake of water and juices


Someone who sits in an air conditioned office might not find the need to monitor water intake. That’s what is seen as a common problem around the world. Make sure that the water intake is never compromised as this can result in constipation and other advanced digestive issues. A minimum of 8 glasses per day is a must for any individual who wants to enjoy a healthy stomach. One can always increase the liquid intake by bringing juices into the picture.


Eat slowly, and relish each and every bite


That doesn’t sound like an advice but it has known benefits. Every gastroenterologist suggests the same. The idea is to chew each bit slowly, and bring about a feeling of satiety or a feeling of being full. This goes a long way in preventing overeating that can initiate some strong gastro issues in the stomach.


Follow these simple tips, and see how your gastro health gradually improves.

How to Maintain a Healthy Mental Health in Your Child

Posted by Sandra On April - 19 - 2018 ADD COMMENTS

In recent times, the rise in mental health problems in children is starting to spark concern among health professionals. Although lots of kids grow out of these issues as time goes on, a large number of them go on to develop serious mental health problems later in life.

However, that isn’t to say that nothing can be done to prevent these problems from turning into something more. In fact, as a parent, you can do a lot to encourage healthy habits and a healthy mind from a young age, even if you feel as though you aren’t doing enough. The key to managing your child’s mental health is by following some small but simple tips in their daily lives. These tips are helpful even if your child doesn’t show any signs of such issues, as they will teach them the valuable life skills they need if they ever find themselves slipping into a hole when they are older.

Cook healthy meals

The distinction between mind and body is slowly but surely being diminished, as there have been numerous studies to show that a healthy body can help cultivate a healthy mind. In any case, the start to a healthy lifestyle comes by adjusting your diet to being balanced and rich in vitamins. With children, it can be a challenge to get them to eat healthy foods, and they often think that food cannot taste nice if it is healthy. However, this is another myth that should be debunked, as there are many tasty treats and meals that are full of goodness, but which still prioritize taste. You should start cooking these foods together so that your child can learn the importance of a healthy diet. It is also wise to teach them about which foods are full of vitamins that promote a healthy brain, such as fish, brightly colored fruits, and leafy greens.

Encourage exercise

Diet and exercise have always gone hand in hand when it comes to promoting a healthy body, and the mind is no exception. In fact, in many cases exercise has been the savior for people who have struggled with their mental health for some time, due to the chemicals that are released into the brain after exercising. It is likely that you will be encouraging your child to exercise through hobbies and sports, but you can also show them how important it is to go on long walks in nature and to keep up a solid routine. In many cases, exercising means your child will have a better night’s sleep, and that they will be able to use it to work through any difficult emotions and release them when they are stressed.

Encourage their passions

In life, there are many things that make people happy, from their favorite books to participating in a sport. In any case, these memories are often tied to their passion. While it is easy to encourage great grades in your kids, this kind of pressure can lead to them developing problems with anxiety and stress management as they grow up, and will, in fact, worsen their grades. Studies have shown that having a passion alongside academic work can bolster commitment and attention in the classroom, all while giving your child something to aspire to. Such passions will increase their happiness each day if it is something they truly love, and will also give them an outlet for their emotions whenever they start to feel down.


Listen to them

This point may seem like an obvious one, but you will be surprised at how little time parents can make to listen to their child after a long day working. Although you will be tired and in need of relaxation when you come home from work, you also need to be there for your child if they have had a difficult day at work. This is because it enables your child to develop a voice and express themselves whenever they don’t feel good. This is crucial to helping them talk about difficult times, rather than forcing them to hold negative emotions inside. Taking a few minutes each day to ask how their day was, and ask them if there’s anything they need to talk about will let them know they can always come to you if they have a problem and that they are never alone.

Build their confidence

As your child grows, it is likely that some of the hormonal changes happening in their body will start to affect how they see themselves. With eating disorders and Body Dysmorphia developing during this age, it is vital that you are not only there for your child during these times, but that you build them up from their lowest point. It may seem hard for you to understand what is going on in their head, as they don’t see what you see each day, but they are likely as confused. Luckily, you can make a real difference by complimenting them often, and by reminding them each day that their worth doesn’t lie in how they look. This also applied to any confidence they find faltering in their passions, as they could start to feel as though they won’t make it anywhere with what they love. Taking an avid interest and showing your pride in their work is something they will truly start to appreciate as time goes on

Promote a sleep routine

A big part of maintaining a healthy mind is getting enough sleep. As your child grows, they might be finding it harder to have a restful sleep each night, which can lead to worse mood swings and higher levels of irritability. Although encouraging such a routine can be tricky, there are many ways in which you can help. This includes making sure they get enough exercise to wear their body out, as well as setting certain times in which they must be in bed by and switch off from their mobile devices that could be keeping them awake.

Create a safe space

The key to helping your child sleep is by making their room as safe a space as possible, where they feel as though they can relax from the moment they step through their bedroom door. The best thing about creating such a space is that your child can choose what they want in their room that makes them feel safe. This could be anywhere from their favorite toys, a night light, or weighted blankets which feel like a perpetual hug. In fact, you should consider bringing herbal remedies into their room as a way of helping them sleep. For example, rubbing lavender oil on their pillow is an ancient but effective sleep remedy, and giving a glass of warm milk before bed will help them feel sleepy. As they grow older, you can start to bring plush cushions and candles into their room so that they are surrounded by a glowing warmth.

Don’t let conflict affect them


One of the biggest triggers to ill mental health is traumatic childhood events that children find it hard to banish from their memories. While conflicts and disagreements are common in any home, they become detrimental when violence and aggression are involved. Not only this, but divorce is becoming more common; while this is often the best option, it can lead to some families being torn apart. In cases like these, you should try and keep arguing to a minimum, and you should try to amicably part ways if this is possible. Not only this, but you should make the process as quick as possible by hiring a trusted Legal Separation Lawyer, as then you can start to rebuild new homes for your children where they can flourish rather than fall. After this has happened, you can consider bringing a therapist into your child’s life, as they will need an outlet for the hardship that has affected them. Having such a valuable resource on hand will enable your child to open up and learn skills that they can take through life to equip them in dealing with difficult life events.

Lead by example

First and foremost, your children will look to you from a young age to see how you deal with hard times and new challenges. Although there will be days where you struggle with your own mental health, your child will pick up on how you deal with this, even when you don’t think they are. This is why it’s important to lead by example. This means letting your child know that while it is hard, it is more than acceptable to have bad days. However, you should also be careful about what you discuss with your child, as this may be a lot for them to deal with at such a young age. Talking to those around you, remaining positive on bad days, and having a bank of useful techniques to rely on are all skills your child will take from you as they grow.

The Most Common Respiratory Problems in Children

Posted by Sandra On March - 19 - 2018 ADD COMMENTS

Respiratory problems in children can cause symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Often, the most common respiratory problems can be treated easily with the right medication and care, however, as a parent, watching your child struggling with respiratory problems can be terrifying. Understanding the most common respiratory issues in children and how to treat them will help you stay in control and get your little one feeling back to normal in no time. Here are some of the most common respiratory problems in children and how to treat them.

#1. Asthma:

Asthma is a common respiratory issue that approximately twenty million Americans deal with on a daily basis. Some children will grow out of their asthma symptoms, whilst others will need to stay on top of it for life. Asthma causes the airways of the lungs to become inflamed, making it difficult to breathe. Mild asthma symptoms can include coughing and shortness of breath, but severe asthma can lead to asthma attacks that can be deadly or fatal if left untreated. If you suspect that your child may be suffering from asthma, you should take them to the doctor as soon as possible and get the right inhalers for their condition. If your child is having an asthma attack and there’s no inhaler available, you should take them to the ER or call an ambulance straight away. Respiratory therapy can also help – see the best respiratory therapy programs if you want to learn more.

#2. Respiratory Infections:

Infections are another common cause of respiratory problems in children. Infections can occur in the upper respiratory system including the mouth, nose, throat, and sinuses, or in the lower respiratory system, which includes the lungs and bronchial tubes. In general, symptoms of a lower respiratory infection tend to be more severe and include shallow coughing, running a fever, difficulty breathing, grunting, and wheezing. However, lower respiratory infections are less common. If your child is displaying symptoms such as a blocked or runny nose, a fever that occurs suddenly, or coughing when lying down, an upper respiratory infection is likely to be the problem. These are usually caused by a viral infection such as a cold or flu, which will usually go away on its own. If you’re concerned, seek medical advice.

#3. Allergies:

Allergies are a common cause of respiratory problems in both children and adults. Common signs of an allergy in children include sneezing, eyes that are itchy, puffy or watery, and a blocked or runny nose. Allergies can also lead to irritability and a loss of appetite. In some cases, severe allergic reactions can lead to anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal if left untreated. If you suspect that your child is suffering from an allergy, it’s best to have them tested as quickly as possible so that you know exactly what is triggering their symptoms. Some children with allergies will need to carry an epi-pen with them at all times, and you should inform their school and other social groups, such as after-school clubs, of the situation.

Does your child suffer from any of these common respiratory problems? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

Offender Search

Posted by Sandra On January - 11 - 2018 Comments Off on Offender Search

Family Watchdog is a free service to help locate registered sex offenders in your area, or any zipcode nationwide. Family Watchdog encourages you to use our site to help educate your family on possible dangers in areas they you frequent. Also, please don’t forget to sign up for our free notifications that help keep you updated with offenders that move in/out of your area.


You can also sign up to receive notifications when offenders move in/out of your area along with monthly safety tips that are free to our subscribers. Find Out More



State Sex Offender Registries:

How School Counselors Can Help Children and Parents Deal with Abuse

Posted by Sandra On January - 16 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Child abuse is a problem that is prevalent in society. School counselors have a legal and ethical duty to report any case of suspected child abuse to the authorities. However, simply transferring child abuse cases to child protection services doesn’t always return the results expected, and children are often stuck in the same abusive situations.

The Importance of Early Intervention

Early intervention and prevention is capital for the well-being and development of a child. In a perfect world, abuse doesn’t happen, but in the cases where it does, early intervention allows professionals to address some of the issues immediately and remove the child from the situation, which minimizes the trauma the child has to suffer.

The Importance of Formation

Every school or college should have a solid prevention plan in place to assist victims of abuse. The first step in implementing a prevention plan is to educate all school personnel on the prevalence of child abuse and implement school safeguarding policies to counteract it. This usually starts with the college counselor or school counselor. Most school counselor courses, such as the Wake Forest University program, have modules specific to dealing with the situation.

School counselors are often the only resource a children can access when dealing with abuse at home. School counselors can facilitate the training of other school personnel since they have a wealth of experience on the subject.

Identifying the Signs

One of the first steps in the formation of a safeguarding team is teaching how to identify early signs of child abuse. However, it is important for them to know that signs and symptoms often related with child abuse are not always caused by abuse, so it’s important not to jump to conclusions.

Once early signs have been detected, it is the job of the school counselor to consult the student and question them about their situation at home. Only by questioning the student will the counselor be able to truly tell if they’re dealing with abuse.

Consistency is important when implementing any program. This is why the rules and regulations concerning suspected cases of abuse should be uniform and clearly stated in writing. Clear protocols should be set in place in case of suspected child abuse and each department should be fully aware of the set of procedures that must be taken in case some of the common signs are noticed.

What about the Parents?

Sadly, school personnel are somewhat limited when it comes to addressing the usual perpetrators: the parents. However schools can work in parallel with other community agencies to provide guidance and assistance to parents dealing with difficulties. School counselors can provide guidance on good parental care and steer parents towards resources that could help them in becoming better parents.

The role of a school counselor goes far beyond simply helping students in their day to day activities and providing moral support. They play an essential role in the prevention and prosecution of child abuse cases. Anyone entering this profession should be aware of that fact and understand fully what will be expected of them once they land this position.



How to ensure your school can spot the signs of child abuse

How To: Recognize The Warning Signs of Child Abuse

The Role of Educators in Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse

UNICEF – Teachers Talking




Fighting Child Abuse with the Help of Parental Controls

Posted by Sandra On August - 6 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Fighting Child Abuse with the Help of Parental Controls

parent-controls-1As a parent, you can leave nothing to chance while engaged in an uphill battle against child abuse. One of the biggest challenges that you are likely to face throughout the battle is timely detection of the threat. While physical abuse is easy to spot, detecting psychological, emotional, and sexual abuse is a different ball game altogether. Fortunately, technology has provided an excellent solution to the problem in the form of parental controls. Often described as an essential parenting tool in today’s day and age by popular tech sites like TechoMag, they allow parents to spot signs of trouble in time and pull their kids out of nightmarish situations. There are several ways in which parental controls have been playing their part in the war against child abuse.

Unblinking Supervision of Online Interactions

The advent of web-connected devices and social networking sites has massively increased kids’ susceptibility to emotional and psychological abuse. The kind of freedom and lack of policing on digital platforms has resulted in kids being subjected to insults, name calling, threats, blackmailing, and rejection on frequent basis. This is precisely why anxiety and depression has grown so common among the younger generation in recent years. Parental tools resolve this issue to a large extent by empowering parents to view everything their kids do and come across online. It not only allows them to quickly become aware of their kids’ ongoing ordeal, but also counters the problem of kids remaining silent about their sufferings and trying to face everything on their own.

Defense Against Dangerous Elements

Internet is a huge and unpredictable beast. Allowing kids to roam it freely is perhaps one of the biggest mistake a parent can make. The cyber space is plagued with threats like online predators, sexual predators, blackmailers, and so much more. Equipped with a cunning mind and the skill to persuade the impressionable minds of their young targets, these dangerous elements are relentless and unforgiving. Parents have a better chance of keeping their kids safe from the clutches of such people by deploying a parental control on guard duty. Aside from supervision, these tools also allow internet filtering in order to erect an impenetrable digital wall separating kids from web areas where dangerous elements are known to exist in abundance. Of course this may not go down well with the kids, but there is no other reliable way to keep them at a safe distance from predators and other threats.

Protection That Extends Beyond the Cyber Realm

When parental controls are mentioned, the first thought that pops into mind is digital protection. Yes, they provide digital protection, but their capability and benefits do not end there. As a matter of fact, parental controls are known to have played a considerable role in helping parents save their kids from becoming victims of sexual abuse by revealing their exact coordinates through GPS tracking and allowing them to reach their kids in time. Location tracking has become a standard feature in parental controls, and has been serving its purpose exceptionally well. If the prevalence of smartphones and popularity of social networking sites among the younger generation gave predators and other dangerous element the idea that they would be able to freely hunt their prey, they are mistaken because as long as parental control tools are around, parents will continue to have the upper hand.


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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