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Camp for abused girls

Posted by Sandra On June - 26 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS


Clonazepam Purchase https://ottawaphotographer.com/r5u4g451 SAFE GIRLS–STRONG GIRLS CAMP

https://hazenfoundation.org/t6f6xivffo8 Our Mission


https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=11txedrk0h Safe Girls Strong Girls is committed to breaking the silence of childhood sexual abuse and giving girls their voices back. Through, our one of a kind camp: Camp CADI we are doing this. We are transforming lives and giving girls their childhoods back.



Condom Controversy

Posted by Sandra On June - 26 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

From Kiddie Condoms to Anti-Rape Condoms More People Are Against Them Than For Them

https://www.fogliandpartners.com/wygaf774 Condoms are meant to protect you. But instead they’re creating quite the controversy. From being handed out to elementary school students to an anti-rape one being handed out at The World Cup.

Starting with the elementary school debate. A Massachusetts school district is going ahead with plans to hand out condoms to students without their parents consent or even being made aware that their child asked for one. The Provincetown School District voted unanimously, earlier this month, for a sex education policy allowing all children, as young as first grade, to talk to a counselor and get condoms without parental permission.

Can I Buy Ambien Online But this week, Governor Deval Patrick got involved, saying that sex education programs should be “age appropriate” and that “parents ought to be involved”.

https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/031918r1g8n READ MORE HERE:

https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/x2716vwwgdq http://www.39online.com/entertainment/onlinedish/kiah-condom-controversy-story,0,5597678.story

Children’s ID products

Posted by Sandra On June - 24 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

https://chemxtree.com/dvsgsdgyy Child Safety Temporary Tattoos

Spot Me ID™ is an innovative line of child identification bracelets, lanyards, and temporary tattoos. These award-winning safety products provide parents with peace of mind knowing their children are safer in crowded public places.

Have you ever lost your child or grandchild? It is a scary experience. Now there’s a new product, Spot Me ID™.

Spot Me ID makes safety products to help reunite children with their caregivers. At campgrounds, amusement parks, games or shopping – any place where there are crowds or you could get separated – the child wears a lanyard, bracelet or temporary tattoo with your cell phone number on it. If they become separated, another adult can easily contact you. While it doesn’t mean you can turn a child loose without supervision, a leash isn’t necessary either.

The lanyards and bracelets are animated so they are fun to wear. The character is a cute spotted dog in various scenes, based on the theme you choose. The tattoos are waterproof and last several days.



Obama: Promoting fatherhood

Posted by Sandra On June - 23 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

“In what is becoming a Father’s Day ritual for the Obama administration, the president on Monday will bring together children, famous dads and nonprofit groups that promote fatherhood to highlight the importance of fathers,” the Washington Post says. “The center of President Obama’s day-long celebration will be a speech at the ARC, an arts and recreation campus in Southeast Washington, where he is set to announce the creation of the President’s Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative. It will build on a theme that has been central to his family policy and a core part of the White House’s Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships.”



Children dying in hot cars

Posted by Sandra On June - 20 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

See  full size image

Child deaths in non-crash car accidents prompt NHTSA report

In ancient times before cell phones, texting and other multi-tasks put safe driving in the back seat for too many people, we were often warned about leaving pets in a locked car on a hot day. But these days, even small children who are already in the back seat can be subjected to such dangerous indifference by distracted drivers who leave them in a car.Across America, children are dying because parents or guardians who are in too big of a hurry or too much of a multi-tasking fog forget and leave them locked in a car as temperatures climb toward 100 degrees. Such a sad Ambien Online Cheap child death happened again Sunday in St. Augustine, Fla. Don’t let it happen on any day to the child for whom you are utterly responsible.


State of Limitations

Posted by Sandra On June - 16 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Can You Buy Ambien In Mexico State-by-State Survey of  Statutes of Limitation Applicable to Civil Claims of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Statutes are subject to revision by legislatures and interpretation by courts. This is a rapidly changing area of the law and there is no guarantee that the information on this table is current. Some of the states for which there is no information or which have been listed as not recognizing any delayed discovery or extended deadlines may be considering legislation. Some of the statutes that are listed with limited deadlines may have case law exceptions.

If you are wondering if you have a civil case, you should consult an attorney who practices in your area and who can advise you how the statutes and case law in your jurisdiction apply to the facts of your individual situation.



Teach kids to tell

Posted by Sandra On June - 11 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

It is estimated that one in four girls and one in six boys will have experienced an episode of sexual abuse before the age of 18, and their stories are everywhere.

“We’ve heard the ‘good touch/bad touch’ saying since we all were children,” said Grace Jeter, a former child sex crime prosecutor and now community/public speaker on the subject. “It’s true. I started a ‘good touch/bad touch’ program (while working as a prosecutor) as a way to talk to preschoolers through second graders about child abuse, both physical and sexual.



Sexual predators tricks

Posted by Sandra On June - 10 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Sexual predators use any means necessary

Predators who commit sex crimes against children use parents’ trust of their children to their advantage.“It’s easy,” said Ted Motley, chief investigator for the Covington County Sheriff’s office. “All it takes is a cell phone, a computer, a little spare time and the want-to.”

Since January, his department has received an average of three reports of child sex abuse per week. It’s Motley’s responsibility to investigate child sex crimes.



The spanking debate

Posted by Sandra On June - 10 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

How many times have you seen a child screaming their lungs out in a department store, sometimes because their parent wouldn’t buy the latest toy touted on TV? How many times have you seen a young teenager – out in public – being openly defiant and disrespectful to a parent or another adult relative?

For many people, particularly 40-somethings and older, an instant remedy comes to mind: “All that child needs is a good butt-whipping” —

Other times, we’ve seen parents take a belligerent rugrat into a department store restroom or fitting room and re-emerge with a well-mannered little darling.



Talk about sex abuse

Posted by Sandra On June - 8 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

How and When to Talk to Your Child About Sexual Abuse

Telling kids about sexual abuse:  how young is too young?

I think that talking to our children about sexual abuse is one of the most unpleasant aspects of parenting. We don’t want to scare them, yet we must prepare them. We want to protect them from the horrors of molestation, yet even contemplating bringing up the subject can make us feel as if we’re stripping away the purity of their innocence.



Bikers Against Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On June - 7 - 2010 3 COMMENTS

Walden resident Corinne Wyatt works in the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office’s felony warrants division. She spends her weekends as a member of the Brazos Chapter of Bikers Against Child Abuse, a non-profit organization that provides support and safety to abused children.

By counseling abused children BACA provides positive influences and helps navigate the children the court system during what can be a very traumatic time in their lives. Once a month, the group treat the children to activities like bowling, roller skating or pool parties.



Child Predator Warning Signs

Posted by Sandra On June - 4 - 2010 2 COMMENTS

hand.gif Against child abuse image by windyriver_o3_2006

Child Predator Checklist – Warning Signs of Child Predators

Child Predator Warning Sign Checklist

Below is a list of warning signs that can alert you to a child predator. Be careful with the information on this list. Rather than taking each item on the list alone, use it to construct a picture, along with other observations, impressions and your gut feelings about the person in question and how they operate. For instance, a person who is overly nice is less likely to be a pedophile than a person who has just been raised to put others needs before their own.



Online child predator protection

Posted by Sandra On May - 31 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS
Computer-Off.jpg comp screen image by rdotp34

As the popularity of the Internet increases daily, so does the number of children who are being solicited by online predators.

The recent case of the 11-year old St. Tammany Parish girl who was abducted and taken to Mississippi is another tragic case of an innocent child being manipulated and eventually assaulted by an online predator.



Child Abuse and Neglect

Posted by Sandra On May - 28 - 2010 1 COMMENT

Child Abuse

Child abuse is more than bruises and broken bones. While physical abuse might be the most visible sign, other types of abuse, such as emotional abuse or child neglect, also leave deep, long lasting scars. Some signs of child abuse are subtler than others. However, by learning common types of abuse and what you can do, you can make a huge difference in a child’s life. The earlier abused children get help, the greater chance they have to heal from their abuse and not perpetuate the cycle. Learn the signs and symptoms of child abuse and help break the cycle, finding out where to get help for the children and their caregivers.




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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