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Ectasy prescribed for PTSD?

Posted by Sandra On July - 21 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Ecstacy Used To Treat PTSD

Drug Ecstacy Tested As Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment

The test results are being called promising.

https://www.mdifitness.com/rzli0gkpd MOUNT PLEASANT, SC — The drug Ecstasy or MDMA is being tested as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder.
The small study, which appears in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, included 20 people with PTSD stemming from traumas such as sexual assault and combat stress.

https://www.varesewedding.com/qjaabpczeyc READ MORE HERE:

https://www.plantillaslago.com/7ttmby4i1 http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-ecstacy-post-traumatic-stress-disorder,0,3162430.story

Rape victim offers hope

Posted by Sandra On July - 19 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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These were the words of 84-year-old Roland Smith’s rape victim after he was jailed for eight years – more than 40 years after committing his monstrous crimes. He was found guilty by a jury of twice raping the child in 1970, when she was 12 or 13-years-old. Smith had denied the charges, claiming she consented – which is an old defence in law because of the date of the offences, but no longer applies to new offences.

https://www.salernoformazione.com/uzrsg7d READ MORE HERE:

Buying Zolpidem Online http://www.thisisgrimsby.co.uk/news/Child-rape-victim-offers-hope-finding-courage-report-sex-fiend/article-2428612-detail/article.html

Experts Warn Parents

Posted by Sandra On July - 17 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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OKLAHOMA CITY — Thursday’s arrest of a 69-year-old Payne County man for sex crimes against his own family brought to light the disturbing reality that has destroyed thousands of children and their families’ lives. That’s why experts say it is so important to recognize early warning signs.

Many children who have been molested by a family member keep their abuse a secret because they are ashamed or afraid to break up the family, and when it is revealed, it is often by accident.



Recovery from child abuse

Posted by Sandra On July - 15 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Guide to Self Help Books. Find a Self Help Book. Self-Help Book  Reviews


Many adults face the difficult task of healing from physical, emotional, spiritual, or sexual abuse suffered in childhood. This is often made more difficult by isolation and feelings of shame and self-blame. Survivors may feel they must protect or shield those who abused, particularly if the perpetrators were family members.



Memory Repression/Recovery Resources

Posted by Sandra On July - 15 - 2010 1 COMMENT

Abuse reports often mishandled

Posted by Sandra On July - 10 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Using the situation that led to the recent firing of Hooker Principal Andrew Cimmino as one example, the offices of the state attorney general and child advocate issued a report Thursday suggesting child abuse allegations are often mishandled by school employees.

The report, the result of a two-year investigation, also cites cases in Westport, New Haven and Southington. It recommends a series of changes to the Connecticut General Statutes that would make the state Department of Education, local school districts and the Department of Children and Families work more closely to ensure teachers know their responsibilities as mandatory reporters of suspected abuse and require school officials to check the abuse and neglect registry before a teacher is hired.



Schools failing to report abuse

Posted by Sandra On July - 9 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Attorney General Richard Blumenthal and the state’s child advocate, Jeanne Milstein, say child abuse and neglect cases are slipping through the bureaucratic cracks at the state’s schools. Their proof: hundreds of examples in a 66-page report they released Thursday.

One case outlines a teacher and women’s basketball coach at Southington High School allegedly having inappropriate behavior with female athletes. Another: a teacher accused of slapping her disabled student’s hands and making another stand in the rain with no coat.



Drinking while Pregnant

Posted by Sandra On July - 8 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS
Drinking while pregnant

Health expert says that binge drinking during pregnancy is ‘child abuse by umbilical cord’

Young women are poisoning their babies and condemning them to a lifetime of learning disabilities by binge drinking in pregnancy, a government adviser has warned. Professor Barry Carpenter said Britain was facing unprecedented rise in the number of children born with learning disabilities – and boozy young mothers-to-be were largely to blame.


Older men grooming teens

Posted by Sandra On July - 8 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Girl with computer and phone (file pic)

‘Hidden obscenity’: Older men grooming teens for sex

The public’s image of a predatory paedophile typically involves a middle-aged man, glued to the internet or walking the streets, intent on finding victims.

But the work of Barnardo’s with more than 1,000 young people who have suffered sexual exploitation reveals a more complicated threat, and one that closely reflects the society in which we live.



Spankings lead to abuse?

Posted by Sandra On July - 6 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Jon Mark Beilue asked an important question in a column he wrote for this paper last Friday: When does child discipline become child abuse?

The question arises from an incident in which a local police officer apparently struck his own child and then came under investigation by the state’s Child Protective Services.

Beilue mentioned that he had had his hide tanned more than once when he was young, and I accept at face value his conclusions that he both deserved it and learned from it. He went on to say that the majority of comments on the topic lamented the fact that parents could get in trouble for “disciplining” a child.



Child abuse affects society

Posted by Sandra On July - 5 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Of all the ways that child abuse impacts society – from dysfunctional individuals; to families falling apart – it goes without question that child abuse impacts our legislation. As primitive cultures evolve and recognize that the well-being of children is important, they come to create laws concerning children. Above and beyond all the harm that children endure, it is these laws that somehow impact us the most.



Sexual abuse workshops

Posted by Sandra On July - 3 - 2010 1 COMMENT
Workshop facilitator Jinaki Flint explains that more than 85 percent of child sexual abuse comes at the hands of someone the child knows—not a stranger.

A sexual predator may be close by. “People who abuse look and act just like anyone else,” said Paula Sellars, narrator of Stewards of Children, a video component for the Darkness to Light Workshop, presented June 28 by Georgia Center for Child Advocacy at the DeKalb County Crime Prevention Tour at Charles Drew Charter School in East Lake.



Social networking predators

Posted by Sandra On June - 30 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Most detectives get into the industry to solve burglaries, homicides and other major crimes, but recently, Benson Police Detective Brian Williams’ caseload has been filled with sexual assault crimes against children.

Some of these crimes involve a parent or grandparent having sex with their daughters and granddaughters. Others are even more alarming, as social networking and texting allows predators to find young victims and manipulate them into having sex.



Child Abuse Memoir

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS
Author, BlogTalk Radio Host, Child Abuse, Human & Animal Rights Advocate Laurie Ann Smith

These days, all we have to do is pick up a newspaper or turn on the television and we are instantly invited into people’s lives surfacing around bad marriages, cheating and abusive spouses, alcohol and drug addiction. But what happens when these addictions are the reality of your own life?

Seven months ago, I was introduced to an amazing woman named Laurie Ann Smith. Laurie was different than any other woman I have ever met. For such a quiet, small framed woman, she had this will, drive and determination that could move mountains.




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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