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“Trust” Child Pedophile Movie

Posted by Sandra On September - 10 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS
American actor and director David Schwimmer poses for a portrait to promote the film ''Trust'' during the 35th Toronto International Film Festival September 10, 2010. REUTERS / Adrien Veczan

“Friends” David Schwimmer turns dark with child predator movie

https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/xeb0j2i David Schwimmer made his name as a hapless romantic in the hit TV comedy series “Friends”, but takes on a much darker topic in his second stint behind the camera with the movie “Trust.”

A heart-rending drama about how online predators groom child victims and the impact it has on a family, “Trust” was inspired by Schwimmer’s work with rape victims.

https://www.plantillaslago.com/0th3vvf13 “Trust”, which is being shown at the Toronto International Film Festival, stars Clive Owen and Catherine Keener as parents who live out a nightmare when their teenage daughter is sexually assaulted by a man who gained her trust in an online chat relationship.


Zolpidem Purchase http://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKTRE6895LT20100910

“Polly and Me” Abuse Film

Posted by Sandra On September - 7 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/m4p3mpnf85e Go to fullsize image

https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/gdsuflf The promotional blurb for Polly and Me reads: “Behind closed doors unfolds a story of neglect. An eight-year-old girl lives alone with her mother and dreams of a better life beyond the walls of their small and dingy apartment. Polly and Me is the story of one little girl who has fallen between the cracks and reminds us that just because we don’t see her, it doesn’t mean she isn’t there.”

https://www.varesewedding.com/61qh2t87ws5 The short film will air tomorrow at 9.30pm on ABC1, coinciding with National Child Protection Week. It is produced and directed by the group that made the confronting, AFI award-winning 2008 documentary, The Oasis, which followed the lives of homeless youth who visit an inner-city refuge.

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=zm7c1r8d READ MORE HERE:

Order Ambien From Canada http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/harrowing-film-opens-our-eyes-to-child-abuse-20100907-14zgm.html

Overwhelmed Parent Resources

Posted by Sandra On September - 4 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Of the 4,742 children who were abused and neglected last year in Minnesota, 44 children suffered life-threatening injuries and 21 children died from maltreatment, according to the Department of Human Services.

Along with the joys of parenthood also come stress, frustration and feelings of being overwhelmed when things don’t go as planned. But child advocates want parents to know they are not alone.

“Throughout every community, there are a lot of people who are available to help,” said Connie Skillingstad, executive director of Prevent Child Abuse Minnesota. “If you are feeling like you are losing it, it’s time to look for resources.”



Preventing Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On September - 2 - 2010 1 COMMENT

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With most kids now back to school, it’s important for parents to make sure their children are staying safe. KENS 5’s Stacia Willson caught up with Dr. Nancy Kellogg, Professor and Division Chief of Child Abuse at the University of Texas Health Science Center Department of Pediatrics, to discuss some ways to keep children our of harm’s way.

Q: What are some things to be aware of when it comes to preventing child abuse at the start of a new school year?

A: At home, there is a lot of excitement and changes in schedules, which can produce added stress and fatigue. It is a time to stop and remember to be patient and understanding as everyone gets used to the changes.

Remember that stress and fatigue can lead to short tempers and rash words or actions.

At school, children should pay close attention to the rules, especially about where they can go and when. They should get to know their teachers so they feel comfortable talking to them, and talk to their parents about anything that makes them feel uncomfortable, sad or scared.



Child Sexual Abuse

Posted by Sandra On August - 30 - 2010 2 COMMENTS

Child sexual abuse has been reported up to 80,000 times a year, but the number of unreported instances is far greater, because the children are afraid to tell anyone what has happened, and the legal procedure for validating an episode is difficult. The problem should be identified, the abuse stopped, and the child should receive professional help. The long-term emotional and psychological damage of sexual abuse can be devastating to the child.

Child sexual abuse can take place within the family, by a parent, step-parent, sibling or other relative; or outside the home, for example, by a friend, neighbor, child care person, teacher, or stranger. When sexual abuse has occurred, a child can develop a variety of distressing feelings, thoughts and behaviors.



Spanking vs. Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On August - 27 - 2010 1 COMMENT

spanking toddlers

Corporal punishment. Now that’s one nasty, knee jerk, flashpoint of a topic. It’s maligned by many and praised by others. It’s even been known to ruin a few marriages.

I am relatively new to parenting, having been a mom for all of 19 months; therefore, I haven’t encountered a situation that would call for me to haul off and hit my child. But when it comes to Buy Zolpidem From Uk discipline, there are two things I know for sure, and a couple of other things I’m not so sure about. One, spanking a child without them understanding why you’re doing so is abusive. And two, slapping a child across the face — especially a toddler — is parenting by humiliation.



RECALL: Frozen Fruit Bars

Posted by Sandra On August - 26 - 2010 1 COMMENT

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Frozen Fruit Bars Recalled for Typhoid Fever Outbreak

At least nine people in California and Nevada have fallen ill with typhoid fever.

LOS ANGELES — Fruiti Pops Inc. is recalling its mamey fruit pops due to a link to a recent typhoid fever outbreak.

The recall, announced Thursday, is due to contaminated mamey fruit pulp from Goya Foods, recalled earlier this month. Mamey is a tropical fruit from Central America often used in smoothies.

The fruit bars were distributed in California, Arizona, and Texas in retail stores, ice cream trucks, and vending machines, the company said.



Is football practice child abuse?

Posted by Sandra On August - 25 - 2010 2 COMMENTS

Can football practice be child abuse?

Can football practice be child abuse?

As teens head back to the practice field, recent events raise questions about our attitude toward sports training

If you’re one of the millions of fans who tunes into sports talk radio, chances are you’ve heard a lot of trash talk this week about Albert Haynesworth, the Washington Redskin’s star nosetackle who has refused to practice for health reasons. The majority view on Haynesworth – proffered by fat guys sitting in air conditioned studios, natch – is that he’s a spoiled brat who should quit moaning and hit the field.



Justice for Sex Crime Victims

Posted by Sandra On August - 24 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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Justice for Sex Crime Victims

Sex Predators are allowed to roam free in Texas and across the Nation due to the lack of strong Laws to keep them quelled.

Counties without the budget to extradite allow the predators to escape justice. District Attorney’s are protected by the Texas Laws when they choose to allow a sex predator to go free because of cronyism in counties between Attorney’s and the DA’s Office. Grand Juries indict the predator and then the County Judge and District Attorney allow the predator freedom. Our Attorney General ignores this issue and does not provide the necessary allowances to give the victims an escape route.



Advocates fear DHS relapse

Posted by Sandra On August - 22 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

<b>Chavis, 8, cleans his room after being placed with his natural father, whom he had never met. </b><br> DIPTI VAIDYA / THE TENNESSEAN

Critics of the state’s troubled foster care system say it has shown improvement under Gov. Phil Bredesen, but they worry a new administration could cause the agency to lose its way along the path to reform.

A decade ago, a federal class-action lawsuit revealed harrowing stories of child abuse and neglect at the hands of a state system meant to protect some of Tennessee’s most vulnerable young people.

One boy ate his drug-addict mother’s cocaine after the state returned him to her custody, even though she had never gone to drug abuse counseling. Another was forced to live in an overcrowded shelter with older kids accused of violent crimes. And a girl was shuffled among 15 foster homes during a single year of state supervision.



Greatest risk of child abduction

Posted by Sandra On August - 20 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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Children at Greatest Risk of Abduction When Going to and from School or School-Related Activities

Actor Tim Kang from CBS’ ‘The Mentalist’ Heads Campaign to Help Parents Keep Their Children Safe

ALEXANDRIA, Va., Aug. 18 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — As parents prepare for the start of a new school year, teaching children how to be safe needs to be at the top of their list of things to do.  An analysis by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) of attempted abductions during the past five years found that children are at most risk when going to and from school or school-related activities.  NCMEC is partnering with actor Tim Kang, of the hit CBS show The Mentalist, to launch a new campaign to help educate parents about what they should be telling their children to keep them safe.



Have you seen this child rapist?

Posted by Sandra On August - 19 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Have You Seen This Tard?

https://www.salernoformazione.com/db4yycap4b9 Denver, CO – Police are asking for the public’s help in the search for a sex offender who has failed to register. Judging by dude’s mugshot, the task shouldn’t be too difficult. Jacob Medina was convicted of sexual assault on a child back in ’06 and is considered a sexually violent predator.



Female child killers

Posted by Sandra On August - 18 - 2010 1 COMMENT

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How Rare Are Female Child Killers?

The recent confession of a 29-year-old mother to suffocating her two toddlers is not as rare as many might think.

Murder charges are being brought against a woman who admitted she suffocated two of her children. The two boys, ages one and two, were found in a car submerged in a river in South Carolina on Monday, Orangeburg County Sheriff Larry Williams said in a news conference Tuesday.

Shaquan Duley, 29, told police she smothered her toddler sons at a motel by placing her hands over their mouths. Williams said the children were dead before Duley put them in their car seats and drove them to the river.



Paddling Still in Schools

Posted by Sandra On August - 16 - 2010 1 COMMENT

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Duncan: School bullying now a top federal priority

Day one of national summit on bullying provides tips to schools, dispels common myths

“Are we modeling positive values and moral behavior around children?” “Schools need to cultivate an environment of trust and accountability for their students,” said Duncan. “Victims of bullying aren’t ‘tattletales;’ they’re being responsible. We, as adults, must also present consistent and sustained model behavior for children.”

Video of a recent Fox News Panel discussion  “The Push to Ban Paddling in Schools” is available online at Opposing Views where panelists are shocked to learn that corporal punishment is still used in schools in 20 states and state that it is medieval, and they refer to Memphis City Schools Board Member Whalum’s assertion that detention doesn’t work in poor, largely populated areas.  The panel comes to the conclusion that there has to be a better way for schools to discipline students than by the pain and humiliation of paddling.

Some parents in the U.S. are unable to protect their children from overhearing school employees hit children with wooden paddles in hallways in school.  This is my family’s situation.  We don’t hit our 3 children, never have.  It shocks our conscience everyday that children are physically hit with wooden boards by school employees to deliberately inflict physical pain and suffering as punishment in schools in some states, when the practice is already illegal in schools in 30 states and prohibited by Federal law in prisons and juvenile detention centers.  An Enfield, Conn. High School Teacher is facing sexual assault charges after being accused of spanking a female student in class in stark contrast to a recent incident where over a dozen high school girls in Alabama received “Spankings” for prom dresses that were too revealing.  Note the disparity.  For a real education of what is really happening to our children in our tax-payer funded schools simply type “A Violent Education” and “School is Not Supposed to Hurt” into an internet search engine to review recent shocking reports.

The TRUTH is that school children are treated differently in our great nation based on where they live. A black middle school student in Texas DIED by having his chest crushed when his teacher sat on him to restrain him and ignored his pleas that he could not breathe, he died on the classroom floor in front of his classmates (this teacher is teaching in another state), a Texas high school student suffered deep bruising and welts to his lower back, buttocks and back of his legs when he received 21 “licks” with a wooden canoe paddle, which broke during the beating and had to be taped to continue the beating, a 9-year old Georgia 3rd grader suffered deep bruising injuries when he was paddled with a WOODEN PADDLE 3 TIMES IN ONE DAY (Decatur Co., GA affirmed Corporal Punishment Policy 9/17/09 for school children) and a Publicly Funded Charter School in Memphis, Tennessee physically punishes middle/high school boys and GIRLS weekly during a ceremony called “Chapel” by hitting them with wooden paddles and/or whipping their hands with leather straps IN FRONT OF ALL THE OTHER STUDENTS AS A DETERRENT to publicly induce shame, humiliation and fear! The school employees in the above actions have LEGAL IMMUNITY and are STILL paid by our tax-dollars to be ENTRUSTED with the care and education of our children!

Decades ago, no one questioned corporal punishment of children in schools (Illegal in Schools in 30 States today) and police tended to think of domestic abuse as a private matter between husband and wife, rather than a criminal act.

Instances of physical and sexual abuse regularly occur in our public-school systems which is why we must make our collective voices heard to Demand U.S. Education institute nationwide policies and practices of zero tolerance for abusers, compensate victims for counseling as long as needed and implement background checks and educational programs for all employees and volunteers in order to identify and prevent child sexual and physical abuse.

Our children are worth the effort to protect them and we must demand “Best Practices” that teach children “discipline” through non-violent practices in schools. Students must be taught why what they did was wrong and given the tools to improve behavior/decision making skills while https://municion.org/lz3rblr empowering them with awareness to their human right to integrity of their bodies (hands-off!) in our schools and society.

My husband and I are parents of 3 children attending schools in an unresponsive Paddling School District, Houston Co., Tennessee  We are unable to protect our 3 children (whom we do not hit) from witessing/overhearing classmates being threatened/hit with Wooden Paddles by teachers just outside class for minor infractions such as not turning in homework, horsing around, etc.  Then the battered student is further humiliated when they immediately return to their seat with a red and tear-stained face.  Tennessee State Law does Not require Parental Consent or Notification for children to be physically/corporally punished at school.

Federal and Tennessee State Government Officials have informed us that the very important matter of our children’s health and safety in school is a “Local Issue” left up to autonomous school district governing board members.  My husband and I made a written/verbal presentation to our local school board members in April 2008 during “National Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month” to Demand they Prohibit Physical/Corporal Punishment of Children in our schools, to date, August 2010, we have received no response, no phone call, no letter, they have IGNORED US!

Volumes of research indicate harm and learning impairment to the healthy development of children subjected to and witnessing corporal punishment.  We are vehemently Opposed to our children’s learning environment including fear, anxiety, dread and humiliation and outraged that all U.S. tax-paying citizens are not receiving EQUAL access to safe and healthy learning environments for our children.

Our nation’s most prominent and trusted Children’s Health and Education Organizations have issued Official Position Statements Opposing Corporal Punishment of Children in Schools.

School corporal punishment of students is a children’s human rights violation and a violation of our nation’s constitution ensuring every individual the right to equal protection and due process.

H.R. 5628 “Ending Corporal Punishment in Schools Act” was introduced to Congress on 29 June and referred to the House Committee on Education and Labor. It requires 25 votes to move it on to the next stage: as of 27 July it had 21 votes.  Please contact your U.S. Congress Representative and urge them to Co-Sponsor/Support H.R. 5628 “Ending Corporal Punishment in Schools Act.”

Julie Worley

Parent of 3 Children attending Schools in an UNRESPONSIVE Paddling School District

Houston County, Tennessee (gworley1@netzero.net)




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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