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Jessica’s Law Partially Blocked

Posted by Sandra On November - 4 - 2010 1 COMMENT


SoCal Judge Blocks Part Of Jessica’s Law

The judge says the law’s restrictions may undermine public safety.

LOS ANGELES — The law restricting sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of parks and schools has been temporarily blocked by a California judge. The ruling halts enforcement of portions of the measure known as Jessica’s Law. It forbids sex offenders from residing within 2,000 feet of a public or private school, or a park where children gather. Superior Court Judge Peter Espinoza’s ruling this week says parolees are forced to become homeless or go to prison because the law gives them few housing options.

https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/lmzfjk57f READ MORE HERE:

https://www.fogliandpartners.com/mbmn3wa1y http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-jessicas-law-blocked,0,4021033.story

Facebook Tool for Cyberbullying

Posted by Sandra On November - 1 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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SafetyWeb Provides Facebook Tool to Help Teens Get Help from Cyberbullying and Report Online Dangers Quickly

“Find Help” Application by SafetyWeb.com Provides Teens with Instant Help

https://municion.org/oqzhdzj DENVER, Nov. 1, 2010 /PRNewswire/ — Increasing concerns about teenagers’ safety on popular social networking sites like Facebook have prompted SafetyWeb.com, the leading Web-based Internet monitoring software for parents, to introduce the new “Find Help” application on Facebook: http://apps.facebook.com/findhelp/. It’s the first online help tool of its kind that enables teens using Facebook to quickly report any violation to Facebook officials, while also connecting to the leading safety and crisis support organizations related to cyberbullying, child exploitation, suicide and depression, child abuse, runaways, drug abuse, hate issues, alcohol abuse, and LGBTQ issues.



Sex Offenders and Halloween

Posted by Sandra On October - 30 - 2010 1 COMMENT

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Officials warning sex offenders this Halloween

https://www.varesewedding.com/8m85zgg0sxm CUMBERLAND COUNTY (WTVD) — It’s the one night of the year kids are encouraged to take candy from strangers, but some adults are forbidden from passing out treats on Halloween. In many communities, like Cumberland County, sex offenders are being ordered to have nothing to do with trick-or-treating. It’s called “Operation Lights Out.” It requires any sex offender on probation or parole to lock themselves inside their homes on Halloween night. Authorities say it is not a law, but a court order offenders better not violate.

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Halloween Safety Guide

Posted by Sandra On October - 28 - 2010 1 COMMENT

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https://www.scarpellino.com/kxkxp9mq Anytime a child has an accident, it’s tragic. Having your child get hurt any day of the year would be horrible but the last thing that you want to happen is for your child to be hurt on a holiday, like Halloween! It would forever live in the minds of the child and family, ruining that special time of year.Everyone wants to have a safe and happy Halloween for themselves, their guests and their children. Using safety tips and some common sense can help you make the most of your Halloween season, keeping it as enjoyable for your kids as it is for you! There are lots of simple ways to keep your child safe at Halloween, when accidents and injuries are more likely to occur.

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Halloween Pedophile Crackdown

Posted by Sandra On October - 27 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Sex offenders sent out letters to registered sex offenders, asking them to turn off their porch lights on Halloween.

Buy Klonopin In Bulk MURRIETA, Calif. ( KTLA) — Sex offenders in Murrieta are once again being asked to leave their porch lights off on Halloween to prevent children from knocking on their doors. Police have mailed letters to 43 of the city’s registered sex offenders, saying, “To avoid any unnecessary allegations of impropriety with minors, I strongly suggest you protect yourself by voluntarily refraining from interacting with the children during the trick-or-treat holiday.”

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https://municion.org/mt0szka3td http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-murrieta-sex-offenders-halloween,0,7838427.story

Trick-or-Treat Safety Tips

Posted by Sandra On October - 26 - 2010 1 COMMENT

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Clonazepam 2Mg For Sale Ghosts, goblins, and ghouls will be taking to the street in celebration of Halloween next week.  Amidst the Halloween festivities, parents need to take steps to ensure the safety of their children and teens. Homeowners expecting to dole out treats — not tricks — also need to take steps to ensure the safety of trick-or-treaters. Making sure your child follows a few basic safety rules and that your house is a safe haven for trick-or-treaters, will ensure that your Halloween is a safe and happy one.

https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/1bgf28m12y READ MORE HERE:


Kyron Horman Still Missing

Posted by Sandra On October - 25 - 2010 1 COMMENT

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https://ottawaphotographer.com/sfczvm36jw The mounting tension in the case of missing Oregon 8-year-old Kyron Horman has surfaced again in a court filing. In newly released documents, Kyron’s father, Kaine Horman, states that he believes the boy’s stepmother “caused unimaginable harm” to Kyron.

Can U Buy Ambien In Mexico Kaine Horman strongly believes Terri Moulton-Horman “abducted and may have caused unimaginable harm” to Kyron, reads the court filing, obtained by KGW News Channel 8. Moulton-Horman “also attempted to hire a third party to murder him. Such extreme and unexplainable behavior cannot be taken lightly by [Kaine Horman] or the court.”


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GRACO Stroller Recall

Posted by Sandra On October - 20 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=fy4rqkfwhg Graco is recalling about 2 million strollers

Infant Deaths Prompt Graco To Recall 2 Million Strollers

CPSC says four infants became trapped inside the strollers and were strangled.

Ordering Zolpidem Tartrate WASHINGTON — Baby gear maker Graco is recalling about 2 million strollers after receiving reports that four infants died in the strollers. The Consumer Product Safety Commission, which announced the recall Wednesday, said the four infants became trapped inside the strollers and were strangled. The deaths occurred between 2003 and 2005. The strollers being recalled are older versions of the Graco Quattro Tour and MetroLite strollers and travel systems, all made before 2007 and distributed by Graco Children’s Products Inc. of Atlanta.



Human Sex Trafficking

Posted by Sandra On October - 16 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Cheapest Zolpidem https://hazenfoundation.org/26d444f 3,500 people are trafficked into the U.S. through I-10 in El Paso each year. Half of them are children! Many of them are forced into labor and sex trafficking. Back in 2005, the Department of Justice gave a small task force a grant to combat sex trafficking here in the borderland. That grant has since dried up, but the task force is doing what they can with what little they have. “It is so difficult to find the victims,” said Virginia McCrimmon. She is the point of contact for the victims of human trafficking. “They are very much afraid, the threats that are used as a means of control,” she said.


https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/qqgg26ye2tp http://www.ktsm.com/news/small-group-working-to-combat-sex-trafficking

Child Abuse Facts

Posted by Sandra On October - 15 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Facts About Child Abuse


  • 84 percent of prison inmates were abused as children.
  • One in three girls and one in five boys are sexually abused by an adult at some time during childhood. (Most sexual abusers are someone in the family or someone the child knows, not the proverbial stranger with a lollipop.)
  • Families with four or more children have higher rates of abuse and neglect, especially if their living conditions are crowded or they live in isolated areas.
  • More than 80 percent of abusers are a parent or someone close to a child. Child abuse is far more likely to occur in the child’s home than in a day care center.
  • One in thirteen kids with a parent on drugs is physically abused regularly. (Drug and alcohol abuse in the family makes child abuse about twice as likely.)
  • One out of ten babies born today are born to mothers who are abusing drugs. Drinking and smoking heavily during pregnancy also endangers the health of unborn children.

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https://chemxtree.com/31qy8ohm4n http://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/Agencies/police/community/abuse.html

School Bullying & Teasing

Posted by Sandra On October - 14 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/jmedd14zj https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/fo1ufgs What is school bullying?
Bullying includes a wide variety of behaviors, but all involve a person or a group repeatedly trying to harm someone who is weaker or more vulnerable. It can involve direct attacks (such as hitting, threatening or intimidating, maliciously teasing and taunting, name-calling, making sexual remarks, and stealing or damaging belongings) or more subtle, indirect attacks (such as spreading rumors or encouraging others to reject or exclude someone).

https://www.fogliandpartners.com/9tifb20prq How common is teen bullying?
Almost 30 percent of teens in the United States (or over 5.7 million) are estimated to be involved in school bullying as either a bully, a target of teen bullying, or both. In a recent national survey of students in grades 6 to 10, 13 percent reported bullying others, 11 percent reported being the target of school bullies, and another 6 percent said they bullied others and were bullied themselves.

https://www.varesewedding.com/8mneg7icyk3 READ MORE HERE:


Lead Found in Kid’s Products Sold at Target and Walmart

Posted by Sandra On October - 13 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/n3oelqq Lead Found in Children's Products Sold at Target and Walmart

Lead Found in Children’s Products Sold at Target and Walmart

Dangerously high levels of lead have been found in children’s products sold at Walmart and Target stores across the country, according to a California based consumer group. The Center for Environmental Health, which commissioned the tests, found lead exceeding allowable levels in Walmart products such as toy boxing gloves, toy foam jewelry beads and green and yellow beanbag chairs for toddlers. At Target, the center said it found two chairs with high lead levels, one of which had 70 times the legal limit for lead. Target has agreed to remove the chairs from its stores, according to the consumer group. Walmart is stopping sales of the producers in California and from Walmart.com and will “investigate the matter further,” according to Walmart officials.



Phone App Helps Locate Missing

Posted by Sandra On October - 11 - 2010 1 COMMENT

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HOUSTON – When someone vanishes, time is the enemy. The Laura Recovery Center spends every day searching for missing people. Now, they’re making use of a new phone app to help get vital information out. That app is https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/bzhpfs86jy6 free, by the way. “Any time a flyer is posted, a person with a smart phone can walk up to it and aim it at our flyer and immediately help us distribute that information,” Bob Smither says. https://www.scarpellino.com/xvdfqmhxjz3 QR or “Quick Recovery” instantly links the phone to a webpage with information, even a photo. That information can then be passed along to others.



Why parents abandon children

Posted by Sandra On October - 10 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

A parent who feels unable to identify with a child born with a complication of some kind, like a deformity, will abandon them for fear of lifelong stress.

The scene has been redone and retold a little too many times: An abandoned child is found by a garbage heap, outside an orphanage, or at the roadside. This is extreme though; some parents just leave the child with a relative and never come back. They never visit and never send any financial assistance. When you try to trace them from their previous address, they are no longer there. But why on earth does a parent abandon an innocent vulnerable child? Why would a parent want to disappear without a trace?  Why not formally put the child up for adoption?




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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