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Archive for the ‘Important Info’ Category

Teens Using Nutmeg to Get High

Posted by Sandra On December - 2 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.fogliandpartners.com/gvu2i8e88g A young man is seen ingesting a large quantity of nutmeg in this YouTube video.

Teens are seen eating, snorting and smoking nutmeg to get high

https://ottawaphotographer.com/26t0kqny A popular kitchen spice is gaining popularity with teenagers, but not for cooking. Many kids are apparently using ground nutmeg to get high. Homemade videos on YouTube show teens consuming large amounts of the spice by eating it, snorting it and even smoking it. The spice is typically used in desserts and drinks like eggnog. An oil in the nutmeg apparently creates hallucinations. Authorities say the side-effects of using nutmeg to get high, like upset stomach and vomiting, will often act as a deterrent from using it again.


Buy Zolpidem In India http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-nutmeg-high,0,1217706.story

New ‘Underwear Rule’ Campaign

Posted by Sandra On November - 29 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.scarpellino.com/o3brop52 Go to fullsize image

New `Underwear Rule’ to stop child sexual abuse

https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/f70siphbez The Council of Europe has launched a new Underwear Rule campaign to help combat sexual violence against children and improve international cooperation on prosecuting offenders. The Underwear Rule, aimed at teaching children aged four to seven about their rights to set limits and speak out against abuse, is being promoted through a TV spot, a children’s book, poster campaigns and a website. The spot features a green cartoon child who gives permission to a large, brightly-coloured hand to pat him on the head and tickle him, but reacts angrily when the hand asks if it can touch him inside his underwear.


https://www.salernoformazione.com/vztnkq229z5 http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/8172496/new-underwear-rule-to-stop-child-abuse

‘Call 911’ Signs Distributed

Posted by Sandra On November - 28 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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Child abuse survivor notes approval for ‘call 911’ signs

About 1,000 yard signs and more than 1,000 bumper stickers say: “Be aware. Child abuse can be anywhere!!! Call 911.”

https://hazenfoundation.org/osludidu78t WICHITA, Kan. — For Beverly “B. Kay” Van Es, the Thanksgiving spirit came walking down a sidewalk on Tuesday afternoon. The spirit arrived in the form of a middle-school boy who stopped outside her Wichita home and began talking with her husband, Jack, about the sign posted in their front yard. That sign is about me, he told the couple. The experience resonated with Van Es because of the March death of a North Newton toddler, Vincent Hill. Vincent’s death — what authorities have called a severe case of child abuse — jolted Van Es and another Wichita grandmother, Lily “Madrene” Hill, into action.


Psychological Damage of Bullying

Posted by Sandra On November - 27 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Inside the bullied brain

The alarming neuroscience of taunting

In the wake of several tragedies that have made bullying a high-profile issue, it’s becoming clear that harassment by one’s peers is something more than just a rite of passage. Bullied kids are more likely to be depressed, anxious, and suicidal. They struggle in school — when they decide to show up at all. They are more likely to carry weapons, get in fights, and use drugs. But when it comes to the actual harm bullying does, the picture grows murkier. The psychological torment that victims feel is real. But perhaps because many of us have experienced this sort of schoolyard cruelty and lived to tell the tale, peer harassment is still commonly written off as a “soft” form of abuse — one that leaves no obvious injuries and that most victims simply get over. It’s easy to imagine that, painful as bullying can be, all it hurts is our feelings.



Disturbing Site: Birth or Not

Posted by Sandra On November - 23 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

This is an extremely disturbing website—Couple are asking the public to “VOTE” on whether or not to have an abortion….

WEBSITE MESSAGE: You can vote and choose whether we abort or keep our unborn child. For the first time, your vote on the topic of abortion can make a difference.

The abortion issue has been a controversial topic for decades that reaches to the core of every person in America.  Often voters will even base their entire choice on this one topic alone, disregarding everything else the politician has to offer in the vain hope that their “chosen one” will be able to effect change on this issue.

We all like to think that our opinions matter, but so often there is no effective outlet for our beliefs to change lives.  While most people have a definite opinion about abortion and take a stance as being either “Pro-Life” or “Pro-choice”, very few have an opportunity to do more than voice their concern to their elected representative.  The concerns that we voice to those around us don’t seem to change the status-quo. Unless you are put into the position of having to make this decision in a setting that actually makes a difference, the debate does not affect anything.

Voting is such an integral part of the American identity.  We vote on everything.  We vote on things ranging from the best singer on American Idol to who the next leader of the free world will be.  Wouldn’t it be nice to voice your opinion and have it actually make a difference in the real world?  Why not vote on whether to continue or abort an actual pregnancy? Your vote can help a real couple to make a decision on this issue.

We would like to keep you informed on our pregnancy as if it was your own; posting our thoughts and feelings as we struggle to make this decision.  We would like you to see what we see and feel what we feel.  We invite you take this journey with us as we contemplate our own options and encourage you to utilize this site to vote and voice your opinion in a way that will have a real consequence… in a way that truly matters.  Here, your vote will not go unheard.



Child Abuse Recovery Tutorials

Posted by Sandra On November - 17 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/uuun3p0k Gentle Reader, Do You Want to Be Happy Despite Your Child Abuse Stories? https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/hkzb7auop1

Escaping our child abuse stories
I am Dr. Matt and I know from experience how our child abuse stories seem to totally overwhelm us. Whenever we tell our child abuse stories, we talk about how we were child abuse victims. We could not escape back then and it feels like we still cannot escape. We want our intense child abuse stories to be heard, to ease the pressure inside. Can we escape our child abuse stories?   No.
Ask this question instead: Can we integrate our child abuse stories?   Yes!


Dr. Stewart earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Trauma and Recovery at the Ontario Institute for Studies In Education, University of Toronto, Canada, in 1998. He is a researcher, educator, author, sculptor, gardener, father and grandfather. As a solo workshop leader, he provides training about learning-healing connections to universities, Children’s Aid societies, young offender and First Nation agencies, hospitals, to mention a few. He also writes movie scripts, educational articles, self-help books, poetry, and books for kids of all ages.




Controversial School Letter

Posted by Sandra On November - 17 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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School Letter: Dear Parent, Your Child is Obese

CLEVELAND —A Cleveland childhood obesity expert is weighing-in on a controversial letter sent home with overweight students at some Arizona schools. Deborah Delabruere’s 11-year-old daughter was one of the children who was forced to bring the letter home, informing her parents she is obese. “She was just humiliated and dejected when she came home,” Delabruere said to Fox affiliate KSAZ in Phoenix. “They didn’t mail it home they didn’t even bother putting it in an envelope stapled with a cover letter for her and all her friends to see.”

Post-Natal Psychosis

Posted by Sandra On November - 16 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS
Paranoia: Rebecca Coggins was convinced someone was going to take her daughter, Amy, after she was born

Giving birth made me lose my mind

https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/02v2jba17 The nightmare of post-natal depression is well-known but many mothers suffer from an even more terrifying condition – post-natal psychosis…

Just hours after her first child was born, Rebecca Coggins was ­overcome by an overwhelming sense of fear. ‘My husband was by my side, thrilled at becoming a father, but all I can remember is ­feeling a kind of growing terror,’ says the 33-year-old from Nottingham. ‘I was lying in hospital convinced that ­something terrible was going to happen to baby Amy, that someone was going to try to kill her and I knew I had to get her home in order to be safe.’


Frazzled Parents Sedating Kids

Posted by Sandra On November - 14 - 2010 1 COMMENT

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https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/szeb6pfrg At the end of their rope, some parents sedate their babies

At the end of their rope, some parents sedate their babies A frazzled mother on a crowded flight tries to coax a screaming baby to sleep as surrounding passengers stare —some in empathy, some in barely disguised annoyance. When the child doesn’t calm down, the parent discreetly pulls a bottle of children’s Benadryl from a diaper bag and administers a small dose.

Surveys and parental testimonials suggest that this scene is repeated every day in the skies over America and in other settings.  But the use of the antihistamine, known generically as diphenhydramine, to sedate babies is controversial, with at least one study suggesting it is a form of child abuse.



Circumcision Ban Proposed

Posted by Sandra On November - 13 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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SAN FRANCISCO — A San Francisco man is trying to get an initiative on an upcoming city ballot that would make circumcision a crime. Lloyd Schofield, the author of the measure, calls circumcision ?genital mutilation.? His proposed measure would “make it a misdemeanor to circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the foreskin, testicle or penis of another person who has not attained the age of 18,” ?Tattooing a child is banned as a felony and circumcision is more harmful than a tattoo,? said Schofield.



Wanted Child Molesters

Posted by Sandra On November - 11 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Eric Justin Toth, a former private-school teacher, is wanted for allegedly possessing child pornography in Washington, D.C. It is alleged that in June 2008, pornographic images were found on a school camera that had been in Toth’s possession. Toth also allegedly produced child pornography in Maryland. In December 2008, Toth was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury for the United States District Court, District of Maryland, for production of child pornography. In addition, Toth is facing a state charge for a sex crime in Maryland. Warrants have been issued in D.C. and Maryland for Toth’s arrest.

Toth may advertise online as a tutor. Toth attended Cornell University for a year and transferred to Purdue University where he graduated with an Education degree. Since June 2008, Toth is believed to have traveled to Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Toth is believed to have lived in Arizona in 2009.



Most Dangerous Sex Offenders

Posted by Sandra On November - 8 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS


https://chemxtree.com/anc2hipf28 THE OPRAH SHOW–The Most Dangerous Child Sex Offenders in America

A Lisa Ling special report: rare access to the isolated American island where hundreds of the worst sex predators live. All men and one woman. Then, adult survivors speak out. One hour outside of Seattle, there’s a small island in the Puget Sound that people rarely visit. Some residents rarely leave. This place, McNeil Island, is home to a corrections center that houses hundreds of the state’s most dangerous sexual predators. Cameras are almost never allowed inside this controversial facility, but in February 2010, correspondent Lisa Ling was granted rare access inside the residents’ rooms, common areas and therapy sessions.



Help for Troubled Teens

Posted by Sandra On November - 7 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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The teen years are rife with difficulty. If you think back, it is likely that you will remember your own teen years as times that included painful scenes and a certain level of unhappiness. This is quite natural. Teenagers are dealing with rapidly developing bodies. Growth and development of the kind not seen since the earliest years of childhood are taking place. Even the brain is still developing at rapid rate.

In order for normal teen growth and development to take place, hormones must be released into the body. The hormonal and chemical changes that take place in a teen body can be sources of frustration, confusion and a myriad of other emotions that are normal during the teenage years. With all of this going on inside a teenager, it is little surprise that what goes on outside the body can affect teenagers as well.



Stop Bullying & Harassment

Posted by Sandra On November - 5 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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Every young person has the right to feel safe at home, at school and in the community. Bullying is not a normal part of growing up. It doesn’t usually go away on its own and often gets worse with time. Bullying needs to be dealt with directly. To stop hurtful behaviour we all need to respond when it occurs and take steps to prevent it. The first step is recognizing when there is a problem. Here is some information to help you figure out whether a teen you know has experienced, seen, heard or taken part in bullying. This information will also help you take steps to stop the bullying and help the teen who is being bullied.




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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