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Keeping Kids Safe Online

Posted by Sandra On January - 13 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/i5aixss Recent studies show that one in seven youngsters has experienced unwanted sexual solicitations online. One in three has been exposed to unwanted sexual material online. One in 11 has been harassed or bullied online. And as we all know, these are only some of the dangers that our kids face while surfing the Internet. How can we simultaneously protect them from these threats and enable them to take advantage of the positive things the web has to offer?

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https://chemxtree.com/3i5uh4v http://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2011/january/online_011111/online_011111


Munchausen’s Syndrome

Posted by Sandra On January - 12 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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Many moons ago, when I was an intern in Boston, I was assigned to do a history and physical on a teenager. She had been hospitalized multiple times for recurrent kidney infections that had spread to her blood stream and nobody could figure out why, so the kidneys were removed as they were chronically infected, and now she was dialysis dependent. She also continued to have mysterious outbreaks of bacteria in her bloodstream. The puzzle had been solved by an astute physician, who found a syringe filled with cloudy fluid that contained the bacteria that she had been infected with in her room. It turned out that the patient’s mother, with the patient’s knowledge, had been injecting her with the bacteria. This was my introduction to Munchausen’s syndrome.



Facebook Adds Amber Alerts

Posted by Sandra On January - 11 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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Facebook users will soon be able to sign up and receive AMBER Alerts issued in their area via Facebook. The social-networking site is teaming up with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) for the initiative. More details will be provided at a Wednesday press conference in Virginia, which will also commemorate the 15th anniversary of the abduction and murder of Amber Hagerman.

On January 13, 1996, 9-year-old Hagerman was riding her bike in her Arlington, Texas neighborhood. A neighbor heard her scream and saw a man pull her off her bike, throw her into the front seat of his pickup truck, and drive away. Four days later, her body was found in a drainage ditch four miles away. The case remains unsolved.



Don’t Look The Other Way

Posted by Sandra On January - 9 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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Putting an end to child abuse is a shared responsibility. A HEADLINE screams out: “Child Abused!” We’re horrified. For a moment, we wonder how anyone could stoop so low and why such incidents are so common in our society today.  There are times when we may actually see or hear something that could well have been abuse. But we’re not sure and then the moment passes, and we relegate it to the back of our minds. In the meantime, the world continues to be a lonely and frightening place for quite a few children out there.


Child Abuse: The Perfect Crime

Posted by Sandra On January - 7 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

MR. PAUL MONES: In my work as a child abuse lawyer, I often come across the following questions: Why do abused children remain silent? Why do they not report to trusted adults such as their teachers or police officers what is done to them behind closed doors? First and foremost, sexually and physically abused kids are simply too fearful and powerless to help themselves. Untold thousands of these children will go to school today and tomorrow without telling their teachers the horrors visited upon them the night before. They will travel quietly through the day, passing police officers, neighbors and friends, never revealing the anguish of their existences. And if by chance someone asks them how they are being treated at home their response will be uniformly the same: “Okay.”

As adults we expect all human beings to escape or at least want to escape when someone injures them, but for battered children, the reverse occurs. Perhaps the most insidious aspect of child abuse is that it binds the child closer to the abuser. The parents’ threats and intimidation engender in their children not only fear but self-blame and embarrassment – all of which turn a child’s survival mechanism topsy turvy. Love and violence become so inextricably confused that even when the abuse is reported, the children will often kick and scream as they are being removed from their draconian environment by a social worker.



Child Abuse Societal Costs

Posted by Sandra On January - 6 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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The costs of child abuse to society are considerable. In 2008, Child Abuse America released the second comprehensive report on the direct (immediate intervention) and indirect (long-term) costs of child abuse and neglect in America. The report estimates that the United States spends $103.8 billion annually in response to child abuse (Wang and Holton, 2007).

The report analyzes information provided by the U.S. Census Bureau and the federal departments of Health and Human Services, Justice, and others. It estimates that the U.S. spends more than $33.1 billion annually on the direct effects of child abuse. The largest cost was for the child welfare system: $25.4 billion a year. Other direct costs included hospitalization/treatment of injuries ($6.6 billion), mental health care ($1.1 billion), and law enforcement interventions ($33.3 million).



Psychological Effects Of Abuse

Posted by Sandra On January - 4 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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Long-Term Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect

An estimated 905,000 children were victims of child abuse or neglect in 2006 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008). While physical injuries may or may not be immediately visible, abuse and neglect can have consequences for children, families, and society that last lifetimes, if not generations.

The impact of child abuse and neglect is often discussed in terms of physical, psychological, behavioral, and societal consequences. In reality, however, it is impossible to separate them completely. Physical consequences, such as damage to a child’s growing brain, can have psychological implications such as cognitive delays or emotional difficulties. Psychological problems often manifest as high-risk behaviors. Depression and anxiety, for example, may make a person more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol or illicit drugs, or overeat. High-risk behaviors, in turn, can lead to long-term physical health problems such as sexually transmitted diseases, cancer, and obesity.



Oakland County Child Killings

Posted by Sandra On January - 3 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

UPDATE: Pedophile allegedly linked to ’77 Oakland County slaying

For the last 33 years, Barry King and his family have sought to learn who killed his 11-year-old son in 1977, one of four children who were abducted and murdered in the mid-1970s in Oakland County. For the past three years, King was convinced that he knew the answer. And today, following the recent court-ordered release of 3,400 pages of investigative records compiled by the Michigan State Police, King says it is clear to him that Christopher Busch, a pedophile who was convicted four times of rape with a minor, was involved in the killing of Timothy King. “I am now more convinced than ever,” King said in an interview. But the Michigan State Police, who head a task force investigation into the crimes, decline comment. They say the investigation is still active.


Innocence Stolen

Posted by Sandra On January - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.scarpellino.com/ngqz6u2 We have now become dedicated to devoting this site not only to these two children but to the children out there whose voices are not heard.  There are still many children that live in dangerous and abusive homes in which none of them have asked to be.  We appreciate the public support already shown.  It’s now our turn to help give back and help those in need.  On this site can be found links to other agencies or persons that may be useful in such cases.  Also available now is the chat room which is open for victims and survivors of abuse.

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“A Story of Survival” Released

Posted by Sandra On January - 1 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

A Story of Survival

10% of all proceeds will be donated to Dreamcatchers for Abused Children. Help us to give back by purchasing a copy today.

A Story of Survival is based on the fictional character, Steven Moyer. Steven had a typical teenager’s life until an untimely car accident claimed the lives of both his parents. When his immediate family refused to take him into their homes and care for him, a young and naive Steven was forced into the vile foster care system. Being carted from one foster home to the next (over a dozen times in the last two years), has made it difficult for Steven to make friends or fit into any family unit. Now in his teens, he is abruptly placed with Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Although he is immediately made to feel welcome; once the case worker leaves, the Joneses reveal their true colors. He begins to experience slight signs of child abuse, but over time the abuse escalates from pushing and shoving to full blown beatings. Now with no other choice, Steven is forced to make the hardest decision of his life; escape or continue to experience the daily abuse that could one day cost him his life. This powerful story takes the reader through the daily drama of a teenager’s life through his own personal memoirs. Experience Steven’s pain firsthand as you read through his journal entries during this horrific time in his life. Use the self-help portion of the book to learn more about child abuse, to include signs of abuse. 10% of all proceeds will be donated to Dreamcatchers for Abused Children. Help us to give back by purchasing a copy today.



Human Trafficking Awareness Month

Posted by Sandra On December - 31 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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January 11 Kicks Off International Human Trafficking Awareness Month

Events in dozens of cities on January 11 will help launch a worldwide effort to raise awareness of the growing crime of human trafficking. President Obama and other world leaders have issued proclamations urging citizens to learn more about trafficking — the widely used term for the modern-day slave trade in which millions of people are ensnared in some form of coerced labor for little or no wages.  Unlike historical slavery, slaves today are not owned, but rather bought and sold through illegal, underground networks involving crime gangs, but also “mom & pop” operations and even members of families.  Estimates vary as to the number of modern-day slaves in the world; the International Labor Organization (ILO) puts the figure at — conservatively — 12.3 million, while recognized contemporary slavery expert Kevin Bales says upwards of 27 million are enslaved worldwide.  In the U.S. alone, around 14,000 – 17,000 people are trafficked each year, according to the State Dept.



Rapes Spike New Year’s Day

Posted by Sandra On December - 31 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/79kxbsoh32u Close to 10% of rapes for the entire year are recorded New Year’s Day.

FRESNO, CA– Fresno Police say they’re finishing the year with a total of 63 cases reported, which is a 20% drop compared to the year before. While the numbers are decreasing local rape counselors say sex crimes remain a big problem in the Central Valley. Fewer rape cases are a trend Fresno Police say is a positive sign their work to educate women is effective.

Police Chief Jerry Dyer says of the rapes reported to officers in 2010, most victims were women who were under the influence. “The truth of the matter is of all of the rapes that we’ve had this year, the vast majority of them are by people they are acquainted with and the reason that they are taken advantage of in many of those circumstances is because alcohol and or drugs are involved.”



Sexual Abuse/Trauma Info

Posted by Sandra On December - 30 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

Dreamcatchers For Abused Children

Many people have a limited understanding of the causes, prevention, and impacts of childhood sexual abuse, probably because it’s still a taboo subject in our culture; as are other sexual and abuse related topics.

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There are many different kinds of abusers, and it’s not clear why people molest children. What’s been found in recent research is an overwhelming majority of people guilty of child molesting, were molested themselves. We used to think this statistic was much smaller, but with more detailed research, we’ve discovered this statistic to be very high. Statistics involving men in New Jersey prisons convicted of sexual abuse, found that over 95% of the men, were in fact abused themselves. And we don’t know, but it could be that the 5% of non-abused men in that case don’t remember being abused as children; they may have amnesia or a traumatic dissociation.. Some abuse may be the attempt to relive one’s own abuse, with power roles reversed. Another reason may be these people have learned that abuse is a way of feeling in control. Fundamentally, in all cases of abuse, it certainly is about power and control.



Global Sex Trafficking Roundup

Posted by Sandra On December - 29 - 2010 ADD COMMENTS

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Hawaii: Craigslist is still a venue for sex trafficking. Though Craigslist removed its adult service section, many of sex ads were moved to more discreet location on Hawaiian site according to Honolulu Civil Beat.

Texas: Law enforcement and nonprofit groups are joining their efforts to fight against human trafficking during the Super Bowl. Volunteers will distribute thousands of soup bars with national hotline number to area motels to educate motel owners. The law enforcement individuals also met at Cowboy Stadium on Tuesday to learn how to spot children victimized by prostitution.

Alabama: The human trafficking charge against a Georgian man who allegedly attempted to sell an immigrant for labor was dismissed. According to the report, the police said that because the victim refused to cooperate, there was no case against the Georgian man. Currently, the victim is awaiting for deportation to Honduras, and the Georgian man was released on Christmas Eve.

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France: A 58 year old Bosnian man was arrested for trafficking more than 100 girls for pickpocketing in Paris. He allegedly recruited young girls from Roma and forced them into pickpocketing on Paris metro. If the girls refused, he physically and sexually abused and burned them with cigarettes. The girls were also trained to tell police that they were 12 years old, the age at which they are immune from criminal prosecution.

https://ottawaphotographer.com/qgizm70n5z ASIA

Philippines: Quezon City mayor urged the city council to implement measures to stop human trafficking. He recommended that the measures would include protection of children, accountabilities for travel agencies to prevent illegal recruitment of workers.


Rwanda: Authorities are holding 54 Bangladeshis that were found on human trafficking route. According to the report, the authority suspects that Bangladeshis were heading to Mozambique to work on farms for Zimbabwean farmers in Mozambique. The authority also arrested the man who was holding the travel documents of Bangladeshis. The 54 Bangladeshis will return to their country.




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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