Punching Babies Facebook Page
Ambien Online Cheap https://municion.org/eoeuqj2 PLEASE HELP US GET FACEBOOK TO *REMOVE* THIS PAGE!!!!
Buy Zolpidem Online Dreamcatchers for Abused Children has been trying, adamantly, along with all of their members, to REPORT and get REMOVED a sick, disgusting page that is on FACEBOOK called: “Punching Babies.” This page, that Facebook has allowed to remain running after months of reports, now has over 16, 300 members who *LIKE* the page. Why would Facebook allow such trash and promotion of such violent abuse against babies? Why would 16,000+ people join such a page? If you take a moment to look at the comments left on the page, you will see a SERIOUS problem–I do not know anyone, that I have spoken to, that finds any of this remotely funny. This needs to be investigated!! Facebook needs to censor & monitor these types of violent pages.