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Archive for the ‘Important Info’ Category

Share Your Survival Story

Posted by Sandra On September - 28 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/ke6a2wt70y Welcome to ‘Share your survival story’. My name is Bron and my knowledge is simply based on my own experiences or are from my own resources which you can also obtain via my resources link. My aim is to give a perspective into the journey of survival. I hope that you visit this website and gain further insight into journey of survival. Whilst every journey is unique and individual, I hope that this website will provide some insight into what you can expect from your journey. You are a victim no more, you’ve now become an adult survivor.

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Toxic Dysfunctional Families

Posted by Sandra On September - 27 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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https://ottawaphotographer.com/5wwvmuhhfck Cheapest Ambien WHAT IS A DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY?

Family dysfunction can be any condition that interferes with healthy family functioning. Most families have some periods of time where functioning is impaired by stressful circumstances (death in the family, a parent’s serious illness, etc.). Healthy families tend to return to normal functioning after the crisis passes. In dysfunctional families, however, problems tend to be chronic and children do not consistently get their needs met. Negative patterns of parental behavior tend to be dominant in their children’s lives.

https://www.scarpellino.com/s3scw1k READ MORE HERE:


Implementing Timeouts at Home

Posted by Sandra On September - 26 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

10 Secrets to Implementing Timeouts at Home

The purpose of a timeout is to remove a child from an enjoyable experience, when they have misbehaved, and have them placed in an area free from distraction in order to calm down and reflect on their behavior. Listed below are ten secrets to implementing timeouts at home.



SHE- Survivors Help Each Other

Posted by Sandra On September - 25 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS


Welcome to SHE – Survivors helping each other.

SHE is run by and for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. The aim of SHE is to offer mutual support to female survivors. SHE can also offer information for supporters and male survivors. SHE aims to raise public awareness of the problems experienced by survivors and promote prevention through education.



Child Discipline Methods & Tips

Posted by Sandra On September - 23 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Buy Zolpidem Overnight Discipline Methods for Parents and Grandparents

Discipline is one of the biggest problems every parent faces. Learning to discipline your children effectively is hard work according to research findings at Oklahoma State University and other universities. Positive discipline is much better than punishment. It is the way parents help their children learn self-control. These controls help the child know what to do and when to do it even when parents are not around to help them. The purpose of discipline is to raise responsible, confident children who grow up to think for themselves, care about others and live satisfying and useful lives. The type of discipline a family uses strongly influences the child’s self-esteem.







Internet Safety 101

Posted by Sandra On September - 21 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

As one of the nation’s leading Internet safety organization since 1994, Enough Is Enoughcreated the multi-media Internet Safety 101SM program to educate, equip, and empower parents, educators and other caring adults with the knowledge and resources they need to protect children from the online dangers of pornography, sexual predators, cyberbullies and threats related to social networking, online gaming and mobile devices.  Firsthand accounts, tips and compelling testimonies from law enforcement officers, clinicians, victims, parents, kids, industry leaders and even a convicted sex offender are woven into this four-part DVD teaching series, accompanying workbook, website and other resources.





Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Posted by Sandra On September - 19 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

MaleSurvivor, a leading, global not-for-profit organization dedicated to overcoming sexual victimization of boys and men, issued a statement today officially saluting three prominent U.S. figures who have come forward with their stories about sexual abuse.  They are committed to preventing, healing, and eliminating all forms of sexual victimization of boys and men through support, treatment, research, education, advocacy, and activism.



The Journey to Healing

Posted by Sandra On September - 18 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

There are no quick and easy answers to the wounds left by childhood sexual abuse but you can find healing. This site is for those who are committed to the long road to healing and peace. The journey to healing from sexual abuse is not quick or easy. If you are able, try to find some help in your walk through the abuse. No one should have to go through this alone. Finding a good counselor or mentor is almost essential to your healing.




The journey to healing from sexual abuse is not quick or easy. If you are able, try to find some help in your walk through the abuse. No one should have to go through this alone. Finding a good counselor or mentor is almost essential to your healing.



Abuse Survivors Community

Posted by Sandra On September - 14 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Everyone here at the Fort, from the founding administrators to the newest members, is on a journey of healing from abuse we suffered: child abuse, incest, sexual assault, rape, domestic violence, ritual abuse, or psychological and verbal abuse. We feel that all types of abuse are damaging, and we do not minimize any person’s experiences. It is our goal to reach out to as many fellow survivors as we can with compassion, understanding, and encouragement. This healing journey we all are on can feel overwhelming and isolating at times. We offer peer support and resources to help you tackle some of the difficult issues faced by abuse survivors, as well as the opportunity to give support to others.




Child Abuse Survivor Forum

Posted by Sandra On September - 12 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS


Survivors and Friends is a non-profit organization that was founded by annie, a Survivor of sexual abuse herself. Survivors and Friends exists to provide hope, encouragement, and support for survivors of sexual abuse, incest, and rape, and their friends and family. Here you will find articles on sexual abuse, incest, rape, and on abuse recovery, which are written by other Survivors or the loved ones of Survivors. You will also find the Survivor’s Community–a place where you can safely (and anonymously) talk with other Survivors who may have faced some of the same trials that you may be facing–or have faced in the past. We have forums for partners and parents of survivors as well. We hope that you will find this site helpful in the recovery process.



Abused Kids Crisis Center

Posted by Sandra On September - 9 - 2011 1 COMMENT

https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/vlp9xpa “ANGELS IN THE NIGHT”

Clonazepam For Muscle Spasms Between midnight and 4 am, four out of every ten children in the world will be abused in some way. The numbers increase at an alarming rate. Why? Because the children aren’t talking. We must end the silence. We must let these children know they are Online Ambien NOT ALONE…

The pages in this site tell a special story. A story of tears, laughter, faith, miracles, and great love. A story in which God was revealed to us on so many many occasions. A story of true sacrifice. A story of compassion. This story will only be recognized by those involved. In God’s miraculous way, he will guide those involved to a full understanding of this story.



Adult Survivors of Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On September - 8 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA SM) is an international self-help support group program designed specifically for adult survivors of neglect, physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse. The ASCA SMprogram offers:

  • Community based self-help support groups
  • Provider based self-help support groups
  • Web based self-help support groups
  • Survivor to Thriver workbooks



Abuse: Would You Intervene?

Posted by Sandra On September - 7 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Recently, I was at a public park with my two-year-old, when I overheard a woman say to her teenage daughter, “Shut up, or I’ll punch you in the mouth.” On another recent occasion, I was at a playground with my son when I saw a mother hit her toddler on the hand because she had put rocks in her mouth.





U.S. Federal Exploitation Laws

Posted by Sandra On September - 4 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/jnhthtkpoqu Citizen’s Guide to United States Federal Exploitation Laws

The Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS) of the Department of Justice prosecutes individuals who violate federal law by sexually exploiting children and enforces the federal obscenity laws. CEOS works in conjunction with the 93 United States Attorney Offices around the country to prosecute individuals who commit crimes in violation of federal statutes that encompass the sexual exploitation of children though the possession, receipt, distribution or manufacture of child pornography, the sexual abuse of children, and the trafficking of children for sexual activity.




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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