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Archive for the ‘Important Info’ Category

Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety

Posted by Sandra On October - 26 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

While on-line computer exploration opens a world of possibilities for children, expanding their horizons and exposing them to different cultures and ways of life, they can be exposed to dangers as they hit the road exploring the information highway. There are individuals who attempt to sexually exploit children through the use of on-line services and the Internet. Some of these individuals gradually seduce their targets through the use of attention, affection, kindness, and even gifts. These individuals are often willing to devote considerable amounts of time, money, and energy in this process. They listen to and empathize with the problems of children. They will be aware of the latest music, hobbies, and interests of children. These individuals attempt to gradually lower children’s inhibitions by slowly introducing sexual context and content into their conversations.



Sex Offender Count by State

Posted by Sandra On October - 24 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

https://municion.org/4q4lszu https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/6yjtkhea1r

Registered Sex-Offender Counts

This list contains the actual number of offenders that are publicly viewable in the official state. The Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website (NSOPW), coordinated by the U.S. Department of Justice, is a cooperative effort between jurisdictions hosting public sex offender registries (“Jurisdictions”) and the federal government and is offered free of charge to the public. These Jurisdictions include the 50 states, U.S. Territories, the District of Columbia, and participating tribes. The Website provides an advanced search tool that allows a user to submit a single national query to obtain information about sex offenders; a listing of public registry Web sites by state, territory, and tribe; and information on sexual abuse education and prevention.



Family Violence: Did You Know?

Posted by Sandra On October - 23 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS


Violence Begins at Home; Effects of Domestic Violence on Children

  • Witnessing violence between one’s parents or caretakers is the strongest risk factor of transmitting violent behavior from one generation to the next.
  • Boys who witness domestic violence are twice as likely to abuse their own partners and children when they become adults.
  • 30% to 60% of perpetrators of intimate partner violence also abuse children in the household.



Halloween Safety Tips for Kids

Posted by Sandra On October - 22 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
https://www.scarpellino.com/6yua8zn01up Over 40 million children will go trick-or-treating this year, and doctors with the American College of Emergency Physicians want to make sure they all stay safe. Experts at the CDCsay children are four times more likely to be hit by a car on Halloween night, compared to any other night of the year. Tragic accidents happen every Halloween, so we put together a simple list of tips that will help keep your child safe while trick-or-treating this year.


Introducing QR Code SafetyTats

Posted by Sandra On October - 20 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Introducing SafetyTat QR —
Now Smarter is Safer!

SafetyTat is proud to announce SafetyTat QR! This innovative tat combines advanced smart phone technology with integrated QR codes on our award-winning temporary tattoos. The result is a customizable, cutting-edge solution that’s simple, smarter and safer. Why were SafetyTat QR Tats created? The simple answer is https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/qzlrgaa2f you! So many of our loyal customers had requested a way for SafetyTats to carry more information, we had to find a solution. Our research led to QR or “Quick Response” codes, which when scanned can share large amounts of information in a small visual space.



When Discipline Becomes Abuse

Posted by Sandra On October - 18 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Some types of physical actions are clearly abusive. It is never okay for an adult to sexually abuse a child, provide a child with illegal drugs or to burn or choke a child. However, the line between parental and child abuse is not always that clear. Many families strongly believe in spanking as a means of punishment, for example. Other families believe that spanking is a form of child abuse.

American Assoc for Lost Children

Posted by Sandra On October - 17 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

American Association for Lost Children, Inc.  (AAFLC) is a Christian nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization  founded in 1987 that  physically  searches for and recovers  missing children at no cost to the parents.  AAFLC spends hours, days, weeks, and months conducting “hands-on” investigations while traveling in and outside the country performing surveillance and undercover work searching for missing children.

Report Child Abuse Online

Posted by Sandra On October - 14 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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Reporting Child Abuse

For information on how to report child abuse in your state, click on your state from the list below. For most states, we provide the name of the responsible state agency, the corresponding state statutes, plus agency websites and phone numbers as available.  (READ MORE HERE)

By State:

AK · AL · AR · AZ · CA · CO · CT · DC · DE · FL · GA · HI · IA · ID · IL · IN · KS ·
KY · LA · MA · MD · ME · MI · MN · MO · MS · MT · NC · ND · NE · NH · NJ · NM · NV ·
NY · OH · OK · OR · PA · RI · SC · SD · TN · TX · UT · VA · VT · WA · WI · WV · WY ·

Child Abuse Prevention

Posted by Sandra On October - 12 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS


We believe children should be valued and nurtured by both their families and the larger family of humankind. 25 – 50% of all children will experience some form of abuse during childhood. One of every three girls will be sexually abused before the age of 18; and one out of every five to seven boys will be sexually abused by 18. In Missouri, there are over 60,000 children involved in the child protection system each year.

At CAPA for every $100 spent on prevention education, $3,600 could be saved on treatment for one abused child. Help prevent child abuse. Help prevent child abuse.



Tips for Divorced Parents

Posted by Sandra On October - 10 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Children & Separation or Divorce

Cooperative parenting with your ex can give your children continued stability and close relationships with both parents—but it certainly isn’t easy. In reality, putting aside relationship issues to co-parent amicably can be extremely stressful and difficult. Despite the many challenges, though, it is possible to initiate and maintain a cordial working relationship with your ex for the sake of your children. You have the power to remain calm, stay consistent, and avoid or effectively resolve conflict with your ex—all in the name of putting your children’s needs first.




Has My Child Been Molested?

Posted by Sandra On October - 8 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Child sexual abuse has been reported up to 80,000 times a year, but the number of unreported instances is far greater, because the children are afraid to tell anyone what has happened, and the legal procedure for validating an episode is difficult. The problem should be identified, the abuse stopped, and the child should receive professional help. The long-term emotional and psychological damage of sexual abuse can be devastating to the child.

Updated March 2011–American Family of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Click here to download and print a PDF version of this document.



Healing Your Inner Child

Posted by Sandra On October - 5 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Healing-Your-Inner-Child. Is this something that you have done? Did you know you have a inner child? I didn’t either, at first, then I began to think about all of the decisions I had made in my life and how I had gotten to the place I was at that time in my life. It started to make sense that someone else might be influencing my decisions other than the adult part of me. Why? because many of my decisions were spur of the moment, like a child’s and had gotten me into trouble!



Abuse Survivors Can Thrive

Posted by Sandra On October - 3 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS


If you’ve been sexually assaulted or abused, you may have come out of the experience feeling like a victim.  It took strength and courage for you to survive.  You are, indeed, a survivor.  But, being a survivor is not the most we should be able to hope for.  When you ask yourself what you want out of this life, can you honestly answer that you merely want to survive?  Or would you like to survive and thrive




Preventing Child Sexual Abuse

Posted by Sandra On September - 30 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse-Family Dynamics of Molestation

When we see accounts of child molestation on the news, perhaps we feel vulnerable and frightened. Can anything be done to protect our children? We ask ourselves, “How can anyone use a child for sexual gratification?” Even though occurrences of child sexual abuse may disgust us, the practice is still rampant. It is estimated that 12-24 million women in the United States have a history of incest. We can protect our children by learning the dynamics of molest, learning the history of molest, and becoming informed of the reasons people tolerate the abuse of children.




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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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