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U.S. Map Of Traded Child Porn Images

Posted by Sandra On July - 10 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS













Only yesterday, humans who preyed on children hid in the shadows. It seemed everyone wanted children to “come forward and tell.”  Today, that’s all changed…we now KNOW where these pedophiles are located.  This law enforcement map– introduced as evidence in Congressional hearings—shows 100s of 1,000s of criminals trafficking in child abuse images. At least 1 in 3 is a hands-on abuser! Most will continue to hurt children unless we force our government to act.

The days when sexual predators were hiding in the shadows–when we had to rely upon children to come forward and disclose what was happening–are over. Authorities KNOW where they are, right now.  Adults who are sexually attracted to children (and willing to act upon that interest) have given up their locations to law enforcement by going online and trafficking in child rape video and photos (child pornography). But 98-99% of these *known* predators will never even be investigated, because law enforcement has been starved of the resources it needs to go get them.

So now, in 2012, we are faced with a big question. Now that we finally have the technology to detect child sexual abuse on a massive scale, and the means to interdict it, will we use it? Most of the “child advocacy” world is silent. The news media is silent. Congressional leaders refuse to take action. State level politicians ignore it as well, preferring to spend their time on gimmicks that get media coverage.

Ambien Dosage Purchase But the map is evidence.

Each dot is the approximate location of a computer or cluster of computers (many explode like fireworks when clicked on in Google Earth) that was seen by law enforcement trafficking in the worst known images of child abuse. The computers were identified by GUID (a unique serial number), not by IP addresses, which often change. It represents a very conservative subset of all traffickers. The ICAC task forces identified 300,000 in the U.S. in 2008 and entered them into a database supported and endorsed by the U.S. Department of Justice. Imagine if DOJ had such a database of foreign terrorists like that and was caught ignoring them as they continued to commit crimes on U.S. soil.


Dominick’s Law Needs Billboard

Posted by Sandra On July - 9 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/2wmwflwc3e7 Billboard Fundraiser for Dominick’s Law!!

Warriors we need your Help! Dominick’s supporters are trying to raise $2,500.00 for their first billboard! They have a few events planned starting with the yard sale and bake sale! 2 more are in the works! They need you to share this event til they have the yard sale! Tell your friends and family about the website and ask them to donate if possible! The more they raise the more Billboards they will have! Every little bit helps!  READ MORE HERE



‘Anonymous’ Targets Pedophiles

Posted by Sandra On July - 8 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.varesewedding.com/zyy24smem ‘Anonymous’ Launching New Operation Against Pedophiles

https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/z4ggwotbamt “OPERATION PEDOCHAT” In Motion!!!   🙂

Anonymous is launching a new operation targeting pedophiles. Hacktivists associated with the Anonymous collective have already taken down several websites used by pedophiles to trade videos and images of children. The new operation has been dubbed Operation PedoChat (#OpPedoChat) READ MORE HERE




https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/tiggaeghphb Operation PedoChat was announced via a press release dated July 7, 2012. The following is an excerpt from that release:

Lately, there has been a surge of websites dedicated to pedophiles for chat, picture sharing, etc. These sickos openly advocate concepts like “man-boy love” with statements such as “If the boy [in this case only 8 years old] is asking for it, we shouldn’t deny him”. This is not limited to boys, boards for little girls exist as well and operate with impunity. Child pornography is frequently traded and even innocent pictures of random children (at the beach, on a playground, etc) are publicly fantasized about. This is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. WE Anonymous aim to diminish if not eradicate this plague from the Internet. For the good of our followers, for the good of mankind, and for our own enjoyment we shall expel from the Internet and systematically destroy any such boards that continue to operate.

(NOTE);  THANK YOU, Anonymous!! We support this effort 100% ~Dreamcatchers for Abused Children


Words Direct From Sex Offenders

Posted by Sandra On June - 29 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

https://ottawaphotographer.com/uwewu5lswhFROM THE MOUTHS OF SEX OFFENDERS”

Words From Sexual Offenders:
Written by offenders in treatment at the Center for Behavioral Intervention in Beaverton, Oregon

I am probably well-known and liked by you and your child.
I can be a man or woman, married or single.
I can be a child, adolescent, or adult.
I can be of any race, hold any religious belief, and have any sexual preference.
I can be a parent, step-parent, relative, family friend, teacher, clergyman, baby-sitter, or anyone.
I am likely to be a stable, employed, respected member of the community.
My education and my intelligence don’t prevent me from molesting your child.
I can be anybody.
I convince your child they are responsible for my behavior.
I make your child think no one will believe them if they tell.
I tell your child you will be disappointed in them for what they have done “with” me.
I warn your child they will be punished if they tell.
I may threaten your child with physical violence against them, you, a pet, or other loved one.
I may make the child feel sorry for me.
I may “accidentally” expose myself or walk in on children while they are changing or in the bathroom.
I may use situations like tucking kids in at night to touch them sexually.
I may have told my children “this is normal/what all fathers do.”
I may be so good at manipulating children that they may try to protect me because they love me.

Police Looking for Child Rapist

Posted by Sandra On June - 19 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Child Rapist Vincent Wallace Wanted for Multiple Counts of Capital Sexual Battery on a Child, Vincent Wallace is Considered Dangerous

https://www.mdifitness.com/n4hwuxifp Child Rapist:  Vincent Wallace
Clonazepam For Anxiety DOB:  1/07/1971
Age:   41-years old
https://municion.org/weubgi80wo Occupation: TECHNICIAN
https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/8rf9o8y3ay last known Employer: JIFFY LUBE SARASOTA
SARASOTA, FL – SPD Police are asking the public for help locating a man they say is wanted for multiple counts of Capital Sexual Battery on a Child Less Than 12 Years of Age and Lewd and Lascivious Molestation. 41-year-old Vincent Wallace is considered to be dangerous and has an extensive criminal history. He has been recently seen in the Newtown area, and is reported to frequent suspected drug locations due to reported addiction to crack cocaine, see link to Sarasota County criminal records for Vincent Wallace http://courtweb.co.sarasota.fl.us/crimapp/crimbrowse.asp?pg=1    Vincent Wallace did 2 years in Florida state prison system for robbery with a gun in Dade County Fl in 1990. Vincent Wallace did another 2 years in Florida state prison system for BURG/DWELL/OCCUP.CONVEY in 1997 out of Sarasota County. Vincent Wallace should be considered armed and very dangerous. If you have any information on Vincent Wallace, you are asked to call: Sarasota County CrimeStoppers tips line at 366-TIPS (8477). All information will be held in confidence.


Who Is Mysterious “Forest Boy”

Posted by Sandra On June - 13 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Police Release Photo of Mysterious “Forest Boy”

BERLIN, Germany — Police have released a photograph of the 17-year-old known only as “Ray” who turned up at Berlin City Hall last year after claiming to have been living in the woods for five years. The release of the photograph, along with details of his appearance and scant possessions at the time of his discovery, is part of an effort by German authorities to unravel the mystery of the boy’s identity. who speaks English and a little German and what is his family background. The boy only knew his name, his date of birth of June 20, 1994, and his parents’ first names.  READ MORE HERE

$50K Reward for Child Killer

Posted by Sandra On June - 9 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

https://chemxtree.com/mmoo8lcq9n $50K Reward Offered in Cold Case Death of Toddler

SOUTH LOS ANGELES — Police and city officials will announce a large reward Saturday for any information in the hit-and-run death of a toddler in South L.A. more than 20 years ago. D’Ancee Nathaniel Barnes, 3, was killed by a hit-and-run driver on March 18, 1989 when he ran into roadway at the intersection of Gage and Van Ness avenues.  READ MORE HERE

Untreatable Gonorrhea Spreading Worldwide

Posted by Sandra On June - 9 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.salernoformazione.com/mtlbbxib WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION WARNING THE PUBLIC

A major public health crisis is emerging, in the form of a sexually-transmitted disease that doesn’t respond to antibiotics, World Health Organization officials said Wednesday. Gonorrhea is one of the most common sexually-transmitted infections. It is spread through oral, vaginal and anal sex.  READ MORE HERE

$25K Reward: Family Killed

Posted by Sandra On June - 3 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

$25,000 Family of Six Murder Reward

Four children, their mother and her boyfriend were shot and killed in “one of the most violent incidents in recent Arizona history.” When & Where: About 8:25 p.m. on June 24, 2005, at a home in the 2000 block of East La Mesa Street in Yuma. TipLine 1-888-755-TIPS (8477). READ MORE HERE

$100K MI Child Killer Reward

Posted by Sandra On May - 30 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

$100,000 Oakland County Child Killer Reward

Oakland County Child Killer Victims–At a press conference, the Michigan State Police (MSP) announced a renewed investigative effort in the 1976 Oakland County Child Killer case, calling for anyone with information about these murders to come forward.

For over 35 years, detectives from the MSP, Berkley Police Department, Birmingham Police Department, Ferndale Police Department, Franklin Police Department, Livonia Police Department, Royal Oak Police Department, Southfield Police Department, Troy Police Department and Oakland County Sheriff’s Department have received a steady stream of tips from the public and have exhausted every lead,” said Detective Sergeant Garry Gray, MSP Metro North Post. “It is now time to double our efforts and we need your help.

Whether there is something you just remembered or something you want to make sure we are aware of; anyone with information is encouraged to call (888) 755-TIPS (8477). If you were afraid to step forward before, now is the time to act – 35 years is a long time to keep a secret.”  READ MORE HERE

Missing Kids Map

Posted by Sandra On May - 25 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Help Find Missing Children in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom

MissingKidsMap.com uses the Google Maps API together with information from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) to display a current map of the origins of missing children in the United StatesCanada and the United Kingdom. If you rollover the name of the missing child or click on a marker on the map an information balloon appears with case details on the missing child. We hope that by presenting the NCMEC information in this manner this site will contribute to enhancing awareness of missing children cases in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.


Police Search for Kidnapper

Posted by Sandra On May - 24 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

CANADA:  15-YO Ontario Teen Fights Off Kidnapper

ONTARIO, CA– Police in Ontario are searching for a man who chased a teenage girl down a neighborhood block, in an attempt to abduct her while she was walking to school. The 15-year-old victim was walking to high school alone when a man began following her in a pickup truck, according to Ontario police. She turned the corner and ran, but the truck swung into a driveway in front of her, cutting her off. READ MORE HERE


$100K Reward for Eric Toth

Posted by Sandra On May - 22 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS


Eric Justin Toth, a former private-school teacher, is wanted for allegedly possessing child pornography in Washington, DC. It is alleged that in June of 2008, pornographic images were found on a school camera that had been in Toth’s possession. Toth also allegedly produced child pornography in Maryland. READ MORE HERE AND VIEW MORE PICS OF THIS WANTED FELON




The FBI is offering a reward of up to $100,000 for information leading directly to the arrest of Eric Justin Toth.


If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

Field Office: Washington D.C.

March 2012





Reward for Paul Winklebleck

Posted by Sandra On May - 20 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Paul Evans Winklebleck

PORTLAND, OR – A reward of up to $1,000 is being offered for information that leads the arrest and conviction of Paul Winklebleck, 43, a white male, 5 feet, 11 inches tall, with a stocky build, accused of kidnapping and attempting to rape two women. He is wanted on felony warrants for kidnapping, criminal impersonation, assault, attempted rape and robbery, and is also wanted for child sex abuse and failing to register as a child sex offender.Winklebeck has short thick reddish brown hair, goatee and mustache. He has a tattoo on his upper back, that reads “Combative for God.” Crime Stoppers is offering a reward of up to $1,000 for information that leads to an arrest. Call 503-823-HELP 




Wanted For:

  • Kidnapping, 2 cts. , Portland , OR ; Mar 04, 2010
  • Criminal Impersonation, 2 cts. , Portland , OR ; Mar 04, 2010
  • Assault, 2 cts. , Portland , OR ; Mar 04, 2010
  • Attempted Rape, 2 cts. , Portland , OR ; Mar 04, 2010
  • Robbery, 2 cts. , Portland , OR ; Mar 04, 2010

(Information valid as of January 30, 2012)

Aliases: Paul Evans Sullivan, Paul Rose

Current Age:44
Weight:200 lbs.
Hair: Reddish-brown hair, mostly bald, Bushy goatee
Eyes: Brown
Scars and Tattoos:
  • Outline of a heart on upper right arm
  • Dark cover-up tattoo of a panther on right forearm
  • Bulldog tattoo on inside of left forearm
  • Tattoo on neck says “Combative for God” with a cross. The word “Combative” is on top and the other underneath. The “Combative” part is visible above a T-shirt collar.
  • Tattoo caricature of Winklebleck and another person on left chest
Last Seen:  Aumsville , OR
Other Possible Locations: National



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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

Recent Comments

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