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Archive for the ‘Important Info’ Category

FBI’s Most Wanted Pedophiles

Posted by Sandra On September - 9 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

FBI: 32 most-wanted men for crimes against children

Contact the FBI if you know these men

Fugitive #1 — John J. Hartin is wanted for allegedly abusing two young boys, approximately eight and nine years old, whom he had befriended in the Boston, Massachusetts, area in 1993. After being charged locally with five counts of statutory rape of a child, a federal arrest warrant was issued for Hartin on December 18, 1997, in Boston, Massachusetts, and he was charged with unlawful flight to avoid prosecution.  READ MORE HERE

Block This Child Killer’s Parole

Posted by Sandra On September - 4 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Steven Galloway is serving a 15-year to 40-year sentence for the offenses of involuntary manslaughter, rape and child endangerment. On October 25, 1990 Steven Galloway’s wife returned home and found her four-month-old daughter Hilary unresponsive in a car seat in the couple’s home. The only person she had been with that day was her father, Steven Galloway. Hilary’s mother rushed her to the hospital. Hilary never regained consciousness and passed away three days later. It was determined Hilary died from being shaken so hard her brain swelled at hemorrhaged, The medical and autopsy reports also showed that both Hilary’s legs had been broken at the knee on two separate occasions seven to 14 days prior to her murder.  READ MORE & SUBMIT YOUR BLOCK REQUEST HERE

How to Support a Victim of Rape

Posted by Sandra On September - 4 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

If you are reading this, a person you care about has probably been a victim of sexual assault. Because you care about this person, you may experience feelings that may be similar to those of the person who has been assaulted. These feelings may include anger, shock, helplessness, grief, and, perhaps, even guilt. You will never know exactly how a victim feels about the assault, but you can listen and be supportive. This brochure will assist you in helping the victim cope with the trauma of the assault, as well as assist you with your own trauma related to the assault.  READ MORE HERE

Sex Abuse Film “DON’T TOUCH!”

Posted by Sandra On September - 3 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

This After School Special is an educational film about child sexual abuse. A teenager babysitting a young girl discovers that she is being molested by a family friend when harrowing memories of her own past molestation by her uncle come to the surface.

The ABC After School Special is an American television anthology series that aired on ABC from 1972 to 1997, usually in the late afternoon on week days. Most episodes were dramatically presented situations, often controversial, of interest to children and teenagers. Several episodes were either in animated form or presented as documentaries. Topics included illiteracy, substance abuse and teenage pregnancy. The series won 51 Daytime Emmy Awards during its 25-year run.

Viewer discretion is advised.








REWARD for Teen’s Killer

Posted by Sandra On September - 1 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

ROCK SPRINGS, Wyoming  — Sheriff’s officials in Wyoming are asking the public for help in the investigation of a murdered teen from Pomona. Rigoberto Alvarado, Jr., 17, was reported missing by his father on July 30 after he didn’t return home to their apartment in Rock Springs the night before. His body was found on August 19 near a long-abandoned coal mine outside of town after days of intense searching.  READ MORE HERE

Wanted Fugitive: Dustin Ward

Posted by Sandra On August - 30 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

SPARTANBURG COUNTY, SC — Deputies are asking for your help finding a missing 20-year-old Spartanburg County woman. The sheriff’s office says Crystal Lynn Freeman was last seen on May 2 on Midland Drive. She was reported missing by her mother on May 15. Freeman’s mother tells investigators Crystal suffers from depression and needs medication.

She is described as 5’4” tall, weighing 120 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes. If you have any information that may help deputies locate Freeman, call Crime Stoppers at  1-888-CRIME-SC


Crystal’s Facebook Group Link

Crystal’s Website link

 1-888-CRIMESC  or  (864) 503-4500 










Tell-Tale Signs of Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On August - 28 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

The Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance (PFSA) announced today the warning signs of child abuse for children returning to school from summer break. PFSA states, if a child has spent the summer in an abusive or neglectful home, it may be in the first few days back at school that the tell-tale signs of abuse are most likely to emerge and be recognized.

Tina Phillips, director of training for PFSA said in a release issued today, “It may be easier for teachers and other school employees to recognize that something was or is amiss because of the time lapse. A child who has been abused or neglected over the summer may look or act dramatically different from when school ended a few months earlier. A returning child also may see school or a teacher as a safe haven and feel comfortable enough to open up.”  READ MORE HERE

LIVE Map of Human Trafficking

Posted by Sandra On August - 26 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS




**Scroll down underneath the map to see breaking news headlines, reports and updates!

The Unthinkable: Kids Who Kill

Posted by Sandra On August - 25 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Jesse Pomeroy was fourteen when he was arrested in 1874 for the sadistic murder of a four-year-old boy.  He was quickly dubbed “The Boston Boy Fiend.”  His rampage had begun three years earlier with the sexual torture of seven other boys. For those crimes Pomeroy was sentenced to reform school, but then he was released early. Not long afterward he mutilated and killed a 10-year-old girl who came into his mother’s store. A month later, he snatched four-year-old Horace Mullen. He took Horace to a swamp outside town and slashed him so savagely with a knife that he nearly decapitated the child. Because of his strange appearance he had a milky white eye—and his previous behavior, suspicion turned to him. When he was shown the body and asked if he’d done it, he responded with a nonchalant, “I suppose I did.”  Then the girl was found buried in his mother’s cellar and he confessed to that murder, too. He was convicted and sentenced to death, although a public outcry against condemning a child to hang commuted the sentence to four decades of solitary confinement.  READ MORE HERE

MISSING Cold Case: Felix Heger

Posted by Sandra On August - 24 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS



Felix Heger (Photo on the left), d.o.b. April 8th 2003, lived with his mother, Manuela Heger, in Oftersheim near Schwetzingen (Germany). His father, Michael Heger, picked him up  from there on Jan. 6th 2006 and did not  return him to his mother, from whom he is divorced, on Jan. 8th 2006 as had been agreed. When Felix disappeared he was almost three years old. Until today there is no trace of him! The father must have stayed somewhere with his son from Jan. 6th to Jan. 8th 2006.  Somebody must have seen them.  READ MORE HERE


PLEASE VISIT: http://www.felix-info.net/

PLEASE VISIT: http://helpfindfelixheger.com/


Missing 6-YO Boy’s Body Found in Yosemite River

Posted by Sandra On August - 23 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

YOSEMITE, CA — National Parks Service search-and-rescue crews say they have recovered the body of 6-year-old Jacob Adams who disappeared along with his brother in the Merced River in Yosemite. The child’s body was found not far from where swift currents caught and carried away the boy and his brother last week.  READ MORE HERE

Police Search For Baby’s Abuser

Posted by Sandra On August - 19 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

LOUISA, KY — A manhunt is underway for someone police call a child abuser. The victim, now blind for life, is the young father’s now 14-month-old son. It was a father home alone with his then 2-month-old son. He says there was an accident. But, after a lengthy police investigation, a grand jury handed down a felony child assault and abuse indictment last Friday. And for little Landyn’s mother, there’s a cry for justice for a child who’s life was changed forever that August 2011 day.  READ MORE HERE

Police Search for 2 Missing Pedos

Posted by Sandra On August - 18 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Predator Alert: John Pine & Raul Tejada-Abad

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. —  Two dangerous men are on the run and police need your help to find them. First, take a look at 32-year-old John Pine.  Pine has an especially violent past, and has used guns in his sex crimes in the past.  For the most part, he looks like an average Joe, but his body art really sets him apart. READ MORE HERE

Children’s Product Recall List

Posted by Sandra On August - 16 - 2012 ADD COMMENTS

The Biggest Children’s Product Recalls: Make Sure None of These Are in Your Home!

Product recalls are often based on tragic circumstances that can hopefully be avoided for others.  I’ve read about several recalls related to children’s products recently, so I thought now was a good time to spotlight Recalls.gov.  Recall.gov collects information about recalls in consumer products including, food, cosmetics, cars, electronics, toys, and more from six different government agencies. You can sign up for email alerts with the various agencies and there is even a phone app for those with an Android smartphone. Do you own any of these recalled toys or baby gear? Read on to learn how to get these hazards repaired or replaced — so you can keep your baby safe.










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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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