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Vicious Killer Up For Parole

Posted by Sandra On March - 9 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS


Inmate Name: Timothy Papp
Victims Name: Roxie Ann Keathley (Age 9)
Inmate Number: A151436
Offenses: Murder, Rape- Under 12, Complicity Agg. Murder
Minimum/ Maximum Sentence: 10 Years – Life
Next Parole Hearing: March 2013


On March 12, 1973, nine-year-old Roxie Ann Keathley returned from school to the apartment complex in which she lived. Timothy Papp, his wife and his child were also residents of the complex. Papp was living alone because his wife and child had left him three days earlier. To obtain spending money, Roxie would often go from apartment to apartment asking the residents for their pop bottles. About 3:30 p.m. on March 12, 1973, Roxie and her sister, Tammy, saw Papp in the parking lot and asked him if he had any pop bottles. Papp said that he had some, but that Roxie should return later. Instead of returning home to dinner with Tammy, Roxie said she had something else to do. Roxie was last seen alive about 5:00 p.m. on March 12, 1973. A man in a white trench coat was seen talking to Roxie about this time. After searching for Roxie without success during the evening hours of March 12, her mother called the police about 10:00 p.m. and reported Roxie missing. An extensive search for Roxie was made by sheriff’s deputies and volunteer searchers, but she could not be found.  READ MORE HERE

Child Rapist Missing

Posted by Sandra On March - 5 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

532562_462155797154268_1163203599_nMYRTLE BEACH, SC –Brent Egan Dotson, 57, was convicted of Criminal Sexual Conduct with a Minor Under 11 Wednesday in an Horry County courtroom, even though he failed to show up for his own trial, according to prosecutor Candice Lively. Dotson was also found guilty of Lewd Act on a Minor. Dotson was dating the victim’s grandmother, when the victim said he molested her between 2009 and 2010, according to Lively. READ MORE HERE

There are more than 22,000 wanted criminals in the Horry County system – these folks could be people you pass on the street every day, even your neighbor. In fact, some don’t even know they have a warrant out for their arrest. That’s why we’ve teamed up with the Horry County Sheriff’s Office to show you who they are and to help get them off the streets. Lieutenant Steve Cox combed through a list of criminals in Horry County, wanted for everything from traffic-related incidents to assault and battery, or worse. He provided information on two offenders this week. Among them is 56-year-old Brent Egan Dotson, a white male who is described as 5-feet-9-inches tall with brown hair and blue eyes. He’s wanted for failure to appear for a lewd sexual act committed on a child under the age of 16. READ MORE HERE


Police Warn of SnapChat Site

Posted by Sandra On February - 28 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Snapchat_20130226175859_320_240An app called Snapchat boasts 50-million “snaps” a day, but each of the images come and go in a matter of seconds. Our sister station, KMGH, investigates the dangers of the easy-come-easy-go picture app. “Anytime you can only show an image for 2 seconds to 10 seconds, you have to wonder why,” said Detective Mike Harris with the Jefferson County District Attorney’s office. That is exactly what Snapchat is about, sending images that disappear. “Why limit it and what’s the reason of limiting it? Because obviously you’re letting strangers who you don’t know have access to those pictures and often times those strangers are what we call ‘predators’ and what law enforcement and the kids call ‘creepers,'” said Harris.  READ MORE HERE

VIDEO: To This Day

Posted by Sandra On February - 24 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS


To This Day Bullying Project

Shane Koyczan was bullied a lot when he was a kid. So he took that pain and made this stunning video with the help of some amazingly talented people. It’s kind of breathtaking and powerful, just a warning. Also, it has a happy ending.  ORIGINAL: By Shane Koyczan, whom you should like on Facebook, and an amazing group of animators as part of the To This Day project. You can learn more about confronting bullying at Bullying.org.







Reward Offered for Child Rapist

Posted by Sandra On February - 24 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

schoolkidnapAbduction Reward Donors May Consider Victim as Recipient

More than $105K in reward money is sitting, waiting to be handed out to the person that helps bring those who allegedly abducted and raped a 5-year-old Cobbs Creek girl to justice. After enduring what investigators called an “unspeakable experience,” the girl assisted police in their investigation. She met with experts who worked to recover her memories, was questioned by detectives and even took three walks through the neighborhood where she was allegedly held. READ MORE HERE

FBI Seeks Child Porn Suspects

Posted by Sandra On February - 22 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS


FBI seeks public’s help identifying child porn suspects as well as victim’s t-shirt pictured in photographs

The FBI is asking for the public’s help in identifying two men wanted for their alleged involvement in the production of child pornography. The federal agency is circulating photographs of the suspects as well as other images grabbed from a child pornography video, including a child’s yellow t-shirt and the rear of what appears to be a one-story home with an above-ground pool in the backyard. The yellow t-shirt features an illustration of a basketball under the words, ‘New Market.’  READ MORE HERE

Missing: Child Abuser and Child

Posted by Sandra On February - 18 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

8997427_448x252MONTEREY  — A Castroville man is missing with a 10-month old boy after a report of possible child abuse, the Monterey County Sheriff’s Office said Monday. Deputies were called to a residence in Castroville on Saturday on a report of possible child abuse, but could not locate either the suspect, Jesus Vargas Espinoza, 47, or 10-month-old Angelle Jenisis Negron, a sheriff’s office spokesman said. READ MORE HERE

Our 2013 3rd Annual Easter Basket Drive

Posted by Sandra On February - 12 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS
thUPDATE: Easter Basket Drive 2013 A Success!!  READ MORE HERE

Our organization, Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, has been doing fundraisers for at-risk children in the community for three years now. We do back to school fundraisers in the fall, Christmas stockings in the winter, and our biggest event: the Easter Basket Drive. We build each basket (or stocking in the winter) personally for each child. We work with the shelters and housing commissions in advance to get the age and genders of the children in their program, then build a basket personalized for each child.








Wanted for Crimes vs. Children

Posted by Sandra On February - 8 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS


This section of the Child Abuse Unit website will feature suspects that are wanted by various law enforcement agencies (both locally and across the United States) for crimes against children. Initially, you will see thumbnail pictures of the various suspects. “Click” on a selected thumbnail picture to view their respective WANTED posting (which will contain full information i.e. description, crime and essential data). READ MORE HERE

Monitor Your Child’s Facebook

Posted by Sandra On February - 5 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS
  • Figures show a rise in reports of incidents relating to online grooming
  • Children Exploitation and Online Protection Centre received three a day

rear view of a child using a computer

Parents must monitor their children’s Facebook accounts to protect them from online predators, a top child protection expert has said. The deputy children’s commissioner said parents should stop children uploading pictures of themselves kissing, showing their flesh or wearing any sort of revealing outfit. Sue Berelowitz threw her weight behind calls for greater family control of online risks by saying that parents should warn their children that once a picture is online, there is a danger it will be shared with anyone from classmates to strangers.  READ MORE HERE


Break Free of Family Dysfunction

Posted by Sandra On February - 2 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Teen daughter agonizes while parents fightBreaking Negative Patterns of Family Dysfunction

Every family has strengths, but some families also have weaknesses. Research has shown that adults raised in dysfunctional families frequently report difficulties forming and maintaining intimate relationships, maintaining positive self-esteem, and trusting others; they fear a loss of control, and deny their feelings and reality. It’s true—our early influences can leave behind deep grooves—both good and bad— that we tend to carry around for the rest of our lives. Dysfunction can be a difficult cycle to break, but it is possible. In my work with families, I refer to this process as “pioneer parenting”. For all pioneers who have been the first to enter new territory, the road is often long and bumpy, but the destination points can be incredibly rewarding and the legacy is definitely priceless. READ MORE HERE




Can You Break the Cycle of Generational Dysfunction?

Breaking the Cycle: Prevent Family Dysfunction 

Breaking the Dysfunctional Family Patterns

Breaking the Cycle of Dysfunction



The Brady Project

Posted by Sandra On January - 31 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS


CNN anchor: “How can you not call that a person?”

An eight-minute segment on Monday night reached a turning point when CNN host Erin Burnett exclaimed: “That baby was 8 pounds, 2 ounces. He was going to be born in a couple of days. How could you not define that as a person? That is a viable life.” Burnett covered the story of Heather Surovik, who was days away from giving birth to her son, Brady. She was returning from her final prenatal checkup when a drunk driver on his fifth DUI smashed into her car. Although Heather and her other family members survived, Brady did not. Since Colorado law does not recognize pre-born children as persons, state prosecutors could charge the drunk driver only with destroying Heather’s vehicle, not with Brady’s death. READ MORE HERE

Erin’s Law Effective Immediately At Illinois Public Schools

Posted by Sandra On January - 24 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

quinn-erins-law“Erin’s Law” Mandates Sexual Abuse Awareness Programs in All Illinois Schools

Law goes into effect immediately and schools will have to implement it starting next school year

Gov. Pat Quinn on Thursday signed a new law extending sexual abuse education in Illinois schools. “Erin’s Law” is named after Schaumburg native and activist Erin Merryn. Sexually abused as a child, Merryn said she’s convinced she would have spoken out much earlier if she had been taught at a young age about the threat. Instead, she endured abuse at the hands of a neighbor and older cousin for years before seeking help. READ MORE HERE


Block This Child Rapist’s Parole

Posted by Sandra On January - 19 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

RoxiemainChild Rapist/Murderer Up For Parole

Timothy Papp is a monster. He brutally raped and murdered an innocent nine-year-old girl and then threw her body away like a piece of garbage. After being convicted of Roxie Keathley’s rape and murder Papp then conspired to kill those involved with his prosecution. Paroling Timothy Papp would pose an extreme risk to any child that would come into contact him as well as seriously endanger the community. In addition, releasing Timothy Papp would be a complete injustice to Roxie Ann Keathley and her family and would not further the interests of justice. Based on the brutal, violent, and sadistic nature of Timothy Papp’s crimes we believe Timothy Papp should remain in prison until the day he dies.  (Photo image: Roxie Ann Keathley, Child Victim)


Please fill out the form at link above to help block this parole!!









CHILD RAPIST/MURDERER: Timothy Papp/ #A151436



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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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