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Archive for the ‘Important Info’ Category

Block This Child Killer’s Parole

Posted by Sandra On April - 28 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

WheelerOn December 26, 1985, Awilda Maddox, age 71, was excited to be spending time with her five grandchildren. Mrs. Maddox’s son, Curtis Jr., had recently moved in with his mother after separating from his wife. The boys, Jody, age 10, and William, age 8, and the girls, Evelyn, age 9, and twins Dawn and Jennifer, age 7 were spending that Christmas with their father and Mrs. Maddox. The children went to bed that evening and were looking forward to watching movies the next day on the new VCR their grandmother had gotten for them for Christmas. Sadly they would never get the chance.  READ MORE HERE





Inmate Name:
Rhoda Maddox/ Orville Wheeler Jr.


Inmate Number:
W021590/ A208809



Awilda Maddox, Curtis Maddox Jr., Jody Maddox, William Maddox, Evelyn Maddox, Jennifer Maddox, Dawn Maddox


Involuntary Manslaughter x 7; Aggravated Arson

Minimum/ Maximum Sentence:

15 Years – 200 Years


Next Parole Hearing:

May 2013

Dreamcatchers 2013 MACA March

Posted by Sandra On April - 26 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

2013-04-22 14.04.45Monday was a beautiful day for a walk in Port Huron. More than 400 new friends took advantage of the cloudless skies and warm temperatures to take part in the Million March Against Child Abuse, a cooperative 250-city march to raise awareness about child abuse. The anti-abuse activists gathered at Pine Grove Park and marched to the court house and back to the park, where they participated in several family fun activities at the park. Bounce houses, face painting, strolling pirates, live music and a live theater group were on hand. READ MORE HERE

NOTE: click the bottom right-hand corner symbol on the video to go to full-screen

It was about 150 marchers that took to the streets of downtown Port Huron Monday afternoon in a demonstration against child abuse.  The event was part of a larger one yesterday, across the country, according to local organizer Sierra Kearns. After the march there was a large public event held with…

Don’t be alarmed when you see the throng of marchers in downtown Port Huron on Monday. The marchers are concerned people taking part in the Port Huron Million March Against Child Abuse.

A few hundred anti-abuse supporters marched from Pine Grove Park to the St Clair County Court House Monday as part of the Million March Against Child Abuse.
Monday was a beautiful day for a walk in Port Huron.
Please join us next year for our 2nd Annual MACA March!!

Man Wanted for Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On April - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

555efd32af1b247810831181e06dd6a5Academy Founder Wanted for Alleged Child Rape, Described as Violent Fugitive

Haugh founded Falmouth Academy in 1977, reported the Cape Cod Times. A founding teacher, Lalise Melillo told the Cape Cod Times, “He created an idea and handed it to other people and left town.” Haugh, 71-years-old, is described on the Massachusetts State Police 10 Most Wanted for Violent Fugitives as 5’11”, 155 lbs., black hair, blue eyes, light complexion and white.  He is wanted by the Belmont Police Department for sexual offenses against a female child. READ MORE HERE

For a copy of the Wanted Poster, click here.

Fugitive Is A Child Rapist

Posted by Sandra On April - 17 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

imageChild rape suspect on run: a no-show at trial

Clyde Tonkin is a fugitive again. Hours before his child rape trial was set to begin Monday in Luzerne County Court, the 30-year-old removed an electronic monitoring bracelet that tracked his whereabouts. As police and a bail bonds service spent the day trying to find Tonkin, court officials worked to seat a jury to hear his case. Whether or not Tonkin is located, the trial will start this morning with opening arguments, court officials said. Luzerne County Judge Joseph Sklarosky Jr. is set to preside over a rare “trial in absentia” in which the defendant isn’t present for the court proceedings that determine his fate. READ MORE HERE

Police Seek Alleged Child Abuser

Posted by Sandra On April - 11 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

zoo-still-photojpg-915b88f156033391Portland police seeking woman accused of child abuse at Oregon Zoo

Police are looking for a woman accused of abusing a 3-year-old girl at the Oregon ZooWednesday. Officers were called at 3:40 p.m. after a witness reported the woman apparently in her mid-20s who kicked, slapped and pushed the child to the ground, Portland policesaid. The woman also yelled profanity at the child during the alleged abuse. The woman then swore at the witness when she was confronted, police said. The woman left with the girl, pushing her into a cement wall as they were leaving. Surveillance video shows the two leaving with another woman and child. READ MORE HERE

Amber Alert Issued

Posted by Sandra On April - 3 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

AMBER ALERT FOR BOYS:  Chase Hakken (2), Cole Hakken (4)


  • 2006 General motors corp., Black
    Florida license plate #U95KT

The 2 and 4 year-old children were last seen in the area of the 14000 block of Shady Shores Drive in Tampa. The children were abducted by Joshua and Sharyn Hakken. They may be traveling in a 2006 black General motors corp. Sierra, FL tag #U95KT. Please contact the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office at 813-247-8200 or 911.

If you have information, contact:

Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office
Call: 813-247-8200


Missing children

Chase Hakken

  • Age now: 2
  • Sex: Male
  • Skin: White
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Height: 3’0
  • Weight: 33lbs
  • ——————————————————————————————————————

Cole Hakken

  • Age now: 4
  • Sex: Male
  • Skin: White
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Height: 3’9
  • Weight: 44lbs
  • ——————————————————————————————————————


Joshua Hakken

  • Age now: 35
  • Sex: Male
  • Skin: White
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Height: 5’9
  • Weight: 175lbs
  • ——————————————————————————————————————

Sharyn Hakken

  • Age now: 34
  • Sex: Female
  • Skin: White
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Hazel
  • Height: 5’4
  • Weight: 150lbs
  • ——————————————————————————————————————

FUGITIVE: Child Abduction,Rape

Posted by Sandra On April - 2 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

5956_565657363454602_981996166_nLOS ANGELES, CA — A transient with a long criminal record is being sought in the kidnapping of a 10-year-old girl who was snatched from her San Fernando Valley home before dawn last week and abandoned hours later in front of a hospital. Police identified Tobias Dustin Summers, 30, as a suspect Saturday, but they couldn’t elaborate on the motive or what led them to him. They also don’t know if the girl was targeted. “We have no information that the family knew this individual or that the individual knew any members of the family,” Los Angeles Police Deputy Chief Kirk Albanese said. About 40 detectives have been investigating since the girl was abducted from her home at around 3 a.m. Wednesday. READ MORE HERE

Who Is Kidnap Suspect Tobias Dustin Summers

Tobias Dustin Summers Could Be In San Diego


Facebook Sex Crimes Quadruple

Posted by Sandra On March - 31 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

imagesFacebook sex crimes soar: Offences via social networks more than quadruple in last four years

Sex offences linked to Facebook or Twitter users have rocketed in the last four years, a Mirror investigation reveals. And in an another alarming trend, pedophiles are increasingly logging on to the social networking sites to target children. A total of 1,642 cases since 2009 have been reported to police where the sites played a part in the commission or aftermath of a crime. Statistics obtained under freedom of information laws show the number has more than quadrupled from 139 four years ago to 614 last year. READ MORE HERE

21 Ways to Spot A Child Molester

Posted by Sandra On March - 25 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

eye-magnifying-glass21 Ways To Spot A Child Molester

1. Before they turn 18, one in every four girls will have been sexually abused. Before they turn 18, one in every eight boys will have been sexually abused.

2. Most sexual abuse against children is committed by someone the child knows.

3. Child molesters are skillful. Children often like child molesters because they so often seem to enjoy the same things children do: games, movies, toys. Child molesters tell us, “It’s easy to slip into a child’s life. All you gotta do is show them any attention.”

4. Some children are more vulnerable to abuse than others, and child molesters know how to spot them.

5. You can protect your child by looking for the warning signs that they are having problems: e.g. refusing to partake in an activity they used to enjoy; a sudden change in their emotional well being.

6. You can protect your child by watching out for certain warning signs in adults.

7. Watch out for the adult who show too much or inappropriate physical contact with children (tickling, wrestling, hugging for too long, kissing).

8. Watch out for adults who prefer to spend time with children rather than other adults to the exclusion of healthy adult interactions.

9. Watch out for adults who break the rules or encourage children to break the family’s or the organization’s rules.

10. Watch out for adults who give children gifts without parents’ permission.

11. Watch out for adults who want to become too involved in your child’s life.

12. Although the protection of children is the responsibility of adults, you can help your children by teaching them self-protection skills.

13. For little kids, start by teaching them about their body parts, including their private parts; about the rules for their bodies (that only parents, doctors may touch their private parts); what to do if someone breaks the rules about their bodies.

14. For older kids, teach the concept of boundaries and what to do if someone tries to break their physical, emotional, or behavioral boundaries.

15. You can learn more about your child’s life, who his/her friends are and how they spend their time together. Children tell us that sometimes they didn’t tell about being abused because no one asked.

16. Sometimes children are sexually molested by other children, and the emotional damage can be severe. We have seen a 300 percent increase in peer to peer abuse over the last three years.

17. Before allowing your child to participate in an organization, do your homework. Find out what sort of policies and practices they have in place to protect your child from sexual abuse.

18. You can familiarize yourself with the computer, the Internet, and all other forms of electronic communication. You should know at least as much about these things as your children do.

19. More than one-third of youth Internet users have had an unwanted exposure to sexual material in the last year.

20. Ninety percent of youth who experienced unwanted solicitations were 13 and older.

21. If your child discloses abuse to you, remain calm, listen, reassure them that the abuse is not their fault and that you are glad they told you. Report the abuse to the police.


Child Porn on Facebook

Posted by Sandra On March - 23 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

562065_503488656354315_950397352_nChild Porn Goes Viral On Facebook

There are several reports of child pornography going viral on Facebook Thursday. A source told BuzzFeed that, by 9 p.m. Thursday night, a pornographic video of an infant had over 16,000 shares.  Gawker reports that the video, which apparently showed “a grown man sexually abusing an infant girl” got 32,000 shares and 5,000 likes before Facebook wiped it off the site after eight hours. READ MORE HERE

3/23/2013: Many of you know about the child porn video uploaded to Facebook being shared on Facebook during the past few days. Some of you said you shared it on your wall and asked your friends to report it. This guy was ARRESTED for simply sharing, NOT uploading, that video on Facebook! It does not matter WHY you share, it is still distributing child pornography! Do NOT ever share child porn for reporting purposes on Facebook or anywhere on the Internet! See notations after article.

Article: Louisiana: The Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office has given more information on the man arrested on pornography charges. Detectives say 22 year old Robbie Fusilier found a pornographic video on Facebook, later reposting it on his personal Facebook page. Detectives have since spoken the Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who say the video is being sent out across facebook, and the center is working to try to combat the issue. Fusilier is charged with Distribution of Pornography Involving Juveniles.

Source: http://www.katc.com/news/update-to-iberia-man-arrested-on-pornography-charges/#_

Administrator’s note: I suggest in the future you DO NOT share any child pornography on the Internet for reporting purposes but go tohttp://missingkids.com/ and click on the “MAKE A CYBERTIPLINE REPORT” link!

This is the online reporting form you will reach. You should bookmark it for future use: https://report.cybertip.org/index.htm;jsessionid=D8CF6C86578E9F69CFA874F9C29BDD7F.iwt1

To share a flyer in attempting to identify the man in the child porn video click here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=503488656354315&set=a.442980149071833.90070.222558184447365&type=1&relevant_count=1

Missing Girl Was Molested

Posted by Sandra On March - 20 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS


Missing Girl, 14, Was Sexually Abused By Stepfather Who Killed Himself Two Days After Disappearance

Friends and family continue to pray for the safe return of a kidnapped Arkansas girl as authorities resume their search Tuesday morning.  14-year-old Sidney Randall of Walnut Ridge was last seen late at night on March 16th, when her mother Denise discovered that Sydney and her stepfather John Cornell were not in the house. When Cornell returned early Sunday morning, he told Denise he was going to the police station to report Sidney missing, but he never reached the station. READ MORE HERE

Thank You, Lady Jane’s!!!

Posted by Sandra On March - 19 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

dreamcatchers_check3/1/2013 UPDATE: Dreamcatchers would like to express our sincere gratitude for the very generous contribution that we received today!!  Lady Jane’s Haircuts for Men’s Gala Fundraiser raised $2100 for Dreamcatchers for Abused Children. You can view photos of their Gratitude Gala Event HERE. They also added us to their “CHARITY” section on their website HERE.  THANK YOU!!!



“The Gratitude Gala” Event
Lady Jane’s Haircuts for Men continues to work to raise much needed funds for children. Each year LJ collects donations to raise money for local charities and children in need. All LJ locations work together raising money in their area for the kids. Over the past two years LJ has raised $18,000 – most by one to two dollar donations from our customers. In addition to the partnership with Children’s Miracle Network, LJ also supports many other local charities in the communities they do business in and around.

The Gratitude Gala Event will be held on February 2, 2013 at the TWIN LAKES GOLF & SWIM CLUB (Oakland, MI). All raffle and giveaway donations will go to Dreamcatchers for Abused Children. We would like to thank Lady Jane’s, Chad Johnson ~ LJ’s CEO, and Jennifer Golas ~ Corporate Headquarters Manager for this amazing opportunity! We greatly appreciate your support!!





Being actively involved and giving back to the communities, in which we do business, is very important to me and my company. Through the numerous programs supported by Lady Jane’s, we hope to make a positive impact on those who are less fortunate and those who need extra funding to run their community based programs.” SEE THEIR PAST CHARITY WORK HERE

Block This Child Killer’s Parole

Posted by Sandra On March - 14 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS

PowellmainOn July 29, 1986, Tina Dukes, age seven, was playing outside in front of her home with her cousin and another child. Tony Powell approached Trina and her cousin and asked them if they knew how to ride a bike. After Trina said, “Yes” the three children followed Powell around the corner. Powell then asked Trina to go upstairs with him and told Trina’s cousin and the other child to leave. After luring Trina to the fourth floor Powell told her to take off her cloths. Powell later admitted to police that at this point he intended to “F..k” Trina. Trina then began to cry and said she wanted to go home.

By this time Trina’s cousin had run home and told her grandfather, who was known as “Big Duke”, what had happened. Trina’s cousin then led Big Duke and her brother Marvin to the building where Powell had taken Trina. Big Duke then went behind the building and called out for Trina. Trina called back “Big Duke, Big Duke.” Tony Powell then grabbed Trina’s mouth in an attempt to stop her cries. Big Duke then went into the building and ran up the stairs followed by Trina’s cousin and Marvin. When Powell heard them coming up the stairs he picked up Trina. Trina became so scared she defecated on Powell. Powell then threw seven-year-old Trina out the fourth floor window. READ MORE HERE



Posted by Sandra On March - 11 - 2013 ADD COMMENTS


































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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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