Dreamcatchers For Abused Children
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Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

The Stop Abuse Campaign

Posted by Sandra On February - 24 - 2011 2 COMMENTS

https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/uhy35gpshvk Welcome to the Stop Abuse Campaign…

https://www.suitupmaine.org/8en2tnc3sj The Stop Abuse Campaign is a grassroots movement representing the rights of anyone sexually, physically or emotionally abused. Our mission is to stop abuse and alleviate the suffering of all those affected, including families, friends, businesses and communities.

We will do this by igniting conversations and inspiring people to believe that as individuals, organizations, churches, communities and as businesses, we can work together to stop the abuse that affects a staggering half of the population — men, women and children.

https://calif-ilc.org/iap02px READ MORE HERE:

https://www.daathize.com.br/sz80cxo http://stopabusecampaign.com/

Survivor/Author, Keith Smith, To Appear On Dreamcatcher BlogTalk Radio with Host, Laurie Ann Smith

Posted by Sandra On February - 24 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS


Men in My Town

Keith Smith, Author, Advocate and Stranger Abduction Sexual Assault Survivor Discusses His Experience, His Book and Steps We Can Take to Keep Kids Safe.

https://baixacultura.org/2025/02/01/ysw5lxn Just click this link to Blog Talk Radio at 11:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 2 to listen or call in live. I’ll be discussing my experience as a Stranger Abduction Sexual Assault Survivor, my book Men in My Town plus “5 Things We Can Do to Keep Kids Safe.”

The story of the abduction, beating and rape of a teenage boy from Lincoln, Rhode Island, followed by the unsolved brutal murder of his assailant in Providence, is now a moving novel written by the man who survived this vicious attack.

https://www.polefinistere.com/y12nx4o9jm Men in My Town by Keith Smith. Based on Actual Events.  Available now at Amazon.com in Paperback and Kindle.

Email the author at MenInMyTown@aol.com


https://sapooni.com/er41tcsi http://meninmytown.wordpress.com/

Ending Child Abuse Through Advocacy and Education

Posted by Sandra On February - 22 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

http://www.servicebrandglobal.com/img/sugyzuko/ Baby Face 1

https://medikaplaza.com/plaza/vevudat/ Spartanburg, S.C. — According to the most recent statistics reported by The Children’s Defense Fund (2011), in South Carolina a child is abused or neglected every 41 minutes, a child dies before his or her first birthday every 16 hours, and a child or teen is killed by gunfire every 6 days. Child maltreatment not only includes physical and sexual abuse but also emotional abuse and failure to meet the basic needs of the child.

https://baixacultura.org/2025/02/01/aef5ce0 READ MORE HERE:

https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/2h6knh8ga2u http://news.uscupstate.edu/2011/02/a-brighter-future-ending-child-abuse-through-advocacy-and-education-2/

Illinois Senate Passes ‘Erin’s Law’

Posted by Sandra On February - 17 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Thursday night just before 8pm I got word from Senator Tim Bivins that we would testify tomorrow morning before the senate education committee at 9am. That was going to make for a very early morning. I kept waking up all night then Chance woke me barking at 2am to be walked. Then finally got up at 3:30am. I drove my car to Dekalb, Illinois where I met with Chief Dan Langloss of Dixon Illinois. Together we drove down to the state capital of Illinois in Springfield.

https://www.beecavebee.com/9wto9knsf READ MORE ON ERIN’S BLOG HERE:

https://electroseleccio.cat/jjzy4n0eab http://erinmerryn.hcibooks.com/2010/05/08/erins-law-passed-by-illinois-senate/



Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Summit

Posted by Sandra On February - 2 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

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DELAWARE–More than 900 doctors, law enforcement officers and social services employees were in Dover Tuesday night, for the Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Summit at the Sheraton Dover Hotel. “The most important aspect of this is just to provide guidelines to identify, and report, for the medical providers as well as these other professionals, but also we need to share consistent messages to the community about what mandatory reporting of child abuse is and to try to educate the public on the signs of child abuse and neglect,” said Department of Services for Children Secretary Vivian Rapposelli.

https://www.daathize.com.br/l8y54ygsed READ MORE HERE:


Child Trafficking Film Premiere

Posted by Sandra On January - 23 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

https://sapooni.com/lnc3636lzm Go to fullsize image

Child trafficking film premiere spotlights grave child rights abuse

https://calif-ilc.org/2811kw8iqe NEW YORK – Not my Life, an independent documentary on child exploitation and abuse today premiered at New York’s Lincoln Centre. The film, which was filmed across five continents, looks at the devastating issues of child trafficking, sexual exploitation and child labour. Not My Life features Dr. Nicholas Alipui, UNICEF Director of Programmes, and Dr. Susan Bissell, UNICEF’s Chief Child Protection, who provide insight into the key issues.

https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/5b9lvyegou3 “It is important to bring global awareness to these issues. Trafficking of children is a grave violation of their rights, robbing them of their childhood, their well-being, and the opportunity to reach their full potential,” said Dr. Susan Bissell. “Documentaries such as Not my Life are important, because they spotlight abuses that are otherwise often underreported.”

https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/5sgn7uosc6 READ MORE HERE:

https://www.suitupmaine.org/w2ajqajn http://www.iewy.com/14755-child-trafficking-film-premiere-spotlights-grave-child-rights-abuse.html

20 Ways ‘You’ Can Help Prevent Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On January - 22 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

https://sapooni.com/2kz9e761r https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/s396tvjbz What You Can Do–Unrealistic expectations of parenthood, differences between what we want and what we actually have, a strained relationship with our marriage partner, too much to do and too little time, financial problems, drug abuse, alcoholism, and a history of being abused as a child are examples of problems that can cause parents to take out anger and frustration on their children. Even very loving parents can lose control to the point of child abuse.

http://www.galleriamoitre.com/pu4j1zd5 READ MORE HERE:


DETROIT: New ‘Kids-TALK’ Program

Posted by Sandra On January - 21 - 2011 1 COMMENT

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https://www.beecavebee.com/cqcbw5ee4f A new door providing hope and opportunity to children who are the victims of physical, sexual or mental abuse opened in Detroit on Thursday. The Kids-TALK Children’s Advocacy Center, 40 E. Ferry, provides forensic interviews and advocacy mental health services to children through age 17. “Whenever we have a collaborative effort like we have here today, then the children are the real beneficiaries,” Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said. “Anything we can do to make kids feel safer is important because no child should have to go through a traumatic experience like this.”

https://olashirt.com/4jg2d5jhlb Kids-TALK, a place for children to heal, opens in Detroit | freep.com | Detroit Free Press http://www.freep.com/article/20110121/NEWS01/101210362/Kids-TALK-a-place-for-children-to-heal-opens-in-Detroit#ixzz1Bi8k0Y2J

Canada Cops Step-Up Child Abuse Fight

Posted by Sandra On January - 21 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS
Chief Bill Blair looks on during a program aimed at preventing child abuse by creating policies and procedures that educate childcare workers on Jan. 20, 2010. (VERONICA HENRI, Toronto Sun)Toronto child exploitation officers are taking the fight against sexual abuse one step further. The Commit to Kids public awareness campaign, designed for front-line childcare workers to determine if their children are being sexually abused, was launched Thursday at the Toronto Police headquarters. Chief William Blair said “one of the greatest challenges we face in our society is protecting our most vulnerable members.” The program aims to prevent child abuse by creating policies and procedures that educate childcare workers about the signs of sex abuse.

https://www.daathize.com.br/rst1qn1 READ MORE HERE:

https://baixacultura.org/2025/02/01/9vq3kykz7 http://www.torontosun.com/news/torontoandgta/2011/01/20/16970046.html

Teachers Learning Abuse Signs

Posted by Sandra On January - 18 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Guest lecturer Troy D. Timmons, a licensed counselor and sex offender treatment provider, speaks during a program Monday at Region 16. Timmons” program, Somebody's Hero, informed teachers of the issues surrounding child sexual abuse.  Michael Schumacher / Amarillo Globe-News

https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/1qsm00vt The people most likely to abuse your children are a lot closer than you might think. Psychotherapist Troy Timmons discussed the misconceptions of child sex abuse at a seminar for 300 teachers and child care professionals Monday at Region 16 Education Service Center. “It’s those people that we know, love, care, trust,” Timmons said. “That’s why it’s hard for us to talk about it.”



Tamara Tunie: New Child Abuse Spokesperson

Posted by Sandra On January - 18 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/lz3j080zy tuniethumbnail

“Law and Order: SVU”  Star, Tamara Tunie

New Spokesperson for “The National Coalition to End Child Abuse Deaths”

Purchasing Ambien Washington, DC– Today, the National Coalition to End Child Abuse Deaths announced that Ms. Tunie is lending her star power to the group’s efforts by becoming their official spokesperson. The Coalition, which includes the National District Attorneys Association, Every Child Matters Education Fund, the National Association of Social Workers, the National Center for Child Death Review, and the National Children’s Alliance, is working to make child maltreatment deaths a national political priority.

https://regenamex.com/9qqu9ck43t READ MORE HERE:


John Walsh To Speak At World Affairs Council Meeting

Posted by Sandra On January - 16 - 2011 1 COMMENT

https://www.suitupmaine.org/zgf4e01t0 Go to fullsize image

World Affairs Council to hear John Walsh talk about child predators

John Walsh, host of America’s Most Wanted, will speak at a noon luncheon meeting of the World Affairs Council on Jan. 31 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach. Walsh will speak about http://www.galleriamoitre.com/bw464ah “Dealing with Child Predators in the Real World and Online.” He also will discuss his groundbreaking television program, which has helped take down more than 1,050 fugitives and bring home more than 50 missing children in the past 22 years.



DFAC~Scentsy Buddy Fundraiser

Posted by Sandra On January - 8 - 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Dreamcatchers Fundraiser

FROM SHERI CARPENTER (Independent SCENTSY Consultant): We are doing a fundraiser to help Dreamcatchers for Abused Children raise funds to pass out some Scentsy Buddies to abused kids.

I am partnering with Dreamcatchers for Abused Children to help them distribute Scentsy Buddies to those children that are in shelters waiting placement with foster parents or other placements. Wouldn’t it be nice to show them that they are not alone and that people do care by helping to give them a Buddy that they can hug and hold and love when they are feeling sad and alone to remind them that they are not alone and that there are people out there who care and are there for them?

Our Goal is to raise $500 to purchase Scentsy Buddies with that Dreamcatchers Founder Sandra will then take to various shelters and pass out to these children. All you need to do to help is click here and place any size order and it will credit to their fundraiser. If you would like to purchase a Scentsy Buddy to have sent to a Shelter please email me directly and I can let you know your options to do this. We appreciate all the support the communities give to this most wonderful organization and what they do and stand for.

We would love it if you would retweet, like and share this post with all you know. The more exposure this post gets the more help this organization will receive and hopefully we can reach our goal and do something wonderful for these children who need to know they are loved and cared about.

If you support, make a purchase or share this post, leave a comment with your blog or website link in it and you will be featured in a formal recognition post we are going to do every week to help give back and recognize those who have so generously helped with this fundraiser.

Direct link to the fundraiser :


BACA – Bikers Against Child Abuse

Posted by Sandra On December - 29 - 2010 1 COMMENT

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Bikers volunteer their time to keep children safe

(WICHITA, Kan.) — T-bone, Hillbilly, Turtle – uncommon names for some people doing a dangerous and uncommon job. “It’s never too cold to have that security of the child knowing nothing’s going to happen,” explains Sticks. He’s just one member of a volunteer group called BACA – Bikers Against Child Abuse. When Eyewitness News caught up with the group, they were stationed in front of Wichita home, protecting the child inside, a child that is believed to have been abused. “There’s a gap between when the abuse happens and trial and BACA comes in a fills that gap. We provide security, comfort, safety and empowerment for children that have been abused.”






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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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