Dreamcatchers For Abused Children
March , 2025

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Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

Child Rapist Given Joint Custody

Posted by Sandra On October - 9 - 2017 ADD COMMENTS

Michigan rapist gets joint custody

MICHIGAN – A Sanilac County Circuit judge has granted parenting time and joint legal custody of an 8-year-old boy to a convicted sex offender who allegedly raped the child’s mother nine years ago. https://municion.org/rghnj7t Christopher Mirasolo, 27, of Brown City was awarded joint legal custody by Judge Gregory S. Ross after DNA testing established paternity of the child, according to the victim’s attorney, Rebecca Kiessling, who is seeking protection under the federal Rape Survivor Child Custody Act. A hearing is scheduled for Oct. 17, 2017 at 1:30pm,. The case, initially reported on “The Steve Gruber Show,” a Lansing-based radio program, is believed the first of its kind in Michigan and possibly the nation. According to the victim and Kiessling, it was prompted after the county surveyed the victim regarding child support she had received this past year. READ MORE HERE


Dreamcatchers for Abused Children is organizing a #VictimsRightsRally to protest this injustice.  https://chemxtree.com/crxfsvxnoj Join us on October 17, 2017 at the Sanilac County (MI) Courthouse lawn from 12pm-4pm to protest Sanilac County Judge Gregory S. Ross’s decision to award joint custody and parenting rights to a convicted child rapist!

The mother was raped and impregnated at 12-years old by a 19-year old man who should have served a minimum of 25 years to life in prison for 1st degree criminal sexual conduct, but instead only served 6-1/2 months in county jail, and now, a Judge granted her rapist parental rights without a hearing. This is the first known case where the newly passed Rape Survivor Child Custody Act in Michigan will be argued, and demonstrates why a rape conviction should not be necessary to suspend or terminate parental rights.

https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/dlzd7sn PETITION: http://www.citizengo.org/en/signit/100841/view
RALLY EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/527874777557180/

https://www.scarpellino.com/gppwjvjubnq GUEST SPEAKE Ambien Pills Online R LINE-UP:

Dreamcatchers -MC (12:15)
Attorney Rebecca Kiessling (12:30pm)
Michigan Senator Tonya Schuitmaker (12:45pm)
“Tiffany” – his first victims (1:00pm)
“Jenna” – his second victim (1:15pm)
Amy Roggenbuck – Right to Life of Sanilac County (1:30pm)

Sponsored by:
Dreamcatchers for Abused Children
Save The 1
Rebecca Kiessling Pro-Life Speaker
Right to Life of Sanilac County

If you are interested in speaking or volunteering at this event, please contact us Dreamcatchers for Abused Children or email us at: dreamcatchersforabusedchildren@gmail.com


https://www.fogliandpartners.com/zienj6y41 SIGN OUR PETITION!!

April: Child Abuse Prevention Month

Posted by Sandra On March - 27 - 2016 ADD COMMENTS

Child-Abuse-Prevention-LogoApril has been nationally recognized as Child Abuse Prevention Month since 1985. April also recognizes Sexual Abuse Awareness as well. Each year, there are nearly 3 million reports of child abuse and neglect. Child abuse cases are vastly under-reported, as adults often fail to recognize or respond to warning signs of child abuse, and abused children suffer in fear and silence afraid to report. National Child Abuse Prevention Month offers each of us an opportunity to highlight child abuse facts, be pro-active in educating the public on child abuse, explain the importance of reporting child abuse, encourage community involvement, and support abused children.

*1 in every 3 girls will be sexually molested before the age of 18
*1 in every 5 boys will be sexually molested before the age of 18
*Every 10 SECONDS a child is raped or killed in the U.S.
*Today up to 5 children will die from abuse or neglect
*In 13 seconds, another child will be abused in the U.S
*There were 2.9 million child abuse reports made in 1992
*ONLY 28% of the children identified as harmed by abuse are investigated
*Boys are at a greater risk of serious injury and of emotional neglect than are girls
*85% of the 1.2 – 1.5 million runaways are fleeing abuse at home
*80% of perpetrators are biological parents
*60 % of male survivors report at least one of their perpetrators to be female
*Children in mother-only households are 4 times more likely to be fatally abused
*Female abusers are typically younger than male abusers.
*The median age was 30 years for women and 33 years for men
*Today 6 children will commit suicide
*Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death (ages 15-24)
*Untreated child abuse increases the likelihood of arrest for a violent crime by 38 percent
*60 MILLION survivors are former victims of child sexual abuse in America today
*71 % of child sex offenders are under the age of 35
*38% of women & 20% of men have been sexually abused during adolescence
*It is estimated that 3%-6% of the clergy population has abused a child
*Natural mothers are the perpetrators of 93% of physical neglect, 86% educational neglect, 78% emotional neglect, 60% physical abuse, 55% emotional abuse
*The typical pedophile molests an average of 117 children–most of whom do not report the offense

~Imagine the outcry if these statistics represented a disease, which was wiping out 5 children per day, victimizing millions, and who’s by-products where disabilities & expanding violence. Youth rights are really about human rights, and simple empathy is a giant first step to the benefits of increased awareness. The high jump in child abuse statistics shows the importance of youth rights by showing cases of frightening lack of knowledge!!~
Go ahead….


Take Action


Each of us needs to take action to help prevent child abuse and neglect! Whether you donate to organizations advocating against child abuse, participate in a fundraising event, or join forces by contacting your local office, your contribution makes a huge difference.

What can you do right now? Anything you do to support kids and parents can help reduce the isolation and stress that often leads to abuse and neglect.

How YOU Can Help:

https://www.plantillaslago.com/bssm55md4 Be a friend to a parent you know. Ask how their children are doing. Draw on your own experiences to provide reassurance and support. If a parent seems to be struggling, offer to baby-sit or run errands, or just lend a friendly ear. Show you understand.

https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/7mxxlt3su Be a friend to a child you know. Remember their names. Smile when you talk with them. Ask them about their day at school. Send them a card in the mail. Show you care.

Talk to your neighbors about looking out for one another’s children. Encourage a supportive spirit among parents in your apartment building or on your block. Show that you are involved.

Buy Generic Zolpidem Give your used clothing, furniture and toys for use by another family. This can help relieve the stress of financial burdens that parents sometimes take out on their kids.

Volunteer your time and money for programs in your community that support children and families, such as parent support groups, child care centers, and our state chapters and local Healthy Families America sites.

https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/4dc7m2sr Advocate for public policies, innovative programs and issues that benefit children and families.

Purchase a STOP CHILD ABUSE t-shirt (Campaign runs 3/28/2016 – 4/11/2016)    Purchase a STOP CHILD ABUSE t-shirt or hoodie for April’s National Child Abuse Prevention Month! Campaign hosted by www.holdontohope.org. 25% of all sales will be donated to our nonprofit organization. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE

https://hazenfoundation.org/c6gynbpp Purchase a STOP CHILD ABUSE Blue Silicone Bracelet – Show your support by wearing this stylish bracelet.

https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/kreg3nl Purchase Pinwheels for Prevention –  The pinwheel is the nationally recognized symbol for child abuse and neglect prevention. It also symbolizes the belief that every child has the right to grow and flourish to his/her full potential within a nurturing environment.

https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/qv247hwhd **DONATE**
If you are considering making a contribution, DREAMCATCHERSFOR ABUSED CHILDREN has many programs and services that would benefit from your generosity. Your tax-deductible contribution will be designated to promote child abuse awareness, intervention & prevention, along with support services for abuse victims. Any contribution you make will help us to fulfill our mission to prevent child abuse. If you have any questions or would like more information please email us at: dreamcatchersforabusedchildren@gmail.com — Please click here for more info!

Buy Zolpidem Canada **IN-KIND DONATIONS**
Donate an item, service or gift card/gift certificate to help aid abused children or our organization. If you would like to learn more about in-kind donations, please click here!

Clonazepam 1Mg For Sale **DONATE A VEHICLE**
Donate your automobile, boat, motorcycle, jet ski or almost any other mode of transportation, working or not. Your donation will help benefit DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN. If you would like to learn more about donating a vehicle, please click here!

Buy Ambien Online Overnight Cod **LEAVE A LEGACY**
“Leave a Legacy” is a campaign to help educate people from all walks of life about the possibility of making an estate gift to their charity of choice. Those of you who are able to give generously during our lifetime, and those who have been unable to make lifetime gifts, can discover ways to make major contributions through thoughtful, well planned wills and other gift techniques. Gifts may be in the form of money, property, investments or a portion of an estate. Learn more by clicking here!

Commemorate a friend, family member, loved one, or an abused child by making a donation in their memory–give a lasting gift that fights back against child abuse and lives on for years to come. Learn more by clicking here!

https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/vxzlkhzu **DFAC MERCHANDISE**
Our shirts themselves are part of our story, as DFAC has sparked countless conversations that begin with the question, “What does your shirt stand for?” We love hearing about these conversations, the ones that change lives, create friendships, and promote child abuse advocacy. You can find these T-shirts and all our other merchandise on the front page of our domain website by the shopping cart or by clicking here!

“BE BRAVE” ~ Dreamcatchers for Abused Children STOP CHILD ABUSE “Bravelets” Jewelry!! $10 from each product purchased will be donated to our organization. Check out our jewelry items by clicking here!

https://www.fogliandpartners.com/p596t4d0q **DREAMCATCHERS FREE E-BOOK **
Free–Immediate Download: The Dreamcatchers for Abused Children Child Abuse Handbook is an educational self-help tutorial with information pertaining to all aspects of child abuse & neglect. It will teach you child abuse signs/symptoms, facts/ statistics, effects, intervention, reporting, prevention, and provide resources to help victims & survivors locate the help they need to obtain a full recovery. This handbook also provides state & local hotline numbers and contact agencies. Please visit this link to download your FREE e-book.

One way is to try to get as many people as you can to look at our website & let your friend’s know that you are helping us promote child abuse awareness–it will help us to educate the public faster!! You will then be doing your part to help these children. Even if your friends only log on & read our site ONCE….they will remember the signs/symptoms to look for, who to contact, intervention, prevention & recovery of child abuse. JUST THINK OF HOW MANY CHILDREN’S LIVES COULD BE SAVED IF ALL INDIVIDUALS WERE TRAINED ON WHAT TO LOOK FOR!!! Education & knowledge is the key to prevention!!!!

https://www.plantillaslago.com/3ljs720 **TALK TO YOUR LOCAL SCHOOL**
Talk to your local school and find out what programs they have implemented for child abuse awareness, sexual abuse awareness and/or anti-bullying programs. If they do not have any programs in place, ask them to consider one and help them to research how to implement one. This is VITAL for all communities and for the lives of our children!! Click here to learn more!

https://municion.org/h0mftdla0 **DONATE YOUR TIME LOCALLY**
You could also look in your area @ your local resources to see if they need volunteers (@ the shelters, hospitals, DHS/CPS offices, schools, etc.) This would be a way for you to learn more about the statistics of child abuse & to help your community. Recently, one of our members used our website as a POWERPOINT PRESENTATION at his church. He not only received a huge, positive response from his missionary, but also had a child come forward to report molestation that had been taking place in the nursery—THE MAN WAS ARRESTED!!! All because she saw our website, was educated, and KNEW to report this crime!!!

https://chemxtree.com/7nnmn5z9ta **VOLUNTEER**
We encourage the public and other child abuse advocates to “volunteer” to help DREAMCATCHERS. We ask that you help to promote child abuse awareness & education, distribute our literature, publications and information and think of unique ideas/fundraisers to help us raise funds so that we may continue our mission successfully. We need the public to be actively involved in our child abuse advocacy—we cannot do it alone. Consider becoming a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Volunteer!! CASA volunteers are desperately needed. Learn more here!

We are an official non-profit 501(c)3 organization and are funded by donations, grants & charity benefits. You could organize unique fundraisers such as car washes, bake sales, community garage sale, art contests, 50/50 raffles, etc. ALL proceeds collected are directly donated back into the organization to help to help educate the public on how to help these abused children!!! Why not involve everyone in your community? Organize a community fund raiser & donate a percentage of the funds towards a child abuse organization of your choice. Learn more about fundraising here!

https://www.varesewedding.com/ov0ln41u9f **SPONSORSHIP**
You could also ask businesses in your area if they might be interested in sponsoring us either directly or by holding a fund raiser or charity event. We accept gift items, monetary donations, in-kind donations and/or goods & services. Learn more about our sponsorship packages by clicking here!

CLICK for More Ways “YOU” Can Help


Child Maltreatment is Preventable

CDC works to stop child maltreatment, including abuse and neglect, before it initially occurs. In doing this, CDC promotes the development of safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments between children and their parents or caregivers. Children’s experiences are defined through their environments (such as homes, schools, and neighborhoods) and relationships with parents, teachers, and other caregivers. Healthy relationships act as a buffer against adverse childhood experiences. They are necessary to ensure the long-term physical and emotional well-being of children.

Join CDC’s Initiative to Prevent Child Maltreatment

Safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments are essential to prevent child maltreatment and to assure children reach their full potential. The Essentials for Childhood initiative has a technical package that proposes evidence-based strategies communities can consider to promote relationships and environments that help children grow up to be healthy and productive citizens.

The Essentials for Childhood downloadable package is intended for communities committed to the positive development of children and families, and specifically to prevent child abuse and neglect. While child maltreatment is a significant public health problem, it is also a preventable one. The steps suggested in the Essentials for Childhood package—along with your commitment to preventing child maltreatment—can help create neighborhoods, communities, and a world in which every child can thrive.

Downloadable Materials

Web-based Resources

Online Training

Building Community, Building Hopeis a video series showing real-world, collaborative solutions to the problem of child abuse and neglect.

PDF Download (PDF – 2,027 KB)

OSHS’s Safe and Supportive Schools TA Center  provides resources and support to help schools and communities develop rigorous measurement systems that assess school climate and implement and evaluate programmatic interventions. We welcome you to explore and discover, ask questions, and share your perspectives.

The Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime outlines strategies for how to respond if a child tells you that he or she has been abused.

Click Here  for information about child maltreatment and ways to prevent it in your home, school and neighborhood. The packet is compiled by our Families Are Magic Coordinator with the latest and most effective information and activities to empower community members to fight child abuse and neglect.

Presidential Proclamation — National Child Abuse

Child Abuse Prevention Month – CASA for Children

Prevent Child Abuse America

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month – Childhelp

Buy Clonazepam Discreet Shipping National Child Abuse Prevention Month: 2016


Child Welfare Information Gateway

The 2016 Prevention Resource Guide

2016 Child Abuse Prevention Month

National Child Abuse Prevention Month

2016 Child Abuse Prevention Month Awareness Actitivites




Download  (PDF – 4,577 KB)

Spanish Resources

Download Song “My Secret Pain” to Help Our Cause

Posted by Sandra On December - 10 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

1449734536_87a257aaee_b Buy Cheapest Ambien Online Beatrice Baiu is an instrumental musician – guitarist, who is #1 in London. She and her producer, Lycan (#1 in Orlando, Florida), would like to donate 50% of the money people pay for downloading one of their songs that they’ve agreed to use for our organization.

DOWNLOAD “My Secret Pain” https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/g59zw4wae HERE

Beatrice’s artist page www.reverbnation.com/beatriceb1


Mission Daring To Care: Fundraiser for Dreamcatchers

Posted by Sandra On November - 8 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Fundraiser for Dreamcatchers for Abused Children
capture-20151108-200237Learn about what Jamberry has to offer. All orders for this event need to be placed no later than https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/wf6ziituge Nov. 20th. I, Viola Sullins, will be donating my full commission from this event to Dreamcatchers for Abused Children. To order visit www.ViolaSullins.jamberry.com

Join this event on Facebook HERE

A huge thank you to Viola Sullins and Patti McArdle for creating this event. To learn more about “Mission Daring to Care” and the work they do to support important causes, please click HERE.

Trauma Recovery University: Survivor Live Stream, Support, Chats, Groups

Posted by Sandra On October - 17 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/75xpstth1rb TRAUMA RECOVERY UNIVERSITY: The #NoMoreShame Project
HOSTS: Athena Moberg and Bobbi L. Parish


Dreamcatchers for Abused Children is proud to announce “ https://chemxtree.com/tqr9kiv3nzq Trauma Recovery University” as an amazing resource for child abuse survivors. Athena Moberg and Bobbi L. Parish are trauma recovery coaches who host Live Interactive Video Broadcasts, Twitter Chats, Google Hangouts, and Facebook support groups that anyone is welcome to join at any time. These resources are aimed at survivors of childhood sexual abuse, but they would be helpful for survivors of any kind of childhood abuse. These women offer free online support and have helped thousands of survivors thus far. You can also watch their many child abuse survivors video archives on their YouTube channel.

unnamed unnamed


What started out as The Klonopin Cheap #NoMoreShame Project, created by survivors and Authors, Rachel Thompson, Bobbi Parish, and Athena Moberg, originally existed to advocate for survivors of childhood sexual abuse by helping them tell their stories. Trauma Recovery University is now…Your Official Child Sexual Abuse Social Network: Come. Watch. Receive. Comment. Share. 

They have shared, grown, loved, and listened to survivors in 54 countries. Their first anthology, Discovering True, published Monday, November 17, 2014.  These are YOUR stories, fellow survivors. You are brave!  Volume I was made available November, 2014 on Amazon http://bit.ly/DiscoveringTrue

https://www.plantillaslago.com/lyvpqbn0b0 Trauma Recovery University has FREE resources anyone can tap into, aside from the videos, such as:

https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/zu8et664u Twitter Chats 
We have two a week, both for adult survivors of sexual abuse.
The first is on Mondays at 10am PST, using the hashtag #CSAQT (which stands for Childhood Sexual Abuse Question Time)
The second is on Tuesday evening at 6pm PST. The hashtag for that chat is Order Zolpidem Tartrate Online #SexAbuseChat

LIVE Broadcast
We broadcast our videos live each week on Mondays at 6pm PST. Anyone can watch us live at http://bit.ly/TraumaRecoveryU They can interact with us, make comments and ask questions by tweeting with the hashtag #NoMoreShame. We monitor that hashtag during the broadcast and answer questions live on the air.

Clonazepam Purchase Support Groups
We have several secret, private support groups on Facebook that survivors can also be added to.

https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/bzjg87yd Trauma Recovery Coach: Free Access to Self-Help Resources
Empower yourself! Access videos, handouts, e-books, and courses that will help you understand trauma and the trauma recovery process as well as how to make your own recovery simpler and faster. https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/lh2xh3umyk CLICK HERE
Email: BobbiLParish@Gmail.com
Twitter: @TruthIsHers
Facebook: Facebook.com/ Bobbi.Parish



Twitter Info: 3 Weekly Chats w/
Mondays: 10amPT/1pmET  6pmPT/9ET (with video)
Tuesdays: 6pmPT/9ET

For Child Abuse Survivors: Our Child Sexual Abuse Survival Stories (Part 1)

For Child Abuse Survivors: Our Child Sexual Abuse Survival Stories (Part 2)







Dreamcatchers #GivingTuesday Fundraiser

Posted by Sandra On October - 6 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

564_10151116548577407_400325201_nHelp kick-off the giving season & make a difference by joining #GivingTuesday @GivingTues!! Dreamcatchers For Abused Children’s ?#?GivingTuesday? Campaign is now active. Although #GivingTuesday does not officially start until 12/1/15, anyone who would like to donate now can do so. We are an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse organization. All donations are 100% full tax-deductible.

Dreamcatchers for Abused Children has joined #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities and organizations to encourage philanthropy and to celebrate generosity worldwide.

Occurring this year on December 1, 2015 #GivingTuesday is held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday to kick-off the holiday giving season and inspire people to collaborate in improving their local communities and to give back in impactful ways to the charities and causes they support.

  • #GivingTuesday is a special call to action to create a global day of giving that brings diverse organizations and communities around the world together to give back.
  • #GivingTuesday celebrates generosity by providing people everywhere with an opportunity to give more, give smarter, and give great.
  • #GivingTuesday unifies charities, corporations, small business, and individuals from across the globe to show that the world gives as good as it gets.

You don’t have to be a world leader or a billionaire to give back. #GivingTuesday is about ordinary people coming together doing extraordinary things. We thank you in advance for your support to help educate the public on child abuse awareness, education and prevention!!


Make Pro-pedophilia Websites Illegal

Posted by Sandra On July - 17 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Sign the Petition to BAN Pro-Pedophilia Websites

imagesThere are websites that exist that promote and glorify sexually abusing children. Help The Mama Bear Effect? reach their desired signatures to makes these websites illegal. Child sexual abuse is a crime, yet a growing number of pro-pedophilia websites promoting the listing of ‘stories’ of sexually abusing children and ‘photos’ of ‘clothed’ children. Sites like youngcity.net and boylinks.net are just a couple that are allowing pedophiles to feel comfortable and acceptable about their abusive nature. These children cannot defend themselves – and it is time that we acknowledge ‘free speech’ does not cover the right to exploit and abuse innocent beings. SIGN PETITION HERE

Published Date: Jul 17, 2015



Please Vote For Dreamcatchers!

Posted by Sandra On July - 12 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS



UPDATE! Thanks to all of YOU who voted for us, Champions for Kids has notified us that we were one of the top eight and will be awarded $5,000!! Thank you!!

Please vote for Dreamcatchers for Abused Children – it will only take a few seconds of your time, we promise! We don’t ask for much, but we cannot fulfill our mission with having the funding to operate…and this simple contest would allow us that opportunity!

We entered our “MACA MARCH” for the Summer Strong SIMPLE Service Project through Champions for Kids and we made it to the finals. Winners are determined by the number of votes they receive. The top 8 (out of 15) will receive up to $10,000! You can vote once per day until July 27. Thank you for your support!! ????

CLICK THIS LINK  and vote for Dreamcatchers entry: https://a.pgtb.me/mjZdqp

DC 3rd Annual MACA Photos

Posted by Sandra On April - 26 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

capture-20150427-212815Dreamcatchers for Abused Children’s MACA March & Family Fun Day was held on Saturday, April 25, 2015 in Lexington, MI this year… And was a huge success!!

Dreamcatchers 3rd Annual MACA March and Family Fun Day was held on Saturday, April 25, 2015 at the Lexington Tierney Beach-Park in Lexington, MI from 11am-12pm. Our Family Fun Carnival Day immediately followed at the Lexington Community Center from 12pm-5pm. We would like to give a HUGE shout out to the participants, attendees, and all the amazing volunteers that helped make this event a huge success!!! THANK YOU!!

Please visit our 2015 MACA Photo Album to see photos of our event!!

2015 DC MACA Sponsors:
Captain Fishbones & The Pirate Crew
Jeffs IGA Lexington
Hillman Farm
Bouncin Play
Bonfire Funds
Brownie Troop 71421
Dale Maddox
Sanilac Co Early Headstart
Beth Eschenburg
Continental Rental – Sandusky
Shannon Cournaya
Croswell Greenhouse & Florist
Jennifer Heinz
Lexington Fire Department
Village of Lexington
Jim Jones – Law Enforcement/Speaker
Josh Sawdon – Magicman
Sanilac Broadcasting Company
Times Herald Newspaper
Michigan Alliance for Families
Sanilac County Child Abuse Prevention Council


PicMonkey Collage


When: Saturday, 4/25/2015
March Time: 11am -12pm
Where: Lexington Harbor Park-Beach
Everyone is welcome – All surrounding counties are invited!! We will begin our day by meeting at 11:00am at the Lexington’s Patrick Tierney Harbor Park & Beach (the harbor beach right on Lake Huron) to begin our march. T-shirts are being sold in advance this year (see link below) – there will not be any available to purchase at the event. There will be a short opening ceremony with guest speakers. We will march around downtown Lexington and should complete our march around 12noon.


When: Saturday, 4/25/2015
Time: 12pm – 5pm
Where: Lexington Community Center (Peck Rd, Lexington)
This year’s theme will be a CARNIVAL. There will be carnival games & prizes, photo ops, and a professional clown. Many children’s indoor/outdoor activities will be offered!! “Captain Fishbones and the Pirate Crew” will once again be joining us! We will also have Child ID/Fingerprinting kits, face painting & tattoo table, toddler zone, music d.j. & karaoke, zumba, arts & crafts, playdough & coloring table, potato sack race, games, bubbles, hula hoop, basketball and a 3-in-1 bounce house. There will be popcorn, sno-cones, cotton candy and other treats for sale.

There will also be a Mom-to-Mom sale, bake sale and raffle drawing. Awareness, educational and informational booths will be on site for the parents!!

**Carnival Prizes** (and) **Prize Raffle Drawings**

There will be a professional clown on-site that will perform a 45-minute MAGIC SHOW.

“Avast Ye!” Captain Fishbones and the Pirate Crew of the Forgiven will be performing at this year’s Dreamcatchers MACA March & Family Fun Day!! This amazing, wonderful, caring group of volunteer PIRATES have supported Dreamcatchers for Abused Children 100% ~ and have actively participated at our annual MACA Marches. The kids just LOVE them and we are pretty fond of them ourselves!! They perform year-round for hundreds of different venues – all which support children!! See you soon, Mateys!! PLEASE like their page

We will have a child abuse education and awareness booth with lots of free information and resources available for attendees. Child ID kits, sexual abuse awareness coloring books, freebies, and more!!

We will also have a domestic violence education and awareness booth with lots of free information and resources available for attendees. This is a new division – directed by Ann Livingston (DV survivor & advocate).

We are looking for participants for our Mom-to-Mom sale. If interested in reserving a table for $10, please contact:
Ann Livingston (810) 986-0841

We are looking for vendors and local businesses interested in promoting their business and/or merchandise. Tables are available, but limited, and are $10/each. Set-up time will be allowed prior to the march. If interested in reserving a table for $10, please contact:
Ann Livingston (810) 986-0841
Kristin Hartway (810) 922-4725

We are looking for sponsors who would like to help make our 3rd Annual MACA March a success. Sponsors can donate items needed for the event or make a financial contribution. If interested in supporting our efforts, please contact:
Ann Livingston (810) 986-0841 or
Kristin Hartway (810) 922-4725

** Everyone is welcome ~ FREE to the public!! **

For more information about our MACA Marches & Family Fun Day, please *LIKE* our MACA Facebook page:

CLICK HERE TO VISIT OUR Dreamcatchers MACA Facebook Page

CLICK HERE to see CNBC News press release on our National “Tie One On” Child Abuse Campaign – Initiated by The Mama Bear Effect and partnered with Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, Sparks of Hope, and Enough Abuse Campaign.


April: Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Posted by Sandra On March - 29 - 2015 ADD COMMENTS

imagesSince 1985, April has been nationally recognized as Child Abuse Prevention Month. Each year, there are nearly 3 million reports of child abuse and neglect. And we know that child abuse cases are vastly under-reported, as adults often fail to recognize or respond to warning signs of child abuse, and abused children suffer in fear and silence. National Child Abuse Prevention Month offers a powerful opportunity to highlight child abuse facts, explain the importance of reporting child abuse, encourage community involvement, and support abused children.

Dreamcatchers for Abused Children has joined forces with THE MAMA BEAR EFFECT to help bring attention to child sexual abuse. You can participate in our “Take The Ugly Tie Challenge” to bring awareness to child abuse!! We are also petitioning the White House to have a child sex abuse ribbon nationally recognized. We need 100,000 signatures in 30 days. Could you help us spread the world and recruit friends to sign? Please click HERE to sign the petition!

CLICK HERE to see CNBC News press release on our National “Tie One On” Child Abuse Campaign – Initiated by The Mama Bear Effect and partnered with Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, Sparks of Hope, and Enough Abuse Campaign!!!!

*1 in every 3 girls will be sexually molested before the age of 18
*1 in every 5 boys will be sexually molested before the age of 18
*Every 10 SECONDS a child is raped or killed in the U.S.
*Today up to 5 children will die from abuse or neglect
*In 13 seconds, another child will be abused in the U.S
*There were 2.9 million child abuse reports made in 1992
*ONLY 28% of the children identified as harmed by abuse are investigated
*Boys are at a greater risk of serious injury and of emotional neglect than are girls
*85% of the 1.2 – 1.5 million runaways are fleeing abuse at home
*80% of perpetrators are biological parents
*60 % of male survivors report at least one of their perpetrators to be female
*Children in mother-only households are 4 times more likely to be fatally abused
*Female abusers are typically younger than male abusers.
*The median age was 30 years for women and 33 years for men
*Today 6 children will commit suicide
*Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death (ages 15-24)
*Untreated child abuse increases the likelihood of arrest for a violent crime by 38 percent
*60 MILLION survivors are former victims of child sexual abuse in America today
*71 % of child sex offenders are under the age of 35
*38% of women & 20% of men have been sexually abused during adolescence
*It is estimated that 3%-6% of the clergy population has abused a child
*Natural mothers are the perpetrators of 93% of physical neglect, 86% educational neglect, 78% emotional neglect, 60% physical abuse, 55% emotional abuse.
*The typical pedophile molests an average of 117 children–most of whom do not report the offense
~Imagine the outcry if these statistics represented a disease, which was wiping out 5 children per day, victimizing millions, and who’s by-products where disabilities & expanding violence. Youth rights are really about human rights, and simple empathy is a giant first step to the benefits of increased awareness. The high jump in child abuse statistics shows the importance of youth rights by showing cases of frightening lack of knowledge!!~
Go ahead….


Take Action


Take action to support healthy child development and help prevent child abuse and neglect in both big ways and small. Whether you donate to Prevent Child Abuse America, participate in one of our fundraising events, or join us by contacting your local office, your contribution makes a difference.

What can you do right now? Anything you do to support kids and parents can help reduce the isolation and stress that often leads to abuse and neglect.

Be a friend to a parent you know. Ask how their children are doing. Draw on your own experiences to provide reassurance and support. If a parent seems to be struggling, offer to baby-sit or run errands, or just lend a friendly ear. Show you understand.

Be a friend to a child you know. Remember their names. Smile when you talk with them. Ask them about their day at school. Send them a card in the mail. Show you care.

Talk to your neighbors about looking out for one another’s children. Encourage a supportive spirit among parents in your apartment building or on your block. Show that you are involved.

Give your used clothing, furniture and toys for use by another family. This can help relieve the stress of financial burdens that parents sometimes take out on their kids.

Volunteer your time and money for programs in your community that support children and families, such as parent support groups, child care centers, and our state chapters and local Healthy Families America sites.

Advocate for public policies, innovative programs and issues that benefit children and families.

More Ways “YOU” Can Help 


Child Maltreatment is Preventable

CDC works to stop child maltreatment, including abuse and neglect, before it initially occurs. In doing this, CDC promotes the development of safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments between children and their parents or caregivers. Children’s experiences are defined through their environments (such as homes, schools, and neighborhoods) and relationships with parents, teachers, and other caregivers. Healthy relationships act as a buffer against adverse childhood experiences. They are necessary to ensure the long-term physical and emotional well-being of children.

Join CDC’s Initiative to Prevent Child Maltreatment

Safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments are essential to prevent child maltreatment and to assure children reach their full potential. The Essentials for Childhood initiative has a technical package that proposes evidence-based strategies communities can consider to promote relationships and environments that help children grow up to be healthy and productive citizens.

The Essentials for Childhood technical package[6.6 MB] is intended for communities committed to the positive development of children and families, and specifically to prevent child abuse and neglect. While child maltreatment is a significant public health problem, it is also a preventable one. The steps suggested in the Essentials for Childhood technical package—along with your commitment to preventing child maltreatment—can help create neighborhoods, communities, and a world in which every child can thrive.

Downloadable Materials

Web-based Resources

Online Training

In support of abuse prevention efforts, HHS, the FRIENDS National Resource Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention, and the Center for the Study of Social Policy – Strengthening Families have created Making Meaningful Connections 2014 Resource Guide. The guide is designed for service providers who work in their communities to strengthen families.

OSHS’s Safe and Supportive Schools TA Center  provides resources and support to help schools and communities develop rigorous measurement systems that assess school climate and implement and evaluate programmatic interventions. We welcome you to explore and discover, ask questions, and share your perspectives.

The Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime outlines strategies for how to respond if a child tells you that he or she has been abused.

Click Here  for information about child maltreatment and ways to prevent it in your home, school and neighborhood. The packet is compiled by our Families Are Magic Coordinator with the latest and most effective information and activities to empower community members to fight child abuse and neglect.

Presidential Proclamation — National Child Abuse

Child Abuse Prevention Month – CASA for Children

Prevent Child Abuse America

Official Site – Pinwheels for Prevention

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month – Childhelp

National Child Abuse Prevention Month 2015

National Child Abuse Prevention Month: Resources

Purchase a STOP CHILD ABUSE Blue Silicone Bracelet – Show your support by wearing this stylish bracelet.

Purchase Pinwheels for Prevention –  The pinwheel is the nationally recognized symbol for child abuse and neglect prevention. It also symbolizes the belief that every child has the right to grow and flourish to his/her full potential within a nurturing environment.

Child Welfare Information Gateway

The 2015 Prevention Resource Guide

The 2015 Prevention Resource Guide: Making Meaningful Connections was created primarily to support community-based child abuse prevention professionals who work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well-being.

Download  (PDF – 4,577 KB)

Spanish Resources

‘SCENTSY’ Fundraiser for Dreamcatchers for Abused Children

Posted by Sandra On November - 10 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

safe_imageDreamcatchers for Abused Children will earn 10% of sales through the end of this month from Angela Roy- Independent Scentsy Consultant !

Use this link https://savingmakesscents.scentsy.us/?partyId=259670038 ((or))  choose “Dreamcatchers” at the check out. Your items will ship directly to you and arrive in about 10 days! Right now the Scentsy Bricks are available for a limited time!

Dreamcatchers Resource Library – FREE eBooks

Posted by Sandra On October - 2 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS




Dreamcatchers for Abused Children has complied a comprehensive self-help resource library on all aspects of child abuse and other important child safety categories. They are offering these e-books for FREE as a PDF download to help further their mission by educating the public on child abuse awareness and prevention. These e-books offer vital information to parents, caregivers and educators depicting a variety of harmful behaviors directed against children. Each e-book will also offer important resources and pertinent toll-free numbers to the reader. All eBooks are available for immediate downloads. SEE BELOW FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF AVAILABLE EBOOKS!!


  • FREE e-books available via LULU and AMAZON(coming soon!):
    Child Abuse
    Physical Child Abuse
    Child Sexual Abuse
    Verbal Abuse
    Child Neglect
    Child Abuse Effects
    Sexual Predators
    Report Child Abuse
    Child Protection
    Child Sex Abuse Prevention
    Stages of Recovery
    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
    Shaken Baby Syndrome
    Family Incest
    Suicide Prevention
    Missing Children
    Family Abduction
    Child Sex Exploitation
    Rape Support
    Domestic Violence



F. Lax Construction 2nd Annual Golf Outing Benefits Dreamcatchers

Posted by Sandra On September - 21 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS


10583951_10152229606912407_6608672153695869997_nWe are pleased to announce that F. Lax Construction’s 2nd Annual Charity Golf Outing to benefit Dreamcatchers for Abused Children was a HUGE success! We would like to thank Ty Blanchett and the owner of F. Lax Construction, Mr. Allen Jawad,  for their continued support of Dreamcatchers for Abused Children. They generously donated $10,000 to our organization from the proceeds of this event. Many thanks to all of the participants, contributors and sponsors that made this event such a success!!

For more information on F. Lax Construction and X-Cel Restoration, please contact:

F.Lax Construction
651 Livernois St.
Ferndale, MI 48220
(248) 547-1914



Dreamcatchers Announces New Domestic Violence Spokesperson

Posted by Sandra On September - 16 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

6571445e85fe08afaefe0c85985e1a02Tuesday, local non-profit organization Dreamcatchers for Abused Children officially announced their new Domestic Violence Spokesperson, Ann Livingston.Livingston is a survivor of Domestic Violence. She is devoted to her seven children, five of them are survivors of abuse. Living the quiet life in a small country town in Michigan, Livingston is honored to be part of a group that helps give a voice to those who can’t find their own yet. Livingston said, “I want to leave footprints that others would want to follow in.”

Statistics suggest 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime, women experience more than 4 million physical assaults and rapes, men are victims of nearly 3 million physical assaults, a domestic violence act occurs every 15 seconds, women are more likely to be killed by an intimate partner than men and every year, 1 in 3 women who is a victim of homicide is murdered by a current or former partner.

Livingston already has many plans in the works for Domestic Violence Awareness month in October. She is focused on ideas that are going to change the way people view domestic violence; from the stand point of the victim and the children who witness the violence in the home. READ MORE HERE





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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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