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Archive for the ‘Abuse Headlines’ Category

Father, Son Charged With Fatal Shooting of 11-YO Boy

Posted by Sandra On February - 20 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

1p1.previewSANILAC COUNTY, MICHIGAN — A Marlette Township father and his young son have been arraigned on charges in the 2013 shooting death of an 11-year-old boy. Jerry Northrup, 56, appeared in 73rd District Court Thursday on charges of weapons-firearms possession by a felon, a 5-year felony, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, a 90-day misdemeanor. Northrup was scheduled for a pre-exam conference on Feb. 18, and a preliminary exam on Feb. 25. He was released on personal recognizance bond of $2,500.

https://www.mdifitness.com/fdibv78a Northrup’s 12-year-old son has been arraigned in juvenile court, charged with careless discharge of a firearm causing death. The charges stem from the Nov. 23 shooting death of Tyler Dunn of Marlette. The fifth grader was shot in the head at the Northrup residence on Howard Road in Marlette Township, while the 2 boys were alone in the house for a sleep-over.

https://www.scarpellino.com/ckaxa6j7k The weapon was a 30-30 lever action rifle. “The rifle was obtained out of a closet, it was loaded,” said Sanilac County Prosecutor James Young last Friday. “It was being exchanged… being handled between the boys when it went off.” READ MORE HERE

MI Mom Charged With Child Assault, Strangulation

Posted by Sandra On February - 20 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

14p1.previewCROSWELL, Michigan – A 22-year-old mother has been charged in a child abuse case involving her 10-month-old daughter. Sarah Daldine of Croswell was arrested last Thursday and arraigned in 73rd District Court Friday on 4 felony counts: 2 counts of assault by strangulation; and 2 counts of child abuse-second degree. Her pre-exam conference is set for Feb. 20 and the preliminary examination on Feb. 25 She was released on cash or surety $1,000. READ MORE HERE

MI State Police Investigating 4-MO Infant’s Death

Posted by Sandra On February - 20 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/rlg6esms Buy Clonazepam With Fast Delivery msp-michigan-state-police-file-photo-generic-day-e1368433351814HESPERIA, Michigan – The death of a four-month-old infant is under investigation by the Michigan State Police in Oceana County. According to troopers at the MSP Hart Post, the infant was from Hesperia.  It was found unresponsive on Monday and taken to Gerber Hospital in Fremont.  From there, the infant was flown to DeVos Children’s Hospital in Grand Rapids, where it was pronounced dead on Tuesday. READ MORE HERE


Internet Child Porn Bust

Posted by Sandra On February - 18 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=eeark7i Philippines Internet PornMANILA, Philippines — Government agents raided an Internet child porn operation based in a Philippine school and arrested its president and eight other people, investigators said Tuesday. The suspects used a room at the Mountaintop Christian Academy to post online images and video of children and adults for foreign consumption, said Ronald Aguto, cybercrime investigation head in the National Bureau of Investigation. Authorities were still investigating, but Aguto said it didn’t appear that children at the school were being abused and that the operators were uploading pre-recorded images and video stored. READ MORE HERE

Head of NSA Charged With Killing 3-YO Adopted Son

Posted by Sandra On February - 18 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

article-0-1B9DF63000000578-72_634x766A Maryland man and military combat veteran who currently works for the National Security Agency has been charged in the fatal beating of his 3-year-old son who was adopted months earlier from Korea after he failed to bond with the boy, police said Tuesday. Brian Patrick O’Callaghan, 36, has been charged with first-degree murder and child abuse resulting in the death of the boy earlier this month.  O’Callaghan was ordered held without bond during a court appearance Tuesday as his lawyer said his client did not commit any crime. O’Callaghan, a former Marine, is a National Security Agency worker who specializes in Korea, his attorney said. READ MORE HERE

Five Teens Arrested for 1st Degree Attempted Murder Charges

Posted by Sandra On February - 17 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

capture-20140217-151525Five Wisconsin teenagers have been arrested and face charges of first-degree attempted murder for the beating and stabbing of two 19-year-olds. Sergio Rivera, 17, Royce Bressette, 17, Cory Mayer, 17, Tyler Brickham-VanVorce, 17, and a 16-year-old boy were all arrested in relation to a violent encounter at a party in Howard. The incident is believed to be caused by a dispute between rival gangs. READ MORE HERE

Prosecutor States “Boys Will Be Boys” In Defense of Child Rapist

Posted by Sandra On February - 17 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/j9wxeacq The heartless explanation by lawyer when asked by mother of rape victim aged FIVE why it happened to her child

https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/ofeseoz0lnh article-2561108-1B91753D00000578-329_634x346A federal investigation into a county courthouse has revealed a shocking catalogue of claims that sex assault victims were routinely discriminated against and ignored. In one case, it is alleged a prosecutor in Montana left a five-year-old rape victim’s mother horrified when he explained away the attack by saying ‘boys will be boys’. According to a report, the mother of the child said she wanted to know why the boy who raped her daughter was only getting a slap on the wrist. READ MORE HERE


Child Sex Abuse Victim Claims She Murdered 22 People Nationwide

Posted by Sandra On February - 17 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/ywxl3eyeg 19-YO Pennsylvania ‘Craigslist killer’ says she slayed dozens more across U.S. as part of satanic cult

newlyweds-craigslist-killingA Pennsylvania newlywed accused of meeting a man on Craigslist and then stabbing him to death with her husband’s help said she killed more than 20 more people as part of her involvement in a bloodthirsty satanic cult. “When I hit 22, I stopped counting,” 19-year-old Miranda Barbour told the Sunbury, Pa., Daily Item newspaper in a chilling jailhouse interview Friday. “I can pinpoint on a map where you can find them,” she boasted. “I remember everything. It is like watching a movie.”

Clonazepam Withdrawal Help ‘I killed bad men who did bad things’: The real-life ‘Dexter’ who claims to have murdered more than 22 people 

4-YO Toddler Girl’s Death Ruled A Homicide

Posted by Sandra On February - 17 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

g000258000000000000701e7669f2d5c9c5583067a5afa430290d0ccfcaCONNEAUT — The death of 4-year-old Melanie Powell has been ruled a homicide, according to a statement from the Cuyahoga County medical examiner’s office. Cause of death was “blunt impact injuries of (the) head,” while the manner of death a homicide, the statement said. The ruling will not change the way the Conneaut Police Department investigates the death, Police Chief Charles Burlingham said Thursday.  READ MORE HERE

Women Murdered Children During “Exorcism”

Posted by Sandra On February - 17 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

3188954_GGERMANTOWN, Md. -Montgomery County Police have charged a second woman with murder in the deaths of two children in Germantown.  Saturday afternoon, detectives arrested Monifa Denise Sanford, age 21, of the 19000 block of Cherry Bend Drive in Germantown after she was released from the hospital. Sanford has been charged with two counts of First Degree Murder and two counts of Attempted First Degree Murder. She is being held without bond. READ MORE HERE

Father Who Beheaded His Son Found Not Guilty

Posted by Sandra On February - 17 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

article-0-0D70FD2600000578-842_306x423A father accused of hacking his disabled seven year-old son’s head off with a meat cleaver and leaving it by the road for the boy’s mother to see has been ruled not guilty of murder by reason of insanity. Defense experts have successfully proven that Jeremiah Wright, 32, from Louisiana, was suffering a delusion at the time of the brutal murder of Jori Lirette, who suffered from cerebral palsy. Wright was charged with the first degree murder of the little boy on August 14, 2011, and faced life in prison or death by lethal injection if convicted. READ MORE HERE



1992 Cold Case Child Rapist Apprehended

Posted by Sandra On February - 14 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

imagesBOSTON — Massachusetts state police say a 71-year-old man sought on 1992 Boston-area child sex abuse charges has been arrested in Colombia. Police said Richard Haugh jumped bail on the Belmont charges including child rape, indecent assault and providing obscene material to a minor. Police said he also faces federal postal fraud charges. State police said Haugh was arrested Friday by U.S. agents and Colombian police as he traveled with suitcases in a taxi from Cali to Cartagena. READ MORE HERE

Another Bullied Teen Commits “Bully-cide”

Posted by Sandra On February - 14 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Jayah Ram Jackson, 15, jumped to her death Thursday morning from her grandmother’s apartment building on Manhattan’s Upper West Side

article-2558905-1B780CB000000578-69_634x671The gifted teenage girl who who jumped off the roof of her grandmother’s Upper West Side apartment building on Thursday spent two hours on the roof considering suicide before the fateful leap, MailOnline can now reveal. Jayah Ram Jackson, 15, stood on the roof of the 27-storey building for nearly two hours that morning before deciding against jumping, sources said. The girl then went back on the roof later that morning to jump Investigators have been poring over video surveillance footage taken from the hi-rise apartment building the day of the jump in order to piece together the troubled girl’s final moments. READ MORE HERE

Female Teacher Arrested for Raping 13-YO Relative

Posted by Sandra On February - 14 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

52fc3f28956ac.preview-620Tucson, Arizona  – Christine Mazzarella, a 47-year-old special education teacher at Lineweaver Elementary School, was jailed Wednesday after she allegedly had sex with a 13-year-old relative. According to Tucson Police, an investigation was launched earlier this month when the department’s child sex crime unit received a tip alleging that Mazzarella was having a sexual relationship with an underage relative. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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