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Archive for the ‘Abuse Headlines’ Category

Teachers Found Guilty of Professional Misconduct

Posted by Sandra On March - 21 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/v2qfeqvj imageTwo teachers at Ottawa’s elite private school Ashbury College, have been found guilty of professional misconduct for covering up a sexual assault against a student on a field trip to Boston in 2007. The teachers, Alyssa Novick and Ian Middleton were supervising a group of history students on a trip to Boston, when a 16-year-old student was sexually assaulted. The family of the victim claims the school and the two teachers did not deal with the victim appropriately, and did not contact Boston police immediately. READ MORE HERE

2-YO Found Dead With 230+ Bruises, Bites Marks On Body

Posted by Sandra On March - 21 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/uszs2eyos Mother and boyfriend charged with murder of her 2-yo son found dead on the sidewalk with more than 230 bruises and bite marks

https://municion.org/92icqcnlpts https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=bd26ida9oc article-2586164-1C7892AB00000578-531_306x423A Texas mother and her boyfriend have been charged with murder in connection to the 2012 death of her 2-year-old son found lying on the sidewalk with contusions all over his body.  On November 17, 2012, little Steven Drouillard was discovered unresponsive on the ground outside his mother’s apartment building in Pasadena, Texas. The toddler was wearing only a diaper, and his body was covered in more than 200 bruises, lacerations and bite marks. READ MORE HERE


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Mother Killed Her 8-YO Daughter

Posted by Sandra On March - 21 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Detroit mom pleads guilty to killing 8-yo daughter; State tried to get girl out of home

Semeria-Greene-jan-16-jpgA Detroit woman has pleaded guilty to fatally stabbing her 8-year-old daughter, a death that occurred weeks after a court official declined to remove the girl from her home. The Wayne County prosecutor’s office says Semeria Greene pleaded guilty to second-degree murder Thursday and will serve at least 23 years in prison before she’s considered for parole. The maximum term would be 50 years. Sentencing is April 7. READ MORE HERE

15-YO Teen Received Chilling Text Message Before Being Killed Over Girl

Posted by Sandra On March - 21 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Zolpidem Buy Online Uk ‘My boyfriend is going to kill you’: The chilling text message boy, 15, received just before he was shot dead in ‘row over girl’

article-2585866-1C75466400000578-98_634x468A Connecticut teen has died after he was fatally shot in the head and leg by an unknown assailant on Saturday night. Kristjan Ndoj, 15, died on Thursday morning at Bridgeport Hospital, after several days on life support. The shooting happened after Ndoj, a sophomore at Shelton High School in Connecticut, is alleged to have received death threats for talking to a girl. READ MORE HERE

Verizon Offering Incest, Child Porn Videos-On-Demand

Posted by Sandra On March - 21 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Verizon defends decision to offer incest, child porn on video-on-demand

VERIZON video on demandLOS ANGELES –  Broadband and telecommunications giant Verizon is under fire for defending its decision to provide hard-core porn titles with child and incest themes. The company was included in the 2014 Dirty Dozen List of pornography’s leading facilitators, compiled by Morality in Media (MIM), a national organization that opposes pornography. According to MIM, lewd titles like “I Banged My Stepdad,” “Mom, Daughter and Me,” and “Pigtail Teens Pounded” are just some of the many offerings featured on Verizon’s FIOS video on-demand service. In a letter to MIM, Verizon’s Associate Director for Advertising and Content Standards John P. Artney defended the company’s choice to provide the content, noting that “consumers today have extraordinary choice in and control over the content available to them across these networks.” READ MORE HERE

https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/4uvjibu9n5 https://hazenfoundation.org/osludidu78t PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TO STOP VERIZON FROM EXPLOITING OUR CHILDREN:

https://ottawaphotographer.com/505q3998la https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/we-want-stop-verizon-decision-provide-hard-core-porn-titles-child-and-incest-themes/NgxNNtHb

Man Killed GF, 2 Young Children, Raped Teen Daughter

Posted by Sandra On March - 17 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

11a115f1c7579998dcc7db9e42bf0858Police in Canon City, Colo. arrested 31-year-old Jaacob Vanwinkle on the evening of March 9 after Vanwinkle allegedly went on a murderous rampage and killed his 35-year-old girlfriend, her nine-year-old daughter, and her five-year-old son. Police arrested Vanwinkle in the home where the murders occurred, after the murdered woman’s 15-year-old daughter, managed to escape the murder spree and contact a neighbor, who in turn contacted the police, according to CBS News.  READ MORE  HERE

Pastor “Cannot Remember” How Many Boys He’s Molested

Posted by Sandra On March - 17 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

eddieALABAMA –  On Thursday, a pastor in Muscle Shoals, Alabama pleaded guilty to 16 counts of sodomy, three counts of sexually abusing a child under 12-years-old, and one count of child pornography. Jeffrey Dale Eddie, also known as “Brother Jeff,” had served as the children’s pastor at Highland Park Baptist Church since 1998. He was first discovered molesting a young boy on January 22, 2014, however, it was not until four days later that church leaders notified police of the abuse, which is a clear violation of Alabama law. READ MORE HERE

Man Pleads Guilty to Filming Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On March - 16 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Mills-CharlesMEDINA — A 23-year-old Wadsworth man pleaded guilty Thursday to filming himself raping a young girl. Charles Mills was charged with raping a child under age 10, two counts of pandering sexual matter involving a minor and tampering with evidence. He also was charged with unlawful sexual conduct with a minor regarding a different child. Medina County Prosecutor Dean Holman said he was glad his office was able to work out a plea deal because it spares the children from having to testify in court. READ MORE HERE

Nanny Found Guilty of Shaking Baby to Death

Posted by Sandra On March - 16 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

article-2581941-1C54E7DB00000578-71_634x711A Nebraska nanny accused of shaking a 4-month-old baby to death has been convicted during an emotional hearing this week that ended with an embrace between the jurors and the victim’s parents. It took an Omaha jury four hours Tuesday to convict Sarah Cullen of child abuse resulting in death in the February 2013 killing of Ashley and Christopher Bell’s infant son, Cash.  When Cullen was arrested a year ago in connection to Cash Bell’s death, she offered police three different versions of events, none of which was true. READ MORE HERE

Woman Sentenced to 20-Years for Abuse, Torture

Posted by Sandra On March - 16 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

ms6Kp.AuSt.77PASCAGOULA — A Moss Point woman will serve 20 years in prison for abusing and torturing her three children in what officials have described as one of Jackson County’s worst cases of child abuse. Stacey Williams, 35, pleaded guilty in February to four charges of aggravated domestic violence, along with three charges of felony child abuse. READ MORE HERE

Arizona Man ‘Just Felt Like Killing’ Boy

Posted by Sandra On March - 16 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

article-2580048-1C44A94F00000578-208_634x673PHOENIX — A 27-year-old Arizona man charged with fatally stabbing his 12-year-old half brother reportedly told police he “just felt like killing.” Andrew Ward called 911 from a convenience store near the north Phoenix home where Austin Tapia suffered multiple stab wounds late Wednesday, police Sgt. Steve Martos said. Ward told the dispatcher he had stabbed someone, and officers found Ward with blood on his hands and clothing and a knife in a pants pocket, Martos said. Martos said detectives asked Ward why he killed the boy, and Ward said, “Honestly, I just felt like killing.” READ MORE HERE

Phoenix man Andrew Ward, who ‘stabbed half-brother to death’, ‘felt like killing’

9-YO Kidnapped Girl Rescued from Bolivia

Posted by Sandra On March - 15 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.fogliandpartners.com/8azzako1 ‘Kidnapped’ 9-year-old girl rescued in the Amazon rain forest 

article-2579984-1C426D6300000578-321_634x507A nine-year-old girl who was allegedly kidnapped and held captive for seven months has been rescued from deep in the Amazon rain forest.  The child, from Catalonia, Spain, went missing last August after her parents allowed their 35-year-old Bolivian neighbor, Grover Morales, to take her on holiday.  Police were alerted when the pair could not be contacted several days after they had been expected to land in Bolivia. READ MORE HERE

Man Accused of Biting Off Crying Infant Son’s Nose

Posted by Sandra On March - 14 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

1-joshua-cooperA Fairfield man who allegedly bit off part of the nose of his infant son because the child was crying has been arrested, police said today. Police were called to an apartment on the 1000 block of Alaska Avenue shortly after 8 a.m. after a “hysterical female” called reporting that her baby was bleeding from the nose, according to Sgt. Troy Oviatt. Officers arriving at the apartment found a 1-month-old infant bleeding from the face. READ MORE HERE

Father Weighed Down Daughter’s Car Seat, Tossed Her In A Creek

Posted by Sandra On March - 14 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Arthur Morgan III  is charged with killing his daughter, Tierra Morgan-Glover, age 2

n-ARTHUR-MORGAN-largeFREEHOLD, N.J. — A murder trial is scheduled to start Wednesday morning for a New Jersey man charged with tossing his 2-year-old daughter into a creek while still strapped into her car seat in 2011. Arthur Morgan III of Eatontown is accused of weighing down the seat with a tire-changing jack so that it would sink. He is charged with killing his daughter, Tierra Morgan-Glover. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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Massive Global Child Porn Bust

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If Parents Disagree on Discipline

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Newborn Baby Dumped In Trash Found Alive

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