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Archive for the ‘Abuse Headlines’ Category

Pedophile Caught, Released, Caught Again

Posted by Sandra On March - 29 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

imagesTROY, N.Y. – The city man accused of sexually abusing three little girls was arrested Friday in Pinellas Park, Fla., capping 14 hours of twists and turns in the case that has captured national attention. Acting on a tip, Pinellas Park Police found Jesse P. Sawyer, 25, in a church shelter at about midnight. At that point, he was detained but not arrested. The FBI and Troy Police provided verbal confirmation of the federal warrant for Sawyer’s arrest, and scrambled to provide a copy of the document itself. READ MORE HERE

Sex crimes fugitive was living near church preschool

N.Y. child rape suspect in custody, Pinellas Park police say

Mother Tortured, Starved, Choked Her Children

Posted by Sandra On March - 29 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Order Ambien Online Overnight Florida mother, 43, ‘choked, tortured and starved her teenage children for more than 8 years while her husband stood by and did nothing’

https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/zgpcrvvu article-2591801-1CA6E26700000578-42_306x423A mother starved, beat and tortured her two-16-year-old children for more than eight years, police have said. Jamie Marie Hicks, 43, allegedly inflicted cruelty on the two children at her home in North Tampa, Florida while their stepfather, 53-year-old Vernon Courtney Lovell, looked on and did nothing. She hit them with various objects, choked them to the point of unconsciousness and held their heads under water, according to a police report reported in the Tampa Bay Times. She also withheld food from them for up to three days at a time, they told police, and on other occasions, she fed them spoiled food or made them regurgitate food and then eat it again. READ MORE HERE

High School Science Teacher Charged with Child Sex Abuse

Posted by Sandra On March - 26 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

eeae97578d6db4290aa950756cb5b443A Ward Melville High School science teacher has been arrested and charged with sexually abusing a female student, police said. Special Victims Section detectives arrested Stephen Malusa, 47, after an investigation revealed that he had abused the female student in May 2013, police said.  Malusa, of Selden, was charged with third degree sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. He was arraigned Tuesday in First District Court in Central Islip and is being held on $45,000 bond or $15,000 cash bail.  READ MORE HERE

Man Charged With 1st Degree Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On March - 26 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/1s7ezkq jones-640x360RALEIGH, N.C. — A Raleigh man was arrested Tuesday on charges that he raped a 12-year-old child. Jeremy Samuel Jones, 26, of 204 Farrington Drive, Apt. B, is charged with one count each of first-degree rape and second-degree kidnapping and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. According to arrest warrants, the alleged offenses happened between Sunday and Tuesday. The warrants do not say how Jones knows the child. READ MORE HERE

Children’s Choir Director Arrested for Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On March - 26 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.mdifitness.com/zn0pyl6o StoryMarshalls Creek, Monroe County – The founder and director of the Pennsylvania Singing Boys Choir is charged with rape. Bernard Schade, also known as Ken Werner, had contact with thousands of children in northeastern and central Pennsylvania. Now, police and the FBI are concerned there may be more victims. State Police say Schade raped an 11-year-old boy who performed in his choir. It allegedly happened in 1996 at Schade’s home in Marshall’s Creek. Court documents show he now has a Wind Gap address. READ MORE HERE

Man Charged With 3rd Child Rape In 2-Years

Posted by Sandra On March - 26 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

14572538-mmmainEUCLID, Ohio — A Cleveland man is facing his third child rape charge in two years, this time accused of forcing an 8-year-old boy to perform sex acts on him. James Johnson, 29, is facing a first-degree felony rape charge in Euclid Municipal Court. Johnson is being held in jail on $100,000 bond and a preliminary hearing is scheduled for April 3. Johnson is also facing charges after being indicted in 2013. Those charges allege he raped a 4-year-old girl and a 9-year-old girl in 2012 and 2013, respectively. READ MORE HERE

Razor Blades Found Glued to Illinois Playground

Posted by Sandra On March - 26 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

1948186_10151912219271371_1714386088_nEAST MOLINE, Illinois – Authorities in a western Illinois community are investigating after they discovered a dozen razor blades glued to playground equipment in an East Moline city park. The razor blades were discovered Monday in the community’s Millennium Park after a 2-year-old boy sliced his finger on a razor. The laceration was minor. Police Lt. Brian Foltz told the Quad-City Times that officers are “always doing park checks,” but authorities aren’t sure how long the blades had been attached to the playground equipment. READ MORE HERE

DuPont Heir Who Raped Toddler Daughter May Have Raped 19-MO Son Too

Posted by Sandra On March - 24 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Du Pont heir who raped toddler daughter, accused of sexually abusing 19-month-old son

Zolpidem Buy Online Ambien Order Canada bildeWILMINGTON, DEL. — A du Pont family heir who raped his 3-year-old daughter nearly a decade ago but received no prison time now faces a lawsuit from his former wife that accuses him of sexually abusing his toddler son. Robert H. Richards IV, 47, who is supported by a trust fund and who paid $1.8 million for his 5,800-square-foot mansion near Winterthur Museum, pleaded guilty in 2008 to fourth-degree rape of his daughter. Currently on probation, he has never been charged with crimes against his son. The lawsuit provides in-depth details about a child rape case that Delaware authorities never disclosed publicly and did not receive media attention. READ MORE HERE

Teacher Gave Oral Sex to Her 8th Grade Student

Posted by Sandra On March - 24 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/14df4m7ybiz article-0-1C8B2FE000000578-198_634x751A teacher at a suburban Texas middle school faces felony charges for allegedly having a sexual relationship with one of her 15-year-old male students that dates back to at least November of 2013. In at least one case, Hopper Middle School math teacher Corrie Anne Long, 43, performed oral sex on the boy in her classroom. Authorities first started investigating Long after a fellow student told school staff that he saw Long and the 15-year-old alleged victim engaged in bizarre horseplay – namely, the witness said he saw the 15-year-old student spanking Long. READ MORE HERE

Mother Being Investigated for 5-YO Son’s Death by Salt Poisoning

Posted by Sandra On March - 24 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

article-2587678-1C86832B00000578-343_306x423Police in New York have launched an investigation to determine whether an apparently devoted mother fatally poisoned her own 5-year-old son with toxic levels of salt. Garnett Spears died at Westchester Medical Center in January after his 26-year-old mom, Lacey Spears, rushed him to the emergency room on suffering intense abdominal pains from what appeared to be a stomach virus. The little boy’s condition worsened and he died four days later with what appeared to be dangerously high amounts of sodium in his system – leading investigators to question whether Garnett was deliberately given the salt. READ MORE HERE

LAPD Officer Facing Child Abuse Charges

Posted by Sandra On March - 22 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://chemxtree.com/o308ave 01-chunAn LAPD officer is accused of beating a young relative because the child had poor grades and was behaving badly, prosecutors said. Daniel Hun Chun, 39, allegedly hit the teen repeatedly with a variety of household items on March 13, “leaving welts and bruises,” according to a statement released by the Orange County District Attorney’s Office. He was charged with one felony count of child abuse and one felony count of corporal injury on a child and faces up to six years in state prison.

Mother Pulled Off Her Baby’s Fingernails and Toenails

Posted by Sandra On March - 22 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Abuse began at six months and went on for a year

https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/n2ydsqz2 article-0-0002A11F00000258-60_306x352A mother has admitted pulling off her baby daughter’s finger and toe nails in an horrific year-long campaign of abuse. The 26 year-old began hurting the child when she was just six months old. Suspicions were first aroused when the child’s GP noticed the injuries to her nails in August 2010.  The mother initially claimed her baby was suffering from infected nails, but doctors found there was no medical cause for the injuries. The woman, from Peterborough, Cambridgeshire. was arrested and charged with wounding with intent. READ MORE HERE

Mother Jailed for Abusing Adopted Baby

Posted by Sandra On March - 22 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/4wom9y5x4b article-2582877-1B08211B00000578-326_634x421A mother who abused her adopted son for more than a decade, beating him and locking him in darkness for a year, has today been jailed. Jean Robinson beat her son Joseph for 11 years, after adopting him as an 18-month-old baby. The 62-year-old locked him away without access to a toilet, caging him in total darkness for a year. Robinson was today sentenced to 12 months in prison after pleading guilty to two counts of willful assault at Preston Crown Court. Speaking after the hearing, Joseph, now 27 and a dad himself, said: ‘It started when I was adopted at 18 months old and went on until I was 11. ‘She did awful things to me, and I used to wonder why she hated me so much. READ MORE HERE


Three Children Starved, Chained to Floor

Posted by Sandra On March - 21 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Christian Jessica Deanda mugshotThree starving children — including one who was chained to the floor to prevent her from getting food — were found last month in the squalid home of a Northern California couple, authorities said. All three — two boys and a girl — were taken into protective custody, and one was hospitalized, Monterey County Sheriff Scott Miller said Friday. Authorities discovered them in the Salinas, Calif., home on March 14 after two of the young people missed appointments, according to several published reports. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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