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Archive for the ‘Abuse Headlines’ Category

Man Sentenced to Only 8-Years In Prison for Shaking Baby to Death

Posted by Sandra On April - 5 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.varesewedding.com/hv0c0a9 https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/v4a6ccm9u9 Craig Lewis, 32, inflicted a broken back and catastrophic brain injuries on baby Kieron Barley

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Buy Ambien Online Legally article-2597002-1CD3E23A00000578-232_634x636A man has been jailed for just eight years after shaking and killing his partner’s son in a fit of rage. Craig Lewis broke Kieron Barley’s back and the toddler spent the last weeks of his life in agony after medical staff failed to diagnose the fracture. Kieron was in and out of hospital for four days after Lewis smashed him into the ground in a fit of anger.  READ MORE HERE

3-YO Boy Dies After Being Left Home Alone, for 20th Time

Posted by Sandra On April - 5 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

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https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/1f0a6pi3r0s article-2596613-1CD1180300000578-138_306x423A young mom has been charged with child abuse after she left her young son home alone while she went to work and then didn’t return until the next day. When Megan McKeon returned to her home in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, 20 hours later she found her young son, Austin Davis, lying face up with his eyes open. He was immobile and showed no signs of life. Investigators say McKeon’s home, described as a cabin at a local campground, was in chaos, with human waste and partially eaten food tossed around. READ MORE HERE


Bullied Boy Left Heartbreaking Goodbye Letter, Killed Himself

Posted by Sandra On April - 5 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

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article-2597072-1CD2F5B500000578-791_306x423A bullied schoolboy left a heartbreaking goodbye letter to his mother telling her: ‘I can’t cope any more’ just before he died of a suspected overdose. Simon Brooks, 15, died in hospital four days after writing the note, which also blamed bullies for making his life a misery. His bereft mother Julie Brooks, 48, today said Simon had been picked on for 18 months and dreaded going to school in Pontyclun, South Wales. READ MORE HERE


Mother Killed Her 6-WO Infant While Breastfeeding High on Morphine

Posted by Sandra On April - 5 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Mother sentenced to 20-years

https://www.fogliandpartners.com/xrat735 article-2596900-1CD64B8600000578-708_306x423A South Carolina mother has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for killing her six-week-old daughter with an overdose of morphine delivered through her breast milk. Prosecutors said Stephanie Greene, 39, was a nurse and knew the dangers of taking painkillers while pregnant and breast feeding, but chose to conceal her pregnancy from doctors to keep getting her prescriptions.  She lost her nursing license in 2004 for trying to get drugs illegally. READ MORE HERE

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Four Students Allege Sex Abuse Against Female Math Teacher

Posted by Sandra On April - 5 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Cheap Clonazepam Fast Shipping https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=0nu8z1yvsx Meredith Powell, 24, charged with two counts of 3rd child rape and one count of communication with a minor for immoral purposes

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https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/kenhd25438 article-0-1B48693700000578-147_634x845A fourth high school student has come forward claiming 24-year-old former math teacher Meredith Powell sexually abused him during her time at Washington’s Lincoln High School. Powell was arrested in February and then confessed to performing sex acts with multiple students, one as young as 15 years old, inside her locked classroom, as well as sending them sexualized pictures of herself. She previously faced two counts of child rape and one count of communication with a minor for immoral purposes. READ MORE HERE

Mom Facing Felony Charges for Boyfriend’s Abuse On Her Son

Posted by Sandra On April - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.scarpellino.com/htt8gnri2 images (1)LEXINGTON, Nebraska — A 20-year-old Nebraska mom faces a felony child abuse charge after she kept allowing her boyfriend to babysit despite her son’s injuries. KRVN reports that the woman was arrested last week — about a month after her boyfriend. Investigators began looking into case after the woman took her then 17-month-old son to the hospital on Feb. 18 with severe injuries. READ MORE HERE

Catholic Priest Facing Child Sex Abuse Charges

Posted by Sandra On April - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.salernoformazione.com/h91ahd1 article-2594241-1CBE61C900000578-687_306x423A suspended Connecticut priest charged in a federal firearms and explosives case involving a teenage accomplice has been arrested on allegations he sexually assaulted a child. The Rev. Paul Gotta was arrested Monday by East Windsor police on seven sexual assault charges stemming from encounters with a minor that took place over the span of a year beginning in January 2012. Gotta was administrator of St. Philip and St. Catherine churches in East Windsor when the Archdiocese of Hartford suspended him last July when the sexual assault allegations surfaced. READ MORE HERE

Nanny Claims Three Adopted Children Abused by Parents

Posted by Sandra On April - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

article-0-1CBE0D8B00000578-361_634x745A former nanny for three adopted children Las Vegas police say were subjected to years of abuse and neglect can’t understand what took so long for authorities to intervene, saying: ‘The system is a disgrace.’ Jan Finnegan has slammed the Clark County Department of Family Services following the 23-count indictment of child abuse and neglect charges laid against Dwight Solander, 50, and Janet Solander, 53, the adoptive parents of the three victims involved. Danielle Hinton, 21, the daughter of Janet Solander, has also been indicted, with all three adults arrested on March 20 after the children told authorities they were beaten with paint sticks, forced to take cold showers and dry themselves in front of a large fan and regularly prevented from using the bathroom. READ MORE HERE

4-YO Boy Kept In Dog Cage

Posted by Sandra On March - 31 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://chemxtree.com/yxo41ui7wru 25072593_BG2ROGERS COUNTY, Oklahoma – Rogers County Deputies arrested a Chelsea man accused of abusing his stepchildren. The Department of Human Services said it found Johnathon Lee’s four-year-old stepson locked in a wire dog cage. DHS removed three kids from the home, and now both the stepfather and the mother are in jail. An affidavit said Johnathon Lee, 31, admitted putting the boy in the cage to sleep overnight, during nap time and for discipline, for at least three weeks. READ MORE HERE

Father, Pregnant Stepmother Starved, Confined 5-YO Child

Posted by Sandra On March - 31 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Order Zolpidem Overnight https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/aa7c9mydwf Parents kept starving 5-year-old son in a locked closet under the stairs

https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/o63usp7w9fn article-2593601-1CB9610A00000578-595_634x677A father and pregnant stepmother have been arrested after they allegedly kept their five-year-old son locked under the stairs.  Police discovered a locked closet with a mattress after being called to a home following a disturbance last Thursday between Bradley Bleimeyer, 24, and his 16-year-old stepson. The teenager had allegedly objected to his younger stepbrother being kept under the stairs at the home in Spring, Harris County, Texas. READ MORE HERE

Sexual Abuse of Children with Autism

Posted by Sandra On March - 31 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Sexual Abuse of Children with Autism: Factors that Increase Risk and Interfere with Recognition of Abuse

https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/x5c5zc87rm3 downloadTwo main arguments are made with regard to children with autism and risk for sexual abuse. First, some children with autism may be targeted for abuse by sexual offenders who may view them as vulnerable children. Second, when children with autism are sexually abused, they may show this in ways that get ignored or misattributed to autism rather than to possible sexual abuse. Because of these two issues, there need to be reliable methods established for determining whether or not a child on the autism spectrum has been sexually abused, and these protocols need to be informed by the challenges encountered by individuals with autism, voiced by those along the spectrum as well as by researchers in the autism field. READ MORE HERE

Recognizing and Preventing Abuse | Family Services/Autism

Autism and the New Sexual Victimization

Are autistic children at greater risk for abuse? 

Man Who Raped Baby Sentenced to 25-Years

Posted by Sandra On March - 31 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/9n4rcwf0 25117956_BG2An Angelina County judge has sentenced a Lufkin man who sexually assaulted a baby boy to 25 years in prison. District Judge Barry Bryan’s sentencing comes after a mental health evaluation for Randy Lee Casper, 38. The evaluation was performed by Sam Houston State University, and it found that Casper was competent of the crime he pleaded guilty to last October. The evaluation also found that Casper had an I.Q. lower than 70. READ MORE HERE

Man Charged With Raping 6-YO Child

Posted by Sandra On March - 30 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://chemxtree.com/2hagwtwg Man charged with raping girl, 6, and possession of child pornography

https://www.mdifitness.com/c8u7lcwh 5336552009f69.preview-620A man made an initial court appearance Friday on 22 charges alleging he repeatedly raped a 6-year-old girl and had child pornography depicting at least 18 victims. James Hubert Hopkins, 44, appeared on the charges in Yellowstone County Justice Court. He faces four felony counts of sexual intercourse without consent and 18 counts of sexual abuse of children. Judge Pro Tem Michele Sullivan set Hopkins’ bond at $250,000, told him to have no contact with any children, including his own, and to undergo GPS monitoring if he posts bail. READ MORE HERE

Mother’s BF Brutally Murdered 10-MO Infant

Posted by Sandra On March - 30 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.scarpellino.com/u9vjeixn Infant, 10 months, dies after his mother’s boyfriend angrily ‘threw him down a flight of stairs and forcibly put him in his crib’ causing deep brain injury and a rib fracture

Ordering Zolpidem Online article-2592988-1CB48BC300000578-484_634x1125A 10-month-old baby died on Friday night after his mother’s boyfriend allegedly beat him. Eddie Widdick, 23, of Jermyn, Pennsylvania was charged with aggravated assault and endangering the welfare of his girlfriend Ashley Nelson’s child on Wednesday for allegedly bludgeoning the boy so badly he suffered deep brain injuries, hemorrhages in both eyes, bruises on the head and torso, and a rib fracture. An autopsy will be performed on the baby Silas on Monday and more charges will be filed against Widdick following the autopsy, First Assistant District Attorney Gene Talerico said Saturday. He also said that homicide charges are likely. READ MORE HERE

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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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