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Archive for the ‘Abuse Headlines’ Category

Man Faces Charges of Kidnapping, Raping, Killing 8-YO Cherish Perrywinkle

Posted by Sandra On May - 11 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://municion.org/akrm5rj downloadJacksonville, Florida — The man facing charges of kidnapping, raping and killing 8-year-old Cherish Perrywinkle appeared at a pretrial hearing Wednesday morning. For the first time, the victim’s mother was in court to face the accused. READ MORE HERE

Couple Carried Out Plan to Kill Child Molesters

Posted by Sandra On May - 7 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

The unrepentant couple believed they had a divine assignment to kill sex offenders

https://www.mdifitness.com/yj593l5 https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/ua867k7qg 20140507_221532.xml-Sex+Offender+Targeted.JPEG-0a7UNION, S.C. — A couple who carried out a plan to kill a registered sex offender and his wife showed little remorse when they were sentenced to life in prison Tuesday, with one shouting: “That’s what child molesters get.” Initially, Jeremy and Christine Moody apologized to the judge and asked for a 30-year sentence so they could see their children and grow old together. But after Union County Judge Lee Alford handed down the maximum punishment, they shared a brief kiss and then showed how they really felt. READ MORE HERE

Man Charged With Incest

Posted by Sandra On May - 7 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Fathered Child With Victim

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=yjyi8rf brandon-williamsKEY WEST, Florida — Authorities in the Keys have charged a man with incest. Brandon Williams, 34, of Stock Island was arrested and charged with having sexual relations with someone he is related to, a third degree felony. According to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, Williams was also charged with being over 24 years of age and having sexual relations with someone aged 16 or 17, a second degree felony. READ MORE HERE

Twin Sisters Speak Out Against Uncle Who Raped Them for Years

Posted by Sandra On May - 7 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://www.salernoformazione.com/6ehvzrtxu https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/yiptxbowa ‘That man raped me, that man sexually abused me, that man’s a monster!’

article-2622363-1867494300000578-644_634x537‘That man’s evil, he’s a beast, he’s a pedophile. In fact jail’s too good for him,’ says Tracy Brown. ‘I feel bitter towards him because he’ll never realize what he’s done.’ Tracy and her twin sister Rachel Steadwood, now 38 and from Edinburgh, were just six years old when their childhood came to an abrupt end. Unbeknownst to each other, both had been attacked and brutally raped by a man they considered to be family, the husband of their Aunt Mary, John McCallum. READ MORE HERE


Vatican Reveals How It Punished Thousands of Pedophile Priests

Posted by Sandra On May - 7 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/3prjb4sg downloadWeeks ago, the United Nations released one of the greatest international indictments of the Vatican in years. Among the report’s concerns: “ritual beatings of children,” “torture and other cruel or degrading treatment” and sexual abuse and exploitation. Worse, the report said, the Catholic Church hadn’t just ignored pleas for reform. It had protected pedophile priests. “Well-known child sexual abusers have been transferred from parish to parish or to other countries in an attempt by the church to cover-up such crimes,” the United Nations alleged. READ MORE HERE


https://www.fogliandpartners.com/8p08e9g9a Vatican Defrocks 848 Priests in 10 Years of Abuse
ABC News-May 6, 2014

https://hazenfoundation.org/g0bdxl0epx Vatican says 848 priests defrocked for sexual abuse since 2004
New York Daily News-May 6, 2014

200+ Reports of Alleged Child Rape At Navy Base

Posted by Sandra On May - 6 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Navy abuse report alleges 210 recruits raped at WA base from 1960 to 1980

4b24fae3-6ae5-4cbe-936b-a391f00ca123-460x276A “harrowing” parliamentary report from the Australian Defence Abuse Response Taskforce (Dart) will next month detail allegations of shocking sexual assault of hundreds of child sailors at a West Australian naval base. More than 210 navy junior recruits between the ages of 15 and 18 were raped or assaulted at the HMAS Leeuwin base in Fremantle between 1960 and 1980 by staff or fellow recruits, it has been alleged. HMAS Leeuwin operated as a junior recruit training facility from 1960 until 1984. READ MORE HERE


‘Hundreds’ of  https://www.scarpellino.com/p9f0nst child sailors  raped, abused

Australia Receives Report on  https://www.plantillaslago.com/4hkd0gscdm0 Child Sexual Abuse


Judge Gives Child Rapist a Mere 45-Day Sentence

Posted by Sandra On May - 6 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Judge ‘Blamed’ 14-Year-Old Victim in Rape Case, DA Says

judge-jeanine-howardA Dallas judge’s handling of a rape case and her suggestion that the 14-year-old victim was lying has outraged the city’s top prosecutor, who said the case makes other victims reluctant to help authorities. State District Judge Jeanine Howard voluntarily rescued herself from the case of 20-year-old Sir Young, who pleaded guilty to raping the girl in 2011. Howard sentenced Young to probation and limited some of the conditions a sex offender might normally receive. READ MORE HERE

Editorial: Judge wrong to blame victim

Texas judge lightly sentences admitted rapist

Rape victim not a ‘victim,’ judge says | New York Post

Updated: Dallas Judge Asked Victim If She Cried

Deputy Attorney General Charged With Child Rape

Posted by Sandra On May - 6 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

96a913ae562181ff705ed5538163ef2cDaniel Simmons, 34, of Pike Creek, Del., who also happens to be a Delaware deputy attorney general with the New Castle County Misdemeanor Trial Unit, was arrested by the New Castle County Police on May 2 and charged with four counts of fourth-degree rape in connection with a series of alleged assaults on a 16-year-old boy who police say he met through “Grindr,” a social media app that connects gay and bisexual males. Officer Tracey Duffy, a spokesperson for the New Castle County Police, said the investigation into Simmons began a few months ago after information regarding Simmons and his victim first surfaced. READ MORE HERE

Turkey Will Pass Harsher Sentences for Child Rapists

Posted by Sandra On May - 6 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS


https://www.varesewedding.com/69vxx9y1s8 images (1)ANKARA — Turkey’s ruling AK Party will introduce a series of draft legislations targeting child sexual abuse, Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Ar?nç said on Monday. He said the planned laws would have people who had got aggravated life imprisonment for crimes against children serve more prison time. READ MORE HERE

8-YO Boy Killed Trying to Defend Sister From Rapist

Posted by Sandra On May - 5 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

140502-brother-killed-mn-1565_ddb01ba99971e2a9a6496aa73a14fff8.nbcnews-ux-800-800RICHMOND, Va. — The family of an 8-year-old boy beaten to death as he tried to defend his 12-year-old sister from a brutal rape gathered outside their home Friday, grappling with the details of the vicious attack. They leaned on one another, crying, shaking and struggling to understand the loss of little Martin Cobb. “He was a lovely little boy. He didn’t deserve this,” said Geraldine Pitchford, the children’s aunt, choking back tears in front of the family’s home in Richmond’s working-class Southside. Martin’s mother was too distraught to come outside. READ MORE HERE

White Supremacist Tortured, Raped Stepdaughters for Years

Posted by Sandra On May - 4 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

article-2619725-1D8E158A00000578-641_634x530An alleged white supremacist is accused of torturing and sexually assaulting his two teenage stepdaughters over five years because he didn’t like that they were Latina. Justin Ladd, 33, faces 21 criminal counts after the girls told police that he slammed their feet with hammers until they were flattened, pulled on their tongues with pliers, beat them with belts and straps and exposed himself to them.  The girls, now 14 and 16, said Ladd abused them between September 2008 and February 2013 in their Massachusetts home, and warned a motorcycle gang would rape and kill them if they told their mother. The teens described being called racial slurs by Ladd, who has the words ‘white power’ tattooed across his stomach. The older girl told police she felt Ladd never liked her or her sister because they were part Latina. READ MORE HERE

Child Rapist Suing His Victim for Defamation Despite Being Guilty

Posted by Sandra On May - 4 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

https://chemxtree.com/ovvwc4i Ashley Foster, 23, claims her cousin James Rashawn Johnson molested her for six years until she was 19

article-0-1D8E986400000578-413_306x423A man who allegedly admitted to molesting his cousin when she was 13 is now suing her for defamation and stalking.  James Rashawn Johnson is petitioning for a civil injunction to stop his cousin Ashley Foster using his name or photographs when she tells her story of how she was molested. Foster, 23, claims Johnson molested her for six years until she was 19, but he was never prosecuted because when she reported him two years ago, too much time had passed since the alleged offense. Refusing to back down, Foster launched an online campaign to eliminate Florida’s statute of limitations in cases like hers, and used her cousin’s name and pictures.  Johnson wants her to stop identifying him because he has never been charged. READ MORE HERE

Two Child Sex Abuse Victims Help Catch Their Abuser 30-Years Later

Posted by Sandra On May - 4 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

article-0-1D93DFFB00000578-418_634x777Michael M. and John Kirby – both now in their 40s – claim that in the mid-1980s they were lured to the New York apartment of Stephen Brown and repeatedly sexually abused. So frequent was the abuse, the then-prep school students considered it normal, but it has never stopped haunting them. ‘It seems to be that every area of my life is affected,’ Michael M. told The New York Daily News. Now, some 30 years later, Brown, 62, is behind bars, after Kirby randomly spotted him going after children in Central Park. READ MORE HERE

School Massacre Plot Averted

Posted by Sandra On May - 1 - 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Boy, 17, plotted to ‘murder his parents and sister, then go on a rampage through schools, setting off pressure cooker bombs, throwing Molotov cocktails and gunning down students’

article-2618220-1D81E24E00000578-107_634x333A 17-year-old honor student planned to bomb and shoot his way through a Minnesota high school to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the Columbine massacre, authorities claim. John David LaDue’s plot to use pressure cooker bombs, Molotov cocktails and multiple firearms including an assault rifle to kill his parents, set fire to a field and go on a killing spree through Waseca High School was foiled Tuesday by an alert citizen, police said. ‘A great catastrophe and tragedy was averted,’ Waseca Mayor Roy Srp said at a Thursday afternoon news conference. READ MORE HERE


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DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit 501(c)3 child abuse & neglect organization. Our mission is to educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery. We also cover areas such as bullying, teen suicide & prevention, children\'s rights, child trafficking, missing & exploited children, online safety, and pedophiles/sex offenders.

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